Need to vent. Do you think we're right about Michael?

Started by roxy101, January 20, 2011, 07:33:05 PM

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roxy101Topic starter

Hi guys, I have done a lot of thinking lately and need to relate something that was said to me by a friend.

She said that she loves Michael up until the Bad era, but not after because he seems to change into kind of a rude or maybe less gentle guy.  I, of course, disagree with this, also due to the fact that she didn't really give me much to back that up and I sure couldn't think of anything....

but I was just wondering ...have any of you guys wondered if maybe what we saw from him was just a persona and maybe he wasn't the heal-the-world-gentle-sweet nice guy that we think? I would hate to think that he was something completely different from what we think but I just want to make sure we're not disillusioning ourselves.

I hope that's not the case but I'm just curious.  Snap me out of this and tell me that we're not wrong about him  :lol:

suspicious mind

perhaps your friend needs a reintroduction. ;)

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


They say that actions speak louder than words and in Michael's case, the over 300 million [probably a lot more  we're not aware of] given to charity speak volumes to me. I don't believe Michael is perfect as none of we humans are, but his core values ring true because of his compassionate actions.


I'd just say, each of our friends and family and co-workers, as well as every human, has their own opinion of everything, let alone Michael, who the world has created controversy over.  Let them believe what they will.  Usually you can't change peoples opinion of Michael anyhow.  But, you know your love for Michael, and if it can be swayed..then it is.  Think of how much Michael endured and how he kept taking it and held his head up.  He still is, and time will show the man he is, whether he returns or not won't it?  He's already been cleared of all the SMILTH they shoved up on him.  And if he does come back, then the world will even see more.  You have nothing to lose by hanging in and beLIEving.  Let your people believe what they will, this isn't about SALVATION and eternal life.  You or them has to convert.  Just love and  beLIEve and I think you already do. :)

roxy101Topic starter

Quote from: "fordtocarr"

I'd just say, each of our friends and family and co-workers, as well as every human, has their own opinion of everything, let alone Michael, who the world has created controversy over.  Let them believe what they will.  Usually you can't change peoples opinion of Michael anyhow.  But, you know your love for Michael, and if it can be swayed..then it is.  Think of how much Michael endured and how he kept taking it and held his head up.  He still is, and time will show the man he is, whether he returns or not won't it?  He's already been cleared of all the SMILTH they shoved up on him.  And if he does come back, then the world will even see more.  You have nothing to lose by hanging in and beLIEving.  Let your people believe what they will, this isn't about SALVATION and eternal life.  You or them has to convert.  Just love and  beLIEve and I think you already do. :)

Thank you, you're right.  My opinion can't be swayed but for some reason it really hit me hard that hers did.  This is someone that watches his videos with me on weekends for fun.  Michael brought us together and made us such close friends, so it made me sad to hear her say this.  I'll continue loving though.   ;)


I believe we're right about him. I wasn't a friend of Michael's until his "death", and never really had an opinion either way before, just knew general stuff about him. Since I've gone bonkers over him, my son just today said to me, "There's just something about the looks of MJ that makes me not trust him, and just him saying it's okay to have kids sleep in his bed tells me that there's a chance that he could do something like molesting kids." Now I tried to say how completely innocent he was proven, to no avail. And it really makes me think hard about the deep psychological effect the media's portrayal has had in producing the generally accepted embedded belief about Michael in the general population (and my son even hears my MJ praise constantly). And that leads me to wonder again about the Bashir code theory in videos, where MJ may have had a hand in it in some mysterious way, for some long term greater purpose. Sometimes I think that there is a wall of strangeness about MJ that keeps all but the select few who look past that and into his heart by taking the extra time to watch and listen to everything MJ. Only then are their eyes opened to this gentle "giant" of a man, and the wonderful world of MJ.

No one can be forced to think or believe something in their hearts. It has to happen naturally. Just continue to slip positive facts to your friend when you can.

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