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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 08:01:07 PM
“@ParisJackson: i've seen your frown 
and it's like looking down 
the barrel of a gun 
and it goes off”

Surely that's a clue for BAM!!!  :woohoo2:
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 08:17:29 PM
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Omg ! Wtf is going on in our world ?! why can't people just live in peace and harmony ?
I feel so sorry for those parents who lost their kids , but I am more sorry to have nothing to offer  these families but my prayers !  I just fail to understand how a such horrible thing could happen to children ! they are just babies for heaven's sake !
But again , the problem is THEY always say THEY're going to take meaningful actions to prevent such things from happening again , but THEY never do !!

@ Andrea You're so right ! Our world does definitely need Michael !
@Front  I'll surely be with you and with everyone else . Thank you for your initiative , kindness and for your reminder .

I want you guys to know that you all matter and that you are so loved and respected ! I love you all

God bless you

 I understand what you mean when you say this, so  With all due respect I would like to remind everyone that, the World HAD Michael, yet we ignored his Message and Pleas! He was here with the world for 50 yrs. Pleading with the world to "Make a Change" and "Heal The World"...We listened but we didn't "Hear" his pleas. Now we have lost that Brilliant light that IS Michael. Are we honestly going to still not hear his pleas, after everything we have learned from him? Are we still not understanding that it is up to US, as individuals, to do OUR part, and REALLY make a change??
The world doesn't just need Michael... More importantly, the world needs US!!!

Each and every soul on Earth, has a responsibility to be the best most LOVING Soul they can be, and if we aren't making a conscious effort, as individuals, to change our OWN negative "actions", then we have no one to blame but ourselves, when something this tragic happens. We have ALL contributed to the chaos of the world, with our Negativity, and our "well what can I do, I'm just a "nobody", how can I stop the world's craziness?", kind of attitude. so we just pretend that our life doesn't affect the Big picture, when in reality is does!

Every time we say, do or think something negative, we are "feeding" the "collective" negative vibration, therefore it grows, and when we act in positivity and LOVE, we are "feeding" the higher vibration which benefits everyone. Either way, our thoughts and actions affect the whole Universe, that is why we need to be more responsible for our individual actions, and make sure that we are always aware of what vibration we are contributing to at any given moment. We are all connected through these vibrational energies, therefore the current events that take place is because there is more negativity in the world right now then there is Positivity, and the ONLY way to change this, is to take responsibility with our individual lives, and live LOVE always!

Let this Tragedy be a lesson for all of us, and make yourself a promise that from this day forward, you will try to be a little more LOVING and become more aware of your ability to really help heal the world, by healing yourself first!! Change is hard, but it IS possible!! Let's not let this tragedy fade into oblivion, like all the ones before it! Take a stand and Unite with LOVE, Make a choice to contribute to the healing of our planet and humanity, not the destruction of it!

All in all, my point here is that we shouldn't be "waiting" for, or "needing" Michael, to come back in order for us to make that change... The world needs US, to understand our true purpose, and then do the internal work needed, in order to really make a difference! We ALL need to be HEROES, by saving our LOVING selves, from our "Fearful" selves!

We can't help Michael Heal the world, if "we" haven't healed our Negative and Fearful way of thinking first! We can't wait to be "lead" we must Blaze our own personal path to  LOVE, Happiness and Peace within! AND we must take a stand against the current  "system of "enslavement" and Free ourselves from their evil clutches and let them know that we refuse to live in this constant state of Fear and Judgment... Only then will real change occur!
Ok...Rant over...

 I LOVE you Family I really, do but sometimes I get sad when I read and see that even "WE" here on the forum have drifted and got caught up in all of the "drama" of Michael's hoax, trying to figure out HOW Michael pulled off his hoax, or when he is going to Bam, which is Impossible to do, but we keep doing it regardless, and for what?? How is figuring out the HOWS, going to benefit us in any way?? Do we really believe that Michael wants us to figure out the hoax, or does he want us to "ACT" on his "MESSAGE?" What really is our purpose in all of this??
I know...I sound like a broken record here don't I? But the reality is that I truly truly feel that our time and efforts could be put to so much good, if we could all come together as ONE UNITED VOICE instead of spending the majority of our time waiting to be lead by TS, or Front down another rabbit hole... Do you know what I'm saying family??
I guess yesterdays events really hit a nerve with me, and made me realize just how much we need to stop being part of the "problem" and start being the solution instead. We take so much for granted in this day and age, and we seem to think that it is our responsibility to try and fix "others" problems and drama, instead of just taking control of our own lives, and i just wish I could help more souls see this...But alas, here is my conundrum...by me writing this, some could say that I am trying to "fix" others as well,and that may be true, but I "practice" what I preach and I have been "working" on myself every single day, and making sure that I am conscious of my "actions". LOVE is who I am and what I LIVE and I am Happy with my small contribution to a better way of Life.
I Believe that we really can change the world for the better...with all my heart, I just want everyone to find their own happiness, and see how Beautiful the world can be, when you see it through the eyes of LOVE!!
ok, I'm done for now..

...keep the LOVE and Prayers going...let our "voices" echo all around the world. Let us reclaim our "Dominion" and Live by the UNIVERSAL law of ONE...the Universal law of LOVE!


Can I just give you hug ?

Okey , the thing is we all want to make the change happen , we all strive to be better people and to make the world a better place , but the question is " how " . We are all here wanting the very same thing , but we are individuals who live far , very far from each other . And as we all know , a one hand doesn't clap ! Yes , we had ( and still have ) Michael for 50 years , which in a way or another , kind of united us .
Now , maybe the time has come  to stand united  TOGETHER . I don't know if you see what I mean , once again my words are failing me !  I realise that we must start by ourselves if we want to change the world to the better , but haven't we been doing this for years and years of our lives ? ( I know I have ! )


How do we do it?
Be loving. It really is so simple, think positive, be positive, encourage others with positivity, lend a hand to others around you, be patient, considerate, make time to talk to other people in the community, smile, tell people you love them... everything that is positive and heart warming puts out the higher positive vibrations and it's infectious! if you feel it, live it and breathe it it transmits to others and the encouragements, the kind words, the helping hand, the understanding, the smiles... all of it makes another person feel more positive, and the more it's done the more positive people around you become and then from there they become more positive, loving and warm and they then send it on.
It can't really be done but just saying words, or doing something.. it has to be felt on a deeper level, a level that radiates and shines out to others.
This is just for the example of what i'm talking about, there is 3 people in my life who has said often the past 6 months that they enjoy being around me, when they are troubled and feeling down after visiting they feel happier and more at peace. That exactly what happens when you do the above, the vibes coming from you can alter people and change their own vibes to a positive.
On this forum there is people from all corners of this world... each one of us.. the more we send out these vibration the more it radiates to others and then others become that vibration and send it out from themselves and then it radiates to others in their lives.

edit: this doesn't just mean people, it means animals and nature too, consider each living organism as a unique special being of this world. Too often I have heard the words "It's just an animal" "its just a plant" and yet they are JUST anything, they are unique and also important. I had 22 Rabbits and each one of them had their own personality, their own dislikes and likes.. grumpy, friendly or sentimental, the gold fish I have also have seperate personalities, friendly, timid, funny, hyper.. it's taking time to recognize that they are living beings and although the price to Buy one is cheap... their lives are priceless and they all have a right to be here sharing this world with us, Plants, trees, grass, insects... everything on this earth has a unique qaulities about them and without them, the world would be different, it would be more negative... Man kind has become "superior" to the rest of the the habitats of earth and it's sad because without the other habitats of this earth, the way we see things... what we eat, breath and feel would be different without them. It really does start with the (wo)man in the mirror, we need to reflect on ourselves and alter our negative patterns and rewire our minds to see, think, feel and outwardly send out positive vibrations... and stop limiting our views to a narrow one where we are blind to everything on our world and in our lives. Sorry for the rant... I am very passionate about this..

 :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug:

 EXACTLY!!!!Bless you!!!

You have to "feel" it and "project" the Bliss to everyone and everything you encounter!! You have to BELIEVE in the POWER of LOVE/ L.O.V.E and you have to LIVE it Consciously!! We have to "quiet" our minds from other people's baggage, and replace all of our negative ways, with new found Hope and POSITIVITY and LOVE for ALL!! We need to realize that we ALL come from the same "Source", and our "energies" ARE interconnected...we are ONE family the UNIVERSAL Family...bound together for eternity, and it is LOVE, that connects us to each other, and Heals ALL!!

We ALL think that we are doing our part, but are we really?? I can only speak for me, and I am still a "work in progress", but I am making sure that LOVE is all I feel and project! I even talk to the birds, the plants, the squirrels, the trees etc...I even found myself hugging a tree every now and then! Why??? Because that tree has the same divine code that each and every living thing possesses! EVERYTHING is connected to the Universe...As Above, So Below.

This Journey is really all about US, not Michael...Michael knows exactly who he is and what his purpose here is, make no mistake about that! Who do you think taught me all these Beautiful "Truths?" This is all about Discovering our own "TRUTH" and how we can help Humanity evolve to the Brighter, more LOVING and Unified Earth. It is about Discovering this Beautiful Gift that we have, and using it to Create a life where we replace fear, with LOVE, and we finally start LIVING this Beautiful life that is waiting for US to catch up with it!

There is so much magic waiting to be unleashed within each and every one of us, and we just happen to be living in a time where, the beginning of a new "cycle" is about to happen. We are evolving in consciousness, and it will happen regardless...the old materialistic, enslavement IS coming to an end, and right now TPTB, are doing everything they can to put as much fear into us as they can, but they won't win, they know their time is limited, they know that "we" are biding our time until the "pie" is cooked to perfection and then BAM...A whole lot of "TRUTH" is going to be revealed to every corner of the planet, and then the strategic game of Chess, that has been playing out "behind the curtain", will result in "Check Mate" for Team LOVE!!!

Keep the Faith Family...Believe in your Beautiful personal power, and BE the Change, and watch LOVE Grow!!!

I LOVE you guys, these are not mere words to me, I mean them with all that I am, and I keep you all in my daily Prayers and Meditations, for we are ONE!!

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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 09:26:48 PM
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EXACTLY!!!!Bless you!!!

You have to "feel" it and "project" the Bliss to everyone and everything you encounter!! You have to BELIEVE in the POWER of LOVE/ L.O.V.E and you have to LIVE it Consciously!! We have to "quiet" our minds from other people's baggage, and replace all of our negative ways, with new found Hope and POSITIVITY and LOVE for ALL!! We need to realize that we ALL come from the same "Source", and our "energies" ARE interconnected...we are ONE family the UNIVERSAL Family...bound together for eternity, and it is LOVE, that connects us to each other, and Heals ALL!!

We ALL think that we are doing our part, but are we really?? I can only speak for me, and I am still a "work in progress", but I am making sure that LOVE is all I feel and project! I even talk to the birds, the plants, the squirrels, the trees etc...I even found myself hugging a tree every now and then! Why??? Because that tree has the same divine code that each and every living thing possesses! EVERYTHING is connected to the Universe...As Above, So Below.

This Journey is really all about US, not Michael...Michael knows exactly who he is and what his purpose here is, make no mistake about that! Who do you think taught me all these Beautiful "Truths?" This is all about Discovering our own "TRUTH" and how we can help Humanity evolve to the Brighter, more LOVING and Unified Earth. It is about Discovering this Beautiful Gift that we have, and using it to Create a life where we replace fear, with LOVE, and we finally start LIVING this Beautiful life that is waiting for US to catch up with it!

There is so much magic waiting to be unleashed within each and every one of us, and we just happen to be living in a time where, the beginning of a new "cycle" is about to happen. We are evolving in consciousness, and it will happen regardless...the old materialistic, enslavement IS coming to an end, and right now TPTB, are doing everything they can to put as much fear into us as they can, but they won't win, they know their time is limited, they know that "we" are biding our time until the "pie" is cooked to perfection and then BAM...A whole lot of "TRUTH" is going to be revealed to every corner of the planet, and then the strategic game of Chess, that has been playing out "behind the curtain", will result in "Check Mate" for Team LOVE!!!

Keep the Faith Family...Believe in your Beautiful personal power, and BE the Change, and watch LOVE Grow!!!

I LOVE you guys, these are not mere words to me, I mean them with all that I am, and I keep you all in my daily Prayers and Meditations, for we are ONE!!



I can't add anything further to this because you have echo'd everything I feel and think and KNOW! :)

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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 09:28:03 PM
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  With all due respect I would like to remind everyone that, the World HAD Michael, yet we ignored his Message and Pleas!
I agree the world should be reminded that IT had Michael but IT ignored his message and his pleas.
But I admire the members of this forum for being among the very FEW who didn't ignore his message and who always valued him, otherwise we wouldn't be here!

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Are we honestly going to still not hear his pleas, after everything we have learned from him?
Are we still not understanding that it is up to US, as individuals, to do OUR part, and REALLY make a change??
I don't understand your questions.
When you say "WE" in those questions, you mean a rhetorical (general) "we" ? Because if you refer to the world in general, then yes I agree!
Or do you refer to us, the members of this forum? If that's the case, I don't understand what makes you say by "we still don't hear his pleas as if we haven't learned anything from him"? I mean i don't feel well included in that category , because I KNOW I don't belong in that category!
I know you mean well, but I don't like generalizations.
And I really DO trust in all the members of the hoax community (this forum + other online platforms), I trust that they are all not worthy of being included in that category either!
I truly see us, hoaxers, as Michael's Army of Love and I KNOW that all of us are aware of Michael's message and willing t help him fulfill his lifetime dream of making this world a better place!
I say all this with such confidence given by all these 3+ years of witnessing believers spending their days/nights searching, researching, learning, questioning, doubting, understanding and helping others understand! I've witnessed US being trashed, ridiculed, being called names by all those people that should answer to your 2 questions quoted above!!
I'm sorry sis', but they are the ones that you should be addressing these questions to. Not us.

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Each and every soul on Earth, has a responsibility to be the best most LOVING Soul they can be, and if we aren't making a conscious effort, as individuals, to change our OWN negative "actions", then we have no one to blame but ourselves, when something this tragic happens. We have ALL contributed to the chaos of the world, with our Negativity, and our "well what can I do, I'm just a "nobody", how can I stop the world's craziness?", kind of attitude. so we just pretend that our life doesn't affect the Big picture, when in reality is does!
Every time we say, do or think something negative, we are "feeding" the "collective" negative vibration, therefore it grows, and when we act in positivity and LOVE, we are "feeding" the higher vibration which benefits everyone. Either way, our thoughts and actions affect the whole Universe, that is why we need to be more responsible for our individual actions, and make sure that we are always aware of what vibration we are contributing to at any given moment. We are all connected through these vibrational energies, therefore the current events that take place is because there is more negativity in the world right now then there is Positivity, and the ONLY way to change this, is to take responsibility with our individual lives, and live LOVE always!
I agree.

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We can't help Michael Heal the world, if "we" haven't healed our Negative and Fearful way of thinking first! We can't wait to be "lead" we must Blaze our own personal path to  LOVE, Happiness and Peace within! AND we must take a stand against the current  "system of "enslavement" and Free ourselves from their evil clutches and let them know that we refuse to live in this constant state of Fear and Judgment... Only then will real change occur!
Once again, this paragraph needs to be read by non-believers and by those who ridicule us when we speak about that "system of enslavement".

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I LOVE you Family I really, do but sometimes I get sad when I read and see that even "WE" here on the forum have drifted and got caught up in all of the "drama" of Michael's hoax, trying to figure out HOW Michael pulled off his hoax, or when he is going to Bam, which is Impossible to do, but we keep doing it regardless, and for what??
And what would be your suggestion?
Isn't "trying to figure  Michael's hoax out" the reason why we are all here on this hoax-INVESTIGATION forum ??
Isn't it absolutely normal, that after 3+ years of struggling with the mysteries of the hoax, to be finally able to talk about the MOMENT that we've all been waiting for all this time?
Don't we deserve this? Are we automatically "not hearing Michael's message" just because we miss him and want him desperately to come back? Why should we feel guilty of "ignoring Michael's message" just because we'd love to see him returning Victorious! redeeming himself, revealing the TRUTH in front of the whole world! exposing the creeps who had harmed him for so long!
There's nothing wrong in hoping/wanting/wishing a BAM!
There's nothing wrong with missing and loving and wanting Michael to return!
There's nothing wrong in putting our hopes in the possibility that maybe his return will provoke that wave effect of spreading CHANGE and LOVE into this world once and for all!

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How is figuring out the HOWS, going to benefit us in any way??
Then why were we here all these years then, if that's not important!?
Nobody says it should be the ONLY thing that matters! But discovering HOW the Genius created his masterpiece, has been the most thrilling and fascinating experiences of my life! and it helped me evolve and learn to use my skills and my mind in ways that I had never suspected !!

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Do we really believe that Michael wants us to figure out the hoax, or does he want us to "ACT" on his "MESSAGE?" What really is our purpose in all of this??
Who says we can't "figure out the hoax" and "act on his message" at the same time?
Why should one exclude the other?

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I know...I sound like a broken record here don't I?
I don't think you sound like a broken record.
I think you're scolding the wrong people here. Because, here, (forum/hoaxland) we all think like you and we act like you. You are not alone! IMO You should be telling those things to people who need to hear these things loud and clear and start thinking like you/us. They are the ones who ignore(d) the message!

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But the reality is that I truly truly feel that our time and efforts could be put to so much good, if we could all come together as ONE UNITED VOICE instead of spending the majority of our time waiting to be lead by TS, or Front down another rabbit hole... Do you know what I'm saying family??
"With Michael leading the way!"
"On Michael's command we begin!"

Yes, we need him! We need to be led though this chaotic storm the world is in right now.
We have all come together here, on this hoax community, we are all united in the middle of this chaotic world, surrounded by the masses of ignorant, reluctant, unaware, non-believers, blind sheep...
And we came here drawn by our desire to find the truth and to help.
And as an Army of Love, we need a leader! Back/Front/TS/Michael who managed to gather us all here and align our consciousness and prepared us for what's to come after the BAM!
Where would we have been without his/their guidance now?

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I guess yesterdays events really hit a nerve with me,
Once again: you are not alone! We've all been affected!

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[...]but I "practice" what I preach and I have been "working" on myself every single day, and making sure that I am conscious of my "actions". LOVE is who I am and what I LIVE and I am Happy with my small contribution to a better way of Life.
I can say the same things about myself too.
And I am sure all our hoax-family here, shares the same experience! We've all been changed by this unique experience. We've all gained more knowledge, more awareness, more compassion, more self-confidence, more ...more... more...

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I Believe that we really can change the world for the better...with all my heart, I just want everyone to find their own happiness, and see how Beautiful the world can be, when you see it through the eyes of LOVE!!
I believe that, too!
Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 09:39:07 PM by SimPattyK
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 09:36:51 PM
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 I LOVE you Family I really, do but sometimes I get sad when I read and see that even "WE" here on the forum have drifted and got caught up in all of the "drama" of Michael's hoax, trying to figure out HOW Michael pulled off his hoax, or when he is going to Bam, which is Impossible to do, but we keep doing it regardless, and for what?? How is figuring out the HOWS, going to benefit us in any way?? Do we really believe that Michael wants us to figure out the hoax, or does he want us to "ACT" on his "MESSAGE?" What really is our purpose in all of this??

This is a sideways insult. What I enjoy doing makes you sad? How can that be? I'm not hurting you, I'm just doing my thing over here. I have no idea why you would be sad.

I like trying to figure out the how. I think it's interesting. I don't feel like I ought to have to defend that. A few pages ago I was scolded for not having fun with this and then half a dozen pages later I'm ragged on again for not taking it seriously. If I lived my life trying to make other people happy I'd probably have committed suicide by now because it's, case in point, impossible.

For what purpose? *shrug* does everything have to have purpose? Why do we listen to music? What's the purpose? Or play games? Or make crafts or play sports or engage in past-times or hobbies (or post on message boards)?? Because it's FUN. People ask me what's the purpose of paying attention to the death hoax at all in the first place.

How about we all do our own thing and not worry about how everyone else is doing there's? If you don't want to figure the how then don't. If you don't care if/when bamsday is then don't focus on it. If someone DOES, however, I don't think there's any reason to make them (us) out as inferior for it.
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 09:44:57 PM
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I like trying to figure out the how. I think it's interesting. I don't feel like I ought to have to defend that.

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People ask me what's the purpose of paying attention to the death hoax at all in the first place.
same here!

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How about we all do our own thing and not worry about how everyone else is doing there's?
If you don't want to figure the how then don't. If you don't care if/when bamsday is then don't focus on it.
If someone DOES, however, I don't think there's any reason to make them (us) out as inferior for it.
Couldn't agree more on THAT!!
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 10:06:39 PM
well, all i know is that at this point being loving to one another is not really possible, people will either take it for granted or misuse it...

if michael is alive and is going to bam, then it's a much needed shock to remind people they are humans...

edit: and because we are the army of love, we are supposed to be the first ones to know the whys and hows of this hoax...to educate ourselves and others...
Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 10:09:51 PM by Thriller4ever
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 10:07:35 PM
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At this time of unfathomable, sickening, heartbreaking news, I would like to make a small request---if I may?

I would like us all to join (virtual) hands in a vigil tomorrow --- time zones make it difficult, so please let's do it whenever we can…it doesn't matter WHEN…let's just DO it. Let's pray for those sweet, innocent children who lost their lives much, MUCH too soon, as well as their mourning families.

Having children of my own, I cannot imagine the immense piercing anguish and scorching pain that these parents are going through right now. They need our love & support -- they will feel it…somehow, through God's Grace…..they will feel it. I believe that with all my heart.

I would also like us to pray for Adam and his family. That young man obviously needed some help ---- and he didn't get it in time.

It's devastating when we live in a world where you say "I love you" to your children and you're not even sure if it will be the last time you get to say that to them.

L.O.V.E. to all of you and your children.
from your friend always,
Front xo

Front I promise! as a mother I can not imagine the pain of losing a child, but nothing we can say will change reality, only a prayer dedicated to all those people who are suffering now. God! that we are doing wrong, so that these things happen?



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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 10:14:47 PM
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[...]edit: and because we are the army of love, we are supposed to be the first ones to know the whys and hows of this hoax...to educate ourselves and others...
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 15, 2012, 10:47:29 PM
@ILoveFront2: tell me pls, am I hallucinating or what?  :animal0017: :icon_lol: There was a photo in your message the last time I checked loll a very interesting photo I may say!!

Unless I am not hallucinating, this is what I think I saw!  :suspect:
Am I seeing visions here or what?  :animal0017: :icon_e_ugeek:

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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:01:29 AM
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@ILoveFront2: tell me pls, am I hallucinating or what?  :animal0017: :icon_lol: There was a photo in your message the last time I checked loll a very interesting photo I may say!!

Unless I am not hallucinating, this is what I think I saw!  :suspect:
Am I seeing visions here or what?  :animal0017: :icon_e_ugeek:

I can't see the resemblances at all, or was it a joke with the names?
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"One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
"Alvin Toffler



Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:06:41 AM
This shooting was not the first of its kind and it's not gonna be the last one  too! Talking about negativity and positivity and love is very good. But I guess we need to look at things from a different perspective. I believe that the media is our worst enemy! How many children love to watch action movies? And what do these children watch in these movies? Violence scenes. So if these children watch those kinds of movies for about 10 years then we don't need to ask ourselves why such tragic accidents happen! And thanks to horror movies people got killed and torn to pieces. Even little girls are exposed to the world of sexuality in their young ages through girlish movies! This is called: mind corruption. If we all refuse these kinds of movies, we will save our children and the world. If all the parents control what their children watch, if people stop going to theaters to watch these movies, then we'll have only clean movies to watch. We should start with ourselves to prevent such accidents in the future. 
Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 01:18:00 AM by diggyon
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Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool



Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:11:05 AM
Sim, MJ does not have such wide hips, unless he put on about 50 lbs. since his public exit. :icon_lol:

IMO it`s going to take more that just the people loving and caring for each other, because most people I know or see, are trying to make a difference whatever way they can.  We can`t go around pointing fingers at others and saying you`re not doing enough, because what exactly is enough--giving ALL your money to the poor, volunteering ALL your time to good causes?  The world would still continue to have these occasional outbreaks of violence. Even with all the emphasis, after 2 World Wars and over 100 million deaths, on the slogan-- "Never again", there has still been wars happening--just not in North America.  In this current carnage, the fact is there are people with mental illness, and not all the prescribed drugs are in their or the public's best interest.  Like Diggyon said, there is a kind of glorifying violence in the entertainment industry which affects our young people, there are people who encourage the sport of owning and operating automatic rifles.  But worst of all there are powerful people who may be training people through mind-control to be assassins that will commit suicide when their mission is done—all for the purpose of creating a state of fear which will make the people cry out for more measures of state control and close monitoring of every citizen.  Children are the best target evoking the most emotions, to get the biggest outcry.  Will the government’s solutions really be the way these carnages will stop?  'Create the problem--provide the solution.'  NWO ring a bell?  Anyone who has investigated into the many many modern massacres, will before long find many suspicious details, just as we are suspicious of 911, the Oklahoma bombing, Waco cult deaths, sinking of the Titanic, etc.  What MJ has been doing with this hoax is waking us up to the evils out there and their agenda. Our action has to be informed and cunning/wise action, otherwise it is immediately washed away and ineffective. We have to know the enemy strategy and tactics, otherwise we might be spinning our wheels, or even playing into their game the way they expected and wanted, like a chess game.  There needs IMO to be fresh innovative strategies to overcome evil, which is something I see coming from MJ who has walked intimately with the elite of this world his whole life but has not bowed his knee to them; that's why I have joined his army of love.  The Devil or whoever is at the top, has certainly noticed MJ's moves, and has been trying to have him eliminated for good reason--he is a threat to them. JMT

Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 01:23:15 AM by MJonmind
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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:24:49 AM
@ MJonmind,
great post as usual :-)) It's always good to think outside the box!
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Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool



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Re: Official back & Front thread
December 16, 2012, 01:35:15 AM
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@ILoveFront2: tell me pls, am I hallucinating or what?  :animal0017: :icon_lol: There was a photo in your message the last time I checked loll a very interesting photo I may say!!

Unless I am not hallucinating, this is what I think I saw!  :suspect:
Am I seeing visions here or what?  :animal0017: :icon_e_ugeek:

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