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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:57:22 AM
Oh my Goodness!! Firstly Sim...When I said "we" I meant the world in General, ( I actually used the word world in that sentence) not the forum silly girl!

...Have any of you ever known me to be unkind in any way intentionally?? No, and I know more then anyone, how important this 3.5 yrs of investigating the Hoax aspect has been...Have I not been right here all this time also? I was just saying that there is much much more to this then that part of it, that's all I meant! But at this point, don't we have a fairly good idea of How Michael pulled this off, do we Need, to know exactly HOW he did it is what I am saying. because really, until Michael himself tells us everything we "think" we know, we really don't, but we know that he did hoax his death, and we do know that there must be a very good reason of WHY he did this, well there are several reasons, but we DO now that Michael himself said "It's all for LOVE".

My point is, that I didn't know didley squat really about Michael before 2009, I was as guilty as the next for Believing all the Crap that I was being "fed", Although I NEVER EVER Believed the Trash they said about Michael, but in general, I knew  very little of who he was. But the man I discovered, showed me how to search for the TRUTH, and not be "spoon fed, by the lies, he taught me to follow my gut and my heart, and I did, and  because I didn't get caught up in stuff that didn't matter to me in my life, I started uncovering a path that led me to where I am today. With the Belief that LOVE is what truly matters, that MY life is the only one I have control over and should worry about. That Michael is just like you or me, but The World, made him this "Idol", therefore he took the hand he was dealt, and learned to be a MASTER of "LIFE" by studying everything, thus he was able to find the Truth, thus creating his "hoax/Mission/Game/Arg. or whatever else, with hopes that others would "study" everything that came out as "clues" and redirects, in hopes that we too would put the pieces together, and well I Believe I did just that!

Along my Journey I came t realize that the ONE and only reason that I was even here in the first place was because my common bond with Michael is our Belief in the power LOVE, and the fact that we are born 1 day apart, therefore, we do share very similar traits also...but it was the LOVE part that got me interested the most. His message of the importance of LOVE and making a change, going for your dreams, be the best You, YOU  can be, Heal the world, for the children, etc, is what I took to be the most important part, but that is just me.

I have been following the same paths as everyone else, plus probably some that others haven't taken, and the conclusion I came to was that I have NO control over HOW Michael pulled off the hoax, but I could see that the investigative skills I learned from the Hoaxy part of this, helped me to investigate other areas of our HIStory Lessons, things that I DO have control over...Spreading Michael's message, and making some drastic changes in my own life, so that I can be a happy and productive, and Loving human being and bring a little LOVE to those I encounter...and along the way, I came across some very valuable information, that changed  how I viewed everything I had been taught my whole life!!

 Anyway, I came to LOVE Michael, like a Brother, and I will be eternally grateful for all that he has taught me on this Journey! My life is complete just the way it is right now, with only room to get better, and I don't need Michael to Bam ...he already gave me plenty of BAM moments along the way
Guys, those of you who have taken some time to get to know me, know that my Heart is like Michael's, I Believe in the power of LOVE, and I have been working on spreading that LOVE since the very beginning and I think that my posts reflect that. If some of you think I am making light of any of the work here or elsewhere online (yes I spread LOVE everywhere,) regarding this hoax, you are mistaken...I see with perfect clarity, just how intricate and complex and how GIGANTIC this whole Mission is! I don't take anything for granted or lightly, I know everything has it's purpose, I have never meant anything I have said to be anything but LOVING...Really!

Never did I think when I wrote such heartfelt posts that they would be picked apart like that...my "message" of LOVE is quite clear.
I truly Believe that we ALL can be doing more to make this world a better place There is ALWAYS More we can do! ME included!, We can be a little kinder to each other, and not automatically think the "worse: when seeing a "written" word, as I think that we have seen from past posts how everyone perceives things differently, But we must ask ourselves, when we jump to the conclusion, that when we "think" that someone means something "negative"  and is directing it at us, doesn't that show that just maybe, you feel that negativity because you know deep inside that maybe YOU seeing something in yourself that you know you could improve on?? Not directing that at anyone, just making an observation, because I have taken offense in the past myself only to realize that it was because I saw some of my own TRUTH and I didn't want to admit that I was Human and "flawed" just like everyone else!

 Family I am only being honest and speaking from my heart! Not one of us is better then the next, but we can ALL try to be a little kinder and understanding , before picking every word someone types apart.  I don't get involved in anything that doesn't serve the "goodness" in me or in this world now.  I try not to get upset at anything that I have no control over...I spent too much of my time trying to make everyone else happy in the  past, and I lost sight of ME, but Michael helped me to find my True self, and gave me renewed hope for a better world, one of my own Creation! I am responsible for my own Happiness, and I am responsible for doing whatever I can to heal this world from all the anger and suffering...LOVE is how I do that!

So,I stand by my thoughts, that Michael's message and WHY he did this is Much more important then How he did it...that's all... Remember Family..Michael himself called us his ARMY of LOVE, not his Army of Hoax Investigators.

That is all I will say on this now, as I never EVER had one ounce or ill intent here, that is not who I am...I am about LOVE plain and simple, and I truly Believe that at this stage, joining our Hearts and voices together as One, is probably a good thing to do, but it seems that others don't see it that way and that is ok, But I was only trying to do something productive and good... I have to be honest here because there has always been one thing about our Forum, that has bothered me for quite a while now. I KNOW that Michael is all about LOVE, so why is it that LOVE has never been an important part of this???  That I will never understand...Maybe I have it all wrong, who knows, all I know is I have seen Miracles happens first hand, with the healing of my Grandaughters Brain tumor, I have seen my life become this Beautiful Gift, instead of it being all doom and gloom, I have seen the many lives that I have touched, and I have seen the LOVE and wisdom being shared and multiplied. I Choose to be Happy and LOVING and I AM!! I know my purpose and I will continue on My path, that is all I can do now.

I HONESTLY LOVE each of you, and I will continue to do so...everything that I have posted is just my opinion of course, but I won't lie and say that It didn't hurt my heart for just a minute, that anyone could think that I was being unkind or judgmental, that was not my intent, quite the opposite actually!  out of all of the LOVING things that I have said here on this forum for the last 3.5 yrs, I don't see how anyone could really see my posts as anything but trying to do my part in this crazy thing we call life!

 I have LOVED almost every moment here on this forum and I truly appreciate the Brilliant minds, and the LOVING Hearts and Souls that I have encountered along the way, but maybe it is time for me to "bow out" gracefully, out of the Hoax threads, because I  have only been trying to help spread a little LOVE in the midst of all of this ...whatever it is.and I don't want to ruffle anyone's feather's...far from it!

I am Confident in what I KNOW, and I am happy in my personal life, and I will continue Michael's mission, which is also MY mission, because I Honestly think I Know what the "end/Beginning result is all about, and when everything is revealed, the TRUTH, will prevail, and I will still be here LOVING each and every one of you ...No Matter what, because that is my only "job" here. I just won't be posting in any thread other then the Messages to Michael. I hope that one day, that you will all be able to look back and say...Boy, that Mjj4ever777 really knew something  after all... if not,  it doesn't matter, the day will come when we will ALL remember who we really are, and we can look back and hopefully laugh at how useless all of the negativity and Drama really was...in the Big Picture.

I wouldn't trade a single moment of this Journey for anything, so I do thank every one of you, and I honor that part of You, that is that part of me!! Blessings Family...Be kind to one another! I LOVE You guys and will carry you with me in my Heart always! EVERYTHING I say and do, I do with LOVE for all!
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 02:44:18 AM
Oh, what a lovely post mjj! I really admire your positivity and the love message your sspreading in each and every post of yours! I wish I could be like you lol! I am sure that one day we will remember the pre bam time and laugh at it because it's going to be history. Stay positive girl :-) and keep the faith.

Hugs  :-))
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You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool



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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 03:00:13 AM
This whole thing frustrates me. I so badly want to know the how's and why's of the hoax. I couldn't care less about the BAM anymore, we've just been dragged on with nothing else to do, except wait. This doesn't even feel like the calm before the storm, it just feels like someone has put us in a waiting period to wander and go at each other. I'm just like, what the heck let me leave the forum for a bit and although I did, my brain can't shut out this hoax. Yeah this is a great adventure, I choose to be here blah blah blah, but this is totally messing with my head.
Front can keep his visions, TS can keep his signs, updates and redirect 'reminders' to himself. Oh and how about MJ just keep his BAM day too, not like we really need it anyway.

I mean MJ you're great and all, its all yours and its on your time and I have no problem with that, not that my opinion matters in that regard because I don't control the things you do, everyone's rights are to take care of their own rights so that is not what I'm saying, I think I'm outta faith, outta patience and too faulty.

I  mean I don't know if this post is a vent, or an outlet to share my feelings. I don't even have the mental capacity to figure that out either. But maybe its cause I'm extremely weak and have learnt nothing at all or maybe its because, I really couldn't care less about this hoax anymore.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 03:28:41 AM
@mjj4ever777 Your posts are very good friend, I don't say that I disagree with you, because what you say is true, 'ideally'.
I put that --ideally-- in the inverted on purpose. There might be people who have had a positive response for the love, understanding or concerns that were shown. You may be one of those lucky people, mjj, who have received love for giving love...but the sad truth is it's not that way in the rest of the world.
There are still people who are sceptical to the concepts of love, unity, understanding. If i stand in front of crowd and give a long speech about how the world was and how we can make it better, no doubt that I'll have a huge round of applause, but there will really be a few who'll come forward to do actually do it.

This is how the way of the world has become. please don't misunderstand my words as being cynical or I'm a negative thinking person. This is ground reality. Call it over-confidence or arrogance, it doesn't matter, but when I say that the world is NOT RECEPTIVE to 'love' and it's concepts... I'm talking 100% truth.

Why did the world become this way? because of selfishness, greed and indifference. People want to take care of 'themselves'...want to look after their own business...who cares about the rest of the world...i wanna take care of my OWN world...

And all this greediness comes from the institutions that ever established these kinds of thinking, I'm not gonna go into all that because all of us here already know...fact is people are not ready and not patient enough to listen (a major part of the popularity...i don't mean all) and the number of people who really care is so small that if they themselves lose enthusiasm, it won't be of any surprise.

Plan of action is, make people listen, let them know what really goes on in the world, and let them know really about themselves, give them a chance for introspection, awaken their conscience because your own conscience is the greatest justice system in the world. If your conscience doesn't agree and you listen to it...you'll never do anything wrong.

This hoax not only proved to be educational for us, but also was a 'cleansing' process for many... this is the why's of the hoax. Why did Michael pull of the hoax? to target institutions.

Coming to the Hows of the hoax: We are MJ's fans and admirers ( plus we are believers). In others' opinions we are supposed to know everything, from A to Z, about Michael's life, 'death', death hoax', reasons, explanations etc.

If my neighbour comes and asks me how did Michael exactly do pull off the hoax, I MUST be in a position to tell her (irrespective of her understanding) how that hoax happened. If I myself am not able to say, it'd be ridiculous. One might argue, how can a person know everything.--there might be a point where we'd be answer-less and all.---but people need results...they cannot refuse logic...this is what the hoax is about...pure logic.

The forum name is itself 'Michael Jackson death hoax investigators'...we are believers and investigators...this is our PRIMARY role.

our secondary role starts after he bams...Army of Love...that's is the backing up and supporting of the hoax. Face the hatred, speculations with Love and patience. Have peaceful rEVOLutions  (if there will be). and when people are receptive...spread love.

So summing it up, you are right mjj4ever777, but the time hasn't come yet...

L.O.V.E. to all <3

EDIT: P.S. If Michael believed in idealism, he would have no reason to the hoax, he could've done speeches, written more songs on world peace... But he knew (more than we do) that elimination of the root of all evil must be done, so he's doing that...and that's why the hoax...
Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 03:44:02 AM by Thriller4ever
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 03:39:19 AM
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This whole thing frustrates me. I so badly want to know the how's and why's of the hoax. I couldn't care less about the BAM anymore, we've just been dragged on with nothing else to do, except wait. This doesn't even feel like the calm before the storm, it just feels like someone has put us in a waiting period to wander and go at each other. I'm just like, what the heck let me leave the forum for a bit and although I did, my brain can't shut out this hoax. Yeah this is a great adventure, I choose to be here blah blah blah, but this is totally messing with my head.
Front can keep his visions, TS can keep his signs, updates and redirect 'reminders' to himself. Oh and how about MJ just keep his BAM day too, not like we really need it anyway.

I mean MJ you're great and all, its all yours and its on your time and I have no problem with that, not that my opinion matters in that regard because I don't control the things you do, everyone's rights are to take care of their own rights so that is not what I'm saying, I think I'm outta faith, outta patience and too faulty.

I  mean I don't know if this post is a vent, or an outlet to share my feelings. I don't even have the mental capacity to figure that out either. But maybe its cause I'm extremely weak and have learnt nothing at all or maybe its because, I really couldn't care less about this hoax anymore.

You are not faulty and you are not weak. You are human and you are not alone. Your opinion matters.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 04:56:17 AM
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I can't see the resemblances at all, or was it a joke with the names?
I added the names...
I was just guessing... trying to figure out why he had posted that pic and then deleted it moments after....

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Sim, MJ does not have such wide hips, unless he put on about 50 lbs. since his public exit. :icon_lol:
The wind could be blowing from behind and make the shirts, shorts look like that.... I don't know!
probably I was just imagining things last night...  :icon_lol:

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This whole thing frustrates me. I so badly want to know the how's and why's of the hoax. I couldn't care less about the BAM anymore, we've just been dragged on with nothing else to do, except wait. This doesn't even feel like the calm before the storm, it just feels like someone has put us in a waiting period to wander and go at each other. I'm just like, what the heck let me leave the forum for a bit and although I did, my brain can't shut out this hoax. Yeah this is a great adventure, I choose to be here blah blah blah, but this is totally messing with my head.
Front can keep his visions, TS can keep his signs, updates and redirect 'reminders' to himself. Oh and how about MJ just keep his BAM day too, not like we really need it anyway.

I mean MJ you're great and all, its all yours and its on your time and I have no problem with that, not that my opinion matters in that regard because I don't control the things you do, everyone's rights are to take care of their own rights so that is not what I'm saying, I think I'm outta faith, outta patience and too faulty.

I  mean I don't know if this post is a vent, or an outlet to share my feelings. I don't even have the mental capacity to figure that out either. But maybe its cause I'm extremely weak and have learnt nothing at all or maybe its because, I really couldn't care less about this hoax anymore.
EXCELLENT!!  :th_bravo:
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 05:20:25 AM
@ UYI  :bearhug:

I want to know the how's and the why's of the hoax too......and I don't think it necessary for anyone to be made to feel inferior because they feel that need, regardless if we agree or disagree on the how's and the why's.

We have all been here for a long time (some longer than others) and many have put lots of emotional and mental energy and anguish into this AS WELL as continuing on with their "other" lives, which no-one here knows about, and therefore others are not in a position to judge or criticize. I do what I can in my life outside the hoax within the parameters of also trying to raise and educate 3 children as best as I can with no family support and very little spare money or time.

However, I just don't feel the need or the necessity to come here and friggin' shout it from the roof and garner praise and admiration for it - or lecture or judge other people. Nobody here knows what truthfully goes on behind each other's computer monitors.

At the end of the day - it's all just words on a screen.

How's that for being a Mardy Bum ?!

Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 05:21:58 AM by Adi
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 05:25:59 AM
Mardi is Tuesday.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 06:33:42 AM
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This whole thing frustrates me. I so badly want to know the how's and why's of the hoax. I couldn't care less about the BAM anymore, we've just been dragged on with nothing else to do, except wait. This doesn't even feel like the calm before the storm, it just feels like someone has put us in a waiting period to wander and go at each other. I'm just like, what the heck let me leave the forum for a bit and although I did, my brain can't shut out this hoax. Yeah this is a great adventure, I choose to be here blah blah blah, but this is totally messing with my head.
Front can keep his visions, TS can keep his signs, updates and redirect 'reminders' to himself. Oh and how about MJ just keep his BAM day too, not like we really need it anyway.

I mean MJ you're great and all, its all yours and its on your time and I have no problem with that, not that my opinion matters in that regard because I don't control the things you do, everyone's rights are to take care of their own rights so that is not what I'm saying, I think I'm outta faith, outta patience and too faulty.

I  mean I don't know if this post is a vent, or an outlet to share my feelings. I don't even have the mental capacity to figure that out either. But maybe its cause I'm extremely weak and have learnt nothing at all or maybe its because, I really couldn't care less about this hoax anymore.

You are not faulty and you are not weak. You are human and you are not alone. Your opinion matters.

I appreciate that Bec, I just feel really lost and confused lately, I don't even know what to think anymore or how to feel.

@Adi thank you too.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 06:48:22 AM
Michael wrote a song called Shout, these events brought me to listen to this Genuis song.


Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces
And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons
And enrolled in a class and don't know who the professor is
How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things?

Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it
Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it
Wanna be a part of a clique, don't know who's running it
Tragedy on top of tragedy you know it's killing me.

So many people in agony, this shouldn't have to be
Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty
There has to be some type of change for this day and age
We gotta rearrange and flip the page

Living encased like animals and cannibals
Eating each other alive just to survive the nine to five
Every single day is trouble while we struggle and strive
Peace of mind's so hard to find

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout
Throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout, c'mon now

Problems, complications and accusations
Dividing the nations and races of empty faces, a war is taking place
No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace
Is increasing the height of your spirituality

Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we're living
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning
But we live to see the dawn

How can we preach, when all we make this world to be
Is a living hell torturing our minds?
We all must unite, to turn darkness to light
And the love in our hearts will shine

We're disconnected from love, we're disrespecting each other
Whatever happened to protecting each other
Poisoned your body and your soul for a minute of pleasure
But the damage that you've done is gonna last forever

Babies being born in the world already drug addicted and afflicted
Family values are contradicted, ashes to ashes and dust to dust
The pressure is building and I've had enough

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout
Throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout, c'mon now
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 07:23:07 AM
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take a seat in the "FRONT" row & focus on "BACKground"  8-)

Snoopi this Front's post remind me of the TMZ news that I posted on the TIAI 11-11-11 yesterday:

quote from sweetsunsetwithMJ on December 15, 2012, 01:32:10 AM
Talking about Too Short or TS this has been posted on TMZ:

Halle Berry & Olivier Martinez
for Disney on ice

I am only quoting the headline which is what is related to what Front posted last year.
Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 07:32:19 AM by sweetsunsetwithMJ
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 07:23:18 AM
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Oh my Goodness!! Firstly Sim...When I said "we" I meant the world in General, ( I actually used the word world in that sentence) not the forum silly girl!
You may have meant the world in General in that paragraph, but then in the other paragraphs you addressed to US ("FAMILY") telling us exactly the same things but in different words! So I am sorry to tell you that using the word LOVE in every of your sentences does not make me blind to the patronizing (scolding) and superiority tone of each of your sentence! And I don't recall having called you SILLY or other names. I just disagreed with certain things you said and most of all with HOW you said them! but I have NEVER offended you or anyone else.

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...Have any of you ever known me to be unkind in any way intentionally??
from my previous message:
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I know you mean well, but I don't like generalizations.
As I said^^ you are well intended, no doubt!
But what transpires from your messages is not just someone who feels is better than others, but also someone who thinks they're entitled to lecture them. Re-read your messages and notice how often you use "I" and  "My" as if you give yourself as THEE example compared to us.

To be more clear as to what bothers and offends me in your message, see the quotes below! especially the bold/colored parts.

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I was just saying that there is much much more to this then that part of it, that's all I meant!
But at this point, don't we have a fairly good idea of How Michael pulled this off, do we Need, to know exactly HOW he did it is what I am saying.
We also know that there is much more to this than just investigating. It's not just YOU who discovered that!  :icon_rolleyes:
Just because YOU don't think that's important (to know HOW he did it), it doesn't mean it shouldn't be important to US!  :icon_rolleyes:

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His message of the importance of LOVE and making a change, going for your dreams, be the best You, YOU  can be, Heal the world, for the children, etc, is what I took to be the most important part, but that is just me.
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because really, until Michael himself tells us everything we "think" we know, we really don't, but we know that he did hoax his death, and we do know that there must be a very good reason of WHY he did this, well there are several reasons, but we DO now that Michael himself said "It's all for LOVE".
While you accuse us of "ignoring Michael's message of LOVE" (it's really "just you" who considers it important?), you are also leaving "the other reasons" on a secondary priority.
Well IMO,  ALL of our opinions are EQUALLY important and ALL the reasons are EQUALLY important and we should take them ALL into consideration,  not just the LOVE! Especially because this world is not just about the LOVE!! unfortunately we need to deal with other "unpleasant" stuff too! We can't just live on a LOVING cloud because that's when the REALITY hits us harder!!
And of course "we don't know everything". Nobody has claimed that. And that's why we are here INVESTIGATING to know more abut everything!

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I have been following the same paths as everyone else, plus probably some that others haven't taken, and
Once again: YOU comparing yourself to "others" as to the number of "paths" taken.

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the conclusion I came to was that I have NO control over HOW Michael pulled off the hoax, but I could see that the investigative skills I learned from the Hoaxy part of this, helped me to investigate other areas of our HIStory Lessons, things that I DO have control over...
I agree with everything you said here ^^ But this whole paragraph would have been PERFECT if you had used WEinstead of I.
Do you see now what I mean?
Your intentions are good and I've always appreciated you for your optimism and positive thinking and wanting to spread the LOVE, but you shouldn't lecture us. That's all.

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Spreading Michael's message, and making some drastic changes in my own life, so that I can be a happy and productive, and Loving human being and bring a little LOVE to those me encounter...and along the way, me came across some very valuable information, that changed  how me viewed everything me had been taught my whole life!!
 Anyway, me came to LOVE Michael, like a Brother, and me will be eternally grateful for all that he has taught me on this Journey! my life is complete just the way it is right now, with only room to get better, and I don't need Michael to Bam ...he already gave me plenty of BAM moments along the way
Well ok. I can respect that. it's your perspective.
And from my perspective: we ALL need Michael back.

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Guys, those of you who have taken some time to get to know me, know that my Heart is like Michael's,
Again , what transpires from your lines is your sense of superiority compared to "those of US", "SILLY" ones who should have taken the time to "know YOU" just because you feel that your heart is like Michael's".
I'm sorry, but I have a PROBLEM with this kind of statements!

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I Believe in the power of LOVE, and I have been working on spreading that LOVE since the very beginning and I think that my posts reflect that.
I have no doubt that what you mean comes from a place of LOVE. But I must disagree with what your words REFLECT. [see the quotes above and below]
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I truly Believe that we ALL can be doing more to make this world a better place There is ALWAYS More we can do! ME included!,
I agree!
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We can be a little kinder to each other, and not automatically think the "worse: when seeing a "written" word, as I think that we have seen from past posts how everyone perceives things differently,
Wait a minute. Have I not been kind to you?
Just because I disagree with some of your statements (that I highlighted, or "picked apart' as you say) and the WAY you say them, that makes me "not kind to you"?  :icon_rolleyes:

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But we must ask ourselves, when we jump to the conclusion, that when we "think" that someone means something "negative"  and is directing it at us, doesn't that show that just maybe, you feel that negativity because you know deep inside that maybe YOU seeing something in yourself that you know you could improve on??
I don't think anyone jumped to any conclusion. Things are pretty clear.
I just noticed a subtle sent of patronizing (superiority) attitude in your LOVE messages.

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Not directing that at anyone, just making an observation,
I was also just making an observation.
But I was also specifically directing it at you.
I don't like to generalize things and throw them just like that in the air to make everybody feel guilty. When something bothers me I say it directly, I don't like to leave place for ambiguity and misunderstandings!
Nor do I feel myself responsible with making "general observations" to a whole group of people [that are here for the same purpose as myself] as if I was entitled to lecture them!
And because you've addressed to all of us , as a group, I chose to reply to you here! otherwise I would have PMed you!

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because I have taken offense in the past myself only to realize that it was because I saw some of my own TRUTH and I didn't want to admit that I was Human and "flawed" just like everyone else!
In other words, I shouldn't feel offended by your patronizing tone. I should just be happy with you calling me SILLY in your special "LOVING" way?

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Family I am only being honest and speaking from my heart! Not one of us is better then the next, but we can ALL try to be a little kinder and understanding , before picking every word someone types apart.  I don't get involved in anything that doesn't serve the "goodness" in me or in this world now.   
I couldn't agree more with THAT ^^
To me at least in this context here, being KINDER should mean STOP offending when disagreeing! and MORE UNDERSTANDING should mean more TOLERANCE to our different opinions and perspectives! LESS judgmental!!

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So,I stand by my thoughts, that Michael's message and WHY he did this is Much more important then How he did it...that's all... Remember Family..Michael himself called us his ARMY of LOVE, not his Army of Hoax Investigators.
BUT we weren't an Army of LOVE from the beginning!
We have become soldiers of LOVE by learning and by INVESTIGATING!
And you also need to remember that Michael or TS/Front are posting on this hoax-INVESTIGATION forum.
And if INVESTIGATING the hoax wasn't an IMPORTANT part, they wouldn't even be here in the first place!
They would probably post ONLY on the sister-forum!

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I have to be honest here because there has always been one thing about our Forum, that has bothered me for quite a while now. I KNOW that Michael is all about LOVE, so why is it that LOVE has never been an important part of this???   That I will never understand...Maybe I have it all wrong, who knows,
Just because not all of us use the word LOVE in every sentence, just because some of us are interested in all the other purposes (WHYs) of the hoax as well as in the HOWs, just because some of us don't post every day in the thread with messages for Michael, it doesn't mean LOVE is not important to us!

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I hope that one day, that you will all be able to look back and say... Boy , that Mjj4ever777 really knew something  after all ... if not,  it doesn't matter, the day will come when we will ALL remember who we really are, and we can look back and hopefully laugh at how useless all of the negativity and Drama really was...in the Big Picture. 
No comment.

From this paragraph^^ I can only agree with this: we will ALL laugh at the end!  :icon_e_wink:

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I HONESTLY LOVE each of you, and I will continue to do so...everything that I have posted is just my opinion of course, but I won't lie and say that It didn't hurt my heart for just a minute, that anyone could think that I was being unkind or judgmental, that was not my intent, quite the opposite actually!  out of all of the LOVING things that I have said here on this forum for the last 3.5 yrs, I don't see how anyone could really see my posts as anything but trying to do my part in this crazy thing we call life!
Maybe it wasn't your intent, but you were judgmental and you were unkind, even if maybe you haven't realize it!
And that's why I underlined specifically those things from your posts that offended me and made me think this way.
And trust me: I wouldn't have even taken the time and effort to reply to your long messages, if I didn't know that you were well intended! But I thought you should know that even if you didn't want to, your messages were somewhat offending and patronizing here and there, amongst the LOVE that you're trying to convey! and for which I greatly appreciate you!
Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 07:24:42 AM by SimPattyK
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 07:35:23 AM
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Sim, MJ does not have such wide hips, unless he put on about 50 lbs. since his public exit. :icon_lol:

IMO it`s going to take more that just the people loving and caring for each other, because most people I know or see, are trying to make a difference whatever way they can.  We can`t go around pointing fingers at others and saying you`re not doing enough, because what exactly is enough--giving ALL your money to the poor, volunteering ALL your time to good causes?  The world would still continue to have these occasional outbreaks of violence. Even with all the emphasis, after 2 World Wars and over 100 million deaths, on the slogan-- "Never again", there has still been wars happening--just not in North America.  In this current carnage, the fact is there are people with mental illness, and not all the prescribed drugs are in their or the public's best interest.  Like Diggyon said, there is a kind of glorifying violence in the entertainment industry which affects our young people, there are people who encourage the sport of owning and operating automatic rifles.  But worst of all there are powerful people who may be training people through mind-control to be assassins that will commit suicide when their mission is done—all for the purpose of creating a state of fear which will make the people cry out for more measures of state control and close monitoring of every citizen.  Children are the best target evoking the most emotions, to get the biggest outcry.  Will the government’s solutions really be the way these carnages will stop?  'Create the problem--provide the solution.'  NWO ring a bell?  Anyone who has investigated into the many many modern massacres, will before long find many suspicious details, just as we are suspicious of 911, the Oklahoma bombing, Waco cult deaths, sinking of the Titanic, etc.  What MJ has been doing with this hoax is waking us up to the evils out there and their agenda. Our action has to be informed and cunning/wise action, otherwise it is immediately washed away and ineffective. We have to know the enemy strategy and tactics, otherwise we might be spinning our wheels, or even playing into their game the way they expected and wanted, like a chess game.  There needs IMO to be fresh innovative strategies to overcome evil, which is something I see coming from MJ who has walked intimately with the elite of this world his whole life but has not bowed his knee to them; that's why I have joined his army of love.  The Devil or whoever is at the top, has certainly noticed MJ's moves, and has been trying to have him eliminated for good reason--he is a threat to them. JMT

Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 07:36:05 AM by jono
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 07:42:02 AM
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Sim, MJ does not have such wide hips, unless he put on about 50 lbs. since his public exit. :icon_lol:

IMO it`s going to take more that just the people loving and caring for each other, because most people I know or see, are trying to make a difference whatever way they can.  We can`t go around pointing fingers at others and saying you`re not doing enough, because what exactly is enough--giving ALL your money to the poor, volunteering ALL your time to good causes?  The world would still continue to have these occasional outbreaks of violence. Even with all the emphasis, after 2 World Wars and over 100 million deaths, on the slogan-- "Never again", there has still been wars happening--just not in North America.  In this current carnage, the fact is there are people with mental illness, and not all the prescribed drugs are in their or the public's best interest.  Like Diggyon said, there is a kind of glorifying violence in the entertainment industry which affects our young people, there are people who encourage the sport of owning and operating automatic rifles.  But worst of all there are powerful people who may be training people through mind-control to be assassins that will commit suicide when their mission is done—all for the purpose of creating a state of fear which will make the people cry out for more measures of state control and close monitoring of every citizen.  Children are the best target evoking the most emotions, to get the biggest outcry.  Will the government’s solutions really be the way these carnages will stop?  'Create the problem--provide the solution.'  NWO ring a bell? Anyone who has investigated into the many many modern massacres, will before long find many suspicious details, just as we are suspicious of 911, the Oklahoma bombing, Waco cult deaths, sinking of the Titanic, etc.  What MJ has been doing with this hoax is waking us up to the evils out there and their agenda. Our action has to be informed and cunning/wise action, otherwise it is immediately washed away and ineffective. We have to know the enemy strategy and tactics, otherwise we might be spinning our wheels, or even playing into their game the way they expected and wanted, like a chess game. 
There needs IMO to be fresh innovative strategies to overcome evil, which is something I see coming from MJ who has walked intimately with the elite of this world his whole life but has not bowed his knee to them; that's why I have joined his army of love.  The Devil or whoever is at the top, has certainly noticed MJ's moves, and has been trying to have him eliminated for good reason--he is a threat to them. JMT

+1  :th_bravo:
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 09:10:58 AM
Thank you Front for your initiative for the prayer, I hope that you are feeling better.  I think we can continue to pray today for them and also every day hoping that God will hear our prayers for this world-change we all want so much.

Of course we do not discover that children can be harmed in this planet, this is happening all the time unfortunately and with the blessings of governements. We must always pray and keep contact with God. If many people do it then we can see change happening on a grander scale. Of course we must act and do ourselves but I am of the belief that as long as people do not turn back to God with a sincere heart then there is just so much we as humans can do. God is our best Ally in this battle, only Him can clear the way.

I agree with you Diggy & MJonmind about the banalisation of violence in the entertainment industry. Just a few days ago before this shooting happened I was watching TV, there were 2 ads in a row for video games displaying a lot of violence. I turn on the channel thinking “goodness this is crazy” and there I am with a movie scene involving violence with weapons. And then there is this shooting. Not a coincidence for me. I see a lot of comments on the web saying that it’s not the problem -- it seems like for many people violence has become something banal, it’s even entertaining. Therefore they don’t see the problem. Because yeah they would never do that. How do you reverse that? I don’t know. Of course other problems come into play, it’s more complex than that. These shootings are a rather recent phenomenon compared to the time-span guns have been in american homes. It's a degradation of society as a whole.

I'm not sure if this is a false flag PTB doing. But they sure will have something planned around this.

Good thinking Sweetsunset with the “Front Row” article.  :icon_e_wink:
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