Like many of you, I am fascinated with 'anonymous'. I was surprised to learn that they have actually been around since 2003, considering I hadn't heard about them until recently. It's also interesting to note that their 'mission' seems to have kicked into high gear after MJ's 'death'. Perhaps the two are completely unrelated and Mike is not behind 'anonymous'...but the research that I've done so far on the group is enough for me know that a lot of what they are fighting for is very much in line with what Mike tried to shed light on for many, many years. Even if Mike has nothing to do with them, I think he would support this initiative.
But isn't it unnerving at just how many 'dots' there are to be found linking Mike and 'anonymous'? A lot of connections are mentioned in this thread and I'm sure that with more research, there will be more to uncover. And yes, the two may be completely unrelated...but can you think of ANY other celeb (or anyone else for that matter) that the same amount of 'dots' line up with 'anonymous' as they do with Mike? I can't.
I'm not good with calculating odds but maybe some of you, gifted with the math gene, can try to make sense of the probability of ALL these 'dots' connecting Mike to 'anonymous'.
Connections/DOTS (and I'm sure there's more):
- V for Vendetta (movie, masks and also TS redirects)
- Sony
- JFK (TS redirects)
- Police brutality
- Scientology
- 'Operation Bahrain'
- Charlie Chaplin
- Media targeted (News of the World, Sun)
- 'Green men' in videos
- 'Surgical masks' in videos
- NWO/Illuminati (TS redirects)
- More DOTS to come, I'm sure...
It truly is amazing, to me anyway, just how many connections there are between Mike and anonymous...and I'm sure I've missed plenty in that list. Again, if anyone is good at calculating...what are the odds, mathematically speaking, of there being NO connection? Sure, there are plenty of groups out there fighting against, and trying to raise awareness of, the NWO and issues of injustice. But then there's the 'green men' and 'surgical masks', etc...the little 'details' that really didn't need to be added to the 'anonymous' videos, but they were added.
So, let's suppose, for a second that Mike has a hand in 'anonymous'...he most definitely wouldn't be doing this alone. Yes, there are many, many people joining the cause (I've joined and hope that many others will too)...but apart from the 'members', there has got to be people at the helm...running the show from behind the scenes. We all know, based on TS' posts and also on behaviour/things said, that the family is on the 'hoax' and most definitely would be aware if Mike is involved with 'anonymous' in any way.
With that in mind, this quote from TS has a whole new meaning:
Quote by TS:
You can also send tweets to the Jacksons, especially La Toya and Jermaine {!/latoyajackson;!/jermjackson5}; they are the ones who are currently the most involved in trying to expose the conspiracy against MJ. But don't send tweets asking them about the hoax, that will not help; instead, tell them that you realize what they are up against, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to help them—even at the risk of your own life (but don't say it unless you really mean it). The more that they see this kind of support, the more they will be able to come out publicly with what they know. And this is exactly the kind of support that I have been giving for well over a year now, and also encouraging others to give.
With L.O.V.E. always.