Robson/Safechuck case dismissed?

Started by michaelslady, February 03, 2015, 08:45:11 PM

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michaelsladyTopic starter

From Pearl Jr today:

Tom Mesereau and I had a long discussion today. But first I'd like to say even though we disagree about the MJ death hoax, we are mature enough to put MJ first and have good and friendly discussions.

Well I asked Tom why would there no longer be no records matching for the Robson/Safechuck case? He said it is probably because the case was settled and/or dismissed. So it looks like the Robson/Safechuck ordeal is OVER! BUT WHY? I will let Tom explain for himself his reasons why and he said he'd do that on his upcoming interview on King Jordan radio show next week.

I have my own reason, which are independent from Tom's and NOT words from Tom but I did express them with him and he told me what his reasons are but I don't want to say what he will say next week.

Just know that when I think of anything MJ, I think about it under the belief that he is dead and/or ALIVE so I stay balanced, fair and open-minded.

My belief the case MIGHT have been settled is not because the Estate believes MJ is guilty of molesting anyone, it would be due to the death hoax. While watching the happenings of the case, I believe Robson/Safechuck's attorney PROBABLY studied the 1000's of clues MJ left for us and due to the quite obvious multitude of evidence and proof MJ is alive, that attorney INCLUDED MJ as a defendant in their lawsuit, which could quite easily turn into criminal charges, in which MJ would be breaking the law if he knew the law was looking for him and to run from the law when you are really ALIVE would be breaking the law, therefore FORCING MJ OUT OF HIDING when he hasn't yet finished with this adventure.

By the way, there is the possibility that it was dismissed because Robson/Safechuck's attorney dropped their claims but if so, I think the estate might not have kept the result quiet that there is no longer any record matching that case number. Furthermore it is quite possible money changed hands because lawyers settle without going to trial for a variety of reasons: One being avoiding the embarrassment of horrible lies like sodomy and a marriage ceremony that Robson and Safechuck have reportedly claimed.

I will send Branca a request to explain the status of the Robson/Safechuck case. Let's see if he will answer me--very doubtful.

Just my two cents!

Tbh, I never believed any of this from day 1. I really don't. But I wonder who was behind it? And I wonder if "they" were trying to scare MJ out of hiding? God knows I am soooooo impatient and near ready to have some answers to all of this :michael_jackson-1135:


Though I don't rely on this woman, it's quite relieving to know that there's a possibility of the case being dismissed/settled. Since this hasn't hit the mainstream news yet, this is either untrue or not confirmed. If Pearl is indeed lying...well...

But if this is an unconfirmed news, it's quite dubious why Tom Mesereau would tell Pearl an unconfirmed matter, doesn't sound very professional, does it? We'll see....

twitter: @ComfortablyGeek




February 07, 2015, 11:52:10 AM #3 Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 11:58:52 AM by iamhere4mj

The case was still going on in Dec. 2014 so if the parties came to some understanding it probably happened sometime in January.

Case # for Safechuck: BC545264
Case # for Robson: BC508502 (BC508S02)

These two cases are part of BP117321 (Michaels probate case #) even though Wade's case # is the only one that is stated to be related on the court website:

Case Summary
Case Number:  BP117321
Filing Date:  06/29/2009
Case Type:  Letters of Administration (General Jurisdiction)
Status:  Judgment by Court-Petition Denied 11/17/2009
Cases Related:  BC508502 on 06/06/2013

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Love you Michael!


If there was no death hoax these allegations would  100% have been reported on mainstream news channels.I guess the media have no interest in trying to crucify Michael anymore.......

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