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Re: Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?
April 23, 2010, 03:38:50 PM
Quote from: "adventureland"
See this:


I have seen this before and it is incredible proof that we are all connected to everything and our thoughts and feelings have an effect on everything around us. In Michael's recording of the Bashir programme he says himself about how everything responds to song and music etc.., trees, plants and all living things. I can't recall his exact words, but this is the jist. I am positive Michael knows all about this.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?
April 23, 2010, 04:04:06 PM
Quote from: "whatyourheartsays"
I don't know about psychic abilities, I'm sure to believe in energies. But I think Michael was interested in mind control. I think he was interested in Uri Geller because of what it could bring to him, learn to him.
And see what he did : healing people. Do you think kids get better from cancer, just because they are invited in a big house full of toys ? If so, any rich people could save lives  :roll:
No, there had been something happening and i'm sure it's only about Michael's ability to "control mind". I'm NOT talking about bad things, but about controlling people to show them the good way. I think if there was any possibility in this way,  Michael searched for it.
I don't know if he had any "power" of mind, but any time he was "alive" I just knew where he standed : just feel there was this big energy somewhere on Earth. When I learned he was dead, I just had the feeling that this energy had exploded to small parts, reaching everyone on Earth, giving us a bit of strengh/energy. Was it done on purpose or is Michael really dead ?
I just don't know. I still feel big energy when I think of him. I just had the feeling that he shared it when he "disappeared", maybe to say "i'm with you, still here" but I still have this feeling that his own energy is still here, strong and in one single piece.

It's hard to explain, sorry for weird sentences.

I know exactly what you mean. ;)  We have been mind controlled into being blind to what really has been going on in this world, so it makes sense that we cannot get out of it without somebody mind controlling us to see the truth. Michael has never lost sight of the truth and I think he has been absorbing knowledge as he has been directly involved  in the mechanics, so to speak, so he will know so much that we are still discovering. Through this hoax he is in control of what we see and always has been, imo, he is guiding us to a point where we can take it from for ourselves without others controlling us. We are just as important as him. He couldn't do this without us and vice-versa.

I believe Michael is alive and I agree that he has exploded into small parts and spread himself across the world. He has achieved both, which must have taken total belief to actually do this type of hoax. He was born for this.

 I think he learned how to work with energy in every way, on a large scale and a small one. He could be also just be a natural healer/channeler, I think both and he has perfected it with the best guidance around. This could well be the reason these sick children recovered when visiting Neverland.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?
April 23, 2010, 10:14:35 PM
Oh, yes! Michael has some amazing talents! I think he is a lot more than psychic. Empath, healer, etc.

And not to change the subject, but I think David Blaine is totally amazing. Maybe MJ worked with him?
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Law of Power #37: Create Compelling Spectacles? Done.

Re: Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?
April 24, 2010, 01:40:05 AM
A psychic told me he was psychic.  I think I have some psychic abilities too, but I don't go around advertising it.  I would feel things before they happened though I would be in shock like others.  Or I would be in the right place and time to hear his music, and "feel" him before it happened, in life and in death.  I used to wonder what it meant all the time.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?
January 27, 2011, 12:29:45 AM
Wow! This is some seriously good reading from a while ago that maybe some have missed. As well we know a bit more now to bring new meaning to some of these things. I was looking for something else and found this thread, but what I was looking for is at the bottom post about Joseph's coat of many colors, but first read about these dreams and encounter.

by XspeechlessX » Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:33 pm  

then also the night before Michael died I had this REALLY WEIRD dream...

(Its an long story but I dont know what tomake of it. Please read!)

I was at the 02 concert but it was in a tiny hall and i was right on the end of the front row. and there was this stage with a curtain coming from the edge...and under the edge of the curtain i could see Mike's shoes. I dont know how i knew they were his but in dreams you just KNOW. so anyways i got up and went toward the curtain and the feet vanished and mike walked on stage. now there was no security or anything but on the stage there were a load of animals.. there was a deer and a giant caterpillar are the ones i remember most vividly. So I ran up on stage and as i did the caterpillar turned into a giant inflatable butterfly (stay with me there is a point to this), so i was like.. umm wth? And i ran up to mike and to give him a hug.. but JUST as i got there... he popped...as in ..he was a balloon like the butterfly. Well... everythin but his head was.. so he was still there singing but his body was gone...

And then.. the next day Michael died.

It is the WEIRDEST dream I have ever had. Ever. And at the time it made absolutely no sense what so ever but thinking back i guess it could have meant something. Cause i very very nearly got to see Michael before he "died" and we think he is still alive.. could suggest why he was still there singing at the end. And I guess that could be why i was so certain he was dead when he got taken to hospital.

Now usually i dont believe in anything such as psychics and dearms telling the futre, star signs etc.. but this has really got me to reconsider.

Id like to know what you all think.

(p.s. a few nights later I had another dream that I was at his concert. This time I got to hug him and he didnt pop. And he kept saying he was sorry. )

The caterpiller to butterfly tells me there was a transformation of some kind, the death hoax. His voice still singing the new album 'Michael'. Deer grow and shed new antlers each year, and they are hunted. So maybe it shows he was being hunted.
by SoundOfCrescendo » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:20 am
Haha. This kinda freaks me out. I had a dream about 2 weeks after he "died" that was simply his voice, like one end of a conversation. he was talking about how he pulled it off, and that it was going to end up great. This was before I even started looking into a hoax possibility, so I know it wasn't on my subconscious mind. I know for a fact I have some sort of psychic ability or whatever you want to call it, I'm constantly getting Deja Vu, I always know when something bad is going to happen, And I can tell you Michael's name had been popping in my head randomly days before, but nothing was giving me that "bad feeling". I really don't know how to explain it. I do believe that he had some psychic abilities though. He was the only one who thought Thriller would be a success, when everyone told him it would suck. And look who was right? Thats kind of a weird example, but hey, its something. He always knew what would be a hit, lets say that.
Now THAT is a happy dream!

by becca26 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:35 am
Ok Im not sure on how to start this but I am going to start by saying I have been with you all from the start (old forum w Amy) and this one, from the start I thought it was odd how I have all these feelings about MJ. I was born listing to him ect, but over the past few years I just thought he was enjoying his life with his kids somewhere, I did'nt make a big thing about it, I just wanted him to be happy. Ok so the reason Im writing on this topic, since the 25th of June I have made a ton of friends on facebook/twitter with people whom have something to do with MJ(fans, hoax believers ect) I meet someone whoms Husband was a pop icon in the 70's whom knew MJ. The lady showed me photos of her husband and MJ, he also met MJ's brother's. So I thought ok cool. Anyway over time we have gotten close, she tells me alot of her personal stuff as I do also with her. So we got to speaking about when and what made us believe in MJ still being alive.

She Told me when she first heard the news that she was crying uncontrolabley, she and her husband were so upset. She said that she had sent MJ an email about in 07 about her and her family wanting to come over and be surpport, MJ responded that he wished they would but things are not good. She said that always bothered her. She never got to meet him face to face, only wrote a few emails. Anyway back to the 25th. She said while she was crying she heard a voice. She stopped and listin again, the voice said it's ok, Im ok. She thought she was going nuts. She said who who is this? The voice said it's me? Don't you remember? She was like who? The voice said, I'm ok I'm not dead. She told me she thought she was going mad because she had never been able to speak to the dead before only the living. She told me that it is all done through energy. She does'nt think of herself as a phyic, she is a pro dancer by the way. Anyway MJ was trying to contact her husband, but her hubby is not intuned like her.

When she told me this I said how do you know it is MJ? She told me that she asked him to prove to her that it was him, so MJ told her something that only her husband and he would know (her and her hubby had not met in the 70's) so she went to her husband and told him what MJ said, he turned white, he was at a loss for words, he said how did you know that??!! She told him, he said that is impossiable, she told him how else would I know. Her husband still is having a hard time with it. lol

Anyway so I guess MJ had seen a photo of her that her hubby had shown him the last time he had seen him, and MJ discribed the photo to her to a T!! I have complete confidence in her, she is NOT a nutcase. She is a very sweet person, not into playing with people. She has'nt told many, only her hubby, me and her best friend. She trusts me alot, she just wanted me to know that he is safe, he sounded scared the last time she communicated with him (which was around the stun gun thing at Encino house) at that time she told me that he said Paris was sick with something, also she told me that prince was very good with editing, making videos and stuff like that. He also answerd a few questions for her, she asked him is his family involved, he said some are and some are not, he told her that he had just let his mother know not to long ago, for her safety?! He told her that someone in his family he feels are involved in trying to kill him, she asked who, he told her no I can't say.

So these things have been going in my head and I wanted to share with you all, I am not a crazy person either, but I do believe in God which some may not, but I can't see him but I know he is there. So I am thankful for this thread cuz it just proves what she was telling me was true, she also said before I forget that Elizabeth and Liza both communicate with MJ the same way as she did, that they have been doing it for a long time.

I will let you know the next time I speak to her on anything else interesting. Love you all.

Yes she speaks to him telephathiclley, she never could speak to the dead, thats why she thought she was going crazy at first, until he said he was not dead. She said he is very much alive, I asked he if he looks the same she said yes but much healthier. He would'nt say where he is. She asked him that to.

Yes I def feel that there are so many things if life that just can't be explained. We use what 20 or 25% of our brains, they video put it together so great, it also puts out there that MJ was not stupid man, which also shows he would indeed research things before doing something. By the way the lady I speak of said she gets the feeling that La Toya is the family member MJ feels whom wanted him dead, she asked him who he thinks it is but he would'nt say. When she asked him where he was he would'nt tell her, but she seems to have a feeling hes in Neverland. She said that he had been out in public a few times, but not alot, she said he was laughing about it, since he said when he is out people just think he is an impersonator. I think alot of the things they speak about just is so MJ. I will post on this thread the next time I her from her.

We'll since she opened up and told me this I feel alot of what she said fit's into place more, he trusts her, I have seen photos of her husband and MJ, he is a pop singer from the 70's, MJ wanted to see him! So they met, her husband also met Elvis when he toured the USA, Elvis gave him a guitair signed by him, her and her Husband currently are in Australia and have their own company for children to get into the business. She is a very kind women, not into hurting people, I know she would not play games with me, I trust her, I got a great vibe from her from day one. You just have to have faith and trust your instinks. Anyway she is on vaction for a week or so, but I will ask her when she gets back if she had heard anything else from him. I to am not into hurting people, I would never miss lead people, I just wanted to put this out there for you, it has been hard to have held it in this long. Thankyou to the person whom started this thread, I did'nt know MJ had these thoughts/or feelings. I prob would have never put this out there if I did'nt come across this thread.

Quote from: "Good Lets Dance"
Quote from: "Rita Hayworth"
This is the info I have been waiting for. I have a very strong feeling that Michael needs or want something from me...or now I think from the many people who he has made some sort of spiritual or psychic connection with. I don't yet know what it is...except to help with the truth being told.

I too have strange feelings about Jermaine and the Thome connection. I still see that picture of Thome walking out to the helicopter behind the stretcher. It's as if he wanted to make sure what happened with the body. Plus the $5M that he mysteriously returned to the estate. LaToya was the first one on the property and removed a truck load of things. She also said that Michael always had $!m in cash (which I think is true) and that was gone, implying that someone stole it. I don't know...it's too hard to understand and comprehend that kind of jealousy and hatred. But interestingly enough, the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers always comes to mind when I think about Michael. When Joseph exposes his brothers for what they did, he says "You meant it for harm, but God meant it for good." I pray that will be the outcome here as well.

Somedays I feel helpless and feel Michael's pain. But I also know that prayer and thoughts are very powerful. But some unexplainable powerful force will not let me give up.

Wow- You are right about the Bible story of "Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors"! I have posted a link to this story, and you know what's Freaky? They even say his brothers "faked his death" after Selling him into Slavery...

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Maybe this story deserves it's own New Thread under "Odd Things"?

I also agree with you about Jermaine & Tohme
That's a tricky one, that Jermaine and LaToya would want MJ dead, want his money maybe. This hoax has been such a game of bluff, you just never know who's telling the truth and where. Are telepathic messages 100% accurate all the time or can they sometimes just be cryptic to lead to another idea.

If there truly is a danger element in the death hoax and MJ really did have to fool Murray, Tohme, AEG, Sony into thinking he was really dead with another real body, then my question is how can all the numerology work of MJ planning all this at least 20 years ago, and it had to be on June 25 for the 9282 days before and after the Pepse fire. As well as other clues and fun hints that it's all a prank of MJ's. How can they all be true at the same time. That's what fries my brain and makes me think the God element. TS just posted that with God all things are possible!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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