
Hi Guys I'm A Complete Newbie

Started by PoleStar, July 14, 2019, 08:52:27 AM

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PoleStarTopic starter

 :smile:    I recently became a fan of MJ after the god awful film leaving neverland and have just discovered the hoax community, so please excuse my limited knowledge and look forward to chatting to you guys and finding out more info


Welcome! There is lots of info to go through but if you have questions, fire away.

We are having a Hoax Live on YouTube tonight, maybe a good opportunity to ask questions!

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/MJDHI

White Hat

I am a noob too, using this as a test to see how you post on this form. Souza, what is Titch's back story with the hoax? I've been listening to your MJDHI lives, don't know anything about her story.


Hey White Hat,

Welcome to the rabbit hole!

What would you like to know?


White Hat

Hi Titch,

I was wondering your connection to the  MJDHI. Souza debunks and investigates, the doctor she highlights questions about the hoax, Ja is witness to Bobby Anderson's true identity, but I don't know your story to MJ the community or the hoax! Your super funny and make Souza's lives fun, I've never heard what your story is! You are a woman of great mystery ;)


My connection as such is from the innocence project, that's how I began speaking to Souza. In terms of the hoax, my husband and I decided to look into conspiracies for fun, he jokingly suggested Michael's death hoax so we looked into it. I fell down the rabbit hole and now I'm here. I'm still learning a lot at the moment. Nothing mysterious lol.

What's your story?

White Hat

Hi Titch,

My story goes as many other newbies here, I began to investigate Leaving Neverland. Found Pearl's channel which lead me to investigate "haters", found Souza and decided I like her style of investigating. Pearl doesn't realize that talking about haters will lead her viewers to find the "truthers". Anyhow, Leaving Neverland has fizzled until August and so in my free time I'm reviewing the hoax. It's so weird this human existed my entire life and I never gave a thought about him until now. I too was never a fan. My barbies maybe danced to "beat it" in the 80's. lol  Anyhow I've been listening to the lives, they're fun. Signed up here to see what I can find. Thanks for getting back Titch!


Hello guys,
Same here, fresh and new ;)
It seems that Leaving neverland brought many people to dig for informations on their own. And along the way they discovered or re-discovered what an amazing Artist Michael is .


Not to worry. MJ is very much alive.  :Smug: :Dont-tell-Anyone:

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