Quote from: "heartphantom"I was browsing for the last 2 hours and i 've read so so many weird stuff going on around this hoax that i've decided to start this thread (if not here then where), so everyone - guest or member - to be in alert. I know we all can think for ourselves but a lot of freaks, smart psychos have their way with deceiving adults and god, children! If you find anything useful to be careful about please post it here !
For starter, here are few of my findings, i'll add more when i have time.
1. SOURCE http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelJacksonVIP:
Kathy's personal account
We have been watching this for a month to- Please check this out and see just how far this has gone. Please PM if you are a parent of any of the children involved and I will give you some important information. Some steps you can take as the parent of a minor involved with this scam.
Now we have these two creating channels posing as Michael Jackson ALIVE
Most of the ghost accounts were closed. Stephanie still has multiple accounts on YouTube. Some are children, some are fans, and some are not as fans.
Some may even be in your friends.
This doesn't mean we start pointing fingers at everyone we do not know.
This means "caution If you have a new friend, new account that is pumping you for certain information about others...or a new account that starts drama. Please watch yourself and watch out for your friends.
New fans do create account that are honest and may have a new account or created a new channel.
Stephanie and Kathy are predators.
They try to blend in to make their scams work and be realistic.
However Stephanie and Kathy get very agitated when their story line starts to crumble.
They lash out at the non-believers they turn to people that have be grooming as friends and plant evil seeds that takes the heat off of their scam and get's everyone upset and confused.
Do not let these two destroy your love for Michael and for your friends.
There is more than one Stephanie with fan accounts- I will try to refer to the Stephanie from this account as Steph/con or Steph c.
Please report anything you see that could indicate they are moving around, they are trying to be slick.
Just keep your eyes open for new accounts causing drama, or passing around secret codes that it is Michael. He would not take this chance after all he has been through. Alive or passed.
Kathy however claims she is in with Michaels family and they are getting married and as you can see she is claiming to be trying to get pregnant or is pregnant according to the deviant art comments. That is ridiculous. Stephanie is the one writing the comments as Michaels spirit. The same as she did here on You Tube.
People are getting confused that they are playing both sides of Michael being passed away as well as being alive.
Stephanie is still collecting children and saying it is Michael adopting them as his own. She still speaks freely and openly about the kids, and getting those children to also bring other children to her. Claiming Michael wants to surround himself with innocent children. These children are also subject to Kathy and Michaels Love Affair and trying to have a child- (of course Stephanie is the one claiming to channel Michaels spirit and he is the one who owns the account and he lives with her she also claims.)
This is completely inappropriate for children to hear how they love to practice making a baby and how they cant get enough sex, often commenting that they have just had sex or how much they do have sex.
Many of these children have created an account at deviantart.com to follow and speak to (Steph/AKA MJs spirit) Stephanie could not handle losing the children or the attention therefore she connected with them through Kathy, personal emails, and PM comments on You Tube and deviantart.com
Most of the people are children ages 10-15 that believe this to be Michael's ghost. Most are calling him(her) "daddy" they are calling Kathy "mommy. This is disturbing. These are young children.
Most of these kids are still here as well. They are still communicating with Kathy in a very inappropriate manner. If anything it has become an underground network of PMs and emails. They still will leave comments in public as well.
All these kids are calling (steph/MJ spirit ) him daddy ...
Stephanie deleted a bunch of comments but I have them. Stephanie has gone private with all of them now.
http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fuser%2FOMGMiyazaki829&session_token=aEI2_eTR2cPkxDWfbPrRFbDMW6h8MTMwNTE1NDc4NkAxMzA1MDY4Mzg2... *closed*
(MICHAEL JACKSON spirit AKA Stephanie 21 adult bisexual female living with Michael Jackson's Spirit she claims)
http://www.youtube.com/user/HazelEyedEpiphany (13 years old)
http://www.youtube.com/user/xhannz1234 (13 years old)
http://www.youtube.com/user/MrMichelleMJ (12-14 years old)
http://www.youtube.com/user/cooroloud (12-14?) Account says
Those are just a few there are many more! You can check their profiles. She also has Children Profiles , and many fan accounts she uses to confirm her lies. She uses these as bait accounts. She is manipulating these kids and coaching them what to say, telling them to block anyone who doesn't believe. She is having them also bring more kids as I mentioned before.
Kathy has had her own children taken from her. She also admits to having a sexual relationship with a minor he was only 15-16. She claims the minor seduced her! She blamed everything on the child taking advantage of HER.
She lost custody of both of her children, they were taken by CPS (child protective services) She claimed once that is was because her house was dirty, then she claimed to have a rare disease, and child molestation occurring , however she claims she did not molest them but there was mention of this as valid reason to remove them as well.
Stephanie is a proud bi-sexual. She is the on that Types for "Michael" she claims and exploits his graphic sexual life as a ghost. However she contradicts herself by saying he can have sex and often borrows her computer to type his own messages.
She has some of them call her "peter as in peter pan, this is her way of hiding more easily and confusing people not involved. Her Kathy explains "peter".......
ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND PETER AKA OMGMiyazaki829 ok I'll explain my YT sister stephanie has been a medium since she was little so she has been able 2 communicate w/ spirits since then, which would probally freak most people out, after MJ death he met her spirit friend Jimmy, and she took care of both these spirits, he is still here b/c he was and still is a powerful psycic, which allows him 2 feel the pain of all his fans, my sister created this channel so he could communicate threw her 2 the people he loves dearly, we call him Peter for 2 reasons 1 my aunt gave him the nickname 4 Peter Pan 2 b/c we want 2 protect him and stephanie since there r certain trolls that think she is making this all up but there r 2 many people that has seen and felt him 4 this 2 b a lie he now goes around trying 2 heal peoples heart b/c thats how much he loves them, plus b w/ the love od his life Lisa Marie Presley
That is from Michael Jacksons spirits lover Kathy! (She claims to be engaged as well)
Below is a graphic PM from "MICHAEL'S Spirit Please tell me Michael would not be saying these things as his life has always been private. This is why they have to be stopped....
Lisa was my first... Lisa and I kept it going for fifteen years... After we had that fight, Lisa and I made love four times!!! And supposedly bumping and grinding to my music that night counts as #5...
Lisa was the only woman I ever felt fully comfortable having sexual feelings and relations with, before Katie.
Lisa and I... (blushes) Oh, why don't I just say it?
This Page is Comments taken from different Channels these are comments that are supposed to be from MICHAEL JACKSON'S Spirit (who has a youtube account) a woman named KATHY her accounts listed above. (Claims to be his lover! having sex with his ghost) Stephanie is the other Fraud pretending to be Michael Jackson. **She Claims She Types For Him** PLEASE START AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE COMMENTS Section on this page...this will explain everything. Please Comment and Pass this on . They Need to stop degrading his name. Support Michael's Name and Honor by spreading the truth about these liars. They will block anyone who questions their accounts. But if we spread the word people will be aware of them. Some fans are hoping they are talking to Michael Jackson's ghost and call them selves his children. It get's pretty sick when you see the comments that are supposed to be from Michael explaining graphic sexual acts with Kathy. Also Claiming to have these sexual encounters with LISA MARIE PRESLEY. they are vulgar and far beyond something Michael would post. They are also getting upset with fans who don't believe. They have made death Threats as you will see in the comments. Please stop Fans from getting fooled by these frauds.
I FELT SICK READING IT! Please, contribute to this thread with any information you read about possibly dangerous sick people outthere who take advantage of this hoax and can literally cause life dramas if not suicides!
I'm sorry for commenting again. But i just re-read it and this just BLEW ME to the utmost. Blew my fucking mind. How can you be this crazy? I just wanna know. This is really, truly crazy. I am just highly upset at how they just....disregard us, MICHAEL! , and every other person who they literally disrespected, feelings. It's just INSANE! I just tried to let my mind wrap around that and just let my mind simmer on that. But it's not working. And to think that she's on the same website I am on and friends with the same people who PROBABLY don't know what the HELL she is doing, is just....just CRAZY :evil: OMG! WTH?!?! This literally made me SICK! All the things she's done to all these people, these children, to Michael, to EVERYONE! This has to stop NOW! Somebody better get her. I just had to login to my deviantART account just to leave a comment to her about how sick and crazy she is. Seriously. This blew me! I can write a whole story right now about how messed up this lady is.
Thank you for posting this because we all had to know about this one way or another. :( SMFH!!!!!! That's crazy as hell.... smh.