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Topics - Dancer


(Please delete if already posted.)

Someone on a german forum posted this new video snippet. And they say they taped 2 hours of this footage - I hope we will see this all one day.
I love and miss Michael so much... feels like I just fell in love again after watching this snippet. ♥


Michael Jackson News / Robin Gibb in hospital
April 05, 2011, 08:38:37 PM

He's in my prayers and I hope he will recover soon!

Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb has been forced to cancel a tour of Brazil after being hospitalised on April 3, according to the AP.

Gibb was supposed to fly out to South America on the 3rd, only for his doctor to advise him not to travel so they can work out the problem while he remains in a UK hospital. A spokesman told the BBC, "We are not sure what's wrong with him at this stage and are worried."

The singer not only had to cancel shows, but also a meeting with the Brazilian president, Dlim Rousseff. A statement on his website apologised for not making the trip, saying, "Robin apologises to all his fans in South America and to all the people who had worked on making this tour possible especially Web Rockers, Midia Digital Ltda and Poladian Productions... Robin was looking forward to meeting and performing for his South American fans."

Gibb has had previous scares with stomach ailments. In August 2010 whilst performing in Belgium, Gibb suffered abdominal pains and was rushed to hospital for surgery on a blocked intestine, with part of his intestine removed. After that incident he said, "It was a shock. I'd been expecting to go home but instead I was told my intestine could burst at any time and I could be dead within half an hour."

A twisted intestine was the cause of his brother Maurice's death in 2003.

"We don't know if it is a recurrence of the previous problem or if it is something else entirely," the spokesman added ... cels-tour/

Brian Oxman / Brian Oxman and Gloria Allred
March 20, 2011, 07:15:19 PM

If this was already posted, please delete.

I knew BO is a silly person after I saw him repeatedly talking about Michael as if he was a frail drug addict. But what's THAT? It was posted on twitter and on his facebook page.

WTF is going on in Oxman's head? I'm sure he knows what this terrible woman did to Michael.  :( So how can he stand there beside her, smiling like a fool?  :evil:
The caption says:
"Brian and Gloria Alred at the Jane Velez Mitchell book signing party."
What's next? A picture of smiling Oxman and Martin Bashir?  :evil:
I don't understand why he is still Joe's lawyer.


Okay, I feel really silly to post this  :D  :oops: , because maybe it's a coincidence or just nothing, but anyway, I'd like to hear your opinions.
A few months ago my husband wanted to watch the bonus material on the TII dvd, too, and because he wants to improve his English, he asked me if we could watch it with the English subtitles. We did, and I noticed something:

In "Staging the return" there are two sentences of the subtitles in bold:
- When MJ finishes dancing, he says, "Let it burn and the lights out!"
- Travis says, "Michael is (notice the present tense...) very into letting the show speak for itself" (this subtitle is not in bold),  and then he says (and this sentence is in bold): "Seeing the show does the talking. The show speaks for itself. That's how it should be."

Like I said, it may be nothing, but I found that weird because these are the only subtitles, as far as I see, in bold. There are no bold ones in "Memories of Michael", "The unfinished rehearsels", "The gloved one" or "Auditions". And there is no reason to be in bold because of the background or whatever, you could read them without being written in bold.


Check this out, please:

If you type in "Conrad Murray", you get the following information:

No records match your search criteria.
Please go back to the previous screen and try again.

Isn't that a little bit strange?  :?