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Joe Jackson / Re: The architect
« on: February 04, 2013, 12:58:17 AM »
I found the trailer to this documentary rather intriguing. I also wonder what the page titles at the top of the browser window mean. On both the home page and the trailer page, at the very top of the browser window it says "Let the race begin". Looks like another watch and see what happens kinda thing.

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 25, 2012, 03:14:07 AM »

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It's 2:12 am Christmas morning here in Texas. I just read the above link (it's long and detailed) and thought I would share. Most will think this is crazy,  but oh well, I'm putting it here for consideration. I hope that MJonmind, Dontwalkaway, and SimpattyK will read it when they have time, as I've seen them to have open minds and think outside the box. I hope others will consider it also, sorry I just don't know who you may be as I haven't been a regular here in the last few years.

You really do have to read the whole article to possibly see why I think it may be important. There really is no way to explain it all here. First I would like you to notice the V and circle emblem on Michael's jacket in the pic above. You will see this image towards the end of the article. I also ask you to remember the times where Michael has been portrayed as a space man or in a space ship.(Captain EO, transformed into spaceship in Moonwalker, the Scream video and I believe it was the History tour where he busted out of a space capsule) There is also my favorite song, Another Part Of Me, where he sings "Don't point your finger, not dangerous, this is MY planet, you're one of us." Carlos Santana said MJ was Archangel Michael and another celebrity, can't remember who, said Michael was "otherworldly". I've definitely felt like Michael is extremely "special" and thus my online name TouchedByAnAngel.

Here is a couple of paragraphs from towards the end of the article, but please read the whole thing.

The symbol of the sword in this context in his mouth is a powerful pictographic teaching of the return of the lamb of God, one who is of the nature of the lamb... one who will use words as his weapon to expose the evil destroying society. The messenger as 'lamb-like' is gentle and caring for the human crisis unfolding. The name the Maya give to this messenger Bolon Yokte is one who no doubt proclaims war against evil as per the Revelation book claim.

The evil destroying society are mere mortal... the super rich of the world, billionaires who own corporations who are purchasing power and manipulating governments and laws for profiteering rights. One hopes the messenger will over-ride many world wide TV frequencies and call out the most ruthless profiteers of the world by name, hence the cutting of a two edge sword with his messages.

Since there is probably a universal law against interference with primitive civilisations, the messenger will probably call on humanity to make a peaceful stand and demand these people stand trial for crimes against humanity. Watch this scenario unfold if the messenger event comes to pass where the elite demand their puppet governments proclaim they need to protect their revered corporation icons of society from 'aliens' and military need shoot at the UFO.

Ok, I'm going to bed now. I hope everyone has a great Christmas!

Blessed to have been,

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:03:14 AM »

Soon and very soon we are going to see the KING!

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:20:01 PM »
This Is It! This is so exciting!!! If Michael were to come back today, Dec. 20th, the amount of Love and Happiness it would cause around the world would be more than enough to cause the "tipping point" needed to take us straight into the new Age of Aquarius (LOVE). The dark side is really pushing the fear and sadness propaganda right now. 2BAD because "my friend you ain't seen nuthin', just wait till I get through!"


"We're all the same, yes the blood inside of me is inside of tell me Can you feel it? Can You Feel It? CAN YOU FEEL IT?!

Yes Michael dear, I can feel it because you are just Another Part Of Me  :bearhug:

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

I did a little more looking around just now about this Elvis Found Alive dvd, and it just gets more amusing! ;-)

On a website called The Big Takeover (Remember it's a Takeover not a Comeback) I found this writeup

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'Jon Burrows' – “Elvis Found Alive” (Highway 61 Entertainment/MVD)
by Jeff Elbel

From the website, here is their full film description

This "documentary" also has a cd with new songs & new versions of Elvis classics...sung by Jon Burrows
:michael-jackson: Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' :moonwalk_:

@2good2btrue - I just love this quote from your post

"But wait! There’s more! According to the very same documentary, Elvis and Captain Marvel Jr. have led amazingly parallel lives--right down to faking their own deaths for the sake of their (mutual) country."

I can Feel It, time is getting close! We ain't seen nothin' yet, cuz the best is yet to come!!!  :multiplespotting:

Keep The Faith folks, our Best of Joy is really about to Rock Your World!

Touched By An Angel

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Did you click on 'Thumbnail' (smaller) or 'Show directly this image' of the BBCode Forums url?

Thank you, I finally got it with your help! I guess I'm so tired that I wasn't paying enough attention to what the links said. Now I'm going to bed, much happier that it is readable ;-)

Touched By An Angel

Hi MJonmind  :bearhug: Yes after I posted my second post the page reloaded with the pics finally but they are too small, mine were larger & easy to read. I guess I need to brush up on my forum posting, it has been awhile.

WELL POO! Sorry guys. I'll try again after a little sleep. Maybe somebody can give me info about the hoaxpic section and which link to use. I also have the pics on photobucket, is embedding still allowed?

Hello MJ Family. I don't often have the time to come here but I'm still following the adventure, mostly on Twitter. Late on the night of June 19th I saw a tweet from Nelson De La Nuez (KingOfPopArt). He said that it was his nephew's 11th birthday and had a link for a pic. I was amused to see that Nelson was holding up the Elvis is Alive dvd  :elvis-1405:

I immediately saved the pic and then tweeted him to ask what the Elvis item was that he was holding. It was late and I didn't know if he would reply, so I went to bed. The next morning I found that he had replied.

Then I went to his timeline to see if others had asked about the pic. I didn't see any tweets from him to anybody else about the pic. I also noticed that his original tweet with the pic had been removed. I couldn't find the pic on his account any more either.

I found the pic interesting for obvious reasons.  :icon_e_biggrin: All the Elvis/MJ clues from the past, more Elvis news recently, and of course Eliza's case back on the table last I heard. I had a few minutes tonight so I decided to stop by here and see what you all thought of this. Forgive me if somebody has already posted a thread about this. I did try to search first, but didn't see anything. I double checked Nelson's timeline again before coming here to post, and I noticed the following tweet that I hadn't seen before.

Are we about to see somebody "come to life" before us if we truly believe?

Love & Light to you all!

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

Hmmm, I'm not up-to-date with the latest & greatest features of posting here. I can't seem to get either the preview button or it's shortcut to show me anything. I'm hoping the pics work, I uploaded to the hoaxpic section but wasn't sure what link to use. I guess I hit post and see what happens.

Ok, pics didn't work first try, so this is an edit. Fingers crossed, it's almost 3am. Still can't preview before posting, but I tried a different link from the hoaxpic upload page.

Last try for now (3:45am) TY Mjonmind

TMZ Articles / Re: Whitney Houston Dead at 48
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:05:15 PM »
Hello all. I watched the Whitney Houston service on CNN today also, and saw many of the things mentioned in this thread. Did anybody hear Rev Kim Burrell sing this line

It's been a long, long time coming, but I know, whooo, a change, from mortal to Immortal change has come (2:35-2:40)


The mention of Immortal of course made me think of Michael

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

More strange happenings with the live stream of the trial today, Oct. 3, 2011

First, here is a screen capture of what I saw after live stream was interrupted. (Did anybody notice the time? I didn't unfortunately, but was told by friend on Twitter that it could have been at or near the official time of death, like the alarms going off on Friday) I'll look for time verification and if I find anything will post it.

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The live feed signal of the trial of Conrad Murray was temporarily lost on Oct. 3, 2011. So what was the camera filming? Vinnie Politan of HLN didn't know what was being shown either. See video below.


Then later after afternoon break was called, the live feed listed above mysteriously came on during break and the video below is what I managed to capture with my camera off of computer screen.

Why is the camera filming people near elevators in hall?


All just food for thought, don't know if it means anything.


I'm sure the "Elephant in the room" has been mentioned somewhere here in the forum. I just heard Jean Casarez say that exact phrase on HLN, today Oct. 3, 2011. I did a tv capture and uploaded to Youtube. Listen at .39


"Elephant in the room" is an You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.[1]
It is based on the idea that an You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there have chosen to avoid dealing with the looming big issue.

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Keep The Faith  :) Share The Love  :-* Spread The Hope!  mj_bad/

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Hi All,
 I couldn't watch the trial after they returned from lunch, so I was not watching when the alarm went off. Therefore I have some questions. How did the judge know that it was a child that set the alarm off? Did someone come into the courtroom and tell him that it was pulled by a child?
 Second, someone wrote above that the alarm rang 7 rings 4 times. If that is the case did everyone in the courtroom just sit there? So I guess I need to know who told everyone to stay in their seats and how quickly were they told this.  Because every where I have ever worked where the building had fire alarms, when they went off you had better well evacuate the building even if it was a drill!!  Can someone fill in the details here. Otherwise the fire alarm was wrote into the script like everything else. ;)

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Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.


At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!

This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.

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Love and Light to you all!  bearhug

I'm still excited about this alarm going off at such a memorable time. I searched on Youtube and found the video so all can hear this if they missed it. Actually this YT account has all the testimony so far and it is very good quality, no commercial interruptions. I recommend that all bookmark this channel and/or subscribe because if he continues to upload all the testimony this will be a valuable resource. Also great for those that can't watch live because of timezone issues, work, etc.

So here is the video where you can hear the alarm going off in court. The alarm starts at 12:48 in video. I don't know if this is a standard fire alarm bell sequence, but it rings 7 times quickly, pauses for a second then rings 4 times quickly. It rings this combination of 7 + 4 a total of 4 times. At 14:45 in the video the judge explains that it was an accidental pull by a child on another floor.


Well dang! Previewing my post as I create it, I've noticed that the person this video belongs to doesn't allow embedding. So you will have to click the video and let it open a new YT video window  to watch. While you are there, remember to subscribe!

Onthewingsoflove - You can watch the video I posted above and hear for yourself what happened in court that day with the alarm. I counted 7 fast rings then short pause and 4 fast rings. This combination of 7+4 happened 4 times total. Also could be 11 11 11 11

Again I recommend that everybody think about bookmarking this Youtube account

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He has good quality videos of almost all the testimony so far and plans on taping and uploading the entire trial.

Hope this has helped. Love and Light to all!  bearhug

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Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.


At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!

This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.

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Love and Light to you all!  bearhug

Thank you for the confirmation that the time on my computer is correct. I did post on Twitter too asking if anyone else noticed the time and I received a couple of confirmations saying the time was correct. Unless we have MJ's ghost in the house making his presence known that was a deliberate wake up call.

I loved reading what everyone else observed. I have noticed quite a few paralells to 2003-2005 events but I want to write it all down to see if it makes sense.


And did you hear Judge Pastor explanation as to why the alarm went off? "A child set it off". So there are children playing unsupervised in the courthouse during this trial freely touching whatever they want? Or maybe the judge meant an adult behaving like a child...

I'm still excited about this alarm going off at such a memorable time. I searched on Youtube and found the video so all can hear this if they missed it. Actually this YT account has all the testimony so far and it is very good quality, no commercial interruptions. I recommend that all bookmark this channel and/or subscribe because if he continues to upload all the testimony this will be a valuable resource. Also great for those that can't watch live because of timezone issues, work, etc.

So here is the video where you can hear the alarm going off in court. The alarm starts at 12:48 in video. I don't know if this is a standard fire alarm bell sequence, but it rings 7 times quickly, pauses for a second then rings 4 times quickly. It rings this combination of 7 + 4 a total of 4 times. At 14:45 in the video the judge explains that it was an accidental pull by a child on another floor.


Well dang! Previewing my post as I create it, I've noticed that the person this video belongs to doesn't allow embedding. So you will have to click the video and let it open a new YT video window  to watch. While you are there, remember to subscribe!

Does anybody remember Kenny Ortega saying on Day 1 of testimony that Michael was like a lost boy? This made me think of Peter Pan and just a minute after I had tweeted about MJ being a Joker and pulling the alarm, I also tweeted this

Well I think with all the conflicting testimony so far and the evidence full of mistakes, people really need to ask themselves "Is this real or a HOAX?" I've been on the hoax train for over 2 years and this trial sure hasn't changed my opinion, only strengthened it!

One last thing before I sign off...that "death bed" photo of MJ is crazy. I saved and zoomed in the original black/white photo that TMZ released on day 1 of the trial. (I know a clearer color image has been released since then) Anyway, I still say the arm looks fake, it's just too long. The band towards the wrist is supposedly the hospital armband (it's wider than any I've ever seen) and of course the legs can't be seen but it looks like there isn't enough room left on the bed for his long legs. Lastly I noticed that there appears to be a pyramid shape above his arm/elbow where the hospital gown is at. WTF is that about?

So I hope you all have a great weekend! Much Love and Light :-* KEEP THE FAITH

Hi Everybody! So this trial is pretty interesting isn't it? For those that heard the alarm go off on Friday Sep. 30th, I heard it too. In fact just seconds after I started hearing the alarm during the trial I decided to make a tweet about it.

At the time I was just making a light-hearted tweet about the alarm to lighten the moment. Later when trial was over and I had more time to pay attention to Twitter, I noticed that somebody was claiming that the alarm had gone off at 2:26 pm California time, which is the time Michael was "officially declared dead". I went back to my tweet and checked the time I had sent it. It said I had sent it 3 hours earlier, and when I put my mouse over the "3 hours ago" link the actual time popped up. I'm in Texas which is two hours later than California time, so my 4:27 pm was 2:27 pm California time. Like I said, I heard the alarm go off, and after I laughed for a few seconds, I went and tweeted my message about Michael being a Joker. So, the alarm did go off at 2:26 California time!

This just confirms for me even more that Michael is sending us clues to Keep The Faith.

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Love and Light to you all!  bearhug

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