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Messages - Rita Hayworth

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI 01/07
January 07, 2011, 07:07:16 AM

They talked about the trial on the Joy Behar show last night (the first time she's ever brought up the MJ trial that I know of.) So I think this is going mainstream. Mark Geragos was on the panel and he said that he thought it would go to trial and also that the defense has some surprises. Mark Geragos was one of the original lawyers on the molestation trial (I believe) so I don't know if he knows anything. But they spent about 15 minutes on it. Joy Behar is not an MJ fan to say the least concerning the molestation trial but she was very anti-Murray last night...almost sympathatic to MJ. Maybe the tide is turning.

I'm not in a hurry for this to end. MJ has to make sure everything is carried out perfectly for all of this to work...besides, it's great entertainment.

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI 01/02
January 02, 2011, 07:46:50 PM

You're correct. It explains so many of his behaviors. Which makes me wonder again why a professional did not pursue it. I wonder how many lies Michael has had to tell through the years about the things that happened . To a child as sensitive as he was, it must have been traumatizing. If any of this is true, I sincerely pray that he has an opportunity to talk to someone in a "safe" place. Maybe that's where he is now. Sometimes when we have children, the painful memories that we experienced as children come back to us. That's why if we don't heal our wounds,  our children are also impaired. It's almost as if we pass on the pain and then it becomes generational.

Good for you and the work you's so important.

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI 01/02
January 02, 2011, 06:58:50 PM

I don't know what Oprah's intentions are. I know that she didn't get where she is by being naive or by not playing the game to some extent. I think she's very savvy about using people for what benefits her...and I guess in the entertainment business that's not wrong. I'm inclined to agree with Souza but that's my gut talking.

I think Gema is correct and I had talked about that in a post several months ago. Anyone who has had any experience in family counseling or with physical/sexual abuse would probably be more surprised if Michael had not been abused. He was exposed to environments that a child should never see...and maybe adults as well. There's a reason why his mother was so concerned when Joe took them into bars and places when they were so young. In families where there is physical abuse, there is usually sexual abuse either overtly or covertly.  I never understood why professionals did not come forward and state that during the trial. I don't know what happened to Michael but maybe Oprah does. I can't believe that she would be quiet for all these years if she knew.

I think that for Michael to be "restored" the truth has to be told, as painful as that maybe.

At a minimum, he was not allowed to grow up as child and to develop into an adult in a healthy environment. For those of our who are parents, it makes me understand our responsibilities more seriously.

We are getting more and more of the details of Michael's history. It isn't a coincidence.


Great posts to both of you. I'm not surprised at anything that either of you have written. There are many of us that feel they are here because of a spiritual calling. Regardless of the sometimes silliness of what goes on here, I know that I should stay.

My continual question is why? What is our role in all of this? That's the question that I continually ask.

Thanks for your bravery.

Michael Jackson News / Re: mjs secret hollywood.......
December 31, 2010, 08:11:30 PM

techdiva - thanks so much. Maybe it's just me, but this perspective and inside information explained a lot of MJ's actions since the first accusation.

If he is truly going to expose the corrupt system, then he had to go outside of the US to get help and protection. That may explain why he went to Bahrain, made contacts with the Japanese businessmen...etc. He needed powerful people with deep pockets and no connections to Hollywood.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this documentary is background information for the upcoming trials and the ultimate Bam. If Michael did figure out a way to escape, he had to get help so I'm hoping he is in protection now. This documentary certainly lays it out well. I hope it gets the attention it deserves...I'm wondering if it's an MJ assisted production. The timing is too coincidental. When he pulls this off, it will truly be bigger than any Thriller album.


I just happened to see the part of the interview about MJ and Thriller. I know that it has been mentioned many times that Oprah was a part of the hoax. But after listening to that interview today, I don't think so. She was definitely dismissive of Michael's talent as if the Thriller album was the best of his career and nothing after that equaled it or compared to it, or at least that's how it sounded as if it was a fluke. It will be interesting if this is MJ's hoax as I'm sure it will top the Thriller album. I think her new TV channel will not equal the success of her show, so she's looking for reasons that it won't...and MJ and the Thriller album is one that she's latching on to...the same for Rowling. I will have to say that she picked the best to compare herself to. Her statement that Michael could never equal the success of the Thriller album (or insinuating that) is confirmation to me that she isn't aware of the hoax and Michael must realize her dismissive opinion of him--could be why he's using her. Of course, I'm just attempting to "read" her statements.


Curls - excellent post. I totally agree with you. I became disenchanged with the Elvis thing and several weeks ago thought this was it for me.

It's interesting. I always loved Michael Jackson's music. But the chaos and craziness surrounding his life and the Jacksons was always a distraction for me and I soon drifted away. I thought I would give it one more try. But here I am again...back at square 1. Whether he intentionally creates the craziness (which I now believe is partially true) or the media does, it exists. But it's full of deception. I don't think Michael Jackson wants us or anyone else to know who is truly is. I have to be truthful. If he is/was sincere about the message of love, I'm not sure why the distracting message of dysfunctional craziness was always included. It's been said that he loved controversy. That's too bad because I think it took away from his incredible talent and his message of love. I firmly believe all of us by our thoughts and actions attract specific people into our lives and the consequences thereof.

I've learned a lot about myself on this site especially from some of the truly sincere people. I'm much clearer about my purpose in life and I owe that to MJ's quest to follow his specific path. I'm going to take that knowledge and run with it. As you said Curls, my reality is what is around me everyday and the people who I know are suffering. I fear a lot of what is said on this site is fantasy and will never come to fruition. I'm going to "escape" back into reality...much wiser.


I love Kumbaya as much as the next person, but "bec" is correct here. You have to clear the air. You can't expect people to shove this under the rug under the guise of "love" and then expect to fully participate or believe in what's being said on this site. The trust has been broken and I think the only way back is "truth." It's no different than any other relationship. I totally understand the biblical "love" thing, but there's also truth...the two have to coexist...along with their close cousin "respect." I'm not seeing any of that right now.


I speak for myself only. But it's difficult to believe that after everything that's been said and not said, that this forum can go on as usual and certainly not as before the "TIAI update #6.5. At a minimum, the credibility of the site has been damaged but more than that I question the ability of the moderators to lead any kind of meaningful exchange of ideas or investigation.

Maybe it's time to regroup. I don't know what that looks like but I think we are all being naive if we think that this hasn't changed things.


This is interesting. It's almost the same style of writing and outlining as TS's. I noticed when TS first started to post that "he/she" uses an excessive amount of "commas" in his phrasing. The excessive use of "commas" is a style that hasn't been used in the American public school system for several years. It isn't wrong...but not commonly used now. He obviously takes great care in his grammar and writing style. Very similar to TS. Just an conclusion.

TIAI & TS Discussions / Re: TS and all else
November 28, 2010, 07:01:08 PM

Souza, I just want to tell you what a great job you have and are doing. Whether you know it or not, you have done an outstanding job of leadership not just moderating a hoax investigation website.  Once the information was gathered you never waivered in spite of all of the attacks. You've been opened to new ideas or theories when necessary but never stopped believing. You handled the naysayers when necessary.  I have been follower for a long time and even I have had some doubts. But like an excellent teacher, you reminded us of all of the clues that were discovered. Thanks so much for not only taking us on an incredible journey but keeping us on the path. I would like the Bam as much as others, but I have to say this journey  to the truth has been remarkable. In some ways, I will hate to see it end. I have trouble imagining any other adventure that could match let alone exceed this one.

I've no doubt that there is something great for you at the end of all of this. I've learned much from observing your leadership skills in a battle for the truth.


TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 11/22
November 22, 2010, 11:37:43 AM

I think the connection between Bahrain and the assassination  makes sense. We've often talked about a possible murder attempt on his life. So the Kennedy assassination attempt redirect right after the Bahrain redirect is connecting the dots for us. Could he also be in Bahrain in hiding due to an assassination attempt on his life? I still have that picture in my mind of Thome walking down the hospital ramp watching the stretcher being put into the helicopter, almost as if he was making sure the body was put into the helicopter.


This is why extradition is important.
IF there is any crime for hoaxing his death, the death hoax was committed in the US. Bahrain has no reason to try him for any type of crime since it was supposedly commited in the US. But they have no treaty with the US to send any criminal back to the US for a crime that was committed in the US. Bahrain is not the only country with no extradition treaty. If Thome is connected with Bahrain, it would kind of connect the dots who assisted him and who is protecting him. It does make me wonder if AEG is not involved in the hoax in anyway.


Interesting. Bahrain has no extradition treaty with the U.S.

TMZ Articles / Re: Breaking news
November 08, 2010, 05:32:58 PM

Grace - I think you are onto something. The truth can be presented and appears easily...that's not the problem. It's whether we chose to believe the truth or not...that requires a great deal more thought than battling and denying everything that is presented. But it requires peaceful meditation and an open mind. I wonder if we are allowing ourselves that time. I had a very wise teacher tell me once that "The problem is the solution."

It has been discussed here before, but there's a reason that the only photos we have seen of Michael in the memorial, etc are circa Bad, the Liberian Girl, etc. Something to think about.