
Is Michael behind ANONYMOUS

Started by gwynned, July 13, 2011, 12:39:15 PM

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QuoteThe Plan: Phase one: Initiated.
We are One. The Vibrations Of Truth are resonating through our World. Anonymous is a reflection of the consciousness of the people.
The "Train" is picking up speed.

I did NOT highlight or capitalize the word 'Train'

Can't help but note the professionalism and profusion of V masks.  Not to mention George Carlin saying (twice) They don't give a f**k about us.

It IS July 13th, after all.



Quote from: diggyon on August 04, 2011, 05:41:55 PM

You mean all revolutions have been planned by Illuminati to create chaos???????
Is that what you really mean, paula-c??????? afraid/
But the Egyptian president and his sons are in prison for what they did!!!!! What can we call that??? I call it justice!!!!!

Henry Kissinger in 2003 spoke of seizures that occur in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco,ettc to overthrow governments pro-western to introduce alleged democracies, where the islamist court will be very present, favoring this way the upcoming events also planned years in advance.
The video no longer available on youtube. But you can look at this another and to pay attention to their words.



Just thought of something... the part in TII when Michael stops the music and talks about how it feels like someone's fist is in his ear. He emphasizes the word 'fist' and makes a fist, I wonder if that was meant to be a clue?

Also, makes me think of the song "Behind the Mask" a little bit differently...

I absolutely think all of this is related. The V for Vendetta connections...the timing... it all seems to add up. Whether or not the entire Anonymous initiative was Michael's creation or not, I bet he is apart of it and has been leading us there. But see, it was important for us all to understand the reasons WHY he hoaxed his death first in order for us to care about joining the resistance.

After learning all about what's really going on in the world, and ESPECIALLY what's currently going on with the US government, I find myself caring more about fighting back and educating others on all of these truths as opposed to telling everyone that MJ isn't dead like I used to be obsessed with. It's interesting, because had MJ not "died" I would still be asleep to the deception and tyranny that is taking place, and that is precisely why he did what he did...to WAKE ME UP. All of us. My life has been changed and the lives of many people I know have been changed not because Michael Jackson died but because he inspired one person to start caring and start researching, and that one person inspired another person to start caring and start researching, etc. There is a shift in consciousness in the air that is palpable, and it just all makes sense. It's coming full circle.

I honestly don't know what the "bam" is going to consist of, but I'm convinced that it's not the main event. The main event is all of us, working together, raising our voice, and taking our freedom back. I really believe this is it.

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn't. It's the beginning.


Like many of you, I am fascinated with 'anonymous'.  I was surprised to learn that they have actually been around since 2003, considering I hadn't heard about them until recently.  It's also interesting to note that their 'mission' seems to have kicked into high gear after MJ's 'death'.  Perhaps the two are completely unrelated and Mike is not behind 'anonymous'...but the research that I've done so far on the group is enough for me know that a lot of what they are fighting for is very much in line with what Mike tried to shed light on for many, many years.  Even if Mike has nothing to do with them, I think he would support this initiative.

But isn't it unnerving at just how many 'dots' there are to be found linking Mike and 'anonymous'?  A lot of connections are mentioned in this thread and I'm sure that with more research, there will be more to uncover.  And yes, the two may be completely unrelated...but can you think of ANY other celeb (or anyone else for that matter) that the same amount of 'dots' line up with 'anonymous' as they do with Mike?  I can't.

I'm not good with calculating odds but maybe some of you, gifted with the math gene, can try to make sense of the probability of ALL these 'dots' connecting Mike to 'anonymous'.

Connections/DOTS (and I'm sure there's more):
-   V for Vendetta (movie, masks and also TS redirects)
-   Sony
-   MLK
-   JFK (TS redirects)
-   Police brutality
-   Scientology
-   'Operation Bahrain'
-   Charlie Chaplin
-   Media targeted (News of the World, Sun)
-   'Green men' in videos
-   'Surgical masks' in videos
-   NWO/Illuminati (TS redirects)
-   More DOTS to come, I'm sure...

It truly is amazing, to me anyway, just how many connections there are between Mike and anonymous...and I'm sure I've missed plenty in that list.  Again, if anyone is good at calculating...what are the odds, mathematically speaking, of there being NO connection?  Sure, there are plenty of groups out there fighting against, and trying to raise awareness of, the NWO and issues of injustice.  But then there's the 'green men' and 'surgical masks', etc...the little 'details' that really didn't need to be added to the 'anonymous' videos, but they were added.

So, let's suppose, for a second that Mike has a hand in 'anonymous'...he most definitely wouldn't be doing this alone.  Yes, there are many, many people joining the cause (I've joined and hope that many others will too)...but apart from the 'members', there has got to be people at the helm...running the show from behind the scenes.  We all know, based on TS' posts and also on behaviour/things said, that the family is on the 'hoax' and most definitely would be aware if Mike is involved with 'anonymous' in any way.

With that in mind, this quote from TS has a whole new meaning:

Quote by TS:
You can also send tweets to the Jacksons, especially La Toya and Jermaine {http://twitter.com/#!/latoyajackson; http://twitter.com/#!/jermjackson5}; they are the ones who are currently the most involved in trying to expose the conspiracy against MJ.  But don't send tweets asking them about the hoax, that will not help; instead, tell them that you realize what they are up against, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to help them—even at the risk of your own life (but don't say it unless you really mean it).  The more that they see this kind of support, the more they will be able to come out publicly with what they know.  And this is exactly the kind of support that I have been giving for well over a year now, and also encouraging others to give.

With L.O.V.E. always.

The beauty of Michael Jackson is found in his heart and soul...his enormous talent is a bonus and what a bonus it is.

~PLAY the moments...PAUSE the memories...STOP the pain...REWIND the happiness~


Quote from: jacilovesmichael on August 05, 2011, 10:53:48 AM

There is a shift in consciousness in the air that is palpable, and it just all makes sense. It's coming full circle. I honestly don't know what the "bam" is going to consist of, but I'm convinced that it's not the main event. The main event is all of us, working together, raising our voice, and taking our freedom back. I really believe this is it.

I agree with you Jacilovesmichael bearhug I CAN FEEL IT!

The whole world is coming together now, Baby
Can You Feel It
Can You Feel It
Feel it in the air
The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah!

I again suggest that everyone pay attention to Donte Jackson's tumblr blog. He posted this pic 2 days ago.


It's one thing to be awake and aware, but to have hope we must Come Together to Make That Change! A Peaceful, Legal, Revolution to spread Truth.

[/color]"We are all doing too much sitting back, and reading & watching TV saying how awful it is and not actually doing something about it."   Michael Jackson


Quote from: MJonmind on August 04, 2011, 04:43:02 PM

I think you posted this because MJ coincidentally looks like Mr. V .....while making an announcement in London ....in front of a red curtain....


Why do we need a revolution and why do we need to fight Illuminati if the end of the world is to come in the next few years? TS ? Mr. V? Anybody?



Paris Jacksoη ‏ @ParisJackson
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she also changed her avatar . this one




February 28, 2012, 11:28:35 AM #53 Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 11:40:02 AM by GINAFELICIA
Quote from: koulio02 on February 28, 2012, 06:48:34 AM


Paris Jacksoη ‏ @ParisJackson
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she also changed her avatar . this one


whaaaaaattt?/?? No...NO I can NOT believe this!
WTF this is unbelievable.
Michael if it's really YOU out there - I am sorry for all the stupid/ insensitive/ crazy/ inappropriate  things I've said in 2,5 years on all forums /overreacting/... and for the ones I will say from now on  errrr
What you must think of me and others now pale/ :oops: errrr
On the other hand it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you seem to be alive and I THANK GOD  for this bow/ michael-jackson/.

gwynnedTopic starter

Quote from: GINAFELICIA on February 28, 2012, 06:15:11 AM

Quote from: MJonmind on August 04, 2011, 04:43:02 PM

I think you posted this because MJ coincidentally looks like Mr. V .....while making an announcement in London ....in front of a red curtain....
Or he looks like the Black Panthers at the Olympics.  Ah, that's right!!!  I almost forgot!  Michael's Black Panther video!!! What an interesting coincidence.  And the other interesting coincidence that Tupac's aunt was a Black Panther now in Cuba having sought and gained asylum there.  And weren't the original Black Panters in Libya way back when. 


OK I am cool now. It has to be a coincidence.


I wish Mich was behind Anonymus, but I don't know. Although the connection between Michael's case and "V for Vendetta" is eerie ...


Quote from: sigh on February 28, 2012, 02:10:13 PM

I wish Mich was behind Anonymus, but I don't know. Although the connection between Michael's case and "V for Vendetta" is eerie ...

I am not sure he is. Michael is a  lover not a fighter  :)


 :shock:  Guys.....really is a great adventure !!!!!  bounce/  errrr  crash/



Quote from: GINAFELICIA on February 28, 2012, 06:17:33 AM

Why do we need a revolution and why do we need to fight Illuminati if the end of the world is to come in the next few years? TS ? Mr. V? Anybody?

If you believe the end of the world is happening now - I've got some swampland in Africa to sell you.
Black & Proud! I'm like the Oracle/Batgirl, who helps Batman in the comic books. I believe in "Comic Book justice."

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