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Messages - Delia


Thanks Finfin ! Always a new amazing experience to see the master in action, because it is Michael all the time, look closer and not only with your eyes.


In fact, this is the original tape from the concert in Bucharest, not the one with the *insistent* fan.


Quite far fetched the *living for controversy* thing. He symply LIVES what he is singing. The controversy is totally subsidiar to the message that is prevailing.


All these *coincidences* are just coherent. They are telling the story.


He is indeed very good, but ... no poetry. Maybe he will, same day with some originality.


All the headlines seem important (symbolic) and the last one reminds me of the interview from his childhood
when he said that sometime wanted to become an astronaut.

Quote from: PureLove on December 22, 2011, 05:47:46 AM

I don't know what to make of this really.  suspicious// Maybe he is just having fun with us or maybe telling the truth, I don't know.

Or maybe... both.
The interview about *Beat it* is absolutely amazing ! I saw it here for the first time.
Classical music seemed very important for him.


Have we imagined a better interpretation of this song ? Here it is ! Beyond words. His tears...our tears...
and the snow.


There is another photo with the body on a stretcher and I red in an investigation site that they called the hospital and learned
that the stretcher (tipe named *Renaissance*) was not used any more and all of them were disposed of long time ago.
About the O2 announcement, I think that Michael was very cute, because... he was acting !
He laughed, he was preparing for something ... never seen before !


LoveShyMichael very good point about the shoes !


Indeed, Gwinned : she is so serene talking about *that* : not a cloud, not a sigh, but same tone, same disposition like in any other matter. And what kind of fedora is it ?


I think this hat man doesn*t look like the one from XFACTOR. Maybe only representing the same person.


I don*t see any <illuminati> sign here. Your interpretation is too far fetched. Still this information about the company is very important.


How can you be so absolutely shure ?

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI NOVEMBER 30
December 10, 2011, 01:46:05 PM
Quote from: GINAFELICIA on December 07, 2011, 01:40:29 PM

yes, Michael Joe Jackson didn't die, at least not officially  penguin/

Pearl Jr. insisted that his name is Joe !