TIAI Update #4a: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof Hoax, Not Murder

Started by TS, March 10, 2010, 01:59:14 AM

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The first post content
For those losing hope or getting tired, Update #4 here should give you a huge jolt!  Today is exactly half of a year since 9-9-09.  This update will go into great detail about the 7 steps in the timing of the hoax: 911 call (12:21), death (2:26), memorial (7-7), burial (9-3), resurrection (9-9-09), return ("piece by piece", now in progress), and finally the bam!  Previously, TIAI has focused on the why's of the hoax, and a little on the timing {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts}; now, TIAI is focusing on the when's of the hoax, and a little on the how's.

Whether or not you have read any of the previous TIAI posts, I highly recommend that you read this one—it will surely kill the murder theory (as well as any MJ literal death theory).  In fact, if there is ever any TIAI post that you need to read: This Is It!!!

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4-1. Outline for TIAI Update #4

Note: because this update is very long, it is broken into four parts.

TIAI Update #4a: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder
4-1. Outline for TIAI Update #4
4-2. Introduction for Update #4
4-3. TIAI Redirections Since Update #3
4-4. Brief Review: 4 Major Reasons MJ Is Alive
4-5. A Couple of Recent Major Events
4-6. Is TMZ Just Playing Games?

TIAI Update #4b: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder
4-7. The Red Shirt & "777"
4-8. Numbers 4 Evil & Numbers 4 Good
4-9. Why Does 7 Represent Perfection?
4-10. Rounding: Down, Nearest Whole, and Up
4-11. 77 & 7 Days From the "Death", & "Burial" to the "Resurrection"
4-12. Number 9 Represents Regeneration (Resurrection)
4-13. MJ "1998" Autographs
4-14. The Autograph on "Dangerous"
4-15. MJ "Resurrection" Before "Return"
4-16. Autopsy Report "9-9-09, Date Finalized"
4-17. "This Is It" Movie Poster on 9-9-09
4-18. Jermaine and La Toya Supported 9-9-09
4-19. Stock Market Bottom on 3-6: 666!
4-20 The Idiot-Maker Rally Started on 3-9
4-21. 777 + 999 = 1776; Greatest Demonstration for Freedom

TIAI Update #4c: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder
4-22. 777 + 333 + 111 = 1221; 777 + 1221 = 1998
4-23. The 911 Call Was at 12:21
4-24. Was the "Death" Time (2:26) Also Planned?
4-25. The End of the World Is Good News!
4-26. Can a False Alarm Eliminate a Real Danger?
4-27. Did MJ Ever Think of a Thriller Sequel?
4-28. MJ Certainly Had Something Big Planned
4-29. Hoax Timing, the Bigger Picture
4-30. Coincidence: Odds of 7 Versus 777
4-31. Any Chance That This Was Just Chance?

TIAI Update #4d: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder
4-32. Would a "Death Hoax" Murder Plot Convince the Family???
4-33. Does the NWO Promote the End of the World?
4-34. Is TIAI Part of a Murder Conspiracy?
4-35. TIAI Appeal to TINI Followers
4-36. Hoax Objections Answered
4-37. Hints on the "How's" of the Hoax
4-38. Only a Few Would Need to Be "In On It"
4-39. Piece by Piece Return, Versus Bamsday
4-40. High Probability of MJ "Return" in January 2010
4-41. Bam: Not If, But When
4-42. Guilty Until Acquitted, Still Guilty After Acquitted
4-43. For Those Losing Faith: the Trial Is Not Over Yet
4-44. Do You Still Need Even More Evidence???????-??

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4-2. Introduction for Update #4

This update is about 777, 9-9-09, and the highly planned timing of the hoax.  This is the same subject, with much more detail, that I posted on the original MJHD with the username STUDY (posted on 9-7-09).  That was my very first post; and many wondered where I came from all of a sudden, where I got the information from, and whether I was MJ himself—or at least someone very close to MJ.

Now, half of a year later, I am going to give far more information about the timing of the hoax—including the timing of the autopsy report, finalized on 9-9-09; this report came out one day after my Update #3  {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=0&t=5024&p=78302}, which stated clearly that my next update (#4) would be about 9-9-09.

For the sake of new hoax believers, or non-hoax believers (murder theory advocates, etc): I designed this update so that you can follow most everything, without reading any of the previous TIAI posts.  Therefore, a few things are repeated here that were already covered in my previous posts.

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4-3. TIAI Redirections Since Update #3

The first set of TIAI redirects were labelled R1 through R49 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts}.  However, this second set of redirects (all between Update #3 & #4) will be labelled based on the date of the redirection; and then the numbers {in braces} indicate what section in this update is on the same subject as that redirection.  Also, remember that none of the information was created by me; TIAI only pointed to information that is already out there in cyberspace.

2-8 {4-1} Elsa; figured out 9-9-09 update on March 9.

2-9 {4-16} ForstAMoon; noticed 9-9-09 on the coroner's report.

2-10 {4-16} Last page of autopsy report, including 9-9-09.

2-11 {4-16} LA Coroner info, compare seal with MJ report, etc.

2-12 {4-16} LA Coroner request form, ask about problems in MJ report.

2-13 {4-16} TMZ; MJ "in great shape" (Hulk).

2-14 {4-41} Happy Valentines Day!

2-15 {4-6} tklein1014; about TMZ article: "its all a hoax" (MJ & Murray).

2-16 {4-42} MJalive999; video, Murray Condemned Without Trial!

2-17 {4-42} CNN; used "unnamed source" against Murray.

2-18 {4-42} Mo; only statement from Murray himself was the YouTube video.

2-19 {4-42} 2 Thessalonians 2:11; media & public believe a lie.

2-20 {4-41} ImmabeLIEver05; LOVE is Michael's message.

2-21 {4-41} karmaknowstruth; personal testimony of living the LOVE.

2-22 {4-7} ILikeTrains; MJ red shirt with "777" on it.

2-23 {4-7} Very first TII picture, same red shirt.

2-24 {4-7} First TII video clip (TDRCAU), same red shirt.

2-25 {4-7} TII movie poster, same red shirt everywhere.

2-26 {4-23 & 4-24} 911 call at 12:21; "death" at 2:26.

2-27 {4-23} Em; 911 call same as end of Mayan calendar (12:21).

2-28 {4-25} Revelation 21:1,4; end of the world is good news.

3-1 {4-11} MTV; burial delayed again (to 9-3), no reason given.

3-2 {4-21 & 4-39} Light Man introduction.

3-3 {4-14} MJ autograph code on "Dangerous".

3-4 {4-21} Fireworks; red, white, and blues; July 4.

3-5 {4-20} Anniversary of O2 conference, similarities with "V for Vendetta".

3-6 {4-19} CNNMoney; stock market bottom on 3-6: 666!

3-7 {4-30} cgfm011; TMZ video on MJ coincidence with 7's.

3-8 {4-20} The idiot-maker rally started on 3-9.

3-9 {4-1} Back to 9-9-09 update on 3-9 (and Coroner's Report).

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4-4. Brief Review: 4 Major Reasons MJ Is Alive

Before getting into the meat of this update—for the sake of any hoax newbie's (or even for seasoned hoaxers who need a reminder)—here are four major reasons to believe that MJ faked his death: #1 how the family has re-acted; #2 the Liberian Girl pictures at the memorial, and later the burial; #3 MJ's remake of the Gilda movie, with a faked death, in This Is It (TII); #4 the lack of any MJ RIP in the TII cinema version, the TII DVD version, the 1-31-2010 Grammys, and TMZ (for seven months).

Why did the Jackson children look bored at the memorial?  Where was the grief?  Where were the tears, running down the faces of any of the Jacksons?  Oh yes, they were all wearing sunglasses (indoors), so we could not see their grief and tears—or perhaps, was it so that we would not see the lack of grief and tears?

The memorial, and the funeral/burial two months later, had pictures from Liberian Girl; in fact, at the burial, the only two pictures up front were both Liberian Girl pictures.  In case anyone doesn't know, Liberian Girl is the video where MJ directed from behind the scenes; and nobody could see him, until the end.  Here is the Liberian Girl video {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3V-7DEAgdc}, and notice what MJ is wearing at the end; for funeral/burial program cover {http://new.etonline.com/documents/mjackson_funeral_program_et_090409.pdf}.  Here is the Liberian Girl photo {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberian_Girl; and here is the main funeral/burial photo {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4f0Cm0Qehg at 1:09}.

MJ was a fan of old movies, and he was obviously well aware of Gilda—since he did a short remake of it for Smooth Criminal in TII {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD_bVPEPAUo; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilda}.  Since MJ was well aware of this movie: no doubt he knew that one of the main characters, Ballin Mundson, was played by George Macready {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Macready}—an actor who had the same birthday as MJ!  And to really top it all off: in the original Gilda movie, this same man "faked his death"!  Surely that did not slip the attention of MJ!  And surely, this is one of the main reasons he chose to remake this film.

Finally, after MJ supposedly died on June 25, we have had four major cases of dementia: the Grammys (MJ not listed in the musicians who had died since the previous year); TII cinema movie (no mention of MJ death or RIP); TII DVD, with additional material on it (and still no direct mention of 1958-2009, or RIP); and TMZ forgot MJ on their celebrity RIP page for seven months, until hoax believers reminded them about it {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4986}.

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4-5. A Couple of Recent Major Events

Two fairly significant events happened last month, both about the same time.  Jackson attorney Brian Oxman came out and stated that there is a is 99.9% chance the ambulance photo is fake {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5820; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbGrrNyMpZY}.  Remember, this is the one and only "official" picture of MJ we have ever seen; and now we learn that it was photo-shopped.  Actually, we knew it all along; but at least someone has finally stepped up to the plate and admitted it.

True, this does not prove that MJ is alive; the photo could've been faked for several reasons.  However, it is quite significant that the ambulance photo was one of the very first things that hoax believers recognized was fishy.  And now, more than half of a year later, we are hearing through a respected source that our first conclusion was correct!  Perhaps, just maybe, we might also be right in some of our other conclusions.

Actually there was another belief, early in the hoax—that MJ went to LAX, hopped on a private jet, and flew out of town on June 25, 2009.  Well, Jermaine has been nice enough to confirm this hoax belief also; Jermaine said: "He was very, very healthy but Michael was not with us, way before he arrived to the airport. ... I mean way before he arrived to the hospital." {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd0SoaOe-cs; http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5836}

Was this an intentional goof (big hint)?  If so, we have an MJ death hoax!  Or was it a Freudian slip?  If so, we still have a hoax!  Notice that shortly before saying "airport", he paused a bit; so there was ample time for him to collect his thoughts, and get the wording right.  Also, what is the likelihood that Jermaine, a professional performer for the Jackson 5, would be so sloppy as to make such a goof accidentally?

Furthermore, how could you mix up an airport with a hospital—they are not similar: either in meaning, or in pronunciation.  And if it was just a random goof, having nothing to do with the hospital or the hoax: then why the word "airport"?  It would be just as likely to goof up and say the "golf course", or the "barber shop", or the "mall", or "Pizza Hut", or "Mount Everest", or anything whatsoever OTHER than the AIRPORT!!!

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4-6. Is TMZ Just Playing Games?

TMZ has also had some very interesting things recently, including putting the http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net website right on the TMZ article!  They took it down later, but you can still see a screen shot of it in this thread {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=6666&start=100#p107875; see also http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/04/debbie-rowe-visits-michael-jacksons-grave-mausoleum/}.

TMZ had another article recently, mentioning both Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson; and among other interesting things, they had the following phrase: "it's all a hoax"!  But there would be no reason for the word "all", unless they were subtly referring to much more than just the Twitter account.  {http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/12/dr-conrad-murray-impostor-exposed; and see this thread http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5565#p87728}

In a different article about Conrad Murray, TMZ said: "Long before he may or may not have been responsible for the death of Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray was just another guy enjoying Carnival in Trinidad." {http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/14/dr-conrad-murray-carnival-michael-jackson-photos-picture}  Whether or not TMZ is playing: they are thousands of miles ahead of the public and the media who are condemning Murray before the trial; at least TMZ is admitting that Murray may not be guilty (innocent until proven guilty).

Now compare that last "or may not" article with this one, from about one week earlier: "Murray showed up at Forest Lawn Memorial Park on Wednesday afternoon to visit the tomb of the man he may or may not have accidentally killed." {http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/07/conrad-murray-michael-jackson-tomb-forest-lawn-photos; see also TIAI Update #3, http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=0&t=5024&p=78302}.

Some believe that TMZ is giving valuable clues about the hoax, but others believe that TMZ is just playing around with hoax believers; here is a good thread on that subject. {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6711}

If TMZ is just goofing off, though, then why have they been first to report many things related to the Jacksons?  Do you think that the video from the Murray court was all made up by TMZ, just to laugh at a few thousand hoax believers?  And was TMZ merely playing games when they said that the FBI would release 333 pages of MJ files, or did the files actually get released?  Was TMZ just playing games when they said the investigation was complete in early January, or did things actually move forward a few weeks later?

In fact, let's go back to June 25, 2009.  Was TMZ just playing games, when they were the first to announce that Michael Jackson had died?  Or did the rest of the media also verify the death soon after?  So TMZ was not just playing around on June 25: because when they said MJ died, he really died—wait a minute, woops, maybe TMZ was playing around on June 25!  Okay, so I guess it's true: maybe TMZ does goof off a little bit now and then.

TIAI Update #4b is next.  {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=7064}



An interesting tidbit:

This update was posted 11:59 pm (pacific time, which is the time zone for LA).

1 + 1 + 5 + 9 = 16

1 + 6 = 7

"Let me bathe in my own time when I come back in. I\'m gonna button my shirt or my jacket or whatever it is. I\'m gonna look around a little bit, play with them. Snap my fingers maybe, then BAM!"


Quote from: "DudewheresMichael"

Please be patient with me, I wrote this once already, but accidently hit the back button and deleted it. LOL  :(  But anyway.


I have only posted once before. I prefer to read other people's thoughts, rather than post my own, but I have not seen this thought posted yet.

777+999 = 1776

1776 = We signed Declaration of Independence on this Day declaring US freedom from British Rule.


I believe THISISALSOIT.COM had redirection to some Fireworks on July 4.

http://www.friendsforourriverfront.org/ ... 778829.jpg

Many people believed this redirection to be BAMSDAY.

Maybe it is...

The title of this Update is 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof Hoax, Not Murder

Maybe it is what it says.

The theme of this direct is TIMING. She (I actually think it is a female writing/doing this, but then again, you know what they say when you assume, you make an  A :shock:   out of U and Me) or He is supposed to be giving us the WHEN, WHY, and HOW it will happen, and states that we are in the revealing or 7th stage.

But, anyway, here is my original thought:

1776 (Independence - Referencing July 4) "I will see You in July" - Greastest Proof Hoax, Not Murder (In other words BAMSDAY).


I mean he did say it twice, "I'll see you In July", once in the middle of his speach, and againt at the end. I do not even know how many times he said , "This Is It". Then, notice at the end when he said them together, usually repettition is used to emphasize the importance of a message.

1776 (Independence) correlates with the Video clip of "This is It" before the movie aired. Hince, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speaking about demonstration of FREEDOM - and the Signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Dr. King Jr. = Represented the minorities (any person no matter sex or race, who has felt they endured discrimination or injustice) to be free- to break the chains, and have their voices heard - to be treated with equality. The Superior Majority did not really care about the little people. They only wanted Power.


The Same goes for:

Signing of the Declation of Independence (July 4, 1776) = The United States wanting to be free - break the chains- from British Rule. The King of England did not care about the New World (United States, Colonists - The Little People). He too just wanted absolute power, and to take what he could squeeze out of the colonists.

Kind of like Big Business/Record Companies squeezing what they can out of the little people/artists. The little people are the ones who keep the Big Businesses running. However, they Big Companies tend to forget that, and take advantage of the situation. --- Make sense...? Where's Thomas Payne when you need him.  :D

July 4, 2010 = Demonstration of Freedom...? RED, WHITE, & BLUE

Also, RED = Michael in the Shirt  --> Symbolizes a Red Flag.
Blue ----> "Lighting in They Don't Really Care About Us" Video Clip & VH1 Pictures of the Fake Michael
White --> The Light of Peace (Light Man Revealed Piece by Piece by Piece), the white stain on his pants (although, I can't think of aything that it symbolizes except that maybe the video of him rehearsing is all from the same day, meaing he was healthy before his "death".), White can also be = Reveal (inner peace - everyone will feel when the hoax is revealed)

Actually, the Stage lighting in "They Don't Really Care About US" video Clip = had all three colors (Red, White, & Blue)

Like I said, I am mainly a reader, I do believe 100% in the hoax, but I keep most of my opinions to myself, but if I wrote something offensive, I apologize in advance.

These are my thoughts.

Very thoughtful and interesting! You could be right! It's definitely something to think about!

Now, in regards to the stain on his pants, my mom was looking through my official This Is It photo book a couple of months ago and noticed something right away. The stain stood out to her and she called me into the kitchen that day and she told me about it. She asked me to look for interesting things through out the book.

I looked at all of the pictures of him in that book and he is wearing the pants with the stain in every single one. I told her that and she said "Look again." And I was like "All he seems to be doing in all of these pictures is switching jackets to give the illusion of different days." But we all know that Michael rarely wore the same things over and over in public. He also would not wear the same clothing to rehearsal again. She again told me to look again and "think harder" until I gave up. She said "Do you think that the stain has significance other than those you have said?" I was more confused than before....

She then said this (I'll never forget it): "It is a common practice for gang members to use scare tactics on opposing gangs or individuals that dare tp cross them. Instead of killing them, they will break one or both of their legs at the midpoint between the knee and ankle as a warning. This could be nothing but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that stain."

I was like.... "Woah....."

Now that I think about it, Michael has been known to cross dangerous people and he was aware of it too. Not only is his message LOVE but it is also TRUTH. And the truth has always been a threat to the evil powers that be.

It's just a thought. I'm not saying that people should believe this at all. It's just something to think about. It's important to have an open mind in all of this.

I don't think anything you have said is offensive at all. But I can understand why you said that. There are a lot of thick people in this world and sadly, so of them lurk here in this forum. And that's all I'll say about that for now.  8-) LOL


I know myself something about numerology and I can say that you're right: Mj is a 6 as birth date and a 6 as a "death" date. 6 means family, children, domestic matters and, above all, love.
His name number is 8 or 7 according to the modern numerology. He is 8 as Michael Joseph Jackson or 7 as Michael Jackson. According to the original numerology, Chaldean Numerology, which was born in Sumeria thousands of years ago, Michael Joseph Jackson is a Master Number 55 or Master Number 44 (without Joseph). I tend to believe the Chaldean Numerology because MJ couldn't be just an 8 or a 7, only average people are.
You can find out more about MJ numerology here:

http://astronlogia.com/2009/06/26/rise- ... yanalysis/


http://ezinearticles.com/?Michael-Jacks ... id=2536772

but especially here:

http://www.thereadingroom101.com/michae ... umbers.htm

And if you want to read more about the 2 systems of numerology, read here:



When I say you're right I reply to raphaelleanique which post his/her opinion on the first page, the last one. He/she said that the death time was a 6 not a 7 according to the numerology.


Quote from: "eurolaura"

I know myself something about numerology and I can say that you're right: Mj is a 6 as birth date and a 6 as a "death" date. 6 means family, children, domestic matters and, above all, love.
His name number is 8 or 7 according to the modern numerology. He is 8 as Michael Joseph Jackson or 7 as Michael Jackson. According to the original numerology, Chaldean Numerology, which was born in Sumeria thousands of years ago, Michael Joseph Jackson is a Master Number 55 or Master Number 44 (without Joseph). I tend to believe the Chaldean Numerology because MJ couldn't be just an 8 or a 7, only average people are.
You can find out more about MJ numerology here:

http://astronlogia.com/2009/06/26/rise- ... yanalysis/


http://ezinearticles.com/?Michael-Jacks ... id=2536772

but especially here:

http://www.thereadingroom101.com/michae ... umbers.htm

And if you want to read more about the 2 systems of numerology, read here:


I want to specify something...Michael's name is Michael JOE Jackson not Michael JOSEPH Jackson !!!


I understand that the timing of the O2 announcement was not random but fits with other key dates and numbers.

TS gave the example of four months before and after.  111 and 333 days later (inclusive reckoning) have also been significant dates.  I saw two other key dates exactly 27 weeks before and after the O2 announcement.
27 reduces to 9.

So I thought when TS posted Part 4a that the final Part 4d was planned for today 03-16-2010.
I'm wondering now if anything is going to happen today.

I guess you have to be careful with the numbers not to read too much into everything.  Oh well back to the calculator.



Michael Jackson and TuPac Shakur both have done the same exact numerology death hoax, for the same cause (even though Michael's I feel will have a far bigger impact just because how we've grown with him and who in the world does not like Michael's music?? No one. No one can dispute that he's the best entertainer to have ever lived). I've read on all this before (numerology, energies, God being One with everything in the universe, etc.) and am now just waiting to see what's going to happen next.

There is said to be a Harmonic Convergance (the same one that happened in 1987 where we went past Armaggedon and had our energy towards peace and Heaven on Earth), based on the Mayan Calendar, on May 27/28th 2010. It is spring time, and time for new beginnings! (resurrection) <3

Thank you TS, and your works with TIAI, thank you Mo and Souza, and thank you MJAlive999 for providing the best information on there about Michael's work of art, and I praise him and support him fully. Michael, if you or someone you know that can pass this information on to you somewhere is reading this, please know that I do feel you are an ascended master, much like Jesus or St.Germain themselves. You are a wonderful human being and we have been blessed to have you live in our lifetime. Please stay strong and we will spread your message so it's the message that they have a cause for, and not just wanting to have you back (even though any fan is going to have that momentous feeling that your body is still with this Earth) <3 Spread the word, everyone! I already put the link for ThisIsAlsoIt.com on my FB so I can have my friends reading this, and then their friends too!

Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion

Reaching out to touch a stranger
Electric eyes are everywhere
See that girl, she knows I\'m watching
She likes the way I stare

If they say, why, why? Tell \'em that is human nature
Why, why does he do me that way?
If they say, why, why? Tell \'em that is human nature
Why, why does he do me that way?
I like livin\' this way, I like lovin\' this way


with reference to this update #4 with 44 parts (444)

does it point to April 4th at 4 (am/pm) being a special day/time?

it's Easter Sunday which signifies Ressurection.



Quote from: "JukeBox"

with reference to this update #4 with 44 parts (444)

does it point to April 4th at 4 (am/pm) being a special day/time?

it's Easter Sunday which signifies Ressurection.

At least we can bet on a new redirect/ update for this specific date  ;)

BTW: Today we are celebrating the day when Holly Mary was announced by Angel Gavril that she was going to gave birth to Messia. March 25 is 9 months before December 25 (Christmas)...So, I suppose TS would like to mark this day. He also missed March 21, 2010? I'm surprised that he was silant on that day:
21+3+2010= 3+3+3=9. (anyway, I didn't figure it by myself :))


Life isn\'t about waiting for the storm to pass...it is about learning to dance in the rain


Quote from: "ralu"

Quote from: "JukeBox"

with reference to this update #4 with 44 parts (444)

does it point to April 4th at 4 (am/pm) being a special day/time?

it's Easter Sunday which signifies Ressurection.

At least we can bet on a new redirect/ update for this specific date  ;)

BTW: Today we are celebrating the day when Holly Mary was announced by Angel Gavril that she was going to gave birth to Messia. March 25 is 9 months before December 25 (Christmas)...So, I suppose TS would like to mark this day. He also missed March 21, 2010? I'm surprised that he was silant on that day:
21+3+2010= 3+3+3=9. (anyway, I didn't figure it by myself :))


Hi ralu, thx for your reply. :) i did think 21/3/10 was a special day too cos of the 333 and also the start of spring. you are right about today tho (25mar) TS did make a new redirect to MJalive999's youtube channel. i'm glad things seem to be moving forward now i can def see the piece by piece unraveling, and also 25 March was special on twitter cos of believers' efforts to make #MJsalive and #welovemj trend. i hope it made more people aware about the hoax and the Love message.

i'm so excited about BAM! Hugs and L.O.V.E.  :P


Re-reading TS post this caught my attention:

"Furthermore, how could you mix up an airport with a hospital—they are not similar: either in meaning, or in pronunciation. And if it was just a random goof, having nothing to do with the hospital or the hoax: then why the word "airport"? It would be just as likely to goof up and say the "golf course", or the "barber shop", or the "mall", or "Pizza Hut", or "Mount Everest", or anything whatsoever OTHER than the AIRPORT!!!"

TS has posted that the 9th of March  and on 21st of June we had an article with Murray at the barber shop...can we say that it's a prediction ?

Conrad Murray -- Lookin' for a Quick Buzz
Originally posted Jun 21st 2010 8:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff


See also "Dr. Murray's Barbershop Confession: I Didn't Kill MJ" http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=11334

Also maybe that the other examples TS has given are clues "golf course" ?  "mall" ? "Pizza Hut" (I'm sure there was something with Pizza Hut but don't remember where) "Mount Everest" (2012 Movie, Himalaya, "Whipped cream on top" TMZ used this expression which makes me think of a mountain :? ...)  ?
Well I'm sure TS didn't chose the barber shop randomly tell me if I'm wrong...

We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


Sarahli, I was thinking and the only thing I remembered was the metaphor of the barber;

God exists!
A Barber told him their customer while recortaba you hair: -Note gentleman that I do not believe that God exists, as you say.
- But, what you say that? -asks the client.
-It is very easy, just go out to realize that God does not exist. Or... tell me, just in case if God existed, would have so many sick? Should be abandoned? If God existed, there would be no suffering nor so much pain to humanity. I can not think that there is a God that allows these things.
Customer a time was thinking, but did not respond to avoid a discussion. Barber finished his work, and just left the barbershop, saw on the street to a man with a beard and long hair; looked very disheveled. Then went back to the barbershop and told the Barber.
-Do you know something? The barbers there!. -How that don't exist? -asks the Barber - here I am and I am a Barber.
-Not! -said customer - there is no, because if any barbers there would be people with hair and beard as long as this man that goes by the street.
-Ah, the barbers if they exist, what happens is that people don't come to my.
-Exact! -said the client - the same applies to God. People are not going to God, and why there is so much pain and misery.


Quote from: "paula-c"

Sarahli, I was thinking and the only thing I remembered was the metaphor of the barber;

God exists!
A Barber told him their customer while recortaba you hair: -Note gentleman that I do not believe that God exists, as you say.
- But, what you say that? -asks the client.
-It is very easy, just go out to realize that God does not exist. Or... tell me, just in case if God existed, would have so many sick? Should be abandoned? If God existed, there would be no suffering nor so much pain to humanity. I can not think that there is a God that allows these things.
Customer a time was thinking, but did not respond to avoid a discussion. Barber finished his work, and just left the barbershop, saw on the street to a man with a beard and long hair; looked very disheveled. Then went back to the barbershop and told the Barber.
-Do you know something? The barbers there!. -How that don't exist? -asks the Barber - here I am and I am a Barber.
-Not! -said customer - there is no, because if any barbers there would be people with hair and beard as long as this man that goes by the street.
-Ah, the barbers if they exist, what happens is that people don't come to my.
-Exact! -said the client - the same applies to God. People are not going to God, and why there is so much pain and misery.
Thank you Paula ! Great story and good lesson !  ;)
We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


Quote from: "Sarahli"

Re-reading TS post this caught my attention:

"Furthermore, how could you mix up an airport with a hospital—they are not similar: either in meaning, or in pronunciation. And if it was just a random goof, having nothing to do with the hospital or the hoax: then why the word "airport"? It would be just as likely to goof up and say the "golf course", or the "barber shop", or the "mall", or "Pizza Hut", or "Mount Everest", or anything whatsoever OTHER than the AIRPORT!!!"

TS has posted that the 9th of March  and on 21st of June we had an article with Murray at the barber shop...can we say that it's a prediction ?

Pizza Hut is sponsoring on TMZ since a few days now...^-^
We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."

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