Can't see peoples posted links or photos

Started by micasjas, September 03, 2016, 03:21:42 AM

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micasjasTopic starter

I can't see links and pictures posted by people I keep coming back hoping something has changed but to no avail. It makes the forum somewhat pointless to me because a lot of topics are acompanied by photo or video proof. Not sure why I can't see it because obvliously other people can as they are all commenting on a topic.


That issue should be solved now. Always make a post here if something is not working here. I am admin and therefor can always see and use everything so if something isn't working for regular members, I will only know if you tell me and then I can fix it.

Can you check if everything is ok for you now?

micasjasTopic starter

Thank you Souza, I think it has worked. Will go around the forum a bit more but I actually see links now, that wasn't the case before.

I thought it was my phone at first so I never asked but I got a new phone now and the problem persisted so I though I'd better ask about it.

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