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Messages - Stranger In Chi-town

TMZ Articles / Re: Whitney Houston Dead at 48
February 12, 2012, 03:41:46 PM

='[[[[ i heard the news last night sometime after I came home from being out...I can't believe this has happened....May she rest in peace and in Nirvana. ='[[[[ You surely will be missed, Whitney. :( :( :'(


Indeed.  :o

Introduce yourself / Hi!
October 02, 2011, 04:55:30 PM

Hi, everyone. I'm Stranger in Chi-town (Also known as Bo Peep, or Bo, SIC, Stranger in Chicago, StrangerinChi on Twitter etc.) I'm introducing myself to the newbies here and reintroducing myself to some of the older members on this board. I've been a hoaxer and BeLIEver since August 2009 after I came back in town after staying at another house of my mother's. She moved back to Chicago and I was stunned about MJ's death. Didn't seem real and I was a more avid user of Yahoo Answers at the time and I came across many posts and questions about MJ's death and in one of them a girl named Lana (I think) posted the old Michael Jackson Hoax Death URL in one of the answers and so out of curiosity (and I guess intuition) I followed the link to the old, very first hoax board  typing/

And from started making sense and the rest is history!  beerchug

I apologize for being gone for months at a time...been busy with a lot and doing a lot...still a BeLIEver...and will try to post more often like back in the day...

I owe a lot to the hoax experience and Michael Jackson, I must say. ♥ mj_bad/ moonwalk_/

General Hoax Talk / Re: Do y'all have a twitter?
April 02, 2011, 08:43:27 PM

Wow! I haven't posted mine yet? lol Sorreh about that.  :oops:

I am following most of you on here, btw. ^^  :lol:  8-)

Michael Jackson News / Re: RIP Elizabeth Taylor:(
March 23, 2011, 09:02:40 PM

Oh man. I am sorry to hear this news. =[ May you rest in peace, Mrs. Taylor.  :cry:

Michael Jackson News / Re: Japan earthquake
March 11, 2011, 06:17:38 AM

:(  :(  :(  :(


I'm starting to wonder if ever since Charlie spoke out about 911 that the powers that be are trying to bring him down...O_o :(  :?

Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"



I can't believe it!

What a surprise.  She deserves it.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER.



I'm glad she won too. I heard of her first time on a PBS station.
Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"

Quote from: "anewfan"

@SOL...I think Ceelo is bringing back the 70's Elton John look!

Yep, I think you're right.  Elton and Funkadelics. ;)

@Chi-town.  adorkable :lol:   perfect.

Yup! ^^  8-)

Y'all that commercial for the MJ game? =]

Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"

Quote from: "anewfan"

Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"

I missed the red curtain?

Who was it who just played before Bob Dylan came out.  I liked that song.

I really liked those groups/songs as well. The first group was Mumford and Sons. The second group (right before Bob Dylan) was the Avett Brothers.

Avett Brothers!  Thanks anewfan!

Cee-Lo is outdoing himself  He woke me up.  :lol:  

That was pretty cool and adorkable! =]

Yeahhh!!! Loved the last performance...Janelle Monae was smokin'! x]  8-)


I hope she is okay!!!

Other Odd Things / Re: Justin Beiber movie
February 11, 2011, 10:21:39 PM

I think Justin is allright, even though I am not a fan...ppl should stop hating on him.... 8-)

Michael Jackson News / Re: Teena Marie dies in her sleep
December 26, 2010, 08:15:27 PM

Yeah..they confirmed it on radio... :o =[ Man, this is so sad.  R.I.P., you will be missed, Teena. =[  :(