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Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 23, 2010, 06:42:54 PM
funny, i just listened to 'morphine' today and really paid attention to the lyrics regarding who he was talking about. it's like the great music keeps you from going into the lyrics sometimes. but ever since 'bad', each of his songs had a message. and it was always personal experience or some issue he personally wanted to emphasize.  

i think someone 'fixed him' and replaced demerol with morphine without him knowing (to show him something even 'better working') and i had a gut feeling that it could have been debbie rowe he was talking about, cuz he mentions a 'she' several times. like she tricked him into morphine. (relax...don't resent me...close your eyes...count to ten - that's nurse talk to me.)

i remember arnie klein talking about how she was giving michael shots without dr. klein even being around. i mean, she did get fired and michael obviously never really had much contact with her after their divorce.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 24, 2010, 03:08:58 PM
i got another one:

in the 'you rock my world' short film there is a particluar line, before michael starts singing:

'mickey wants do die'  - he told us back then this was coming!!!   :shock:

the guy keeps challenging him:

'you ain't nothing. come on, big man, lemme see what you got.'
'show me all you got' - like he was 'challenged' to tour, to show all he got? tabloids that won't stop?

he does that three times, more aggressive each time (his trials/ losing neverland?). in between, michael does some fierce dance routines (shows all he got) with his group. they are forming a 'v', red and black colors only!!! and you can hardly see mj's face during the routine, like 'v', same camera angle, clear reference to 'v for vendetta'!!! :shock: vendetta is happening right now, soon-to-be exposure of the bad guys with an army of people (fans, supporters) behind him.

they approach the bad guys (still dancing) and mike gives the bad one a full swing. like we have never seen before! (you o like: what? mike is hitting someone? :o ) the guys is k.o.'d, total turmoil, fighting etc.

the whole joint is wrecked and goes up in flames (his public 'death'). mike escapes and gets away unnoticed...aaand: he gets the girl, of course!!!  ;) anyone got chris tucker's phone no.?  :mrgreen:

'you rock my world' is not only a clue to me, it might be one of the most important ones regarding the whole structure of the hoax-setup!  :mrgreen:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 24, 2010, 09:11:32 PM
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
i got another one:

in the 'you rock my world' short film there is a particluar line, before michael starts singing:

'mickey wants do die'  - he told us back then this was coming!!!   :shock:

the guy keeps challenging him:

'you ain't nothing. come on, big man, lemme see what you got.'
'show me all you got' - like he was 'challenged' to tour, to show all he got? tabloids that won't stop?

he does that three times, more aggressive each time (his trials/ losing neverland?). in between, michael does some fierce dance routines (shows all he got) with his group. they are forming a 'v', red and black colors only!!! and you can hardly see mj's face during the routine, like 'v', same camera angle, clear reference to 'v for vendetta'!!! :shock: vendetta is happening right now, soon-to-be exposure of the bad guys with an army of people (fans, supporters) behind him.

they approach the bad guys (still dancing) and mike gives the bad one a full swing. like we have never seen before! (you o like: what? mike is hitting someone? :o ) the guys is k.o.'d, total turmoil, fighting etc.

the whole joint is wrecked and goes up in flames (his public 'death'). mike escapes and gets away unnoticed...aaand: he gets the girl, of course!!!  ;) anyone got chris tucker's phone no.?  :mrgreen:

'you rock my world' is not only a clue to me, it might be one of the most important ones regarding the whole structure of the hoax-setup!  :mrgreen:

hmmm, I think you muht be onto something, what I underlined is the part that made the most sense to me !
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 25, 2010, 05:25:36 AM
Quote from: "CrazyBanana"
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
i got another one:

in the 'you rock my world' short film there is a particluar line, before michael starts singing:

'mickey wants do die'  - he told us back then this was coming!!!   :shock:

the guy keeps challenging him:

'you ain't nothing. come on, big man, lemme see what you got.'
'show me all you got' - like he was 'challenged' to tour, to show all he got? tabloids that won't stop?

he does that three times, more aggressive each time (his trials/ losing neverland?). in between, michael does some fierce dance routines (shows all he got) with his group. they are forming a 'v', red and black colors only!!! and you can hardly see mj's face during the routine, like 'v', same camera angle, clear reference to 'v for vendetta'!!! :shock: vendetta is happening right now, soon-to-be exposure of the bad guys with an army of people (fans, supporters) behind him.

they approach the bad guys (still dancing) and mike gives the bad one a full swing. like we have never seen before! (you o like: what? mike is hitting someone? :o ) the guys is k.o.'d, total turmoil, fighting etc.

the whole joint is wrecked and goes up in flames (his public 'death'). mike escapes and gets away unnoticed...aaand: he gets the girl, of course!!!  ;) anyone got chris tucker's phone no.?  :mrgreen:

'you rock my world' is not only a clue to me, it might be one of the most important ones regarding the whole structure of the hoax-setup!  :mrgreen:

hmmm, I think you muht be onto something, what I underlined is the part that made the most sense to me !

i actually think you can do that to almost any of his songs, especially around and after 1993. when you think 'hoax' and interpret them that way, he was telling this story for years and maybe even how this is set up...this is payback...big time payback. everybody gets their 'piece' now.

'invincible' is filled with tracks like that, listen to 'privacy'! the whole album is almost an announcement of what's happening now.
that was also the time when he really started going public with his criticism, telling everybody how crooked this whole system is, especially entertainment business. and did anything change in the past 10 years? nope. it got worse, even. you need to be either a 'gangsta' (attitude!) or a 'hoe' (outfits!) nowadays to be selling records. no other message necessary. it's all about sex, violence, dissing each other...we're going down and we're thinking it's 'just entertainment', that's wrong. thinking hoax, this is the only way to hold the mirror up to everybody's faces...the only way to read the clues is when you understand what mj was really about. the general public very probably doesn't and eats the garbage that is served to them as 'breaking news' by the tabloids.

that's my take... :mrgreen:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 27, 2010, 04:48:19 PM
listened to 'threatened' today with special attention to the lyrics. this is my take:

i'm beginning to think that invincible is the album with most clues, given the context it was produced in (fight with sony etc.). if i'm thinking right, mj planned this at least a decade ago.  

here's some 'clips':

'...you're fearing me, cause you know, i'm a beast...'
- a business 'beast' that is, and in every single one of his fields (u rock! :mrgreen: )-

'...i'm the living dead...i heard just what you said...that's why you should feel threatened by me...half the time, the lady speaks, she speaks of me...you should be watching me, you should feel threatened...half of me will never be...'

- this one goes out to sony, i think. michael left sony, still owning half of the catalogue. he's still making half of what could be sony's money in publishing rights...(good job, mike!  :mrgreen: 'half of me will never be sony's') the only way they can make money out of michael now is taking every last vid  down from youtube and make people buy their stuff, if they wanna see michael.  you cannot buy michael music/dvds/merch without buying sony! nothing official available on youtube any more, unless you give your money to sony. 'this is it' is the last thing they can make money with. and some more 'best of's, of course... :roll: (coming up soon... :roll: ) no new stuff for them...free agent! :mrgreen: he knew then that he only needed one more album by the time his contract with them ends, anyway.

'the lady' could be representing (mostly female) newscasters, meaning everytime you turn the news on, it's michael-time!  :mrgreen: he ain't going nowhere, folx!  :mrgreen: still here!

'...i'm not a ghost from hell, but i got a spell on you...you're worst nightmare. it's me, i'm everywhere...in one blink i disappear...and then i come back to haunt you...i'm the one watching you...'

- see above... :mrgreen: but he makes sure that not one move stays unnoticed. any wrong move, something will happen (estate steps in, something.)
another point here: michael repeatedly said that he wrote '100's of songs' for any album he did. he got music for decades to come. as soon as anything of that surfaces, meaning new michael music available, people will be on it like white on rice and sony's michael business will drop like a hot potatoe. you can believe that scares the sh!t outta sony, cuz they know already, as we sit here: that day will come!  :mrgreen: (eat this!)

newsclip: '...being in two places at the same time...this is judgement day...execution...the double goes back to his monster...you can be sure of one thing...that's it...this is fear...a monster...the worst thing to fear...what you just witnessed could be the end of the most terrifying nightmare...it isn't...it's the beginning...'

- i didn' get it all, michael was so clever to almost hide stuff like this under the beat...you have to listen hard, but i think i got it pretty much: 'two places at the same time' could either mean using doubles or, more probably, being officially dead and alive and kicking at the same time...'judgement day/ execution was june 25, 2009...then the 'prescription drug addict'-monster was created. or the monster could be the hoax as well. cuz it is monstrous, i'm tellin' ya!
the last line is very crucial to me...one nightmare, the public nightmare for michael is over but at the same time, the nightmare of michael jackson being officially dead is still going on, especially for his fans or those who are not in on the hoax... :mrgreen:

comments, plz?  :mrgreen:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
February 27, 2010, 06:14:22 PM
'unbreakable' - clips:

'...don't you ever make no mistake, baby i got what it takes...and there's no way you will ever get me...'
- he was always underestimated, nobody thought he would 'outthink' sony...
- tabloids moving on to destroy mj's image, but it won't phase him

'...you can't believe it, you can't conceive it...and you can't touch me, cause i'm untouchable...and i know you hate it, and you can't take it...you never break me, cause i'm unbreakable...'
- his fame is so extraordinary that people are mad and jealous about it
- tabloids trying to destroy his image have been unsuccessful to this day! pain in the a$$ for any tabloid! (sux, right??? :mrgreen: )

'...you've done your thing...and when you bury me underneath all your pain...i'm standing laughing...while surfacing...*
- tabloids etc. have given their all, they realize the mistake they made and leave him alone, meaning writing nice stuff for a change...and then - bam!  :mrgreen:

'...no, not with what you do...i'm still gonna be there...'
- anything bad still written about mj is immediately destroyed, because his current image makes all that invalid anyway. and he is even loved more now.

rap-part (didn't get half of it, can someone with skillz plz help?):

'...disappearing acts...strictly not to match...copperfield material...street people, yes, that'll be my wagon...shut it down if i die...'
- this is what happened on june 25, 2009. the day mj disappeared. don't know what the 'shut it down' means, could refer to neverland, since he was still there at the time the album was done.
- strictly not to match is one of mj's general trademarks anyway...something the world has never seen, like an elaborate hoax such as this one!  :mrgreen:

all cleverly hidden in a song that could easily portray the relationship to a woman...GENIUS!!!  :mrgreen:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 03, 2010, 12:05:41 PM
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
funny, i just listened to 'morphine' today and really paid attention to the lyrics regarding who he was talking about. it's like the great music keeps you from going into the lyrics sometimes. but ever since 'bad', each of his songs had a message. and it was always personal experience or some issue he personally wanted to emphasize.  

i think someone 'fixed him' and replaced demerol with morphine without him knowing (to show him something even 'better working') and i had a gut feeling that it could have been debbie rowe he was talking about, cuz he mentions a 'she' several times. like she tricked him into morphine. (relax...don't resent me...close your eyes...count to ten - that's nurse talk to me.)

i remember arnie klein talking about how she was giving michael shots without dr. klein even being around. i mean, she did get fired and michael obviously never really had much contact with her after their divorce.

I could have sworn he was screaming Debby in the song too and when I was younger I used to wonder if it was about her, but shrugged it off cause they did marry.  And I agree with the nurse talk part, it's like sedating someone and being in a state of calmness.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 03, 2010, 12:14:34 PM
Quote from: "GreenManMakeAChange"
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
funny, i just listened to 'morphine' today and really paid attention to the lyrics regarding who he was talking about. it's like the great music keeps you from going into the lyrics sometimes. but ever since 'bad', each of his songs had a message. and it was always personal experience or some issue he personally wanted to emphasize.  

i think someone 'fixed him' and replaced demerol with morphine without him knowing (to show him something even 'better working') and i had a gut feeling that it could have been debbie rowe he was talking about, cuz he mentions a 'she' several times. like she tricked him into morphine. (relax...don't resent me...close your eyes...count to ten - that's nurse talk to me.)

i remember arnie klein talking about how she was giving michael shots without dr. klein even being around. i mean, she did get fired and michael obviously never really had much contact with her after their divorce.

I could have sworn he was screaming Debby in the song too and when I was younger I used to wonder if it was about her, but shrugged it off cause they did marry.  And I agree with the nurse talk part, it's like sedating someone and being in a state of calmness.

i dunno about screaming debbie, gotta listen to it again. but it def sounds like someone turned him on to the drug.
i think he married her to do his mother a favour, so she would approve of debbie having his children. she is prob very old school about things like that. i remember myself, when my (now ex-)hubby and me went to visit his mom in the states, we couldn't stay at her house cuz we weren't married. it's still common for women of that generation to think that way.
it was a 'going through the motions'-thing.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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just because it\'s in print, doesn\'t mean it\'s the gospel - mj 2003

i have incredible disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988

...details at eleven...

wear something green!

proud member of the army of l.o.v.e!

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 11, 2010, 07:06:54 PM
The song was inspired by a fan of MJ's name therese gonsales, you can look her up and it will give yoiu all the information about her and mJS RELATIONSHIP.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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  • Guest
Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 11, 2010, 07:58:32 PM
Please stop stripping Michael's music,because you are taking the true meaning of the song away from Michael.Billie Jean has nothing to do with the public or the media.Billie Jean was about groupies who would come to his brothers stating they were pregnant,Mj has giving countless interviews about this.Therasa Gonsalas like to take credict for the song,but Michael never mentioned her,not even once.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Its her

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 12, 2010, 04:59:33 AM
Quote from: "word"
Please stop stripping Michael's music,because you are taking the true meaning of the song away from Michael.Billie Jean has nothing to do with the public or the media.Billie Jean was about groupies who would come to his brothers stating they were pregnant,Mj has giving countless interviews about this.Therasa Gonsalas like to take credict for the song,but Michael never mentioned her,not even once.

Don't you HATE that? When someone tries to put words in your mouth???  :mad: Grrrr. But, NO one can take ANY thing away from MJ's words and music. They are just doing 2 things most people do---A) mis-hear or mis-understand, and then fill in the blanks... with crap. B) try to make their chaotic world MAKE logical sense and kill some fear and pain. If people can believe MJ KNEW ahead of time, it means he's safe and we can relax, because he's ON it already.

It doesn't harm his masterpieces!  It doesn't. Thoughtful people take him at his word, and FEEL his urgency to be real and real plain, I think... A true teacher's gift. If he WERE burying messages, which he expected to do us or him any good at ALL, he better be on his face PRAYING, right now,  that we all get wonderstruck with the SAME GENIUS!

Although it is a compliment that people think he actually sat down to invent all this secret code and puzzles within a song which teaches on it's own, without a bunch of work. It's just hurting people making HIS words therapy(---EXCEPT for the one who's got Dirty Diana ALL TWISTED up with molestation. Brrrrother!  Now THAT's just WRONG.)

It can be funny, too. There was a whole website, somewhere of how many WRONG things people heard him say in songs. I was crying it was SO retarded. Especially as his diction is so precise. I LOVE that! The most idiotic was in the song, "Beat It", the line where he states that  "no one WANTs to be defeated...". That is such a GREAT song, full of wisdom, and the man CAN turn a phrase  :!:  :cool:  :D

Anyway, some nut thought MJ said,    "no one wants to EAT a PEANUT..."  :!: Yup. :roll: THAT makes logical sense in a street brawl...

It reminds me of the Bible truth, not having hears to HEAR, and not realizing that you don't! :oops: But MOSTLY, WHY on earth would Michael Jackson EVER say THAT?
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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ONLY Believe...


  • Guest
Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 12, 2010, 08:53:01 AM
Quote from: "Its her"
Quote from: "word"
Please stop stripping Michael's music,because you are taking the true meaning of the song away from Michael.Billie Jean has nothing to do with the public or the media.Billie Jean was about groupies who would come to his brothers stating they were pregnant,Mj has giving countless interviews about this.Therasa Gonsalas like to take credict for the song,but Michael never mentioned her,not even once.

Don't you HATE that? When someone tries to put words in your mouth???  :mad: Grrrr. But, NO one can take ANY thing away from MJ's words and music. They are just doing 2 things most people do---A) mis-hear or mis-understand, and then fill in the blanks... with crap. B) try to make their chaotic world MAKE logical sense and kill some fear and pain. If people can believe MJ KNEW ahead of time, it means he's safe and we can relax, because he's ON it already.

It doesn't harm his masterpieces!  It doesn't. Thoughtful people take him at his word, and FEEL his urgency to be real and real plain, I think... A true teacher's gift. If he WERE burying messages, which he expected to do us or him any good at ALL, he better be on his face PRAYING, right now,  that we all get wonderstruck with the SAME GENIUS!

Although it is a compliment that people think he actually sat down to invent all this secret code and puzzles within a song which teaches on it's own, without a bunch of work. It's just hurting people making HIS words therapy(---EXCEPT for the one who's got Dirty Diana ALL TWISTED up with molestation. Brrrrother!  Now THAT's just WRONG.)

It can be funny, too. There was a whole website, somewhere of how many WRONG things people heard him say in songs. I was crying it was SO retarded. Especially as his diction is so precise. I LOVE that! The most idiotic was in the song, "Beat It", the line where he states that  "no one WANTs to be defeated...". That is such a GREAT song, full of wisdom, and the man CAN turn a phrase  :!:  :cool:  :D

Anyway, some nut thought MJ said,    "no one wants to EAT a PEANUT..."  :!: Yup. :roll: THAT makes logical sense in a street brawl...

It reminds me of the Bible truth, not having hears to HEAR, and not realizing that you don't! :oops: But MOSTLY, WHY on earth would Michael Jackson EVER say THAT?

HAhahahahahahah,"no one wants to eat a peanut",thanks you've made my day.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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~Souza~Topic starter

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 12, 2010, 01:01:10 PM
Quote from: "Its her"
Quote from: "word"
Please stop stripping Michael's music,because you are taking the true meaning of the song away from Michael.Billie Jean has nothing to do with the public or the media.Billie Jean was about groupies who would come to his brothers stating they were pregnant,Mj has giving countless interviews about this.Therasa Gonsalas like to take credict for the song,but Michael never mentioned her,not even once.

Don't you HATE that? When someone tries to put words in your mouth???  :mad: Grrrr. But, NO one can take ANY thing away from MJ's words and music. They are just doing 2 things most people do---A) mis-hear or mis-understand, and then fill in the blanks... with crap. B) try to make their chaotic world MAKE logical sense and kill some fear and pain. If people can believe MJ KNEW ahead of time, it means he's safe and we can relax, because he's ON it already.

It doesn't harm his masterpieces!  It doesn't. Thoughtful people take him at his word, and FEEL his urgency to be real and real plain, I think... A true teacher's gift. If he WERE burying messages, which he expected to do us or him any good at ALL, he better be on his face PRAYING, right now,  that we all get wonderstruck with the SAME GENIUS!

Although it is a compliment that people think he actually sat down to invent all this secret code and puzzles within a song which teaches on it's own, without a bunch of work. It's just hurting people making HIS words therapy(---EXCEPT for the one who's got Dirty Diana ALL TWISTED up with molestation. Brrrrother!  Now THAT's just WRONG.)

It can be funny, too. There was a whole website, somewhere of how many WRONG things people heard him say in songs. I was crying it was SO retarded. Especially as his diction is so precise. I LOVE that! The most idiotic was in the song, "Beat It", the line where he states that  "no one WANTs to be defeated...". That is such a GREAT song, full of wisdom, and the man CAN turn a phrase  :!:  :cool:  :D

Anyway, some nut thought MJ said,    "no one wants to EAT a PEANUT..."  :!: Yup. :roll: THAT makes logical sense in a street brawl...

It reminds me of the Bible truth, not having hears to HEAR, and not realizing that you don't! :oops: But MOSTLY, WHY on earth would Michael Jackson EVER say THAT?

And what makes you 2 think you are right? We are here to share opinions, not to bash each others posts. If you don't agree that is fine, but show some more respect to others.

Thank you.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Its her

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 12, 2010, 06:39:03 PM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "Its her"
Quote from: "word"
Please stop stripping Michael's music,because you are taking the true meaning of the song away from Michael.Billie Jean has nothing to do with the public or the media.Billie Jean was about groupies who would come to his brothers stating they were pregnant,Mj has giving countless interviews about this.Therasa Gonsalas like to take credict for the song,but Michael never mentioned her,not even once.

Don't you HATE that? When someone tries to put words in your mouth???  :mad: Grrrr. But, NO one can take ANY thing away from MJ's words and music. They are just doing 2 things most people do---A) mis-hear or mis-understand, and then fill in the blanks... with crap. B) try to make their chaotic world MAKE logical sense and kill some fear and pain. If people can believe MJ KNEW ahead of time, it means he's safe and we can relax, because he's ON it already.

It doesn't harm his masterpieces!  It doesn't. Thoughtful people take him at his word, and FEEL his urgency to be real and real plain, I think... A true teacher's gift. If he WERE burying messages, which he expected to do us or him any good at ALL, he better be on his face PRAYING, right now,  that we all get wonderstruck with the SAME GENIUS!

Although it is a compliment that people think he actually sat down to invent all this secret code and puzzles within a song which teaches on it's own, without a bunch of work. It's just hurting people making HIS words therapy(---EXCEPT for the one who's got Dirty Diana ALL TWISTED up with molestation. Brrrrother!  Now THAT's just WRONG.)

It can be funny, too. There was a whole website, somewhere of how many WRONG things people heard him say in songs. I was crying it was SO retarded. Especially as his diction is so precise. I LOVE that! The most idiotic was in the song, "Beat It", the line where he states that  "no one WANTs to be defeated...". That is such a GREAT song, full of wisdom, and the man CAN turn a phrase  :!:  :cool:  :D

Anyway, some nut thought MJ said,    "no one wants to EAT a PEANUT..."  :!: Yup. :roll: THAT makes logical sense in a street brawl...

It reminds me of the Bible truth, not having hears to HEAR, and not realizing that you don't! :oops: But MOSTLY, WHY on earth would Michael Jackson EVER say THAT?

And what makes you 2 think you are right? We are here to share opinions, not to bash each others posts. If you don't agree that is fine, but show some more respect to others.

Thank you.
 I'm sorry, Souza. I realize you and Mo are really getting beat up these days over all you do. You are probably expecting it from all directions. :(  I thought I WAS just sharing my opinion.

I hope I am NEVER found bashing anyone! I am compelled to "flag" lies and call others on it, when they have been hurtful---but I am not a "basher"--- please don't think that.
  I was referring to "crap' like T.G. saying she was the inspiration for Billie Jean. MJ MAY have told her that or let her THINK that, but he told US something different, so her version is not the truth until MJ validates her version. THIS is how rumors get started. "Word" corrected the one rumor, and I corrected the other one. I'm sorry if it came out wrong.

I was trying to BRIEFLY comfort "Word" over the heartfelt anxiety at spreading, what could go like wildfire,  rumors, about what MJ really meant with his songs. I feel that MJ , if he were dead, would be spinning in his grave over the notion that he was singing about he and Diana Ross having a sexual relationship, starting when he was in grade school.  :o   Forget the pedophile sex---what is obscene is just the sheer disrespect in THAT way, of someone HE loves.   That song is no way about that---so, it is crap with wings! It could start a vicious rumor just as bad as any tabloid and for NO practical Hoax-informational good. That's all I meant.  :roll:  I think Word and I understand each other, but , I'll choose more carefully my words, next time. :?  

When I tried to say this over on the Bad thread, they thought I was bashing them, there!  It feels to me,  like I am simply protecting the legacy from ITSELF being bashed by them with their rumor-starting.  :(   I said what I felt and my post still speaks for me, even after they bash me. I don't fight with folk.

 I apologize for trying to shorten  :roll:  :oops:  :oops: my posts and sacrificing the clarity :!:  
Is it really bashing to say something isn't right?  Next time I will go the PM route, so as not to appear inflamatory . :)

I did say that people are using this lyric stripping for therapy for their own hurt, trying to make sense of things. That's not disrespectful. Perhaps I should have said,"people who are hurting" instead of "hurting people"?  As I really did mean the NOUN and not the VERB... :)

I was NOT cutting on the topic---just the sour notes which could go to seed. It is one thing to discover messages in a song which pertain to the Hoax investigation.  Heck, I've studied his lyrics myself---it ALL there, everything one could want to discover about MJ---but I'm not re-writing his songs' themes. Any artist would feel SO lonely and misunderstood, and ineffective at communicatiing in their Art.  Michael Jackson surely doesn't deserve more of that. It is my opinion and intent to shield him  :) from that kind of snowballing.  
It was just TABLOID to bash Diana Ross and actually, Michael, too, with such a juicy lie.

Honestly, Souza, I am asking. Where did you feel I was not respectful?  :?  I will watch that.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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ONLY Believe...

Re: Stripping the lyrics
March 12, 2010, 06:58:03 PM
Ok anyone ever hear of a double meaning?
anyone that writes would know, I was doing a writing excersise and I began with sentences that made no sense to a conversation between two people and that turned into a poem about a cat LOL
thats art for you,
he might have started writing about something and then made it seem like he was talking about a female.
and about the Dirty Diana thing, no one said she was a pedophile, a lot of people believe their relationship started during filming of the Wiz and he was legal then  ;)
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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