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Messages - TouchedByAnAngel

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Other Odd Things / Re: Behind The Mask Project: Featured Submission
« on: April 14, 2011, 06:41:31 PM »
Hi Scorpionchik

I'm glad somebody else snagged the video and has it uploaded. I don't know who MJJLegacy25 is that has this on YouTube, but they have the same writeup under the video as MJ's official acct did. I need to learn how to copy these videos myself someday.

Does anybody follow or know anything about MJNewsAlerts? I'm still curious how they obtained the unlisted video from MJ's official YT acct.


Other Odd Things / Re: Behind The Mask Project: Featured Submission
« on: April 14, 2011, 06:18:21 PM »
Well DAMN, that was fast. I tweeted about it a few times and posted this thread and the video has already been removed! At least I snipped a pic from the YT screen where it showed that it was on the official Michael Jackson acct.

Lucky me, I had it opened in another tab! Here are screen captures after the video ended

Here is the more info section under the video

And the comments that were made at that time

So, was this just a tease? It was uploaded today on Michael's official YouTube channel...MJNewsAlerts somehow gets the private link (it is an unlisted video remember) and posts it. I see MJNA page, tweet about it and then make this thread to share. Then poof, it is gone...removed by the official MJ channel on YouTube.

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice  :D

Love and Light to you ALL

Carol aka TouchedByAnAngel aka TouchedByAngelM on Twitter

Other Odd Things / Behind The Mask Project: Featured Submission
« on: April 14, 2011, 04:30:33 PM »
I saw a tweet just a little while ago on Twitter from MJNA (MJNewsAlerts) directing to their page You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

It has a video submission for the upcoming Behind The Mask video and guess who is in it? The same older gentleman that we saw in the Hollywood Tonight video!

On MJNewsAlerts page I watched the video and then clicked on the bottom right corner of video to see it on YouTube. Here is the page where the video is from on YouTube

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Notice above the video title that it says this video is unlisted BUT is uploaded to Michael's official YT acct.

I clicked the Learn More link to find out what an unlisted video was, and here is what it says

"An unlisted video is a different type of private video. Unlisted means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube's public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different to a private video in these ways:

    You don't need a YouTube account to watch the video (you can see an unlisted video if someone sends you the video's link)
    There's no 25 person sharing limit"

Sooo, my first question was "How did MJNA get the link to this unlisted video from MJ's official YT acct? Also isn't it interesting that the "featured submission" video is from non other than the older gentleman that has already been scrutinized from the Hollywood Tonight video. Seems to me he is already on the "inside" as he has been seen in other Michael videos  :D

It is soooo exciting as we get closer to the revealing! Just how many disguises or masks has MJ been behind since this all started?

I see your influence Everywhere Michael and I love it!

Blessed to have been,

TMZ Articles / Re: MJ's Kids -- Daddy-Inspired Clothing
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:26:11 PM »
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Interesting... It's a Black Panther that has his tongue ripped out.

The black panther reminded me of MJ's famous panther dance where he transforms into a panther. I wonder why the panther has band-aids on his cheek? That reminds me of the band-aids on the world globe for Heal The World? Of course the topper is the crown  :D

So Blanket is wearing a very similar tee-shirt...except his doesn't have the panther smoking and also his says Ed Hardy on the ribbon where the first design says KEITH. (Who is Keith?)

Are there several slightly different versions of this tee for sale, or does Blanket have a "one of a kind" shirt?

Love to all
Carol aka Touched By An Angel aka TouchedByAngelM

TMZ Discussion / Re: TMZ one big hoax?
« on: March 30, 2011, 01:48:52 PM »
Quote from: "mdc"
Not sure why I feel it is relevant to MJ but more TMZ and Charlie Sheen observations...

TMZ currently has a story where Charlie Sheen references and compares himself to Errol Flynn.

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What I found interesting when I looked up Errol Flynn is that he apparently died of a heart attack at the age of 50 and he is interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, in Glendale, California.

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Flynn's most celebrated role was in The Adventures of Robin Hood. At a quick glance I saw a couple things related to Robin Hood that I found relevant but I'm off to do a bit more reading on this subject.
OAN...Why do I feel like I've read this before? I'm either going in circles or having some serious deja vu.
ETA: I HAVE read this before in relation to the "Green Man"... I've read so much mess I can't keep track any more. lol

Hi everyone  :D Here are some videos I recently saw that connect Errol Flynn to Michael and his hoax


This person uploading these videos is called themichealproject20 and has been talking about the movie Godspell and how it relates to Michael. In parts 3 & 4 this person shows how Errol Flynn is connected. Underneath the above video it says this:

The continuation of Michael's connection and influence of this classic film. Also a revelation of why you are definitely witnessing a hoax and how legendary swashbuckler Errol Flynn plays a major role in it.


I know there is a thread here about the Godspell movie, perhaps this was already mentioned there? Anyway, food for thought.

Love & Light
Carol aka Touched By An Angel aka TouchedByAngelM on Twitter

Other Odd Things / 7 Stars & a Palm Tree - JCC clue?
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:19:12 PM »
I came across something tonight and I would like to share with you all. I was looking for something on my computer and ran across a notepad file that I saved on March 8, 2010 called JCC Clues. I don't remember if I copied this from somewhere or if a hoax friend shared this with me, since it has been so long ago. Anyway, I've heard of this poster named JCC (Joke Calms China) but I think this was all posted before I signed up with the forum. Anyway, I must have planned on looking into this at one time since I saved it, but with new things coming out all the time I never looked at it after I saved it, until tonight. I'm going to copy/paste exactly what I have in this notepad file below. Then I will post what jumped out at me and is the title to this thread. Ok, here is what is in the file

Hey guys,

For those who don't know- Joke Calms China (Anagram of Michael Jackson) was a mysterious poster from MJHD ( You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) He left us with riddles and other strange messages, but of course many people (myself included) disregarded all of these; until they began to make sense. This is the post in which you can view all of the JCC riddles, and maybe work them out for yourself! Most have already been cracked, ( see MJkit ) but more riddles may arise now that JCC has joined MJkit.


I am a very close London based friend of MJ.
I am not prepared to say too much but a few people on this site are very close to the truth with what they are speculating.

Everything will become clear soon, trust MJ.
I cannot reveal too much at this present time but I can tell you, MJ is happy now.
I will still be here on 1st August 2009
I must go now.
Colour of flowers
German banquetting hall August 1st 2009
Colour of flowers
Oodless of press
set destination
He takes all the credit
Really this is all I can say, I have said too much already.
From this you can work it out, you just have to research and put together a few other things on this.
Please understand the sensitive nature of this issue.
People could go to prison can you see my reason for being so secretive.
Germany is the key.
I shall not be able to post very often as I will be travelling out of the country.
Keep faith
The sweetest river in Germania
Hello everybody, I have now landed at my set destination.
Things are progressing well and everything is according to plan.
shhh! The worthier, over-fed patient
Trust MJ
Lonely I stand on the moon
Sunshine boat games
I am being silenced and maybe its for the best.
The heat is on and the circle is closing tighter.
May the sun set on the darkest grass.
Trust MJ
||||||| \|||\\||||\\|||
hundred cremators
the sun that shines on everyone
princess grace
mourn small flowers
Dominate insociable thieving.
Overjoyed helping crudities
Alert steel thickhead
I wake up coming soon
No man of gold
7 (seven years old)
Get them On 20th (10th August 2009 )
OLD FOOL BACK ON EARTH (Mon Sep 14 2009, 01:06 [GMT])
7 stars and a palm tree
the sun shines on everyone
Ha Ha (Thu Sep 24 2009, 15:51 [GMT])
[Please note: this was a reply to a topic about MJ's 'penguin dance']
JCC Posidonius Jackson high in the sky ( Posidonius or Poseidonios was an greek philisopher who first created the word "Germania" (for Celts) in a book which  gave the base for "Tacitus Germania". )
L.A is my Lady
No more clues.This is it. The last goodbye. L.O.V.E.
(Fri Sep 25 2009, 23:12 [GMT])

JCC also said something about it being a 'wild ride' and to 'hold on tight'
At an earlier time, in MJHD chat room ,JCC wrote: "Hightail Pidgins Inn","Their sole","Dema Ref". But I don't know if it was real JCC.

JCC: October 30th. Rebirth.

JCC2: Liberian Girl.

JCC2: of course its all a lie. for michael didn't die. JCC is he..and JCC is me. Oct. 30th. I will COME BACK. This wasn't it for me.. but for the meDIA.

Jokecalmschina: 7 stars and a palm tree.
Jokecalmschina: of course (this was in response to Bidoska's "I'd like to ask you a question may I?")
Jokecalmschina: just think of lovely things and your heart will fly on wings.
Jokecalmschina: I love you and miss you all dearly.
Jokecalmschina: thank god for the internet.
Jokecalmschina: **heart icon**
Jokecalmschina: goodbye everyone.

JCC: I hear a symphony each time you speak of me
JCC: yes, we are very interested
JCC: do it mac
JCC: sorry, wrong
JCC: joke, you are just a joke
JCC: 51
JCC: Morning glow all days long
For we sing tomorrow\\\\\\\'s song
Never knew we could be so strong
\\\\\\\"its time, i love you from the bottom of my heart, but please, be good, be good\\\\\\\"
JCC2: Dimonstratzione: A commitment to test knowledge through experience.
Sensazione: The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to clarify experience.
Sfumato: A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
Arte/Scienza: The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination (\\\\\\\"whole-brain thinking\\\\\\\").
Corporalita: The cultivation of ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.
Connessione: A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things and phenomena; \\\\\\\"systems thinking.\\\\\\\"

Michaeljackson1996: so he said JCC3 , a fake , JCC2 a messenger , JCC1 the delivery, and Jokecalmschina is MJ
Michaeljackson1996: JCC2 is a messenger. he tells michael wut we do and what we want him to know
Michaeljackson1996: JCC1 tells us what mj says in return

So, there is a lot here to look into and I know many of you worked on this on the old forum. I haven't had time to go through it all yet, but here is a link I found to mjkit where there was a whole section dedicated to investigating this persons "clues".

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I put in bold red color what jumped out at me. 7 Stars and a Palm Tree

On Feb. 24th I post this in another thread You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Quote from: "TouchedByAnAngel"
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to more in this series from TheMichaelProject.

Godspell does seem to have some Michael flavor to it  :D I noticed that it began it's off Broadway run at The Cherry Lane Theatre and then moved to the larger Promenade Theatre in New York City.

The Promenade Theatre is an Off-Broadway theater, which is actually located on 2162 Broadway, and was renovated from a Mormon church.

This reminded me of the TMZ article about MJ's latest video being produced for Hollywood front of the Pantages Theatre. The Pantages Theatre, formerly known as RKO Pantages Theatre, is located at Hollywood and Vine (6233 Hollywood Boulevard), Hollywood, California, in the United States of America.
Quote from: "TheRunningGirl"

- There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie.

The Pantages Theatre Circuit had been built on Vaudeville, and the new Hollywood theatre programmed first-run movies alternating through the day with Vaudeville acts for its first two years. But like other theatres during the Great Depression, it was forced to economize and thereafter operated primarily as a movie theatre, though live entertainment was presented occasionally.

Pantages sold the Hollywood landmark in 1932 to Fox West Coast Theaters. In 1949, Howard Hughes acquired the Pantages under his RKO Theatre Circuit and moved his personal offices to the building's second floor.

Past productions that have graced the Pantages (as part of Broadway in L.A.) have included: Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. There are numerous others but these of course jumped out at me.

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It's late and I will have to look into this more, but I found the theatre connection intriguing, and of course the Howard Hughes link is just another coincidence I'm sure  ;)

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

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On Feb. 26th I posted the following in that same thread

Quote from: "TouchedByAnAngel"
In my last post I talked about the Pantages Theatre where MJ's video for Hollywood Tonight was being filmed. Today, Feb. 25th I run across this gorgeous shot of the front of the theatre that was supposedly sent from the Jackson Estate to the fan site called

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It is taken from a distance but the 7 big stars jump right out at ya! Also when P P and B were on the Good Morning America show with grandma today, Paris said she wants to try out for a play. Plays are usually in theaters (I know she said school play, but still) IDK, thought I'd share.

Touched By An Angel

So, Hollywood Tonight was filmed at the Pantages Theatre which has 7 BIG Stars on the banner area where the name of the play would normally be displayed. Also the cover art for the Hollywood Tonight single has a Palm Tree on it.

We know better than to think it is a coincidence, and we also know that everything is planned and included for a reason...especially when it comes to MJ and his art/videos etc.

So how did this person JCC know about this clue way back in Aug. of 2009? At that time, nobody knew there was going to be this MICHAEL album and what would be on it, especially cover art for singles. Well nobody EXCEPT Michael himself  :D

I'm excited and think this is important. Perhaps there are other things about these clues that would make sense now? As I said, I never investigated the JCC clues and now I'm anxious to look at them. I'm hoping some of you that did look into these clues way back when will look again with "fresh eyes".


Love & Light,

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson's Kids -- The Future Is 'Grimm'
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:28:00 PM »
The show's called "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon" ... and it crams 209 classic fairy tales -- like "Snow White" and "Cinderella" -- into a single jam-packed play.

The Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon was the 6th most-produced one-act in North American schools in the year 2009-2010. Also, the Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon has been translated into Swiss and published in Switzerland.


The play begins with the two narrators. The two have opposite personalities and fight often throughout the play. The rest of the play is a mash up of various stories. There is no typical plot. As in, there is no rising action, climax, and then falling action. The stories within the play are mentioned or acted out as follows: The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, The Pack of Ragamuffins, Straw Coal and Bean, Stereotypical Fairytale, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, The Girl Without Hands, Hansel and Gretel, The Fisherman and His Wife, Jack and the Giant Beanstalk, The Elves and the Shoemaker, The Frog Prince, Snow White, The Devil's Grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella. At the end there is a two minute recap of the whole play.


    * Narrator 1 (female): Tries to be proper but often times loses composure. Has a bit of an attitude, is very sure of herself, and thinks Narrator 2 is a complete idiot.
    * Narrator 2 (male): Very extroverted and loud personality. He is a bit of a geek and thinks he knows a lot about women.
    * Actor: Typical actor until the very end when he is alone on stage with Narrator 1 and must play the roles of Cinderella, both stepsiters, and the wicked step-mother.
    * Girl: Stereotypical fairytale female. She is poor and marries a prince. She is very stupid.
    * Dirt Merchant: Small role. Sells dirt which the Girl cannot afford.
    * Rumpelstiltskin: Very hideous. Makes a deal for the Girl's daughter's soul. Dies by breaking in half.
    * Enchantress: Makes a deal with the Girl for Rapunzel's soul. Ends up taking Rapunzel. She is a feminist and lock Rapunzel away to protect her from the harsh outside world. She also makes Rapunzel use radioactive hair products.
    * The Devil: Laughs at his own jokes and often makes contracts with people. He also makes a deal with the Girl for Rapunzel's soul but he lets the Enchantress keep her.
    * Prince 1: Stereotypical prince. He is attractive and like the Girl because she is attractive. He does not care when his daughter is taken.
    * Rapunzel: She is a moody teenager. After nine years of being locked away in a tower she can no longer carry an interesting conversation.
    * Prince 2: Finds long hair attractive. However, after realizing he has nothing in common with Rapunzel he does not want to be with her. Narrator two forces them to fall in love and they do.
    * Hansel: Orphaned young boy who has fallen victim to peer pressure. He smokes and is not very bright. He tries to fly but cannot, and dies.
    * Gretel: Orphaned young girl who is being pressured by her brother, Hansel, into smoking but she does not want to.
    * Witch: Has an edible house and enjoys eating young children.
    * Girl Without Hands: Overly enthusiastic.
    * Mother: Overly Enthusiastic.
    * Father: Overly Enthusiastic.
    * Fishergirl: Finds a talking fish but is not wise about the wishes she chooses. She ends up turning into the Witch.
    * Talking Fish: Has been cursed.
    * Crab Person 1: Hates humanity. Gender unknown.
    * Crab Person 2: Hates humanity. Gender unknown.
    * Host: Typical game-show/talk-show host.
    * Giant (off-stage voice): Has booming voice. Hates Jack.
    * Frog Prince: Is slightly perverted but very attractive when human.
    * Elf Cobbler: Holds a grudge against the shoemaker for treating him and his friends like slaves. Also is angry because of Gubgub's death.
    * Princess: Stupid and Clumsy. She is disgusted by the Frog Prince and believes she has gone crazy when he speaks to her. She only kisses the Frog- Prince because her father tells her to.
    * King: Stereotypical nerd. He encourages his daughter to kiss the Frog Prince to encourage all the geeks and nerds in the world but is disappointed when he sees that the Frog Prince is attractive in his human form.
    * Dwarf 1: Thinks he is a ladies' man. He enjoys watching women kiss each other and likes hitting on women. Women do not enjoy being around him.
    * Dwarf 2: Has always dreamed of being Snow White.
    * Snow White: Wants to be skinny but sees herself as a "modern woman."
    * Witch 2: Has had various surgeries to have the perfect body and be more attractive than Snow White but can never accomplish her goal.
    * Prince 3: Enjoys kissing girls in comas.
    * The Devil 2: The Devil as a young child. He is adorably evil.
    * The Devil's Grandmother: She loves her grandson and is sadly suffering from Alzheimers.
    * Doctor: Is God's pawn.
    * God (off-stage voice): Has a deep voice. He hates the Devil.
    * Little Red: Is either overly sweet or a thug. It depends on the version of Little Red's Scene which you use.
    * The Wolf: Is either overly sweet or wants to eat Little Red.
    * Grandma: Is either overly sweet or a thug.
    * Woodcutter: Either cuts open the wolf, or plays an air guitar.
    * Cinderella: Is a very dramatic actress. Her dream is to win the an Oscar. She is outraged when she finds out she does not have a fairy god mother and leaves, leaving the Actor to do everything himself. However, she eventually returns to attempt to out-act the Actor. She is overly dramatic and has a bad attitude.
    * Walt: Is turned into the Frog Prince. (Might be a reference to Walt Disney?)

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 :D  What a strange play this would be.

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI February 26
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:11:26 PM »
Quote from: "mdc"
Quote from: "TouchedByAnAngel"
Quote from: "mdc"
Quote from: "TS_comments"
.But seriously, we want to go by solid evidence that will challenge unbelievers, and perhaps even hold up in a court of law..

This part of TS_comments' post had my mind scurrying in all kinds of directions. What does that mean? Why would it need to hold up in court?

Personally, I don't have any evidence that would be admissible in court. All I have is what I have read on the internet and seen on tv. Unfortunately, the internet will let you put just anything out there whether it's true or not and the same goes for newspapers and television. I don't have access to any legal documents and verified facts surrounding this case... and apparently neither does the court. The only thing we could possibly provide is reasonable doubt and I think that is where my mind started scurrying about telling me "uh oh, what a minute."  Of course, in my sleep deprived state, perhaps I am not understanding clearly.

MJ's got the evidence, this is his Plan. The Truth will come out in court....heck maybe MJ will come out in court?  :lol:  I think TS' comment about "evidence that will challenge unbelievers and hold up in court" is to get us to continue to review what has been found and see how it fits together with the big picture. We have sooooo many of the pieces, I think things will start falling into place soon...and very soon! I'm ever hopeful anyway. The trial has to be where we get close to the end, and that's around the corner now.

Keep Your Head Up and Your eyes open to everything! Buckle up cuz we are heading towards the "climax"  ;)  of this adventure.

Touched by An Angel

But see, if I could prove THAT in a court of law we wouldn't even be having this discussion. lol

My point, Hon, is that WE don't have to prove any of this, MJ has all the bases covered I'm sure. Because we love him and have been  investigating all this, we have been privileged to a front row seat as this all unfolds. We may feel lost sometimes, but can you imagine all the people that heard of MJ's "passing" and then let it go at that?

I feel blessed to have been drawn into this adventure of a lifetime! We all have Mikey's back, and he most definitely has ours. Together we are going to Make That Change! I have all confidence in Michael bringing a real shift in consciousness forward. He is the catalyst for Major Change...With Major Love  :D

Love you all,

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI February 26
« on: February 27, 2011, 05:33:57 PM »
Quote from: "mdc"
Quote from: "TS_comments"
.But seriously, we want to go by solid evidence that will challenge unbelievers, and perhaps even hold up in a court of law..

This part of TS_comments' post had my mind scurrying in all kinds of directions. What does that mean? Why would it need to hold up in court?

Personally, I don't have any evidence that would be admissible in court. All I have is what I have read on the internet and seen on tv. Unfortunately, the internet will let you put just anything out there whether it's true or not and the same goes for newspapers and television. I don't have access to any legal documents and verified facts surrounding this case... and apparently neither does the court. The only thing we could possibly provide is reasonable doubt and I think that is where my mind started scurrying about telling me "uh oh, what a minute."  Of course, in my sleep deprived state, perhaps I am not understanding clearly.

MJ's got the evidence, this is his Plan. The Truth will come out in court....heck maybe MJ will come out in court?  :lol:  I think TS' comment about "evidence that will challenge unbelievers and hold up in court" is to get us to continue to review what has been found and see how it fits together with the big picture. We have sooooo many of the pieces, I think things will start falling into place soon...and very soon! I'm ever hopeful anyway. The trial has to be where we get close to the end, and that's around the corner now.

Keep Your Head Up and Your eyes open to everything! Buckle up cuz we are heading towards the "climax"  ;)  of this adventure.

Touched by An Angel

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI February 26
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:15:46 PM »
Quote from: "thecheetoman2004"

Maybe there could also be a connection with the redirect was at this time last year? Just thinking lol

Anyone remember what the redirect was?

I went to Lilwendy's You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login and found this link for Feb. 26, 2010

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There is the famous Hollywood TV video of the ambulance backing out of the driveway. It is embedded in the story and here is the same one on YouTube, so you can see it in a larger format.


Anyway, nothing about this ambulance pic makes any sense. In the video you can see it looks like a photographer might have tried to take a pic from the back windows, but it shows a security guard putting his hands on those windows. Then maybe a photographer tried to take a pic from the right passenger side window, but even if he had it would be the wrong direction for the pic we were shown.

TS it is good to hear from you again, but I'm stumped with this thread topic. I do see a face that looks like Michael. In your blow up of the pic it does resemble foliage of some sort, but I just can't see how it could be a reflection from anything outside or inside the ambulance. The pic seems too clear for being taken through a smoked glass window taken in a split second. So I think the pic is fake and has been cleverly manipulated, for whatever reasons.

Something strange I ran across just moments ago from a friend on Twitter is the link below.

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It is an article by Uri Geller from 2007. In this article he mentions a man named Larry Geller, (Elvis' hairdresser and "spiritual" friend) who wrote a book called “Leaves of Elvis’ Garden”. This book supposedly tells of Elvis' interest in spiritual matters. So the story mentions Elvis and also mentions Criss Angel too. This story caught my attention because of the name of the book and also because Elvis at one time lived right down the street from where MJ was living. Probably nothing, but you never know. I haven't researched this any further. Cheetoman2004 you mentioned the fact that the date/time of this thread equaled 8 which also reminded me of the importance of the number 8 to Elvis.

Love & Light

Touched By An Angel

The Movie References / Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:13:34 AM »
In my last post I talked about the Pantages Theatre where MJ's video for Hollywood Tonight was being filmed. Today, Feb. 25th I run across this gorgeous shot of the front of the theatre that was supposedly sent from the Jackson Estate to the fan site called

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It is taken from a distance but the 7 big stars jump right out at ya! Also when P P and B were on the Good Morning America show with grandma today, Paris said she wants to try out for a play. Plays are usually in theaters (I know she said school play, but still) IDK, thought I'd share.

Touched By An Angel

Hi there everybody. Wow, several posts came in while I was rambling on trying to compose my last post. All4loveandbelieve I hear ya with the intuition...I've always had it and it has grown much stronger these last 2 years. That coupled with my heart screaming at me to pay attention...well you just have to because you know it really means something to be drawn this way.

Anyway, most probably don't remember me here because after I joined twitter I mostly just have time for that. It has been over a year since I posted here regularly, but I do come read sometimes. I wish I had stayed in contact with everybody here more. In my heart I'm convinced, so for the most part I try to avoid the drama that I usually find when I visit here. I just don't do drama, it brings me down.

Anyway, I wanted to say HI to everybody and hope all can keep love in their heart and not give up.


Quote from: "LostHighlander"
After watching that video, it should be 100% crystal clear to everyone that MJ is alive.

Just listen to the reaction of the reporters:

George Stephanopoulos:  "You can tell, at least from the appearances, Robin, they’re amazingly unaffected by all this."

Robin Roberts:  "I was just taken aback."

Why are they so shocked? Because the kids are "amazingly unaffected by all this." "All this" being the presumed "death" of their father. It should be obvious that MJ has been with his kids throughout all of the hoax. That's why they're so "well-adjusted."

In a previous interview Paris said before 2009 they were covered in public so that nobody knew what they looked like, so that they could go out in public in freedom without being mobbed, which was very smart of MJ, although the public didn't understand it back then, and thought it was just one more "weird" thing about MJ. But then right before he "died" he let the world see the kids with him so that everyone would know what they look like. This seems to be part of the plan, too. The kids are so impressive, so mature way beyond their years, and that in itself disproves the idea that MJ was "weird." It proves that MJ has always been exactly the kind of father that the kids say. It proves the truth and disproves the lies. It restores MJ's good name for the public to see and to hear from the kids.

I so agree with what you said! While I grieved like hell for 2 months in the beginning, after I found the hoax forums and started looking into everything, my opinion changed and it hasn't wavered a bit. Michael is most definitely ALIVE. I firmly believe he is pulling all the strings and the family know and are playing their parts. MJ wanted to do films, to innovate them as he said on Gerlado, and he IS totally doing something unique now. I personally feel MJ's influence in some recent movies, Avatar & Megamind to name just 2, and he was probably involved in others that came out before his "death" and is using a false name or letting someone else claim the credit for now. Anyway, these appearances by his children are a good thing in my mind. He is allowing it and they ARE helping to show the world the real "man behind the mask". In the Oprah interview, Paris said that she used to do improv with her dad. Improv consists of developing scenes spontaneously. It requires quick thinking and a tremendous amount of teamwork among those performing the scene. So the kids have had acting lessons and been practicing for years. Why should anybody be surprised, MJ wants to do films and such and he couldn't pull this off without his family being able to play their parts.

The hoax has many reasons and is a complex adventure that he is pulling off to perfection in my point of view. I smile at all the drama going on because he had to make it so very real to be believable. Of course, when you have been looking at all the coincidences and strangeness around everything since June 25, you can see the bigger picture coming together. He is orchestrating all of this and he is getting his name cleared up. He will prove some major points with this farce of a trial with Murray I'm sure. Hell I'd love to see him appear as a surprise witness for Murray, wouldn't that be something?!

 Have faith in the Man with the Plan! It's All for Love, You Are Not Alone, We Know What's Going On, Keep Your Head Up, We Are The World and We Are Here To Change The World! Can't You Feel It?!!! Sorry, but I can  "feel" it and it makes me happy and excited. I have become more awake & aware and full of HOPE since this all started. I have learned a lot more about Michael. He is on a mission that is about way more than making movies and clearing his name. He IS creating HIStory, and past history will be revised when all the truth is revealed. As scary as the world may seem at times, this really is a great time to be alive! I truly believe Michael is bringing in a paradigm shift for this world.

Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation. It is driven by agents of change... US!

When we are awake, aware, and have hope we realize that we have the power to Heal The World! I think Michael is working on the "hundredth monkey" theory. It will not take the whole world waking up and changing, or even a majority. Just a magical number of people who feel the call and make the changes...others will follow and before you know it, society will change. War and hatred has never fixed a damn thing and Michael has always tried to spread Love, unity, fairness, and joyful giving. Focus on those things, try not to let fear control you. So far So Good...We Made It. I think those songs from Tito are just another indication that humanity is and will make it this time. We are heading into a new Golden Age and humanity is going to finally ascend beyond this Dark Age that we are truly in.

Ok, now everybody thinks I'm whacked lol. I will step down from my soapbox *blushing*

Sorry I got off topic, but I just had to release the positive energy I'm feeling. Michael gave me this blessing of feeling hopeful and I'm enjoying the adventure along the way. Feel with your heart and don't be upset by every "real" looking story. Michael is letting us see and hear what he wants, when he wants. In his own time.

I said in the very beginning of this hoax, on this forum, that I was following my heart and intuition. It hasn't let me down, so I Keep The Faith, Spread The Love, and Share The Hope!

Love & Light  :D   We are all family!  Believe

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

I guess I'm just ignorant of how these legal proceedings work. I would have assumed that the prosecution would be the one having to present their documents, not the defense. I mean, why should the defense have to lay out how they plan to defend a client? To me it should be that the prosecution should have to tell how they plan to prove you did something so you know how to defend yourself, not the other way around.

I also just read another story about what happened in court today, and nothing makes sense of course.

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Flanagan told Pastor he hadn't prepared such notes for trials for at least 10 years.

Flanagan contended that California trial laws don't require him to prepare reports on witness interviews to hand over to prosecutors.

Pastor disagreed, saying the strategy appeared to undermine rules intended to prevent surprises during testimony at trial.

"It is a recipe for disaster," Pastor said. "We don't do trials based upon memory."

The judge rejected a request by prosecutor Deborah Brazil to vacate the scheduled start of Murray's trial in late March over the issue.

She argued there was no way the doctor's defense team could be prepared for trial if they had not yet written and handed over reports.

The above is just a portion of this 2 page story. So, defense attorney Flanagan says the CA law doesn't require him to prepare and give these reports to prosecutors. Judge Pastor disagrees and wants to prevent SURPRISES during the trial  :D OH, and why would prosecutor Deborah Brazil be concerned about Murray's defense team being prepared, she's on the other side? Maybe the real reason the prosecutors are looking to delay the trial is because they don't have evidence to prove their case?  Maybe MJ will be a surprise witness for Murray  :lol:

Time will tell and Truth WILL Prevail!

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel
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The Movie References / Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
« on: February 24, 2011, 12:23:42 AM »
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to more in this series from TheMichaelProject.

Godspell does seem to have some Michael flavor to it  :D I noticed that it began it's off Broadway run at The Cherry Lane Theatre and then moved to the larger Promenade Theatre in New York City.

The Promenade Theatre is an Off-Broadway theater, which is actually located on 2162 Broadway, and was renovated from a Mormon church.

This reminded me of the TMZ article about MJ's latest video being produced for Hollywood front of the Pantages Theatre. The Pantages Theatre, formerly known as RKO Pantages Theatre, is located at Hollywood and Vine (6233 Hollywood Boulevard), Hollywood, California, in the United States of America.
Quote from: "TheRunningGirl"

- There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie.

The Pantages Theatre Circuit had been built on Vaudeville, and the new Hollywood theatre programmed first-run movies alternating through the day with Vaudeville acts for its first two years. But like other theatres during the Great Depression, it was forced to economize and thereafter operated primarily as a movie theatre, though live entertainment was presented occasionally.

Pantages sold the Hollywood landmark in 1932 to Fox West Coast Theaters. In 1949, Howard Hughes acquired the Pantages under his RKO Theatre Circuit and moved his personal offices to the building's second floor.

Past productions that have graced the Pantages (as part of Broadway in L.A.) have included: Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. There are numerous others but these of course jumped out at me.

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It's late and I will have to look into this more, but I found the theatre connection intriguing, and of course the Howard Hughes link is just another coincidence I'm sure  ;)

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

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