TIAI May 1

Started by TS_comments, May 02, 2011, 01:05:15 AM

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It's time for another level.   8-)

We are now at the most important level: who is the focus of The Sting?  Keep in mind the possibility that more than one person or entity is the focus.

Most specifically, though, we need to investigate whether the entire court is in on the hoax, or could the court itself be the focus of the FBI investigation (or part of the investigation).  Some have already proposed this possibility, while others have summarily dismissed it.  As always, please do not dismiss any theory until it has been thoroughly debunked.  And whatever theory you personally believe, try to debunk your own theory; many hoax investigators are still not doing this.

In favor of the court sting theory, let me point out a few things.  Some say that the court did the right thing back in the 2005 acquittal, so why would it be investigated?  The reality is that the defense and jury did the right thing, but what about the prosecution?  We already know about Aphrodite's testimony, and Tom Sneddon (TS  :lol: ), etc.

We also know that for years the FBI investigated MJ, and the pedophile claim; but they found nothing against MJ.  Could it be that in the process of this investigation, the FBI found evidence of corruption in the LA prosecution and the MJ trial?  Could it be that as a result, the FBI in cooperation with MJ decided to make the LA court system the focus of a sting operation?  Please remember that the "top priority" of the FBI is "public corruption" in government agencies; and their investigation specifically includes "verdicts handed down in courts"

We are also at the point, which I mentioned earlier, of running two different coherent theories in parallel.  And as we try to put all the pieces together—including the research of previous levels, as well as the new information that we will get during the hearings—hopefully one of the two theories will fall into place, and the other one will fall apart.

Although there are endless minor variations within these two main coherent theories, for the purpose of this level we are only examining two basic theories: the court is in on the hoax, or the court is not in on the hoax (other than the defense, and maybe a few other key people).  For the sake of discussion, we can refer to these two theories as "hoax court" and "sting court".

In level one, we found that the ambulance photo was staged in advance.  In level two, we found that at least a few key people in the FBI are helping with the hoax (and cooperating with one or more in the LAFD).  In level three, there are still a few different ideas about who or what (if anything) went in the ambulance on the stretcher to UCLA; most agree however that a corpse was not used.

Even though level three is still unresolved, yet we can and should start investigating level four (The Sting).  Actually, level three and four are closely related—so much so that if we get a clear answer to level four, then level three will probably be easy to resolve (and vice versa).

To be more specific: if it's hoax court, then there would be little if any need to use a corpse; but if it is sting court, then the corpse theory has a strong case.  This would not only reduce the people who would need to be in on it, but it would also allow witnesses to testify truthfully in real court under oath (both witnesses who are in on it, and those who are not).

It has been suggested that this would constitute entrapment; but sting versus entrapment does not depend on using a dummy versus a corpse.  It would be possible to use a dummy, and still qualify as entrapment, if the job was done so airtight that nobody could figure it out.  On the other hand: it would be possible to use a corpse, and not qualify as entrapment, as long as there are plenty of clues and evidence that MJ is still alive.  If the hoax forums can figure out that MJ is alive, when most of the members are not even professional investigators, then what excuse would the LA prosecution have for not figuring it out?

Please do not let this thread become the primary discussion for all the things that happen during the hearings; there will be other threads for that purpose.  Just bring into this thread discussion and evidence related to the focus of The Sting, and especially whether it is hoax court or sting court.




he's busy bringing Michael back....I hope and pray  bow/

-come on Mike you have to come back, your believers are waiting for you..

-no no it's Much too soon...tell them to keep watchin' :lol:


Quote from: "MJFAN7"

Where is TS? I don't think he's ever been absent for this long.
Is he waiting for us to figure out something before he comes back? Is 'bam' coming up, and maybe he's not going to return until after that? Ugh... I don't want to go to worst possible conclusions but I am a bit worried about him. He could at least log in or something.

He/she probably drank too much water from the fountain of youth and it's in diapers now!  lolol/

"Your life is like a ship. You're the captain of it. The way you steer it is the way that it is going to go." ~ Michael Jackson



I continue thinking that this photo  say very much rr/



Crazy thoughts after seeing this in the news...

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... html?lanow

Crime boss James Whitey Bulger arrested in Santa Monica, CA.

So Bulger is Irish... and he was arrested only a few blocks from where our infamous Dr. Murray is often seen walking about wearing green...the 3rd. Street Promenade.

Not saying there is a connection but it does make one go "hmmmmmmm" and "wtf?" lol




I don't get it mdc...?

Are you entertained?


Quote from: "mdc"

Crazy thoughts after seeing this in the news...

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... html?lanow

Crime boss James Whitey Bulger arrested in Santa Monica, CA.

So Bulger is Irish... and he was arrested only a few blocks from where our infamous Dr. Murray is often seen walking about wearing green...the 3rd. Street Promenade.

Not saying there is a connection but it does make one go "hmmmmmmm" and "wtf?" lol


your saying that Murray might be in a gang? or a mobster??   hmmmmm well.. he did /does have financial problems and probably would do whatever to get money.. maybe he borrowed some from this  man and couldnt pay back... so they told Murray they woudl kill him if he dint get the money.. so he started working for michael and sedated him and was  only going to take his money but  he accidentaly killed him at the same time...... maybe...

(but I still believe michael is alive so that wont fly all the way)

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." – Sir Winston Churchill


Quote from: "paula-c"

I continue thinking that this photo say very much rr/

There are 3 smiling, 3 wearing sunglasses, 3 sports shirts each with a set of three - 3 polo players, 3 yellow stripes and a 3 leaf clover.  Does that mean something?



Elsa wrote:

paula-c wrote:
I continue thinking that this photo say very much

There are 3 smiling, 3 wearing sunglasses, 3 sports shirts each with a set of three - 3 polo players, 3 yellow stripes and a 3 leaf clover. Does that mean something?
And the FBI, Marlon  do not use dark spectacles in this photo



The colours remind of flags of Côte d'Ivoire, India, Ireland, Niger, rasta, martial arts belts ...

FBI stands for a whole list of acronyms:

of which I like this:

Funny, Beautiful, Intelligent


Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.


Quote from: "Grace"

The colours remind of flags of Côte d'Ivoire, India, [shadow=blue:1zcbhq7t]Ireland[/shadow:1zcbhq7t], Niger, rasta, martial arts belts ...

FBI stands for a whole list of acronyms:

of which I like this:

Funny, Beautiful, Intelligent


Thanks for the link, I found: FBI = From Big Island  :arrow: Ireland, which is the third-largest island of Europe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland. Michael spent some time in Ireland in 2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KhYB1JoONE

Michael Jackson's Brother Reveals Ireland Was King of Pop's Sanctuary

Share7 CommentsPrintText Size- / +By DEBBIE MCGOLDRICK,
Sept. 27, 2009
Michael Jackson's older brother Jermaine made a pit stop in Dublin on Friday en route from Vienna to appear on the "Late Late Show," where he revealed to host Ryan Tubridy that Ireland was Michael's "getaway" place to escape from all the madness in his ultimately tragic life.

Michael, said Jermaine, "loved it here very much, and I love it here too. He spent a lot of time in Cork in the castles. It's just so peaceful. It's green and beautiful. This is why we come."

Michael's shocking death shook the world when it happened in June, and the Irish were as wracked with grief as anyone – we know this for fact because we were in County Kerry when news of his murder broke. (Doctors irresponsibly prescribing cocktails of drugs that were bound to kill sooner or later? Yep, we'd call that murder.)

Michael spent large chunks of time in Ireland during the past few years, including an extended stint in 2006 when he stayed at Grouse Lodge in County Westmeath to record some new music with will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas.

"Ireland has inspired me to make a great album. I have never given up on making music," he told Billy Bush of "Access Hollywood." Bush traveled to Ireland for a sit-down interview with Jackson, which turned out to be Michael's last time taking questions from a TV interviewer.

The tranquility of Ireland was a calming influence for Michael, Jermaine affirmed.

"This was his getaway place, to get away from all the craziness," he added.

Jermaine is still working away on plans for a big tribute concert for his brother, which is set to take place next June at Wembley Stadium in London after plans for a show in Vienna this month fell through.

Undoubtedly a galaxy of stars will participate, and Jermaine thinks that U2 would be a standout act.

"It would be great if U2 were to come along to the Michael tribute. Everyone wants to get on board," he said.

http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/mic ... id=8675454

AND Jermaine's wearing a shirt with "Ireland" on it. What about Ireland? 8-)

It's all for L.O.V.E.



For those who have not seen it, here are links to Michael Jackson's Last TV Interview by Access Hollywood. Notice it was filmed in Ireland.

There are 3 parts to this last interview. "Michael Jackson's Last TV Interview: Billy Bush Visits Michael & Will.I.Am In Ireland (Nov. 2006)."   "Michael Jackson's Last TV Interview: Michael & His Love Of Cameras (Ireland, Nov. 2006)" and "Michael Jackson Talks Digital Revolution & Comeback (Ireland, Oct. 2006)"

http://www.accesshollywood.com/last-tv- ... eo_1130386

http://www.accesshollywood.com/michael- ... eo_1130275

Blessed viewing!

"Defender of the faith, Supporter of the Word!"



Is Newgrange not in Ireland. I think that Newgrange is equivalent to Stonehege in London and it was stated that it is other than the pyramids in Egypt. I hope that you can see the connections of these places.

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