i would like to share with you my hoax theory about michael jackson's death.
i was just watching the teaser of michael jackson's history album: michael with espectacular black & silver uniform followed by a huge army. Well, i noticed that in this video michael has the number 777 on his right arm. I don't know why, but it reminds me the presence of the number 7 or 777 around the 'this is it' movie mistery (i think it was already discussed in previous topics).
is it maybe a clue? is the 'this is it' movie part of the new michael jackson's album?
i need to share my thoughts with you in order to now your opinion.
Please, imagine that the new michael jackson's album is called something like: RESURRECTION
(i think it fits quite good within his discography and would be a good name for his come back after years of silence)
if you were michael jackson, the best entertainer a of all times using spectacular teasers and videos to present your albums... wouldn't you also hoax your own death in public in order to prepare them for your come back? remember that michael jackson was always so perfectionist with all his previous works and sometimes it is dificult to distinguish reality and fiction...
it is what makes michael jackson so special as entertainer.
it would be great one day (2010 ?), switch on the tv and see the teaser of the new michael jackson's album 'R E S U R R E C T I O N'... Ufffff! it would be really exciting!
what do you think?
sorry for my english (i come from spain). i hope i could express myself correctly
i wish you all a happy new year! all my best wishes for michael and his family!