Does Michael Have Psychic Abilities?

Started by Serenitys_Dream, March 21, 2010, 05:22:47 PM

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March 21, 2010, 05:22:47 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I created this video after researching the possibility that Michael Jackson has been gifted with psychic abilities. Please consider all the information in it before deciding one way or another. I also firmly believe that Michael is ALIVE and has hoaxed his death.



March 21, 2010, 08:09:15 PM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thank you for posting this.  The part that shocked me was that he could "talk" to you dead or alive so I still don't know. =)  LOL


March 21, 2010, 08:21:25 PM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks for this video, great job.  I do believe that Michael is psychic as he himself has said before.  I am a strong believer in the power of the mind and that anything is possible.  I also agree with the concept of The Secret and the Law of Attraction. I would recommend this book to anyone who hasn't read it. It is a very uplifting and empowering theory.
As far as Michael telepathically sending messages, I feel it could be possible.  Like you pointed out everything in the universe is made of energy, including humans.  There are people who have learned to harness this energy to do amazing things.  The people who claim to receive messages from Michael would then be on the same "wavelength" as him.


March 21, 2010, 08:45:55 PM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

I created this video after researching the possibility that Michael Jackson has been gifted with psychic abilities. Please consider all the information in it before deciding one way or another. I also firmly believe that Michael is ALIVE and has hoaxed his death.


Yes, it's obvious that Michael had this ability but he called it correctly. It's a spiritual gift from God. Our spirits don't die after death, only our earthly bodies. I also believe Michael is alive. Blessings.

I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012

kelly wright

March 21, 2010, 09:01:08 PM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I have been somewhat Psychic all my life ,I don't go around advertising it because people call you crazy if you do . But oh well here goes ,& hate to be a Debbie Downer,but seconds after Michael was pronounced dead . And I have several witness , I said " someone murdered MJ " and then I cried uncontrolably for a month ! This was Long before the word murder was ever mentioned ,I would not hear the word murder regarding MJ's death again for at least 5 days . Now, it is not normal for me to be this upset about a celebrity ,and I couldn't understand my own behavior .what is wrong with me I thought ? Have a lost My mind ? I been hell bent on trying to find out what happened to MJ ever since . I have been around Many big stars {I am a catering Captain for a fine dinning catering co in Nash . I have personally severed and shaken hands with Al Gore ,Leann Rhimes ,Kid Rock Sherly Crowe , Taylor Swift ,& many others }I have been to Garth Brooks home , Brookes & Dunn gave me a 20$ tip,for getting him a drink , and I held Tanya Tuckers hand one time& many others  One of the Co that in employs us for events they do here {in Nash } in Big Machine Record lot of stars have homes here .Micheal could have come hear ,I believe  without being bothered . But oh well ,anyways My point being ,I don't get starstruck easily ,so my obsession with MJ since his death is unnatural { Been an MJ fan for 42 yrs altho not fanatic } My kids think I lost my mind the day MJ died ! I have no explanation for this .And I was shocked  :shock: to find  thru research,That I am not alone . 100's maybe even 1000's of people had these same feelings .I saw it on a site called Inner Michael plus I seen folks on here have similar stories , it is very weird . I have never been obsessed with anything in my life ,much less a celebrity . Something is compelling me & others ,that has a highly energetic force  . I believe Mj to be DIVINE ,this is my only explanation . I compare this feeling to the Movie "Close encounters of the Third Kind " If you haven't seen it check it out .


March 21, 2010, 09:33:07 PM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I believe that MJ had "gifts" from God that made him sensitive to the energy of his fans. I think that is why sooo many people loved him and those that didn't were just jealous of his power



March 21, 2010, 09:38:45 PM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

:ugeek: ooooo  :geek:

Good Lets Dance

March 21, 2010, 11:13:15 PM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "kelly wright"

I have been somewhat Psychic all my life ,I don't go around advertising it because people call you crazy if you do . But oh well here goes ,& hate to be a Debbie Downer,but seconds after Michael was pronounced dead . And I have several witness , I said " someone murdered MJ " and then I cried uncontrolably for a month ! This was Long before the word murder was ever mentioned ,I would not hear the word murder regarding MJ's death again for at least 5 days . Now, it is not normal for me to be this upset about a celebrity ,and I couldn't understand my own behavior .what is wrong with me I thought ? Have a lost My mind ? I been hell bent on trying to find out what happened to MJ ever since . I have been around Many big stars {I am a catering Captain for a fine dinning catering co in Nash . I have personally severed and shaken hands with Al Gore ,Leann Rhimes ,Kid Rock Sherly Crowe , Taylor Swift ,& many others }I have been to Garth Brooks home , Brookes & Dunn gave me a 20$ tip,for getting him a drink , and I held Tanya Tuckers hand one time& many others  One of the Co that in employs us for events they do here {in Nash } in Big Machine Record lot of stars have homes here .Micheal could have come hear ,I believe  without being bothered . But oh well ,anyways My point being ,I don't get starstruck easily ,so my obsession with MJ since his death is unnatural { Been an MJ fan for 42 yrs altho not fanatic } My kids think I lost my mind the day MJ died ! I have no explanation for this .And I was shocked  :shock: to find  thru research,That I am not alone . 100's maybe even 1000's of people had these same feelings .I saw it on a site called Inner Michael plus I seen folks on here have similar stories , it is very weird . I have never been obsessed with anything in my life ,much less a celebrity . Something is compelling me & others ,that has a highly energetic force  . I believe Mj to be DIVINE ,this is my only explanation . I compare this feeling to the Movie "Close encounters of the Third Kind " If you haven't seen it check it out .

Kelly, your experience is the same as mine! If you remember I posted about this in my Introduction and you and someone else from Italy had the same experience.  As soon as I heard about it I too knew it was not an accidental OD. When my boyfriend called at 6 that evening I said "He was murdered" I just KNOW it. It took forever for the Official Cause of Death to be announced and when they declared it Homicide I think it freaked out my BF. I became traumatized and totally distracted and obsessed like I was hypnotized. I could not concentrate on ANYTHING else but MJ and the pain & grief that consumed me. I am behind on so much because I neglected everything due to the distraction. I had actually become distracted 2 wks Prior to his "death" by hearing a song on the radio that I had to hear again. This happened to many others and they said it was 2 wks. prior that they heard a song that made them look up MJ on the Net/U-Tube and had an awakening to MJ and his music. I truly feel that there is a "Collective Consciousness" and Some People are tapped into it. Also Samantha De Gossen said that she noticed changes in MJ's entourage/guards 2 WEEKS prior to the death report. All this paranormal stuff "2 Wks" prior leads me to believe that Whatever happened to MJ was set in motion 2 Wks. before his death. There is more I sense but I don't want to go into it here. I can't believe we had such similar experiences.

Good Lets Dance

March 21, 2010, 11:41:34 PM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "essenceofebony0to9"

I believe that MJ had "gifts" from God that made him sensitive to the energy of his fans. I think that is why sooo many people loved him and those that didn't were just jealous of his power

I have to agree with you! It confounds me that I was so "tuned in" to MJ 2 wks. prior to his death report and then so highly emotional about it. His "death" had more emotional effect on me than people I have Actually KNOWN that died. And I can't understand the people who are NOT affected in the same way I am. It makes me think I am a differant Life Form from them, like I must be some type of "Chosen One" to react this way. And I agree about the "Jealousy" of those who are unaffected. I had a long term relationship end over this and it seemed he was jealous of the effect it had on me; Like it scared him or something. But I don't regret the way it affected me, because I feel like I am a part of a Higher Plane of Enlightenment or something like that :shock:


March 22, 2010, 06:46:20 AM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I think Michael was an Old Soul. Usually people who are born as Old Souls they usually know everything and have completed all of life's lessons during each incarnation.

I always felt the same way when Michael had said he couldn't take credit for writing the songs he did, whenever I write poetry it feels like I go into a trance and when I'm done writing its like I don't remember writing and I usually tell myself "those aren't my words those aren't my thoughts" so I know they must be messages from God, Angels and the Spirit World and somehow pass them onto the world.

I don't tell a lot of people because I don't want to sound crazy but I have been intuitive for most of my life and I get messages a lot and given symbols and different things to interpret. Today I was singing one song from the Disney movie The Little Mermaid where the 2 sisters are singing and Ariel was missing and that name kept repeating to me all morning trying to figure out what it meant and looked it up and this is what I found and it seems to sound like MJ and his life.


L.O.V.E. In One!


March 22, 2010, 08:18:38 AM #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Has anybody heard of Remote Viewing. I think that everyone should do a little research on this Metaphysical theory. There are many books about Remote Viewing. Is it possible for someone to have this capabilities. The answer is of course. What we need to stop doing is thinking that thing that cannot be explain by someone who claims to be an expert in that field is not true.  We are limiting ourselves to only the three dimension of this world. This entire Universe is not three dimensional. We are short-changing ourselves on the great expansion of the universe. Just like Michael said that we need to read a little more about quantum physics. We need to recondition our way of thinking. We are have some time of abilities, whether we choose to seek it or not is really up to the individual. We also have to remember that we are all connect to every living thing on this planet. We are not so separate as we would want to think. I think that we were conditioned to think like that. If we think that we are separate from everything else in the world, then when can go on thinking that what we are doing to this planet will not effect us.  That is a very dangerous path that we are going down.  Everything is connect, and when something is not right then a force correction will be made.  We can correct the severed ties that was done and make it whole again. That is Michael message in This Is It. I just going to leave a little thought with you.  If you take a person that has the capabilities of being a Remote Viewer with the knowledge of a well-educated person in all fields of life and subject (being a remote viewer also entails being  empathic).  With the ability to reach billions and billions of people with the message of love. Would that not make that person very powerful.


March 22, 2010, 02:54:15 PM #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

It's a lovely video and thanks for posting it. I have read a lot of quantum physics so I agree that our idea of ourselves is limited. I have also posted The Celastine Prophecies on here but unfortunately most people have not taken any notice of it. I think it's a shame because Michaels knowledge far exceeds most peoples expectations and they may be a little suprised to have to incorporate knowledge they have previously discarded. All of this is so fascinating and gives us all such a large perspective on a planetary and a cosmic level and within it we find our place, which is why we have always asked philosophical questions.
Love is the srength that binds the universal together and makes us all powerful and connected to everything that is.
It is a large part of who Michael is so keep up the videos we need this perspective.
This video directly relates to why Michael always said the children will heal the world and are so important and also to Michael himself.
Lots of love

Consciousness expresses itself through creation.
Dancers come and go in a twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on.
I\'ve felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists.
I become the stars and the moon.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.


March 22, 2010, 02:57:45 PM #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

We all have, but some just donĀ“t realize.


March 22, 2010, 03:18:26 PM #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "kelly wright"

I have been somewhat Psychic all my life ,I don't go around advertising it because people call you crazy if you do . But oh well here goes ,& hate to be a Debbie Downer,but seconds after Michael was pronounced dead . And I have several witness , I said " someone murdered MJ " and then I cried uncontrolably for a month ! This was Long before the word murder was ever mentioned ,I would not hear the word murder regarding MJ's death again for at least 5 days . Now, it is not normal for me to be this upset about a celebrity ,and I couldn't understand my own behavior .what is wrong with me I thought ? Have a lost My mind ? I been hell bent on trying to find out what happened to MJ ever since . I have been around Many big stars {I am a catering Captain for a fine dinning catering co in Nash . I have personally severed and shaken hands with Al Gore ,Leann Rhimes ,Kid Rock Sherly Crowe , Taylor Swift ,& many others }I have been to Garth Brooks home , Brookes & Dunn gave me a 20$ tip,for getting him a drink , and I held Tanya Tuckers hand one time& many others  One of the Co that in employs us for events they do here {in Nash } in Big Machine Record lot of stars have homes here .Micheal could have come hear ,I believe  without being bothered . But oh well ,anyways My point being ,I don't get starstruck easily ,so my obsession with MJ since his death is unnatural { Been an MJ fan for 42 yrs altho not fanatic } My kids think I lost my mind the day MJ died ! I have no explanation for this .And I was shocked  :shock: to find  thru research,That I am not alone . 100's maybe even 1000's of people had these same feelings .I saw it on a site called Inner Michael plus I seen folks on here have similar stories , it is very weird . I have never been obsessed with anything in my life ,much less a celebrity . Something is compelling me & others ,that has a highly energetic force  . I believe Mj to be DIVINE ,this is my only explanation . I compare this feeling to the Movie "Close encounters of the Third Kind " If you haven't seen it check it out .

Unfortunately I do not possess such abilities and your words cut like a knife  :( . I really really want my sweet Michael to be alive but I am aware of the great possibility of him not being here with us anymore. However, I still want to know the truth even if it might be painful. Most of my friends don't have the same feelings of great loss as I do, so I've been wondering if my feelings are just the result of my obsessive nature...  :? But there are so many out there that feel the same although I do not know them and i really do believe that it is because Michael really is special. Divine? Not sure maybe but definitely magical in a way that is impossible to explain if you haven't already embraced it. I do not question your gift but I pray you're wrong.


March 22, 2010, 04:49:15 PM #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "kelly wright"

I have been somewhat Psychic all my life ,I don't go around advertising it because people call you crazy if you do . But oh well here goes ,& hate to be a Debbie Downer,but seconds after Michael was pronounced dead . And I have several witness , I said " someone murdered MJ " and then I cried uncontrolably for a month ! This was Long before the word murder was ever mentioned ,I would not hear the word murder regarding MJ's death again for at least 5 days . Now, it is not normal for me to be this upset about a celebrity ,and I couldn't understand my own behavior .what is wrong with me I thought ? Have a lost My mind ? I been hell bent on trying to find out what happened to MJ ever since . I have been around Many big stars {I am a catering Captain for a fine dinning catering co in Nash . I have personally severed and shaken hands with Al Gore ,Leann Rhimes ,Kid Rock Sherly Crowe , Taylor Swift ,& many others }I have been to Garth Brooks home , Brookes & Dunn gave me a 20$ tip,for getting him a drink , and I held Tanya Tuckers hand one time& many others  One of the Co that in employs us for events they do here {in Nash } in Big Machine Record lot of stars have homes here .Micheal could have come hear ,I believe  without being bothered . But oh well ,anyways My point being ,I don't get starstruck easily ,so my obsession with MJ since his death is unnatural { Been an MJ fan for 42 yrs altho not fanatic } My kids think I lost my mind the day MJ died ! I have no explanation for this .And I was shocked  :shock: to find  thru research,That I am not alone . 100's maybe even 1000's of people had these same feelings .I saw it on a site called Inner Michael plus I seen folks on here have similar stories , it is very weird . I have never been obsessed with anything in my life ,much less a celebrity . Something is compelling me & others ,that has a highly energetic force  . I believe Mj to be DIVINE ,this is my only explanation . I compare this feeling to the Movie "Close encounters of the Third Kind " If you haven't seen it check it out .

I think we all had a kind of Supernatural Experiece, i have and still do feel the same way as you do, and i am 57!
Some thing in me has changed forever...
Forever Michael

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