Quote from: "curls"... how MJ's incredible mind has thought this out.
As to LMP's interesting blog, I've always suspected MJ had a hand in writing it, but again I simply don't know!
Yeah, Curls! me too! I always thought MJ wrote LMP's blog entry that day. When they first read it in its entirety on the news I said,
NONE of it rang true, from the fact that it was supposedly composed by someone who, since their divorce has PUBLICLY acted actually embarrassed that there ever was a connection, there, and her paradoxically stating that she now is 'truly gutted'...to the cryptic suggested remarks about MJ believing he would end up like ELVIS. Broooooother... :roll: :?: I just kept saying, "WHAT??" :?: :P
(Not saying that if he really died or that she was NOT in on the hoax, that she wouldn't have felt sad. I wouldn't presume to KNOW her Real inner workings. This post is ONLY about the "FAKE FEEL" of what "she" was supposed to have said, then....)
Uh.... :?
For one thing, it had the SAME fake feel as the interview with Barbra Walters, when MJ was acting like he was fearful that his life was coming to a close; he SAID he had had some kind of a" premonition". Even BW, herself was fake acting as she humored him and quizzed him about being "psychic" (HUH :?: ) :roll: He was throwing clues, even then, but not a very good faker. At that time, he had me thinking, "What is he TALKING like that for?? He was acting so strangely. FAKE. He did not BELIEVE what was coming out his own mouth. It was Bizarre. :shock: But, WHY??
Uh... :?
First of all, I can't imagine MJ saying the words that he's fearful of any future. HE is the BOSS, and he MAKES his own future, and HE KNOWS IT. This is why HE didn't attempt to convince us of this ("another premonition" :roll: ) himself. He KNEW we wouldn't BUY it! He wrote this up for her to post in her blog. One can lie like a rug, on paper, without the visibility of thousands of facial muscles to betray one's treachery... ;) :o
He's so crazy. The next thing had me laughing out loud---when CNN read that MJ laid all this dank melodrama on LMP, telling her he was afraid he was going to end up like her father.
He said it, I imagined, like he told Ola in :!: THRILLER :!:
"I'm Not like other guys..." :lol: :lol: :lol:
[Oh, and BTW, NOT funny, WHAT an insensitive thing to say to someone who lost her dad, and probably wasn't even over it, yet; that YOU were going to go THAT route KNOWINGLY... Geeez :( ]
FAKE. Did NOT happen that he said this (for real) to her. I don't think he's a jerk. I believe he really liked her. Hand-picked her for his HOAX. 8-) That Puppet Master wrote this script for her blog. :twisted: He never said anything like this to her, really. I betcha. :)
Secondly, even funnier than the first part: that a health nut, someone whom NONE of the kings horses and NONE of the king's men on nine planets, could have "pinched an inch" on, for all of 45 years....was going to turn to drugs and gain almost two hundred pounds?
Uh... :? :P :P :P :lol:
NOT making light or fun of obesity or anything like that. I am saying that MJ was always whipping "healthy" Janet into shape; he'd NEVER let himself go like that. He'd never fear it; never do it. NEVER. :roll: PLEASE. :|
What an over the top, off the wall ridiculous thing to say! Let alone, to expect any of his fans to believe. It was nothing more than another clue that he was NO WAY :D dead. PREPOSTEROUS. :P
While I was still tearing up over his death, not knowing there WAS a hoax yet, he was giving us these over the top, TOO MUCH BS, clues, that yes, even though we'd HEARD that she had been gutted, Snow White still lives...It made me cry more, because he was such a silly twisted lovable nut. I did not KNOW he was trying to tell us he was alive. Couldn't imagine WHAT this was for...maybe just trying to get closer to LMP, in some twisted male-think way---you know, sharing his heart, even if a scary thing to say... Waaaaaaaaaaaa :cry: :roll: Now, I can see it was ALL to be so preposterous, we'd know he was still alive, calling the shots, pulling the strings--even in his ex wife's blog. ;)
He said in his book that he wanted to evoke emotion. Well.... :roll: :mrgreen:
P.S. Thanx, Curls, for the encouragement, earlier! :D :mrgreen: