
Youtube video...Help !

Started by Motomark, July 18, 2019, 03:00:55 PM

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MotomarkTopic starter

So it's driving me nuts, I'm trying to embed a youtube video and it's not working. There is no "youtube" box to click on so I used codes. But it still isn't working.
I read the 'How to post a youtube' tread from Heartsong and I've tried all the codes.

Without the 's' first:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPe_c5F-_Ng

-With watch?v


-Without watch?v


I don't know what to try next.. anyone ?


All you have to do is paste a link. It auto-embeds.

MotomarkTopic starter

ok now I feel really dumb...The preview messed with my brain so I didn't try to actually post it. As I reopened the thread the first thing I saw was that the video was actually embeded...Thank you for your reply !
It's embarrassing but I won't delete this post in case anyone is missing half of his brain like me  :Cool:

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