Official back & Front thread

Started by looking4truth, February 08, 2010, 08:08:44 PM

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BACK is a member of the MJJC message board which is one of the largest Michael Jackson fan club message boards.  In 2005 and 2006, he posted some interesting posts that refer to this adventure we are on right now. I just want to pick out some of the posts that stand out. However, you can check out all of them HERE: ... light=back.  A HUGE thanks goes to Pammy for taking the time to posting all of these. Please look at the dates and times of these posts.

One of his most popular posts was of the New 7 Day Theory, which was posted by BACK on June 25, 2006 in response to a thread about 2Pac and his seven day theory. The comparison between 2Pac and Michael was recently mentioned on TMZ ( ... other-day/). These posts may be hard to comprehend at first. However, it is one of the most convincing pieces I've read from an "informer". Please look at the date and time and also note the mention of Mystery777, another member on that same board that folks thought to be MJ. Here is a post from that member:

Here is the theory:
Here is another screenshot that's in reference to his 7 Day theory:

After June 25th, BACK posted a conclusion of sorts about his theory, which makes references to Jesus, Archangel Michael, Evan Chandler and also this being 20 years in the making: ... 937-25.htm (screenshots are towards the middle of the page. If you wish to just read the text only, you can go to the first page of the thread)

The conclusion may make some people a little uncomfortable and indifference towards BACK but please continue to read. You may disagree with him on some things but other things cannot be denied. For instance, this post about This is It:  and this post about one day of simmering: ... 252610.jpg. Haven't we heard MJ say the word "simmering" quite a bit in the movie, This is it? I have also written a post about how the TII post could be connected with the three sevens MJ wore in the movie HERE: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3635.

Are these posts just mere coincidences?  It's up to you but I think we all know how we feel about coincidences.

Here are a few other interesting posts from BACK:
Not a comeback but a TAKEOVER: ... ver161.jpg
Check your future history books:
The King is BACK:
Media Failed: (Even mentions Harvey Levin, that lawyer that runs TMZ...hmmm...)

Some members believed/believe that he is MJ himself. I am not too sure of that but I do believe that he is "in the know".

And do you notice a certain catch phrase in his posts? Keep Watchin? Listen closely @ 00:18 of the official preview of TII: (Thanks to members at the old board for finding that). And remember what TMZ folks said to some of us hoax believers when confronted about the R.I.P. list? Keep watching! (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4896)

So sometimes my dear believers that are losing faith after today, we have to look BACK to move FORWARD. :)

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Quote from: suspicious mind on August 12, 2012, 05:52:37 PM

Quote from: jono on August 12, 2012, 01:32:45 PM

Hmm... Where is this going??  :icon_e_confused:   same as always

Now, look what you've done Fro_t!  it was to be expected


back to the dessert   :screaming-7365:
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." - Albert Einstein


Angel and Im_convinced, pls could we stop this discussion?
It´s ok everyone is allowed to have his/her own opinion, if anyone doesn´t agree with s.o.´s personal op., there still is the PM button to discuss it further.

@angel and all others, thnx for the lovely pics of Michael, I haven´t seen all of them yet and really enjoied them.

On the other hand, we always have to face the edge where admiration ends and sexual reduction starts ( that´s why I mentioned the Golden Pants in one of my former posts ).

I can´t see that here, there are only lovely pics of an adorable handsome man who certainly was well aware of his attraction on women and used it as an instrument in his job as a performer.

And although I was always more interested in Michael the private soul than im Michael Jackson Superstar, I´m a weak woman too and like it to look at beautiful pics like these! :icon_mrgreen:

"Michael I´m a dot in your right eye"



 :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

you said with one pic what I didn´t dare to express!

"Michael I´m a dot in your right eye"


PM box for this convo to continue? No thanks. I was defending myself against a person who was accusing me of things I didn't do. I never once said for y'all who like to look at pics of MJ and drool over them to plz stop! I've read and never responded to many posts regarding MJ's pics and how his fans go coo coo over them. I'm in awe of that!

I never said it was a sin to admire a man and his features. I've given plenty of my own compliments to MJ and about MJ and some of those were in the context of his performances/pics which I found attractive, even admired and had/have no issues watching him do his thang but I respect boundaries. The man is on this forum and reads/writes/interacts with us on a regular. It is not necessary for me to constantly compliment him regarding his features. He has heard this same ole same ole from Billy Jean's his whole career so 1 more compliment from a drooooling fan won't all of a sudden make him jump up and down. Of course IMO.

I must remember the words of The Sign: many people all over the world are already so deceived that we shouldn't wait on them for the Ark of safety. Not exact quote but bottom line I'm heading for the ramp of the Ark and seeking safety in TRUTH and that truth for me is I'm here for a much more important reason than to sit and droool over MJ and his chest hairs. :LolLolLolLol:

Ok I'm done! Funny pic Souza.


Meanwhile, regardless of good looks and fancy attires, the fight for restoration of Michael´s good reputation is going on.

I have a question for @Front and anyone else here who feels inclined to comment on that:

Is there anything relevant that we should expect from the upcoming Anthony Pellicano appeal/court hearing?

You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception


You´re right MaryK:  back to work!

For all Anthony Pellicano newbies ( as I am ): he is a private investigator and at the moment he is in jail for illegal wiretapping.
As far as I have understood tomorrow he has a court hearing for earlier release.

Michael was his client during the accusation of child molestation 1993 and obviously was dropped as a client later on.
Why he was dropped? Well I won´t repeat, I had to read disgusting allegations concerning Michael and won´t give a link, pls find out yourself if interested.

Well, I´m not into that Pellicano thing, and we´ll have to wait anyway, but I think it`s more of interest for his recent victims.

"Michael I´m a dot in your right eye"


Hello Front,

While i was chillin' in my hammock and i was like  :icon_eek: when I read your post. Do you like turtle island? ;)

Good to see you(r chest lol) and to know that you're relaxing & chillin'.

You wrote that you're with Shaman folks but I guess you're a Shaman too, because when you connect with the universal field of energy to heal yourself and others you become a Shaman, and that's what you do with L.O.V.E., imho.

I found a Shaman quote about truth:


"Truth is the marker along the roads we travel in life. The Red Road has many markers. If you choose the Black Road, there is only the illusion of truth. We can be influenced by the truth or by illusion. Sometimes truth is like the wind. You cannot see it, but you can see the effect it has. Truth is also like the sunrise and sunset. We see the sun come up over the eastern horizon in the morning and then disappear behind the western horizon in the evening."


It's all for L.O.V.E.


Well I am pretty sure that our Front is Michael I hope not to be wrong but we won't know until Bam happens the important thing is that at least Front is somebody very faithful to our forum and that we should appreciate it at least I do and he makes my day every time he posts.
BTW I will be off the next 10 days for vacations enjoying the most spectacular sunsets on the Cádiz shore and I don't know if I will be a able to be connected to the forum, I will be missing you all guys and I hope BAM won't happen during my absence  :icon_lol:



Wish you the best vacation ever, sweetsunset!
Get some energy for the BAM - you never know!  :LolLolLolLol:

"Michael I´m a dot in your right eye"


@Front....look what you have done!!! LOL

*asks frantic* Elbow now! elbow now! pinky now! pinky now!

("Minkin güerveeeee")
Michael pls come back

"Why a four-year-old child could understand this hoax. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it"


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on August 13, 2012, 10:51:37 AM

Well I am pretty sure that our Front is Michael I hope not to be wrong but we won't know until Bam happens the important thing is that at least Front is somebody very faithful to our forum and that we should appreciate it at least I do and he makes my day every time he posts.
BTW I will be off the next 10 days for vacations enjoying the most spectacular sunsets on the Cádiz shore and I don't know if I will be a able to be connected to the forum, I will be missing you all guys and I hope BAM won't happen during my absence  :icon_lol:

Hi Sweet - Have a wonderful, restful....but fun vacation.  We will miss you while you are away.  Take care!   :bearhug:


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on 2 hours  ago


Well I am pretty sure that our Front is Michael I hope not to be wrong but we won't know until Bam happens the important thing is that at least Front is somebody very faithful to our forum and that we should appreciate it at least I do and he makes my day every time he posts.
BTW I will be off the next 10 days for vacations enjoying the most spectacular sunsets on the Cádiz shore and I don't know if I will be a able to be connected to the forum, I will be missing you all guys and I hope BAM won't happen during my absence

Hello sweet! enjoy your holiday fun, blessings  :bearhug:


Front Hello, I am happy to know that you are enjoying. I like the photo you posted. shows us a little more?   :abouttime:       You are always welcome, with love.  :bearhug:


August 13, 2012, 03:41:51 PM #12749 Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 02:33:42 PM by ShyBleuEyes


"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
― Michael Jackson

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