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Quote from: "Andrea"
Quote from: "suspicious mind"
Quote from: "Andrea"
Quote from: "looking4truth"
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "Andrea"
Does anyone know if Marlon and Jermaine don't get along with each other?  Or are pretending they don't?  Jermaine is the only brother (besides Michael of course) that Marlon isn't "following" on twitter.  Marlon has also tweeted all of his brothers except Jermaine....weird.

And look at this tweet (on Michael's birthday):

"Brothers, I miss you. @jackiejackson5 @titojackson5 @randyjackson8 and Jerm. Let's keep OUR legacy alive. Study Peace, Marlon Sunday, August 29, 2010 3:42:21 PM via web"

He says Jermaine's name (sort of) but doesn't acknowledge Jermaine's twitter account even though Jermaine had has twitter up and running way before then.

That's odd.

I don't think Jermaine had a twitter account when he posted that. I don't remember him having one at least. Is there any way to check when Jermaine had his twitter account up and running? If he did have it up and running, maybe he wasn't sure it was his because it wasn't verified at that point?

This is Jermaine's first tweet:

"Hello Twitter! This is the officical Twitter account for Jermaine Jackson! Follow me! :) 4:59 PM Jun 28th, 2010 via web"

So when Marlon tweeted his brothers on Michael's birthday, he could have included Jermaine as well since they both had accounts then.  It is very odd that Marlon never acknowledged Jermaine's twitter or followed him.
maybe it was a way to get the twitter address of  the other boys out there and he knew jermaine already had announced his?

Maybe but Marlon never @'d at Jermaine ever, but he did to his other brothers often.  And there was really no reason to leave Jermaine out of that one tweet unless it was deliberate.

What about the character count? Isn't there a 140 or so limit on twitter? maybe his username wouldn't fit.

The restaurant behind him is Cable's restaurant.  I'm pretty sure that's on Ventura Blvd, idk why he said "valley"..

Other Odd Things / Re: Taaj Malik-new BFF of the Jackson family?
« on: April 03, 2011, 12:45:09 PM »
Quote from: "Sinderella"
She has MULTIPLE twitters and facebooks under all sorts of alias's
That is only one she tweets from and from what I know and have been told about her she didn't seem to 'exist' before June 25th 2009
As a fan or any sort of obsessed stalker person,she just turned up on June 25th to Carolwood,stole a banner someone had made for him and it all went from there.That is the first time her name became a 'problem/talking point' and J4MJ started having problems with her trying to out do them,attacking them etc

It is extremley strange.

Really? I don't think about the Carolwood incident.  That is interesting; she seems erratic.

Other Odd Things / Re: Taaj Malik-new BFF of the Jackson family?
« on: April 03, 2011, 12:26:53 PM »
Quote from: "RK"
So what are the options here?
1/ Taaj knows about the hoax and is acting like an ass as script requires
2/ Family is keeping enemy close to keep an eye on her
3/ Taaj really thinks MJ passed and is just being herself with the crazy behaviour
4/Taaj knows MJ is alive and is using it as leverage to weasel her way in with the family

Hmm well let's see, her twitter is TeamMIchael777 isn't it?
the 7's could be a clue to back up the hoax part but I don't see the point in her "role" :/

Quote from: "fordtocarr"
I'd just say, each of our friends and family and co-workers, as well as every human, has their own opinion of everything, let alone Michael, who the world has created controversy over.  Let them believe what they will.  Usually you can't change peoples opinion of Michael anyhow.  But, you know your love for Michael, and if it can be swayed..then it is.  Think of how much Michael endured and how he kept taking it and held his head up.  He still is, and time will show the man he is, whether he returns or not won't it?  He's already been cleared of all the SMILTH they shoved up on him.  And if he does come back, then the world will even see more.  You have nothing to lose by hanging in and beLIEving.  Let your people believe what they will, this isn't about SALVATION and eternal life.  You or them has to convert.  Just love and  beLIEve and I think you already do. :)

Thank you, you're right.  My opinion can't be swayed but for some reason it really hit me hard that hers did.  This is someone that watches his videos with me on weekends for fun.  Michael brought us together and made us such close friends, so it made me sad to hear her say this.  I'll continue loving though.   ;)

General Hoax Talk / Need to vent. Do you think we're right about Michael?
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:33:05 PM »
Hi guys, I have done a lot of thinking lately and need to relate something that was said to me by a friend.

She said that she loves Michael up until the Bad era, but not after because he seems to change into kind of a rude or maybe less gentle guy.  I, of course, disagree with this, also due to the fact that she didn't really give me much to back that up and I sure couldn't think of anything....

but I was just wondering ...have any of you guys wondered if maybe what we saw from him was just a persona and maybe he wasn't the heal-the-world-gentle-sweet nice guy that we think? I would hate to think that he was something completely different from what we think but I just want to make sure we're not disillusioning ourselves.

I hope that's not the case but I'm just curious.  Snap me out of this and tell me that we're not wrong about him  :lol:

TMZ Articles / Re: Defense: Michael Jackson Drank Propofol
« on: January 10, 2011, 08:52:27 PM »
Quote from: "PeaceLoveHappiness"
Quote from: "nefari"
Thank you paula.
I keep wondering about that bloody shirt. That's as bad as the missing camera footage. And that bloody shirt thrown in for good measure reminds me of the mysterious bloody glove during the OJ trial that questions abounded about. It's just screaming to me, someone is making a murder mystery novel or movie and racking their brain really hard to come up with good murder mystery goodies/fun/antics/props/ etc...
"Hey man throw in a bloody shirt for good measure...and for all of the perverts out there make sure the juice is of the NAKED variety" :lol:

If I recall correctly, someone said (the cops maybe?) that the reason the bloody shirt wasn't examined is because Michael didn't have any open wounds.  I can't remember where I read that though.

I really don't understand why everything in that room wasn't fingerprinted though.  The only reason I can think of is because the death wasn't initially considered a homicide, and once it was, the room had already been cleaned or at least "tainted" since family members and whoever else had accessed it.

No open wounds? Don't bedsores count?!! ahhh confused...

TMZ Articles / Re: Defense: Michael Jackson Drank Propofol
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:43:40 PM »
This is the picture

And the bottle DOES look like NAKED Juice.  

TMZ Articles / Re: Defense: Michael Jackson Drank Propofol
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:02:43 PM »
Quote from: "nefari"
The HORROR of where this is leading. I don't like it one bit. My God I hope not but with Blanket not being mentioned as to his where a bouts during all of this and now a juice box which so often children drink out of......are you all following where this seems to be heading. And IF it heads there then I know Michael is not behind this because he would not dare. And whoever takes it in this direction needs to burn in hell.

I didn't think of that at all :(
I hope not, but lets not psych ourselves out by getting anxious.

TMZ Articles / Re: MJ drank his self to death???
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:42:05 PM »
Quote from: "mjaliveomg"
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Quote from: "roxy101"
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
What is a "juice box" - can anyone in the USA tell me?  Is it a juice bottle??

This is going along the lines to explain the Propofol in the stomach from the AR.

If this is true....   what does Propofol do if you drink it?  And who put it in the juice in the first place???

It could be that MJ didnt know it was in the juice.

Or if MJ put the Propofol in the juice, who else knew about this?


A juice box is just that..... a juice box.

Thankyou for the picture.   We dont call them "juice boxes" where i come from.  I had no idea what it was.

So.. how would MJ have got Propofol into that?????

No its not like that DancingtheDream...they trying to say that MJ drunk a bottle of propofol...if im not wrong lol cuz im not N.American either

No they are not.  They said that Michael drank from a juice box that was laced with propofol, not that he drank it straight.

Quote from: "hesouttamylife"
I just heard that the coroner doesn’t know where the autopsy report came from.  Not official.  I’ll get some more info on this.

Where did you hear this?

TMZ Articles / Re: MJ drank his self to death???
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:38:21 PM »
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Quote from: "roxy101"
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
What is a "juice box" - can anyone in the USA tell me?  Is it a juice bottle??

This is going along the lines to explain the Propofol in the stomach from the AR.

If this is true....   what does Propofol do if you drink it?  And who put it in the juice in the first place???

It could be that MJ didnt know it was in the juice.

Or if MJ put the Propofol in the juice, who else knew about this?


A juice box is just that..... a juice box.

Thankyou for the picture.   We dont call them "juice boxes" where i come from.  I had no idea what it was.

So.. how would MJ have got Propofol into that?????

No problem.  See, that's the thing.  I have no idea.  I also don't understand how the defense is even using that, because even if the juice box was laced with it, wouldn't it STILL be Murray's fault? Since he's the doctor wouldn't he still be responsible for the medication and the overseeing of the medication?

TMZ Articles / Re: MJ drank his self to death???
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:33:58 PM »
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
What is a "juice box" - can anyone in the USA tell me?  Is it a juice bottle??

This is going along the lines to explain the Propofol in the stomach from the AR.

If this is true....   what does Propofol do if you drink it?  And who put it in the juice in the first place???

It could be that MJ didnt know it was in the juice.

Or if MJ put the Propofol in the juice, who else knew about this?


A juice box is just that..... a juice box.

General Hoax Talk / Re: Is this Paris?
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:11:00 PM »
It looks like her to me just judging from the eyes.  That's just my view.  I can't tell for sure.  Paris kind of has a look where others can look similar to her rather easily.  Look up the Disney channel actress Alyson Stoner.  She looks like Paris as well, and I've even found side by side comparisons on google image searches by people who think the same.  Sorry, kind of a tangent but I just thought it was interesting.

Michael's Impersonators / Re: Who is Dimitrie Draghicescue???
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:41:39 PM »
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