I visited the auction website several times to see the items, but also to see how much they are actually making off of these items. The auction ends at the end of this week and I totaled all the bids so far, which is around $22,000. Did the estate really think that the auction would help pay off the tax bill with this?
I looked into the bankruptcy case for Vintage Associates LLC and surprised to find some of its creditors had a link to MJ and his family in the past, mostly trying to work against them. I've listed all the creditors below from the https://business-bankruptcies.com/cases/vintage-associates-llc website. You have to open an account with the website in order to view all the creditors.
• City Lights Recording Studio
• Frank Coonis, PI
• Henry V. Vaccaro
• Henry V. Vaccaro
• Henry V. Vaccaro, Jr.
• Howard W. Mann
• Howard W. Mann, DC
• Internal Revenue Service
• Internal Revenue Service
• James Aaron, Esq.
• John Branca and John McClain, Executors
• Kajloka Law Firm
• Keith Lowy
• Lamuro, Davidson and Eastman
• Lowry's Moving Service
• Mark Bahary
• Matt Garrison, PI
• Nance Hutter
• Poulos and LoPiccilo
• Robert Leitner
• Sandra C. Burlew
• Steven Fernandez, Esq.
• Toni R. Bahary
• Warner Loft Duritza & Lowe
• William A. Pigg, LLC
I'd like to point out some things about the people and companies on this list.
First, here is the bankruptcy petition for Vintage Associates from April 2013. http://bankrupt.com/misc/njb13-17941.pdf. The petition only lists the top creditors that hold the largest claims and not everyone that I have listed above.
Henry V. Vaccaro – He is listed as the owner of Vintage Associates. It's interesting that he is also listed as a creditor. So he owed himself money? This article (http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040426/NEWS/90625128) gives you some background of a 9-year lawsuit he started in 1993 against the Jackson family for not following through on business deals he had with them. Coincidentally, this article posted on 6/25/2009. When they finally settled, he ended up with a large Jackson memorabilia collection (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=127993) which Michael had claimed was stolen and had a $10 million lawsuit against Vaccaro (http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/60129/jackson-memorabilia-lawsuit-dismissed). The lawsuit was later dismissed because Michael stopped pursuing the case (probably because of the 2nd child abuse allegations). I also think at one point both Michael and Janet had a lawsuit against him in the mid-2000s over the memorabilia.
James Aaron, esq. – New Jersey attorney Vaccaro initially used in his lawsuit against Jackson family
Henry V. Vaccaro Jr. – Vaccaro's son. He suggested that his father use Frank Coonis, private investigator
Frank Coonis – LA-based private investigator that helped investigate Jackson family assets for Vaccaro. Coincidentally, has served multiple subpoenas to Jackson family members in the past. He suggested that Vaccaro use Steven P. Fernandez as a new attorney in his case against the Jacksons. There are also reports of him being a con-artist (http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Frank-Coonis-Investions-Inc/Hermosa-Beach-California-90254/Frank-Coonis-Investions-Inc-Interference-with-a-Legal-Action-Not-Providing-Service-for-224694). Coonis later sued Vaccaro in 2011 claiming that he owed him $25,000.
Steven P. Fernandez – divorce attorney in Santa Monica, CA. Frank Coonis recommended that Vaccaro use him as a new attorney in Jackson family case.
Mark Behary – Vaccaro's son-in-law
Howard Mann – You can Google his name with Henry Vaccaro and find many articles and blog posts about their work history together and how they've been trying to exploit Michael's image and likeness for years. Mann had also worked with Katherine Jackson on business deals in recent years and was sued by the estate. The settlement included Mann's company, Vintage Pop Media Group, Vaccaro's Vintage Associates, and one other defendant (unnamed) owing the estate $2.5 million. (http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2012/09/michael-jackson-estate-copyright-lawsuit-howard-mann/) How convenient that Vintage Associates is declaring bankruptcy now!
Matt Garrison, PI – private investigator based in Long Beach, CA. His name appears in court documents filed in 2005 when Vaccaro requested Jackson memorabilia items seized by DA Tom Sneddon for the trial. I also found it interesting that in 2013, he was involved in a $20 billion lawsuit against the federal government and other data/communications companies for the controversial PRISM program (http://www.usnews.com/news/newsgram/articles/2013/06/12/prism-class-action-lawsuit-filed-20b-injunction-sought-against-complicit-companies-and-officials). I believe that he works closely with Frank Coonis.
William A. Pigg, LLC – The LLC is no longer active, but I was blown away with what I found on this attorney. He represented a guy that brought sexual assault charges against MJ in 2005, right after he was acquitted. (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-fines-michael-jackson-10k/). This case was dismissed due to a one-year statute of limitations. Doesn't that sound familiar??
Kajioka Law Firm – This is a law firm in Las Vegas. Dean Kajioka's name appears in a court order in 2008 releasing property to MJ and Janet Jackson. (http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readreplies.aspx?msgid=24336584)
Sandra Burlew – Her name appears as a shareholder in Wayside Road Associates, LLC. Surprisingly, Vaccaro filed a bankruptcy petition in April 2013 for this company and listed himself as the Managing Member of Neverland Associates, LLC. Sandra is listed as both a creditor and a member of the Wayside Road LLC. (http://bankrupt.com/misc/njb11-21699.pdf)
Toni Behary – Also listed as a shareholder in the bankruptcy petition for Wayside Associates LLC along with Vaccaro, Neverland Associates, and Sandra Burlew.
Nance Hutter – I couldn't find anything connecting her to all of this. But she won an $800,000 lawsuit related to a beer truck accident in New Haven, CT. She also lost a bankruptcy case where the court found her spouse to be 'abusing the bankruptcy process' by delaying it for several years through faked medical illnesses, disobeying court orders, and firing attorneys.
Keith Lowy – I think he owns Lowy's Moving Services
Poulos LoPicillo – New Jersey law firm
Robert Leitner – I believe he's a dentist in Monmouth County, New Jersey
Warner Lott Duritza & Lowe – Accounting firm in Monmouth, NJ
City Lights Recording Studio – based in New Jersey
Even though I didn't find any information or clues of MJ faking his death, I think the connections between all of these creditors seem pretty fishy. And the fact that one of them is tied to sexual abuse allegations makes me wonder if people involved with Vaccaro have been behind the other allegations. It makes me wonder if any of them are connected to the Robson/Safechuck charges. How ironic that all this stuff with Jackson Memorabilia goes way back to the early 1990s when MJ was hit with all this controversy.
Vaccaro first met Joe and Katherine Jackson in 1988 when they had an interest in his real estate development projects in New Jersey. And during the lawsuit, it seems odd that he preferred to obtain the Jackson Family memorabilia (which doesn't appear to be bringing in a lot of money now) rather than have the Jacksons pay him for his business losses. How convenient that after receiving the collection, Vaccaro publicly announced there were embarassing items he had found so that Sneddon had a reason to seize the collection for the 2005 trial. Also, Coonis and Garrison had already taken pictures of the items obtained for the trial years before they were seized. Were these items planted into the collection hoping to bring MJ down?