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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 03:39:21 AM
@RK and leilani......I love you guys. Both your posts have brought me back to logical thinking.

Of course what you both say in your posts is true and something I have always believed. MJ wouldn't want to leave this world thinking he died a drugged up/broke mess being put under each night to sleep and yes also - a major aspect of this hoax is about justice for Michael regarding all the utter bullsh*t allegations he was dragged through for so long.

I think I was getting kinda confused at all the stuff about the Pellicanos, Weitzmans, Manns, and the Estate and AEG as you mentioned RK. We don't know the murky layers underneath and what is taking place behind the scenes. I know this must all take time and the justice side might be taking a little longer.....things need to fall into place.

I think I've just been in a trough these last few days....hoax wise and personal too. As bec mentioned hoax fatigue can rear its head after 3+ years.

Anyway - feeling better now.  :icon_albino:
Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 03:40:49 AM by Adi
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 03:46:48 AM
When I requested that we all get back to the original thread topic, it was done in the role of a moderator. @Angel... Now... I understand that you wanted to reply to posts, and you have. Lets move on.
This conversation will not have any solution. You are entitled to your opinion, as are we. I do not agree with stalking, interfering, pushing yourself into anyone's presence and I never will. I also have zero tolerance for groupies, being the wife of a musician who was propositioned by loose women constantly while I was at home with a new baby. Have you ever been in the dilema of wondering whether to tell your close friend that their husband is sleeping around with band groupies behind their back? I have had to play that one both ways. If I tell her, it will possibly destroy her marriage and the children will be without their dad...If I don't then how can I be a friend and transparent with her? Then face the hatred of her ex husband who blamed me for the marriage problems.  Yes, me and my big mouth, not his infidelities.
Now I am going to address something that I hope you don't get offended at. There is a demarcation line in effect on this hoax site that is about respecting Mr Jackson. This is not a fan fiction site. Conversations about where is Michael's hand in that picture, and sexual inuendo are not welcomed here.  If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line. If Michael would wish to french kiss some girl, good on him. I believe it should be a private thing and is something I definitely don't wish to discuss. It  is his business and his alone. This is a hoax death site.

Now, can we please get back to the topic of dear Mr Front and his cryptic prophetic clues and funkadelic snippets?
Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 08:01:29 AM by RK
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 03:52:11 AM
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@RK and leilani......I love you guys. Both your posts have brought me back to logical thinking.

Of course what you both say in your posts is true and something I have always believed. MJ wouldn't want to leave this world thinking he died a drugged up/broke mess being put under each night to sleep and yes also - a major aspect of this hoax is about justice for Michael regarding all the utter bullsh*t allegations he was dragged through for so long.

I think I was getting kinda confused at all the stuff about the Pellicanos, Weitzmans, Manns, and the Estate and AEG as you mentioned RK. We don't know the murky layers underneath and what is taking place behind the scenes. I know this must all take time and the justice side might be taking a little longer.....things need to fall into place.

I think I've just been in a trough these last few days....hoax wise and personal too. As bec mentioned hoax fatigue can rear its head after 3+ years.

Anyway - feeling better now.  :icon_albino:

Some of the things happening will be Bait for the bigger fish to swollow i suppose, a chain of events have to happen for the big one to actually happen.. or like in chess, there is a lot of thinking, moving and eliminating before you get the check mate..could possibley these have to be played to force a move...

I realized Aussie is missing, missing her positive view on things lately
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"One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
"Alvin Toffler



Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 04:03:59 AM
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When I requested that we all get back to the original thread topic, it was done in the role of a moderator. @Angel... Now I understand that you wanted to reply to posts, and you have. Lets move on.
This conversation will not have any solution. You are entitled to your opinion, as are we. I do not agree with stalking, interfering, pushing yourself into anyone's presence and I never will. I also have zero tolerance for groupies, being the wife of a musician who was propositioned by loose women constantly while I was at home with a new baby. Have you ever been in the dilema of wondering whether to tell your close friend that their husband is sleeping around with band groupies behind their back? I have had to play that one both ways. If I tell her, it will possibly destroy her marriage and the children will be without their dad...If I don't then how can I be a friend and transparent with her? Then face the hatred of her ex husband who blamed me for the marriage problems.  Yes, me and my big mouth, not his infidelities.
Now I am going to address something that I hope you don't get offended at. There is a line on this hoax site that is about respecting Mr Jackson. This is not a fan fiction site. Conversations about where is Michael's hand in that picture, and sexual inuendo are not welcomed here.  If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line. If Michael would wish to french kiss some girl, good on him. I believe it should be a private thing and is something I definitely don't wish to discuss. It  is his business and his alone. This is a hoax death site.

Now, can we please get back to the topic of dear Mr Front and his cryptic prophetic clues and funkadelic snippets?

Thank you RK for this hopefully final statement on this issue...
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 08:32:18 AM
@RK: You know why it's hard to move on? because nobody answer to what I write and everybody makes me say what I didn't. Because we can never have real dialog here... it's always " That's my opinion, it's yours". Well everybody has an opinion. I like trying to understand people's perspective, when they respectfully try to explain their views. I like dialog, exchange...sometimes, I change my mind, or I learn things I didn't know. if the conversation doesn't have a "solution", that's not important. Usually, intelligent people like debates, and a debate isn't "I state my opinion, you state yours, the end."
So I'll say it again : It's really frustrating to see that just because I said we shouldn't talk about that girl hatefully, i'm some brainwashed hippie who said we should love everybody and who supports CRAZY and dangerous stalkers. Everybody knows I'm right,  but they rather say "move on" which means "shut up".
It's very hard to express a subtle opinion in here.

" I do not agree with stalking, interfering, pushing yourself into anyone's presence and I never will."
Well Mj seems more than happy to be stalked by pretty girls. By the way he hugs her and smiles in her presence, I can see he's sincerely happy.
What I think is crazy is that the people on this forum decided he didn't like her, trying DESPERATELY to hear a "back off" or some hand gesture (that gesture he did 10 times in the same video)... do u guys have some external outlook on yourselves? Once somebody posted pictures of him hugging her tenderly, it was "OK let's move on".
The truth is it's you who want to scream "back off bitch, it's my man". That's pathetic. Can't you just be happy. Somebody please post that vintage picture you had posted for me in a previous debate, where two woman fights and tear each other's hair. Because that's you with Talitha.  You are all sick he cared for her...

I also have zero tolerance for groupies...
MJ grabbed his crotch repeatedly, thrusted these hips like there was no tomorrow, ripped his shirt and displayed an openly sexual attitude, with direct sexual references in every video. He wanted to be a sex icon, and like every man, he wanted to have groupies. Just because he didn't appreciate groupies with an agenda or groupies who wanted to cause troubles, doesn't mean he hated groupies.

I appreciate you sharing your personal story with me, but a woman can't force a man to sleep with her. A groupie is chosen by an artist, not the contrary. I tend to be down-to-earth and I know every man dream of achieving a status where women throw themselves at him, whether it's for his art, sex-apple, money... If I was dating some super-sexy popstar or musician, I wouldn't naively expect him to be faithful. Men are sex predators, they watch porn, and they want to conquer. It's not the groupies who are in control.

Now I am going to address something that I hope you don't get offended at. There is a line on this hoax site that is about respecting Mr Jackson. This is not a fan fiction site. Conversations about where is Michael's hand in that picture, and sexual inuendo are not welcomed here.  If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line. If Michael would wish to french kiss some girl, good on him. I believe it should be a private thing and is something I definitely don't wish to discuss. It  is his business and his alone. This is a hoax death site.
Of course I'm offended Mother Superior...I have a hard time with this puritan bullshit. Like I said, we saw MJ grabbing his crotch for decades, sexual references being omnipresent in his dance, lyrics, videos. How am I "disrespecting" him by just asking where his hand is in that picture? That's completely crazy ... I know it's not a fan fiction site, but like I said in a previous debate, I'm a human being, not a robot. We are not lenghtily commenting sexy pictures or talking sex fantasies , it's a little observation. A little joke. Nothing. Is THAT forbidden? Is the smallest allusion to something sexual disrespect? You realize it's a personal opinion you are giving here... because no man on earth would find that disrespectful, and certainly not MJ. Last time, u were offended because I said "fuck". Come on... what century do u live in?

If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line.
Well nobody mentioned that, and it came pretty lately in the conversation. I explained why I felt hurt above.
I'm bored too, because nobody is really interessed in good conversation here.
Most of you are completely deluded as to why you are here. Front, whoever he is, must laugh his ass off.
90% of female members, and u think, it's for the hoax. Souza has dedicated 3 full years of her life to that site and she wants the world to believe she's not a fan??? come on, who are u fooling? (Yes I know I'm banned...) most of you spend your fucking days on this forum, when there's almost nothing to investigate, and u don't even want to admit you have the hots for this man???? Everytime somebody dare posting a sexy pic, or makes a tiny sexual allusion, you use the "disrespect" card, just because u can't stand other girls being attracted to YOUR man. The truth is, you probably read every possible MJ fantasy and you fall asleep every night watching sexy pictures of him, your panties wet.
I just can't stand so much hypocrisy.
There's really too much fakeness. Just like Karen Faye, who constantly says "shanti shanti shanti", talks about what an inspiration MJ was to her, and then is totally obnoxious with everybody.
You want the world to be a better place? well take a look at yourself and make a change. It's easy to stick "love army" all over your posts, posting spiritual quotes and pictures of cute children, but it's useless if you are hateful with people . He wanted to understand Hitler, and you can't even understand a fangirl who never hurt anybody. These girls probably come from unbalanced families, and look for love where they can... just like the young people joining gangs. Do you think we can help these people if we just insult them? That's the way Michael saw things, and I know he would agree with me. What do u decide to do?  Close your eyes on the fact Michael cared for these girls and label them as dangerous stalkers. Just because you're jealous when a female approaches him.

I'll keep on reading this site because as far as the investigation is concerned, it's a serious site. I won't be posting anymore, because obviously, I'm not in the right place for good conversation (debates that won't automatically end up very fast with "I'm entitled to my opinion") and people who are honest with themselves. Admitting you are smittened with MJ won't make you sound less intelligent, it's what you say and your behavior that does that. Fans are not divided between horny girls "drooling" over MJ sexy pics and serious hoax-investigators who only care about the depth of his message, thinking they are the only one loving him for who he is. You are taking yourselves way too seriously here, forgetting the importance of self-derision.

I know this message will be deleted, I will be virtually put to death because I've sinned many times here, but I know it will be read by who I want.
I can't do anything wih people who are not honnest with themselves. Bye.

Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 08:57:09 AM by AngelGraduatedbyMJ
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"Yet neither the glittering crowns of royalty, nor the impressive might of statesmen, nor the luxurious comfort of five-star hotels caused his eyes to turn away from the needs of others."

Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 08:32:43 AM
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check the quote marks.....these are Front's words only

From Front:
"He never left!
The King is King of making magic ----- Front, Back, Sideways, Left and Center. NEVER forget that!
The GREATEST entertainer in the world makes the world his stage........on an ILLusional Front.
Bad health? I don't think so!"

The rest of the post are my words only.......sorry for the confusion.

Thank you Whising I didn't realize of it that's why it surprised me, lol

@ovelias.....ahyayahnfrgbr fv nirftfsj? did you get it? it's so clear as your post about Front, lol, sorry for being suspicious.

No problem at all sweetsunset......I thought maybe that was the case, lol......I have missed quote marks a million times.
It would read very differently for sure  :icon_lol:

Have a beautiful day!
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 08:41:51 AM
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Back logged into mjjc account just like he was challenged to do when he first arrived here last year to "prove" Front were he. It has been done... albeit 1 year later.

Hoax fatigue tends to set in after weeks/months of no new news or no new posts by our friendly suspected informants. Doubt begins to bubble up to the surface.

What is it about TIME that tends to undo all past events? Why does TIME trump all available information?

Back logged in... just as he was challenged to do. Where are those challengers now? Are they satisfied? Does it "count"? I bet it doesn't. But why not? What is it about TIME that makes it so powerful that just by occurring, it can cancel out logic and void common sense?

Before anyone accuses me of being holier then thou... this is the internal monologue that plagues me daily these days. TIME passing is a powerful thing and why should it change anything that has already been done?? It shouldn't... yet it creates doubt where no doubt has legitimacy residing. ILLOGICAL.
This just thrills my socks off!!  Makes me grin from ear to ear! How well I remember the loud bossy commands to Front from doubters in the beginning, as if he would just jump for them to prove himself legit.  Ugh... :icon_evil:  Front, you are so smart  and awesome!!

BTC, thanks for finding that last Back post. It's interesting that immediately after you posted it that Front posted, didn't mention the last Back post at all, but talked about the issue that we had been discussing right then--namely the hate/jealousy towards our site at .net, while criticizing Front and TS for not posting there.  Here's Bec's post on that from a page before that:
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It's interesting that Back does not tolerate ANY bashing of MJ's family, and Front does not tolerate ANY bashing of Souza and faithful members here.  :icon_e_biggrin:

Bec, I totally empathize with your creeping feelings of doubts over long times of silence from Front, TS and MJ.  It's like we are salmon always swimming against the flow of the current, often having to go up waterfalls. We are constantly barraged with the horrors of sinister forces such as the Estate, AEG, Sony, mafia, etc. everywhere plotting to destroy Michael, and with how weak impossibly victimized and weak MJ was. Yet Front tells us over and over how Michael is completely in control and strong.

Also as we have been talking about 'fans', Front mentioned in that same post,
During probably the darkest and trying time in Michael's life, his family & fans defended him…with every step of the way--they BELIEVED in him. Yea, I think it's pretty safe to say that it's mutually reciprocated in THESE times of darkness.
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But that would be fans that went everyday to the trial in 2005, went to his concerts/bought his music and fought for his true innocence on the internet/everywhere, fans on forums --but not the ones pushing in on his privacy.

Wishingstar, thanks for bringing this up!  I needed the encouragement! :)

You are most welcome MJonmind! I am so glad I could encourage your faith, even just a little bit.
That brought a smile to my face : )
It's funny how I remember a line here, a line there......the  quote from Front about "he never left".....
I remembered that.....then went looking and found the rest.  It's amazing still how things keep tying
together.  I was talking to a friend just the other night about needing a good old-fashioned clue of sorts....
this might qualify.  Just the way it ties into the current vein of health questions and the estate stuff....
Front's rearview mirror seems even more relevant now.  Looking back, things are indeed more clear!
Front, Back....whoever you are.....your words/posts were very telling at the time....more so than we knew!
Thank you for them!

Have a great day!
Blessings Always
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 08:50:04 AM
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@RK: You know why it's hard to move on? because nobody answer to what I write and everybody makes me say what I didn't. Because we can never have real dialog here... it's always " That's my opinion, it's yours". Well everybody has an opinion. I like trying to understand people's perspective, when they respectfully try to explain their views. I like dialog, exchange...sometimes, I change my mind, or I learn things I didn't know. if the conversation doesn't have a "solution", that's not important. Usually, intelligent people like debates, and a debate isn't "I state my opinion, you state yours, the end."
So I'll say it again : It's really frustrating to see that just because I said we shouldn't talk about that girl hatefully, i'm some brainwashed hippie who said we should love everybody and who supports CRAZY and dangerous stalkers. Everybody knows I'm right,  but they rather say "move on" which means "shut up".
It's very hard to express a subtle opinion in here.

" I do not agree with stalking, interfering, pushing yourself into anyone's presence and I never will."
Well Mj seems more than happy to be stalked by pretty girls. By the way he hugs her and smiles in her presence, I can see he's sincerely happy.
What I think is crazy is that the people on this forum decided he didn't like her, trying DESPERATELY to hear a "back off" or some hand gesture (that gesture he did 10 times in the same video)... do u guys have some external outlook on yourselves? Once somebody posted pictures of him hugging her tenderly, it was "OK let's move on".
The truth is it's you who want to scream "back off bitch, it's my man". That's pathetic.

I also have zero tolerance for groupies...
MJ grabbed his crotch repeatedly, thrusted these hips like there was no tomorrow, ripped his shirt and displayed an openly sexual attitude, with direct sexual references in every video. He wanted to be a sex icon, and like every man, he wanted to have groupies. Just because he didn't appreciate groupies with an agenda or groupies who wanted to cause troubles, doesn't mean he hated groupies.

I appreciate you sharing your personal story with me, but a woman can't force a man to sleep with her. A groupie is chosen by an artist, not the contrary. I tend to be down-to-earth and I know every man dream of achieving a status where women throw themselves at him, whether it's for his art, sex-apple, money... If I was dating some super-sexy popstar or musician, I wouldn't naively expect him to be faithful. Men are sex predators, they watch porn, and they want to conquer. It's not the groupies who are in control.

Now I am going to address something that I hope you don't get offended at. There is a line on this hoax site that is about respecting Mr Jackson. This is not a fan fiction site. Conversations about where is Michael's hand in that picture, and sexual inuendo are not welcomed here.  If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line. If Michael would wish to french kiss some girl, good on him. I believe it should be a private thing and is something I definitely don't wish to discuss. It  is his business and his alone. This is a hoax death site.
Of course I'm offended Mother Superior...I have a hard time with this puritan bullshit. Like I said, we saw MJ grabbing his crotch for decades, sexual references being omnipresent in his dance, lyrics, videos. How am I "disrespecting" him by just asking where his hand is in that picture? That's completely crazy ... I know it's not a fan fiction site, but like I said in a previous debate, I'm a human being, not a robot. We are not lenghtily commenting sexy pictures or talking sex fantasies , it's a little observation. A little joke. Nothing. Is THAT forbidden? Is the smallest allusion to something sexual disrespect? You realize it's a personal opinion you are giving here... because no man on earth would find that disrespectful, and certainly not MJ. Last time, u were offended because I said "fuck". Come on... what century do u live in?

If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line.
Well nobody mentioned that, and it came pretty lately in the conversation. I explained why I felt hurt above.
I'm bored too, because nobody is really interessed in good conversation here.
Most of you are completely deluded as to why you are here. Front, whoever he is, must laugh his ass off.
90% of female members, and u think, it's for the hoax. Souza has dedicated 3 full years of her life to that site and she wants the world to believe she's not a fan??? come on, who are u fooling? (Yes I know I'm banned...) most of you spend your fucking days on this forum, when there's almost nothing to investigate, and u don't even want to admit you have the hots for this man???? Everytime somebody dare posting a sexy pic, or makes a tiny sexual allusion, you use the "disrespect" card, just because u can't stand other girls being attracted to YOUR man. The truth is, you probably read every possible MJ fantasy and you fall asleep every night watching sexy pictures of him, your panties wet.
I just can't stand so much hypocrisy.
There's really too much fakeness. Just like Karen Faye, who constantly says "shanti shanti shanti", talks about what an inspiration MJ was to her, and then is totally obnoxious with everybody.
You want the world to be a better place? well take a look at yourself and make a change. It's easy to stick "love army" all over your posts, posting spiritual quotes and pictures of cute children, but it's useless if you are hateful with people . He wanted to understand Hitler, and you can't even understand a fangirl who never hurt anybody. These girls probably come from unbalanced families, and look for love where they can... just like the young people joining gangs. Do you think we can help these people if we just insult them? That's the way Michael saw things, and I know he would agree with me. What do u decide to do?  Close your eyes on the fact Michael cared for these girls and label them as dangerous stalkers. Just because you're jealous when a female approaches him.

I'll keep on reading this site because as far as the investigation is concerned, it's a serious site. I won't be posting anymore, because obviously, I'm not in the right place for good conversation (debates that won't automatically end up very fast with "I'm entitled to my opinion") and people who are honest with themselves. Admitting you are smittened with MJ won't make you sound less intelligent, it's what you say and your behavior that does that. Fans are not divided between horny girls "drooling" over MJ sexy pics and serious hoax-investigators who only care about the depth of his message, thinking they are the only one loving him for who he is. You are taking yourselves way too seriously here, forgetting the importance of self-derision.

I know this message will be deleted, I will be virtually put to death because I've sinned many times here, but I know it will be read by who I want.
I can't do anything wih people who are not honnest with themselves. Bye.

She may be a psychotic stalker, he told her to back off, he was annoyed by her... yeah in your dreams BUT the truth is, she was hugged by him, he whispered in her hear, he had conversations with her, and maybe more (who knows? :) and I'm SO happy for her

Yes...Mother Superior is banning you.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 09:20:08 AM
Ironically I just spent ages writing about TIME, and my login timed out and my post wouldn't send! Now I don't have TIME to re-write it!

(P.S. Thanks Mother Superior RK - too many lines crossed by that one.)
Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 09:24:18 AM by curls
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 09:37:45 AM
@RK  :th_bravo: :bowdown:
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"One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
"Alvin Toffler



Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 09:43:47 AM
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Ironically I just spent ages writing about TIME, and my login timed out and my post wouldn't send! Now I don't have TIME to re-write it!

(P.S. Thanks Mother Superior RK - too many lines crossed by that one.)

Well, please take your TIME to re-write the post, cause I'd like to read your TIME consuming ideas about what took you ages to write about...  :icon_e_wink:

...and I second that red line above, thanks RK
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 09:48:32 AM
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@RK: You know why it's hard to move on? because nobody answer to what I write and everybody makes me say what I didn't. Because we can never have real dialog here... it's always " That's my opinion, it's yours". Well everybody has an opinion. I like trying to understand people's perspective, when they respectfully try to explain their views. I like dialog, exchange...sometimes, I change my mind, or I learn things I didn't know. if the conversation doesn't have a "solution", that's not important. Usually, intelligent people like debates, and a debate isn't "I state my opinion, you state yours, the end."
So I'll say it again : It's really frustrating to see that just because I said we shouldn't talk about that girl hatefully, i'm some brainwashed hippie who said we should love everybody and who supports CRAZY and dangerous stalkers. Everybody knows I'm right,  but they rather say "move on" which means "shut up".
It's very hard to express a subtle opinion in here.

" I do not agree with stalking, interfering, pushing yourself into anyone's presence and I never will."
Well Mj seems more than happy to be stalked by pretty girls. By the way he hugs her and smiles in her presence, I can see he's sincerely happy.
What I think is crazy is that the people on this forum decided he didn't like her, trying DESPERATELY to hear a "back off" or some hand gesture (that gesture he did 10 times in the same video)... do u guys have some external outlook on yourselves? Once somebody posted pictures of him hugging her tenderly, it was "OK let's move on".
The truth is it's you who want to scream "back off bitch, it's my man". That's pathetic.

I also have zero tolerance for groupies...
MJ grabbed his crotch repeatedly, thrusted these hips like there was no tomorrow, ripped his shirt and displayed an openly sexual attitude, with direct sexual references in every video. He wanted to be a sex icon, and like every man, he wanted to have groupies. Just because he didn't appreciate groupies with an agenda or groupies who wanted to cause troubles, doesn't mean he hated groupies.

I appreciate you sharing your personal story with me, but a woman can't force a man to sleep with her. A groupie is chosen by an artist, not the contrary. I tend to be down-to-earth and I know every man dream of achieving a status where women throw themselves at him, whether it's for his art, sex-apple, money... If I was dating some super-sexy popstar or musician, I wouldn't naively expect him to be faithful. Men are sex predators, they watch porn, and they want to conquer. It's not the groupies who are in control.

Now I am going to address something that I hope you don't get offended at. There is a line on this hoax site that is about respecting Mr Jackson. This is not a fan fiction site. Conversations about where is Michael's hand in that picture, and sexual inuendo are not welcomed here.  If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line. If Michael would wish to french kiss some girl, good on him. I believe it should be a private thing and is something I definitely don't wish to discuss. It  is his business and his alone. This is a hoax death site.
Of course I'm offended Mother Superior...I have a hard time with this puritan bullshit. Like I said, we saw MJ grabbing his crotch for decades, sexual references being omnipresent in his dance, lyrics, videos. How am I "disrespecting" him by just asking where his hand is in that picture? That's completely crazy ... I know it's not a fan fiction site, but like I said in a previous debate, I'm a human being, not a robot. We are not lenghtily commenting sexy pictures or talking sex fantasies , it's a little observation. A little joke. Nothing. Is THAT forbidden? Is the smallest allusion to something sexual disrespect? You realize it's a personal opinion you are giving here... because no man on earth would find that disrespectful, and certainly not MJ. Last time, u were offended because I said "fuck". Come on... what century do u live in?

If you feel addressed and hurt by posts directed at you, it may be because you have crossed that line.
Well nobody mentioned that, and it came pretty lately in the conversation. I explained why I felt hurt above.
I'm bored too, because nobody is really interessed in good conversation here.
Most of you are completely deluded as to why you are here. Front, whoever he is, must laugh his ass off.
90% of female members, and u think, it's for the hoax. Souza has dedicated 3 full years of her life to that site and she wants the world to believe she's not a fan??? come on, who are u fooling? (Yes I know I'm banned...) most of you spend your fucking days on this forum, when there's almost nothing to investigate, and u don't even want to admit you have the hots for this man???? Everytime somebody dare posting a sexy pic, or makes a tiny sexual allusion, you use the "disrespect" card, just because u can't stand other girls being attracted to YOUR man. The truth is, you probably read every possible MJ fantasy and you fall asleep every night watching sexy pictures of him, your panties wet.
I just can't stand so much hypocrisy.
There's really too much fakeness. Just like Karen Faye, who constantly says "shanti shanti shanti", talks about what an inspiration MJ was to her, and then is totally obnoxious with everybody.
You want the world to be a better place? well take a look at yourself and make a change. It's easy to stick "love army" all over your posts, posting spiritual quotes and pictures of cute children, but it's useless if you are hateful with people . He wanted to understand Hitler, and you can't even understand a fangirl who never hurt anybody. These girls probably come from unbalanced families, and look for love where they can... just like the young people joining gangs. Do you think we can help these people if we just insult them? That's the way Michael saw things, and I know he would agree with me. What do u decide to do?  Close your eyes on the fact Michael cared for these girls and label them as dangerous stalkers. Just because you're jealous when a female approaches him.

I'll keep on reading this site because as far as the investigation is concerned, it's a serious site. I won't be posting anymore, because obviously, I'm not in the right place for good conversation (debates that won't automatically end up very fast with "I'm entitled to my opinion") and people who are honest with themselves. Admitting you are smittened with MJ won't make you sound less intelligent, it's what you say and your behavior that does that. Fans are not divided between horny girls "drooling" over MJ sexy pics and serious hoax-investigators who only care about the depth of his message, thinking they are the only one loving him for who he is. You are taking yourselves way too seriously here, forgetting the importance of self-derision.

I know this message will be deleted, I will be virtually put to death because I've sinned many times here, but I know it will be read by who I want.
I can't do anything wih people who are not honnest with themselves. Bye.

She may be a psychotic stalker, he told her to back off, he was annoyed by her... yeah in your dreams BUT the truth is, she was hugged by him, he whispered in her hear, he had conversations with her, and maybe more (who knows? :) and I'm SO happy for her

Yes...Mother Superior is banning you.

I don't like the people who create owns the truth, I am not fanatic about no one and I do not have ! Sexual fantasies ! With MJ. If i had any "fancy" did not publish it in this forum, it is my private life :icon_e_confused: And I think that everything has its time, the time of the artist that he gives you everything in the scenario to conquer their public, and the time of privacy that you want to be alone with his family, and not be harassed the 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week.

 Very Well RK :th_bravo:
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 09:49:10 AM
@curls....ugh, hate that! Looking forward to reading what you wrote....when you have TIME, of course : ) Hugs to you! 

@Mother Superior ...... LOL...for you:



Blessings Always........

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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 10:04:29 AM
Guys thanks for the vote of confidence.  I didn't enjoy having to do that. Sort of pulls at my heart. I've got a daughter about that age.
Anyhow....lets get this thread Back on the Front burner.....pun intended.
@Paula.....I fully agree.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
September 07, 2012, 10:15:31 AM
@bec...Yup, that was me lol

I went in search of the 'suggestion post'...and ended up taking a stroll down memory lane  :icon_lol:  Gosh, that was an exciting time, wasn't it?  The only time that matched that momment....of Front's arrival on the scene...was TS' arrival (there were days back then that the only thing holding me together was that daily momment of seeing where TIAI was sending us to next).  And TS' arrival and the 'role' he then took on, was/is spectacular!  I genuinely feel sorry for those that missed out on TS...either cause they somehow didn't know about TS or because they just couldn't bring themselves to take a leap of faith.  When this is all over with (and I pray it almost is haha)...I will always, always be grateful for having experienced TS....no matter how 'this' ends. 

Front's arrival caused a mixed bag of feelings lol...I know it did for me and for many others as well.  For some reason (which I still don't understand but do wonder about), I had an 'easier' time in 'trusting' TS than I did with Front.  His opening post caused a stir LOL...that was a  :WTF: momment followed by a quiet  :woohoo2: lol.  I wanted to trust him and marveled at how soon others were able to...but tIME allowed my trust to grow.  I don't know who Front is, nor TS....I have a theory though lol....but no matter who 'they' are, they sure provided some great hoax momMents!

When I made the suggestion that he sign on as Back in this post You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login...I was still very cautious of Front, but the reason I even suggested it was because of this post by bec: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.  I remember being intrigued by Front (and wanting more), yet really unsure about his prescence and/or his purpose...cause it was causing problems with some members and among some members.  I REALLY wanted him to sign on as Back....partly for selfish reasons (it would've made my year lol) and partly because I wanted all the fighting to stop...I didn't like seeing members upset.  But yes...after I made the suggestion, some used it as something to hold against Front (you're right bec)....because I then made two follow-up posts trying to relay my intention, which was FAR from causing more problems on the board or with Front (here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, I was a little mean in that one lol, and here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login). I felt like my suggestion was the cause of a negative turn in the thread...and it probably was but I don't regret making it, especially now.  And I'm really, really glad that Front's refusal to sign on back then didn't cause me to stop watchin'....if anything, looking back now, his refusal made me watch even closer  :icon_e_wink:

As for tIME, the passing of it and the doubts that creep in because of it....Front once said that tIME is our friend, and he was right but 'friendship' isn't always easy lol.  It's tough....at times---especially in times of silence---we feel 'lost' or unsure of certain things and that's ok, as long as you don't allow those momments to 'break you'.  We've come too far to jump ship now...too much investment has been made to pull out now.  Use any difficult time to go back, take a trip down memory lane....revisit the momments that tIME after tIME added another 'brick' to the foundation...not just about Mike being alive but ALSO about him coming back.  If all else fails, trust in Mike who told us that he'd be back in his own tIME.  Much like Front, he just didn't say when.

With L.O.V.E. always.
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The beauty of Michael Jackson is found in his heart and soul...his enormous talent is a bonus and what a bonus it is.

~PLAY the moments...PAUSE the memories...STOP the pain...REWIND the happiness~


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