I think it's not wise to jump to believing this video because I think right now, after yesterday, we are all very vulnerable.
Having said that, there are some things in the video that help to explain some of my questions.
I found it hard to believe that MJ had planned this for so many years because he did not have his finances in order. Not just the huge debt, but I don't think this is the latest will. Also his mother is struggling financially (I do believe that, not just tabloid trash) which jeopardizes the security of his children in the Encino home. I don't believe he would have left her in that situation.
I think he was stressed out...but this makes more sense rather than just being stressed out about the performances which would also make sense that he would have trouble falling asleep as the July performance dates drew closer. I never believed he could be a serious drug addict and a doting father...the two are not compatible. I also never thought he would put his kids through this just for a "movie." I agree, he left clues for his fans in the movie.
Stevie Wonder's outright sadness both at the funeral and at the Rock n Roll hall of fame was real. But I also believed Michael was not dead. I couldn't reconcile the two. Now with this video, I think the sadness is that Michael will probably never be able to perform again or even return.
I don't want to rush to judgement, but there may be some validity to this. To me, this lines up more with Michael's character than the other theories. Of course, this is all my opinion.