TIAI Update #2: JACK5ONS Tweet on 1-18 About TIAI "Revealed"

Started by TS, January 22, 2010, 01:50:18 AM

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Although this update is shorter than the last one, it's still too long to post in the replies section of the TIAI Update #1 thread (as I had previously mentioned).  In case anyone has not read TIAI Update #1 yet, here is the link for that: {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3391}.

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2-1. Outline for TIAI Update #2

2-1. Outline for TIAI Update #2
2-2. ALLJACK5ONS Tweet "Revealed" on January 18
2-3. Official Media Story of MJ Death: Impossible!
2-4. Real Murder & Fake Hoax, or Fake Murder & Real Hoax?
2-5. Is TMZ a Counterfeit Hoax Informer?

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2-2. ALLJACK5ONS Tweet "Revealed" on MLK Day

Here is their tweet: "if u don't think our emotion is real, all I can do is pray for you. see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does" {8:38 PM Jan 18th from web; http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7933369787}.

First of all, we need to understand both the time and the subject context of this tweet.  The date was January 18, 2010—which was of course MLK Day; and indeed they knew what day it was, as can be clearly seen in two earlier tweets that day {http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7910852947; http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7910861080}.  This was also one day after the final Jackson Reality Show, which ended with a visit to Forest Lawn {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=82}.

The tweets both before and after the "revealed" tweet were all on the subject of the Reality Show, and especially the ending about MJ.  Some of the tweets even mention MJ specifically {http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS; click "more" at the bottom of the page, until you get to January 18 tweets}.  

So the context of this "revealed" tweet is clearly about MJ.  The next step is to understand that this tweet is in response to hoax believers ("if u don't think our emotion is real").  Hoaxers have been saying all along, that a huge evidence of the hoax is the lack of tears from the family at the memorial and burial, etc.  Surely, they are not ignorant of this.

And what could they possibly be responding to, other than the hoax—could it be that they were responding to accusations that their emotions were not real, because they don't care that MJ is dead?  Who would say such a thing?  And even if someone was cold enough to say that, why would they even bother to respond?  Worse yet, why would they respond by saying that the media lies??  Has the media been trying to convince people (falsely), that the Jackson family's emotions are not real???

Sorry, but the statement about emotions and media lying doesn't make sense, unless they were referring to the hoax theory.  So this tweet was in response to hoax believers; and believers themselves have recognized this fact, in threads such as this one: "Jacksons address hoax!!" {posted by dirtydiana2009; http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3783}.  Since this is the most direct statement yet, from the family, about hoax believers: this tweet deserves thorough investigation.

The part about their "emotion is real" does not specifically say emotion from MJ dying; it could be emotion from the pain that the media lies have caused, etc (media lies are mentioned in this tweet, MJ death is not mentioned in this tweet).  And in fact, even the hoax itself is painful for MJ (he knows that it has hurt the fans, and that hurts him; also, he wants to return as much or more than his fans want him to return).

Primarily, though, we need to examine the last half of this tweet: "see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does".  Notice the very clear plural usage: "see truths [plural] when they [plural] are [plural] revealed to you".  If MJ really were dead, and this is all that they were trying to say, then why the plural?  Why wouldn't it be "see the truth [MJ is dead] when it is revealed"?

And again, why the reference to the media lying??  If the Jacksons know that MJ is really dead, and this is what they are referring to here, then why wouldn't they be supporting media "truth" (reports that MJ is dead)??  And why the phrase "ur eyes don't lie"?  We have never seen any dead body; so "ur eyes don't lie" can't possibly mean that our eyes have already seen for ourselves that MJ is really dead.

The only conclusion which makes sense, is that the Jacksons tweet mentioned "truths" about the hoax—and our eyes don't lie regarding these things.  This also fits the statement about the media lies—the media is not telling the truth about the hoax, they are saying that MJ is dead (but our eyes can see the hoax).

Now let's take it a step further.  Since this is clearly referring to truths about the hoax: why did they use the word "revealed"?  Why not use some other word, such as "see truths when they r shown to you"?  Or "recognize truths when they r seen by you"?  Or any of several other ways to say it?

Do you suppose that they were entirely ignorant of TIAI Revealed—which was posted nearly a month before 1-18, and Part 1 had about 11,000 views by 1-18?  Also, TIAI Revealed Update #1 was posted one week before 1-18, and had about 15,000 views by 1-18.  Few if any posts on this forum have more views.  If any of the Jacksons were paying any attention whatsoever to the hoax forums, then surely they were already aware of TIAI Revealed, on 1-18.

For the sake of TIAI doubters, let's say that TIAI is not really MJ's message.  Don't you think in that case, the Jacksons would avoid any hint of support for TIAI—and maybe even give hints against it?  Yet instead of that, they use the very word "revealed" in this tweet, the statement which is the clearest statement yet from them about the hoax; and they refer to the things "revealed" as "truths" that "ur eyes" can and should "see".

Not only did they use the word "revealed", but they also referred to the media lies—which is one of the main themes in TIAI.  Notice that TIAI Revealed, Part 7, even has the word media in the title: "NWO Powers Control the Mass Media"; and redirect #9 has the title: "9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media".

Last but not least: why was this tweet given on January 18, MLK Day?  Do you think that they knew nothing about the MLK connections with the hoax (They Don't Really Care About Us?)—and do you think they were totally unaware of TIAI Update #1 (with 15,000 views), and the things in there about January 18???

So we have here a clear Jackson statement about the hoax, using the word "revealed", and referring to media lies—and it was even done on January 18, MLK Day!  Either these things are more TIAI "coincidences" (added to all the previous ones), or else they were giving clues about TIAI.

Well, how much clearer of a clue do you want?  Do they need to spell out the domain for you: http://www.thisisalsoit.com??  Be assured, that will not happen before MJ comes back (it would be too big of a hint about the hoax).  In fact, don't be too surprised if they don't say anything directly even after MJ comes back—surely you can understand why, due to the nature of the subjects involved.

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2-3. Official Media Story of MJ Death: Impossible!

This section (2-3), and the next section (2-4), are especially for those who are losing faith—and thinking that maybe MJ is really dead.

Here is the tweet again: "if u don't think our emotion is real, all I can do is pray for you. see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does" {8:38 PM Jan 18th from web; http://twitter.com/ALLJACK5ONS/status/7933369787}.

For the sake of the die-hard TIAI opposers, and even for the sake of those losing faith: let's consider all possibilities about the word "revealed" in this tweet.  Perhaps they were aware of TIAI Revealed, and used the "revealed" word anyway; or perhaps they were unaware of TIAI Revealed, and this is yet another round of TIAI & STUDY "coincidences": usage of the word "revealed", the reference to media lies, and tweeted on 1-18 (plus all the previous "coincidences", see Update #1, 1-10).  Let's consider both of these possible situations (Jacksons aware of TIAI, or unaware).

If they were already aware of TIAI Revealed (and Update #1, about January 18): and they knew that TIAI is a fake message (either fake because MJ is really dead, or fake because MJ is alive yet TIAI message is wrong): then surely they would've avoided mentioning "truths ... revealed" in the same tweet about media lies on MLK Day!!!  The only sane conclusion is that they are in support of TIAI Revealed, or else they have never even heard of it (and it was more "coincidences").

But if you take the position that they are entirely ignorant of TIAI, it brings up several major problems.  Why would they be ignorant of TIAI, are they paying no attention whatsoever to the hoax forums?  Even if MJ were really dead, don't you think that at least one person in the family might check the hoax forums now and then—and share the highlights with other family members?  Don't you think that TIAI redirects and Revealed would be one of those highlights, since there are so many views on TIAI posts?  And especially if they know that MJ is alive, then wouldn't they be even far more interested in the hoax forums??

For TIAI opposers and hoax doubters, we will now examine very seriously the only remaining realistic possibility.  For the Jacksons to not be in favour of TIAI, all three of the following things would have to be true: first, MJ actually died; second, none of the family members are paying any attention whatsoever to the hoax forums; and third, the tweet about "truths ... revealed" and media lies on MLK Day are more amazing TIAI coincidences.

Some will probably find it easy to buy the third one, "coincidences"; a few may even think that the second one is true (Jacksons don't read the forums)—but what about MJ actually being dead, could this be what the "truths ... revealed" tweet is about?  We already examined that a little above, but now it's time to take a much more serious look into this question—especially since more and more hoaxers are losing faith.

As noted already above, this tweet mentions media lies—in the context of Forest Lawn, and MJ, etc.  So we can now be certain that the Jacksons do not agree with the media story about MJ's "death"—we can rule that out as impossible!  The only question is whether the media reports are not true because MJ is still alive, or the media reports are not true because MJ was intentionally murdered.

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2-4. Real Murder & Fake Hoax, or Fake Murder & Real Hoax?

The intentional murder theory has been around just about as long as the hoax theory (although not nearly as widely accepted as the hoax); and La Toya has even given support to this idea {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e8LPrYiT38}.  But there are several major evidences against the murder theory—not the least of which is the family themselves!

Even La Toya's murder complaints have come across more as a hoax diversion tactic, than a serious outcry for justice.  But why hasn't the entire family screamed "bloody murder", if this is really what they believe???  Are they walking on eggshells, until the time is right to expose the murder plot?  This is worthy of consideration; but if that is the case, then why did La Toya spill the beans?  Why didn't she keep quite like the rest?

Furthermore, the murder theory does not answer to the lack of tears from any of the family at the memorial and burial; quite the opposite—we saw smiling, laughing, many sunglasses (hiding tears, or hiding lack of tears??), and all the rest that most of you have known about for months.  If they really thought that MJ was murdered, then you would expect them to be as much or more emotional than a real death from other reasons.

On June 25, TMZ reported that "La Toya Jackson was in tears as she ran inside the UCLA ..." {http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/la-toya-jackson-michael-jackson-jacko-dead-dead/}.  Notice in the picture that we can see her running, we can even see a close-up of her face—but we see no tears!  We can see the sunglasses (as usual); but if there are any tears, they are not flowing down her face (and are only minor tears, hidden by the glasses).

All of the major evidences of the hoax still exist, they have not vanished.  People are losing faith (thinking that maybe MJ is actually dead)—not because the hoax evidence has disappeared, but because MJ has not returned yet.  But this fact, in and of itself, is no evidence that he was murdered.

We now know for certain that the media story about MJ's "death" is not true (from the ALLJACK5ONS tweet).  In the past, hoaxers have put the hoax evidence up against the official story.  But we don't need to do that anymore; the only thing left that we need to do, is put the hoax evidence up against the intentional murder theory.  So let's re-examine some of the major hoax evidences, in light of the murder theory.

This theory requires an extremely sinister and highly-calculated plot, with many involved—probably including at least some in the Jackson family.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that this is the actual case; I am merely showing that this theory is totally unrealistic.

There can be no trace of doubt that if this was murder, it was intentionally covered up by trying to make it look like a death hoax; and it was well planned, long before June 25, 2009.  But you would have to include Kenny Ortega, and many others, who were all involved in this plot to create the film "This Is It" and make it look like an MJ death hoax (Smooth Criminal / Gilda, spider resurrection, "Bam" statement at the end, no RIP, etc).

Then you have the Liberian Girl pictures at the memorial and burial.  Surely you would think that at least one family member was involved in the selection of these pictures; and surely the family is not ignorant of MJ directing behind the scenes, in the Liberian Girl video.  Either someone outside of the family (who was part of this sinister murder plot) had the power to require that these Liberian Girl pictures be used, or else the family was in on the murder plot (or else, of course, it was not murder).

Last but certainly not least: the 9-9-09 timing shows strikingly that the June 25 "death" and September 3 "burial" were not only planned, but they were planned by MJ himself—and not some NWO murder plot.  This is because the timing is based on 77 days (6-25-09 to 9-9-09) and 7 days (9-3-09 to 9-9-09); these are numbers that MJ would certainly choose, but probably not NWO powers.

Furthermore, the usage of inclusive reckoning is something that none but diligent Bible students would understand; corrupt NWO leaders do not study the Bible very much (if at all), or care about inclusive reckoning in the Bible.  Even many sincere Christians don't know very much if anything about inclusive reckoning, much less NWO murderers.

I have yet to give an update on the 9-9-09 relationship to the hoax; it is one of the strongest evidences of the hoax, and against the murder theory.  But I have decided not to give that update until after the TII DVD comes out.

For those who are still not sure if MJ is alive, even after all of the evidence in this TIAI update: here is your ultimate test, how to get closure.  If Murray gets thrown in the slammer, then MJ is really dead.  And watch for the Jacksons to reveal truths about the murder: "see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie".  If this tweet is not about the hoax, then it is about an intentional murder; and therefore they are saying that our eyes will see truths about this murder.

If the doctor goes to trial, and is found not guilty: again, watch the family.  If they make an uproar (which they are certainly capable of doing, with all the publicity that they get)—and show truths about a murder plot, then MJ is really dead.  But if they act nearly the same as at the memorial and funeral, then MJ is alive.  And last of all, if MJ returns before the Murray trial—well I hope that will give you closure!!!  Whatever, something is sure to happen soon and very soon.

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2-5. Is TMZ a Counterfeit Hoax Informer?

For those who did check TMZ on January 18, you may have seen the organized protest against mainstream media (NBC), although it was not specifically about MJ {http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/18/conan-obrien-photo-picture-protest-nbc-jay-leno/}.  And of course, as already discussed in length above, January 18 was the day of the Jacksons tweet.

But some hoax believers have said that maybe TMZ is a counterfeit hoax informer, especially since January 18 came and went without the big MJ return.  However, if TMZ does not have actual information about MJ, then why were they the first ones to report the "death"?  Whether or not you believe the hoax, there can be no question that TMZ had insider information about MJ's "death".

Now for the sake of argument: let's say that MJ himself was a member on a hoax forum, and announced a return date—but the date came and went, with no return.  Would this prove that MJ is a counterfeit informer, or would it prove that he had to change his plans?  By now, probably everyone knows that there was a major earthquake in Haiti, just one day after TIAI Update #1 {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Haiti_earthquake}.  This does not mean that the earthquake was the only reason why MJ did not return on 1-18; but it is an example of how things can happen, which cause a change in plans.

Notice what TIAI said about specific dates, in TIAI Revealed Part 6 (R22): "As he [MJ] said at the end of the movie: I will come 'in my own time'; it is up to him alone, and nobody else will be able to figure it out for sure.  Some distinct possibilities include: 12-25-09 (Christmas), 12-31-09 (full moon & New Years Eve), 1-1-10 (New Years Day), 1-18-10 (MLK Day), 1-25-10 (seven months since the 'death', and same time as the DVD release), or beyond."

Also notice the title of Update #1: "HIGH PROBABILITY OF MJ 'RETURN' THIS MONTH!"  It did not say "certainty"; and even the high "probability" was only "this month"—not necessarily January 18.  And this month is not over yet; in fact, it has been ten days since TIAI Update #1, and there is still ten days to the end of January.

Some wondered why the word "RETURN" in the title (of Update #1) was in quote marks.  Was it for emphasis, or was it indicating a non-real return (like when we refer to the "death" in quotes, it's not a real death).  Those who carefully read TIAI Revealed (Part 6), you will probably understand why it was in quotes.  It goes back to my STUDY prediction about the TII movie rated "R"—for "Resurrection" (Thriller spider), hoax "Revealed" (Smooth Criminal, etc), and MJ "Return" (also this word used in the TII DVD).

If you read the replies and posts after Update #1, many people wisely cautioned against getting hopes too high for January 18; yet many got their hopes up anyway, and were very disappointed.  Although the disappointment was unfortunate, yet a far greater disappointment is the fact that some are still more interested in a return date than they are about the reasons for the hoax {see "BAM! HE IS 'BACK'!" by MJalive999; http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3561}.

Nevertheless, it is encouraging that a large percentage of hoax believers have now seen and accepted the major reasons for the hoax.  And again, if you read the replies, you will see that many are more interested in the message than the exact return date.  Because January 18 was yet another of several disappointments, some have requested that we don't use any more specific return date theories.  So be it.  When we are ready, when MJ is ready, he will return—no sooner, and no later.

Well, it's time to wrap up this second update.  In these updates I am not trying to defend myself; what I am defending is the message.  And I am trying to help make MJ's "return" safer, sooner, and more successful when he does come back.

The complaints against TIAI are losing their power, especially after this update.  Almost all recent complaints have zero evidence, only derogatory statements.  But anybody can say derogatory things, and it means nothing whatsoever (except that it shows what you personally don't like).  For those who want to go by truth, and not mere feelings, you need to base things on evidence.  Truth can stand up to the test of evidence.

And finally, for those who might still have any doubts about TIAI, notice that fake informers usually make big claims about who they are (I've never said that I'm MJ, or Marlon, etc).  Fake informers also come and go with the wind—can you count how many there have been, in the last half of a year?  I can't count them.  And where are most of them now?  Did they get bored?  Or did it become obvious that they didn't know anything in advance, etc?

In striking contrast to these fake informers, why is TIAI (& STUDY) still around after about half of a year—and going stronger than ever??  Why has TIAI (& STUDY) repeatedly shown advance information, as well as TIAI clues from TMZ and now the Jacksons?  TIAI is not going away.  It's time for all of MJ's real fans to accept his real message—it's all for L.O.V.E.



Quote from: "ralu"

Quote from: "PureLove"

Quote from: "ralu"

Quote from: "MJ_ForeverandAlways"

I just want to say I watched the videos above and the first one confuses me. According to that video giving the peace sign...(index and middle finger) is part of the Illuminati symbols? Also the round peace sign? If this is true, Michael was always doing the peace sign with his fingers. And I just watched a video on you tube that Travis Payne did with the prisoners at the Philippines detention center and at the end of the song they perform (They Don't Care About Us) they make a peace symbol. here is the link to the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKtdTJP_GUI

So if this is true that these symbols are associated with the Illuminati, then why did Michael use them all the time? Especially the two fingers? This is not giving me a good feeling right now!

God & Love be with us all :)

You see? Confusion...what is true, what is lie, what is the whole point, which is the real intention? Think twice about what was the real message from MJ ...
Has LOVE anything to do with this?
Confusion is better than sleeping ;) To me, it's better to read and learn more and pick up the logical ones for yourself is the best way. There will be no confusion then.

To me that peace sign is used for different things. It is used for Peace and also it is used by evil people with a sign of pentagram. It depends to the person who use that sign and for what. Michael does the V sign too but he uses it for Peace as we all know :)

PureLove, please understand that I don't deny the existence of such things, but is my conclusion (based on my type of logic, which is not necessary the gospel) that what we see in those vids is not the real thing. For me confusion is the worst thing possible; it's like a nightmere with opened eyes...when you think you found something but then another possibility occures ...They know how human logic works and they use it as a weapon. For an instance: do you think it is imposible that Bush used those words in a totally different sense and they twisted them, they put his words out of the context to look how we see them right now? Don't missunderstand me: I'm not a political person AT ALL. For me politics = evil generally speaking. But my instincts tell me that many of those vids are meant to confuse us, to make us afraid...Look, now, whenever we see a nice person waiving the V sign, we will think not only to the joy of that person but also to Illuminaty. Whenever we will se the "make love not war" sign we will do the same. And you do not realize how all these bad energies we are issuing while we think negative are increasing their power. The power of the positive thinking is not a fary tale anymore. It is a fact. And they know this.

Ok, these are my thoughts. I'm not trying to convince anybody to think like me, I don't like to argue either, coz I came in peace, only please be sure you do what your heart & mind is telling you to do.

Of course. It's your opinion and I DO respect it :) Nobody needs to think the same. And in my opinion confusion makes people to dig more and look for more things, search and learn. That's the reason why I think confusion is better than sleeping. But I respect your opinion too. :)


Quote from: "paula-c"

PureLove wrote; So you say that Michael's body language and all of the illuminati shapes, figures are NOTHING?! I'm sorry but I've read "articles" enough to make me believe illuminati and NWO. And president Bush says it with his own mouth how they created NWO! How could you people still keep on sleeping? And I DO think that those people in different parts of the world ARE wrong.

I think we should leave a little television and go back to libraries, when you say that people are asleep, it is true is asleep, idiotic, blindly believe what they have in the media, media Which they own, look at when you talk about illuminati very few people know what they are talking about, they are the ones that move the economy, remove and put presidents, who are nothing but puppets of these people. Behind all the plans to destabilize governments in Latin America they are, behind the attempted coups that have lived here, are they, that if with the hand-gun for the CIA. If you want to debate with me on these issues stand at the order. :geek:
Its your choice Paula. Think whatever you want to but it is not going to change the truth. And I don't think that I need to stand at the order whatever that is. You're free in what to believe and what to think. Go and keep on believing that. I'm not trying to change nobody's thoughts here. But there're facts in this world and opinions don't change their reality. PERIOD.


Quote from: "Tigger"

Quote from: "paula-c"

Tigger, agree if Michael wanted to disappear and everyone thought he really died, would not have many clues or things that do not fit.
On the subject of the Illuminati, though I definitely think there are, as a comment in my previous thread they control everything, large corporations, media, removed or made presidents, managing the global economy are Conspiring against democratically elected governments and they are uncomfortable, ... look that's well and who did not want to believe is his right, everyone is free to believe what they want ;)

Just for the record? I don't disagree with this at all. Relax, I'm already self educated and convinced. Nothing has really changed since the middle ages, only the packaging and wrapper. They were once called Kings, now they are called Presidents, CEO's, politicians and lawyers. They were once called paupers, now they are called the poor, common man, lower and middle working classes. The "haves" and the "have nots" still exist as they always have. Knowledge, education, talent and appetite are the tools you need to move from "have not" to "have" status but once accomplished, the God-loving and noble thing to do would be to help the "have nots". It's what I enjoy most and your ticket into Heaven, so I believe.

My issue is just when ppl take things out of context and manipulate it for their own agenda (like my example of the Bush hand signs). Being the independent thinker and analytical type, I base my decisions on verifiable facts, not emotions. Especially not manipulated ones. Also for the record...the only TV that I watch are educational programs like Discovery, History (often rewritten) Channel, etc. I find these and books far more mentally stimulating. And as for Hollywood, other than the occasional mind blower movie like Avatar (highly recommended btw, so awesome I have seen it 4 times now) and a few sitcoms, they couldn't write a new classic script to save their butts! It's all junk now. The old black and whites still top my list and capture my attention. Guess that makes me an old fart - lol!  ;)

Tigger, I agree with every single word ... well maybe except for the black and white movies  :lol:

What concernes me the most is how they create all the posible conditions for increasing the number of "have-nots". At least I'm talking about Romania and a few other countries around here, but I'm sure they try to make it global. Puting down the educational system and the health system; stuffing the kids with all those crap from TV - like Paula pointed very well - can you see the landscape playing the tape fast forward 20 years from now?

Life isn\'t about waiting for the storm to pass...it is about learning to dance in the rain


PureLove wrote; Its your choice Paula. Think whatever you want to but it is not going to change the truth. And I don't think that I need to stand at the order whatever that is. You're free in what to believe and what to think. Go and keep on believing that. I'm not trying to change nobody's thoughts here. But there're facts in this world and opinions don't change their reality. PERIOD.

As I mentioned in a previous thread everyone is free to believe what you want, plus you should not tell me if I carry or not to order what I want, if you do not want to debate you will have their reasons, in other parts of this forum will debate these issues and bad people are participa.Tan Dogmatic positions, those who make a brick calcified knowledge does not evolve, that does not adapt to new circumstances of the time, as the harmful positions that ignore all the theoretical and practical experience of humanity. Rescuing the truth as an ethical value, freedom and the right peak and dignity of all human rights are social achievements. Without justice there will never be peace.


lol, wow. In case you haven't seen, thisisalsoit.com redirects on this page and i'm suprised it has changed yet  :)  :)


the 9 redirects are interesting michael's mission is to save the planet from the corruptions of the media lies and political lies. michael is our heroe



what's PPL please , i don't kow this , thank you for the answer , the answer to blog http//: mimie7659.skyrock.fr please this is imprtant for me ; god bless you , i love you so much, i'm sorry my english


I hope more and more people will understand this message. To focus on caring for our environment,others and to not believe everything that is said. This is very very important. We must fight with love for this. I will be there every step of the way Michael.


Just one question, TS. I'm worried about something. The NWO order won't hurt him if he exposes them will they? I hope we and his security can protect him from such a thing.


GUYS , beautiful fans... I barely can tape my words to you. I am crying now and I FOUND THE MESSAGE! We don't need to go further!

The real reason of faking is death is ONLY because he wanted to save the planet,US the world . He tried to protect us just all for the LOVE that we can stay alive. After going through all those links above"THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US" and why the song keep saying it!
THEY is the governments who is controlling the media to make us believe lies. THEY ARE GOING TO KILL US! They have already started. PLEASE CHECK ALL THINKS FROM MJALIVE999 ABOVE, ALL THE LINKS ARE HERE!!!
The following is the MESSAGE and all what we need to know, Michael knew everything about what THEY are doing and was THREATENED to be killed, that is why he HAD TO DIE! He had too much impact on us and that would have INTERFER WITH THEIR PLANS TO KILL US!!!
He has used the movie V for VEndetta for starting point!! and all those clues that we have now is to make us understand NOT TO BELIEVE LIES and be AWARE of what is happening!! THIS IS REAL KNOWLEDGE!!

V for VEndetta is the reference. He is V and we are the people he will COME BACK when we are all going to believe that THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US and not before.THE BAM at the end of the movie of V is Michael. HE will do HIS BAM and COME BACK when we will be all reunited as ONE for the judgment day!! PLEASE WATCH THE MOVIE!!!

The movie AVATAR's message is : HOW WE HAVE TO PROTECT OUR PLANET and HOW we should be living

THe movie 2012: Is the WARNING!!!! The milky way !! THE sun /the earth and the moon will be aligned at in DEcember 2012 (it is scientifically proven) and it happens 1 time every 25 billions of year . THEN NATURAL DESASTERS will happen because the poles of the earth will change a bite so it will make some bad movements inside of the earth!! THEY will use this OPPORTUNITY to cause MORE DAMAGES and kill people because of DEPOPULATION!!!


ALL THE LINKS ABOVE PROVES THAT they don't really care about us!



Wow, all that depth and this is your first post too?


Yes I also seen and read something about the alignement of planets and the pole shift induced even about a planet x or Nibiru coming in our system. It is said that they don't want us to be aware about that to avoid to create panic and to prevent us from being prepared.  :? So it's not the end of the world but a BIG CHANGE... :o
Don't know what to think anymore...

We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


Thanks TS for yet another up lefting message I have to confess I have my days I think that this is all a cruel joke on Michaels fans and someone is just getting a big laugh on our part .. I truely hurt everyday not knowing if Michael is safe or not , I know we have alot of work to do for Michael to spread his message to save this world to make it safe for our children and their children ..and I get that and I try to do alitttle more to do this everyday .. where before June the 25 I didn't really do my part as much .
I pray your in a good place Michael and you see where we do love you and care deeply for you and your saftey .And we will try to stay strong for you and support your couses , No matter now many people say I'm crazy to think your alive I will never give up on you and your love you have for us .. we know you will not let us down . we know you'll come back in your time .
I pray for you everyday and I always will ..
I miss you from the bottom of my heart .  Lori.



i so believe its like this..he is still alive and well.. :?love you Mike come back please i ve missed you so much :(


Quote from: "Sarahli"

Yes I also seen and read something about the alignement of planets and the pole shift induced even about a planet x or Nibiru coming in our system. It is said that they don't want us to be aware about that to avoid to create panic and to prevent us from being prepared.  So it's not the end of the world but a BIG CHANGE...
Don't know what to think anymore...

Just beleive that whatever is the one that is coming is not ...good for THEM ...
and "they" know it .
That's why "they"don't want us to be aware of and not because "they" don't want to create panic.
Afterall , don't forget "THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US" ;)

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