Quote from: "heartphantom"
Quote from: "iamamjbeliever"
I couldn't care less about this royal wedding but the picture is mean and manipulative. It's like showing Michael living in a big beautiful house and some children dying photoshopped in the same picture. One has nothing to do with another and it's disturbing. It's everyone's right to live up to their possibilities and to celebrate their important moments in their own traditional way. We can't blame others because they're rich or put on their shoulders all the misery in the world just because they can make a difference and expect something from them. This is a free act. And just like some of us don't give food to poor people even if that food means nothing to us, it's also their right to have the attitude they want.
At this wedding i know the guests had to donate, instead of wedding gifts, money to charity, that makes the picture even more unfair.
We live in 2011 and we still have the mentality of slave-master/group-leader. What i mean is we all pretend equalty but when it's about saving this world we still act like one is "more equal" than other and has more power to change something than me. But i really believe it's us all, little by little, piece by piece, individiaul by individual.We can all make difference and not wait for leaders or masters to give the tone. Before poiting fingers to popular or rich families we should take a look in the mirror and start with us.
The rich one have more power than us. Their opinions and their actions count much more than ours.
They have the power to "give" more not necessarily in terms of money, but in terms of influencing political decisions to make the moral changes the world needs.
When God first guided men to have kings or leaders, those kings and leaders had not only privileges, but first of all they had duties to their people.
I wish we could remember this now.
I know Michael said he felt it was his duty to do more for the world because he received more than others. He had a conscience, that's why I love this gentle soul.
And what happened to Diana - was an accident? Who knows 100% what it was?