I have been somewhat Psychic all my life ,I don't go around advertising it because people call you crazy if you do . But oh well here goes ,& hate to be a Debbie Downer,but seconds after Michael was pronounced dead . And I have several witness , I said " someone murdered MJ " and then I cried uncontrolably for a month ! This was Long before the word murder was ever mentioned ,I would not hear the word murder regarding MJ's death again for at least 5 days . Now, it is not normal for me to be this upset about a celebrity ,and I couldn't understand my own behavior .what is wrong with me I thought ? Have a lost My mind ? I been hell bent on trying to find out what happened to MJ ever since . I have been around Many big stars {I am a catering Captain for a fine dinning catering co in Nash . I have personally severed and shaken hands with Al Gore ,Leann Rhimes ,Kid Rock Sherly Crowe , Taylor Swift ,& many others }I have been to Garth Brooks home , Brookes & Dunn gave me a 20$ tip,for getting him a drink , and I held Tanya Tuckers hand one time& many others One of the Co that in employs us for events they do here {in Nash } in Big Machine Record lot of stars have homes here .Micheal could have come hear ,I believe without being bothered . But oh well ,anyways My point being ,I don't get starstruck easily ,so my obsession with MJ since his death is unnatural { Been an MJ fan for 42 yrs altho not fanatic } My kids think I lost my mind the day MJ died ! I have no explanation for this .And I was shocked :shock: to find thru research,That I am not alone . 100's maybe even 1000's of people had these same feelings .I saw it on a site called Inner Michael plus I seen folks on here have similar stories , it is very weird . I have never been obsessed with anything in my life ,much less a celebrity . Something is compelling me & others ,that has a highly energetic force . I believe Mj to be DIVINE ,this is my only explanation . I compare this feeling to the Movie "Close encounters of the Third Kind " If you haven't seen it check it out .