QuoteTS wrote:
Besides, the entire state of California is not in on the hoax. MJ has been planning this hoax for many years; and he had the time and influence to get a few key people in the right positions to pull it off—and yes, even government agencies still have some good people in them. Look at history: many times people in high positions have stood up against the corruption in their own system (government, or church, etc).
But MJ did not involve large quantities of people. In fact, the "three-way theory" is basically correct http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpb ... 2&start=0; this theory states that the fewer people "in on it", the better (although more than three are actually involved, and the "three-way theory" does allow for more than three).
Also, as far as possible, legal loopholes were used. Nevertheless, with a hoax of this magnitude and importance: whether the line was ever crossed, between being inside or outside of legal loopholes, is a question that probably doesn't even need to be answered.
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4-37. Hints on the "How's" of the Hoax
In this update, I have gone into great detail about the timing of the hoax (as well as a few other aspects). Previously, I have gone into great detail about the reasons for the hoax http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpb ... 0&sr=posts. That leaves only one frontier remaining: how did MJ succeed in pulling off this massive hoax?
I'm not going to go into great detail on that now, it would be very long—and this update is already the longest update by far. But I will give some hints, to help you go in the right direction if you want to investigate it further.
For starters, maybe it is time to create a sub-forum for Coherent Theories. By this, I mean theories that start putting all the pieces together, fitting into one bigger picture. But we can't have MJ hopping on a plane at LAX, escaping out of a tunnel in the basement of UCLA, and riding alive in the helicopter to the coroner's office, as well as in the other helicopter—all at the same time. This would not qualify as a coherent theory.
I think we already have a huge clue from Jermaine, telling us that MJ went to the "airport"—NOT the hospital. And in fact, it would've been very risky and unnecessary for him to ride alive in the ambulance to UCLA, and then go into UCLA where he could be easily recognized (and hard to play dead), and then try to escape somehow. What would be the point?
Based on the planned timing of the hoax, we should now be able to see very plainly that the living MJ body double theory doesn't work. There is no chance that a living double just happened to die on the right year, the right day, and the right hour.
This leaves us with three possibilities. There was no body at all, which would require quite a few people to be "in on it". There was a dummy, not a real human; this reduces the number of people "in on it", and also makes it easy to duplicate the looks of MJ (but paramedics would need to be "in on it", because they would not be fooled by a dummy). Or there was a real human corpse, which had recently died. In fact, at different times and places, there could've been more than one corpse and/or dummy used as needed.
Considering the corpse possibility: do you remember anything about the room being heated extra warm—in the summer of all times http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/26/jackson-t ... a-mystery/? Maybe the room was heated to make the corpse feel warm, like it had just died. And do you remember the paramedics saying that MJ had been dead for more than an hour before they arrived—and also that they did not realize it was MJ, and thought it looked like an old man? http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/27/paramedic ... -arrived/; http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/michael-j ... c-arrest/; http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/26/michael-j ... -911-call/
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4-38. Only a Few Would Need to Be "In On It"
Let me also clue you in on a few tricks, so that only a relatively few people would need to be "in on it". The endlessly discussed helicopter ride to the coroner: it could've had a living and/or a dead body in it, but not MJ; and yet none of the people in the copter, or working that situation, would've had any clue that MJ was alive.
All you would need to do is create a diversion for the media and public: the helicopter and all would be a big show for the media, while they transport the (supposedly) "real" MJ's body in an unmarked vehicle—this would keep MJ's body safer. And all the people "involved" in that diversion operation would play right along, and obey without question like good little boys and girls, thinking all the while that MJ's dead body was being transported in some unmarked vehicle (and not even questioning whether or not MJ was actually dead). And even if they suspected later that MJ is alive, how would they know? They would not know, they would just suspect it (like hoax believers).
The fact that it's a criminal case is another good alibi for secrecy and cover-up; this way, nobody thinks twice when they're told not to talk about what they did or did not see at UCLA on June 25 (or other times and places).
Some have said that Forest Lawn (FL) would need to be in on the hoax; and maybe they are, but maybe not. If there was an actual dead body used during at least some of the process: then a dead body could've been at FL, even though it was not MJ. And sooner or later, the family could say: "We've decided to bury MJ somewhere else; but for privacy and security reasons, we want the public to think that he is buried here."
They might even have FL sign confidentiality agreements, promising not to let anyone know that MJ was not buried at FL. Of course FL would still get paid, because the family did purchase space there http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/04/us/04jackson.html; and since FL got their money, they would not care where MJ was actually buried, and that would be the end of it—FL might never imagine that MJ is still alive.
Quote from: "bec"
Quote from: "fordtocarr"This is a great theory, but I'm thinking about the end of the hoax, and I just CANNOT see Michael explaining it by, "I used a REAL dead person to hoax my own death". I can't see how the world would view him and his hoax and return then. If he was ever viewed as wacko this would surely blow the world up.
I know you'll all totally disagree, but a REAL dead person and Michael Jackson? They'll say he did it for all the money he made and used a real dead man to do it.
Sorry, it may be correct, but, I think he's in for real public backlash if he did that and it comes out. And it will have to be explained not only for us believers, but really for the non believers to believe it's really him.
(I know I'll hear it on this, but sorry....)
That's really the bottom line in my opinion.
This is, at least in part, mission repair-image, right? Real body is counterproductive to that mission.
All for L.O.V.E. with a dead dude... doesn't really work.
And anyway, all I'm reading is elaborate theories to make the real body work out in the chain of events.
Why??? What does a corpse accomplish? Besides complicating matters, what is the benefit? I have yet to read anything that addresses a benefit to using a real corpse over a dummy or nothing at all.
Using 1 or maybe 2 different corpses at different times is a small thing in the scheme of how big this hoax is when it comes to exposing harmful things, getting those harmful things taken off the market and starting a process to get Propofol changed to a controlled drug. The way things are now Propofol is an uncontrolled drug and can be obtained very easily by a Dr. who has a liscense and also by a person with a script. The pharmacy in Nevada was distributing Propofol to Murray as if it was no big deal. That is why that pharmacy is now shut down. 8-)
The events that have happened since MJ died because of Propofol have been incredible. MJ used himself as bait for a sting operation that far out weighs a cadaver being used in the process. He also used Propofol as the drug of choice so that it would cause great attention to that drug. The Propofol from a manufacture making it was shown to have tainted lot numbers. The manufactures have stopped making it here in the USA. There is a timeline link below that shows how far back some issues started and caused faulty infusion pumps to be recalled. 8-)
Quote from my 2nd post in this thread.