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TIAI & TS Discussions / Re:
« on: December 05, 2009, 10:57:54 PM »
Quote from: "tinker_bell"
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

Actually I don't think there is a contradiction. The redirections have been leading us towards the realization that there are individuals within the governments of the world, who have a hidden agenda they are trying to achieve. These people are actively in control of the government, media (including Music, TV, Movies, News etc) corporations, and every aspect of our lives. Anyone who speaks out against this, tries to bring the agenda to light or prevent it from moving forward is silenced. This silence is achieved through false criminal charges, financial measures, tabloid journalism, threats and even murder.

Michael spoke out about the falsities in history, the control and corruption of the music industry, the false charges brought against him and the overall slandering of him in the tabloids. He also brought the messages of love, charity, kindness, generosity and that we can effect change in the world. His song "They Don't care About Us" is a criticisms of the government! You must be able to see the connection. Michael is alive so perhaps the message is that he faked his death before he could be murdered. Maybe Conrad Murray was a Manchurian Candidate but Michael discovered the plot before his death could be achieved. There are many possibilities.

The redirects are trying to show us that the world is not as we may have perceived. There are things we may not be aware of going on. I believe Michael is trying to wake us up to this reality and in doing so he can then reveal that he is alive. He needs us to be aware of the world's true situation so we can support him and help change the power structure, then we can take back control of our future.

I very much agree with you on many points and love the way you put it! But i'm thinking.... TIAI is visited by hoax-believers mainly (if not only), and hoax-believers are those who are already aware of media lies, global conspiracies, foul plays etc. I mean it is people that have incedible investigative skills and a sharp mind we are talking about! I admire you guys so much for all the enormous work you've been doing trying to find the truth. So my point being, is TIAI helping these people to see what they haven't seen before or realize what they don't yet know?

Michael is most certainly a rebel in the modern society, he spoke out the truth and brought up the issues of great importance in his art and in his public activity. Yet he is not the only one who have done it. There are more people who made efforts for people to wake up and see what's going on. There's Michael Moore who made Fahrenheit 9/11, there are others, artists, politicians, writers, journaists.

Michael's last major public appearances were in the early 2000's. In his Oxford speech he addressed the importance of family bonds, during his Killer Thriller stand he mainly spoke against racism and exploitation in the record business. I 100% believe there was a major conspiracy against Michael in that period that's why the world saw Bashir's movie in 2003 and that's why the allegations of molesting had followed. Was Michael a really serious threat for govenment or large business in the recent years? Perhaps, but unlikly IMO... What seems more plausible to me is that someone was dreaming of that music catalogue of his, those are some huge $$$...
Maybe it all sounds stupid, those are just my thoughts..

no you do not sound stupid and yes he was a threat, the worlds biggest star making statments telling people to think, that is a threat, a wealthy, postive, black man at that! and no i dont want to make this about race but lets be honest there are people who do not want to see a black person succeed, especially a postive black man, ask the King family

i feel that serenitys dream is the only person so far that understands whats going on in the redirections...when he posted the link to the final curtain that did not mean that its the end of the hoax it could have meant it was the end of the media feeding us BS! and as far as i am concerned the government is the illusion and there are people behind the scenes that run things...look at the "angry black man" clip of mike and listen to what he is saying.." he wasnt weird, gay ect until he purchased the beetles catalouge and became filthy rich.." listen to evan chandlers phone conversation again and listen to what he says "...i know people who want to take him down, its a win situation..he will never sell another album" who do you think those people were? just some random people??? and the posted stated earlier its not a coincident that bashir comes in the picture, shows him like a pedofile, allegations again and then bashir is on US tv...and people say " why would mike use "doubles" ect?" why not if he already knew the program was to make him look bad! open yall eyes!!!!!! the government had every reason to want him dead..shit they was probly hoping that he would kill himself in 1993! this was all a set up...

and yes not forget how much of sony he owns! plus his own music...thats alot of money and power over music, tv and other things and im sure there are things that have to go thru mike before it gets put out which im sure they dont want to do

Quote from: "Grace"
But you must be very clear on the fact that Michael's children are living in the US and that he would do nothing to put them in any danger.

Where would we go from here if current US government were destabilized?
Think about it.

and for that exact reason i think that those are not mikes kids! i do how ever think that he does have children of his own but he has keep them far from the limelight and for all we know they nor mike are in the us

where would we go? we would go in a better direction! we are one of if not the richest countries and we dont even have free health care or education! places like canadan you go to school for free, your medical is free, there are very very little homeless. Im not even into politic but i know that the jfk , jfk jr, 9/11 and hurricane katrina were planned and so were the "deaths" of others who tried to stand up to them

Other Odd Things / Re: Repost: Three (3) MJs in the Bashit Documentary?
« on: December 05, 2009, 07:49:17 PM »
Quote from: "YourLoveIsMagical"
 Is it feasible that the jaw could be changed to be more square and then smaller/more round back and forth a few times?  Just curious....  :?:
no it is i have never heard of someone having there jaw we build..unless it was broke in a car accident

and to the people saying " no one can dance like mike and the trial, mike at the trial does not look like the guy in the red shirt during the interview IMO AND its just an interview not a there are people who can sound like him when he talks

« on: December 05, 2009, 02:07:31 PM »
Quote from: "francisca81"
well, whatever his reasons are, for me there's no doubt it was michael at LKL!! ;)


while me and my grandma were talking and dave dave started to talk he she turned around and said.." boy he sounds just like mike" and i was like oh yea he does and then when i seen the photos and other info i the way my grandma does not believe mike is alive

TIAI & TS Discussions / Re:
« on: December 05, 2009, 01:13:07 AM »
this is whole time i wasnt really buying the illuminati stuff but now i am :| if you think about it alot of the links have lead us to things related to the illuminati or foul play by the government and 2 days ago it lead us to the george mag with cindy crawford and the title was a " new revolution" which IMO was the club and well as the mag being titled george , which was owned by JFK jr, who is the son of Jackie O, who was friends with Mike and now a link about his murder? this cant all be a joke

oh yea and i think that the last link to george ? was about George bush, just my thoughts

Michael Jackson News / Re: BLOND WOMAN REVEALED??
« on: December 04, 2009, 10:54:36 PM »
Quote from: "q0txciityl0ve"
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Mj has dressed as a woman before.
The only thing i would question is that if MJ was dressed as blonde woman at the memorial, would the height not give him away?
when she stands up she is very tall!

ok but am i the only person thinks that that ian harper guy could be in on the hoax? i mean he is the one who said that mj would die 6months before he "did"..but anyways the reason i bring this up is because he said that mj use to dress as a women and he had footage of him in drag and we would see it by the end of the year! well what is that was a clue that mj is the lady and hatman is someone else :?:

mm, i doubt that ian harper guy is in. he said Michael was homosexual, which is BS. :evil:
yes everything he says is bs but everything he says has came true in some with the women thing, and the lolli pop thing and then we see mike with a sucker in the this is it photos and yes he said he was gay but remeber dr kliens friend said they were lovers...

what im saying is that i think he was giving us clue and no i dont think mj is gay and i think the whole book is BS ...idk i think that the most clues are being giving out by the people we least expect

Michael Jackson News / Re: BLOND WOMAN REVEALED??
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:18:40 PM »
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Mj has dressed as a woman before.
The only thing i would question is that if MJ was dressed as blonde woman at the memorial, would the height not give him away?
when she stands up she is very tall!

ok but am i the only person thinks that that ian harper guy could be in on the hoax? i mean he is the one who said that mj would die 6months before he "did"..but anyways the reason i bring this up is because he said that mj use to dress as a women and he had footage of him in drag and we would see it by the end of the year! well what is that was a clue that mj is the lady and hatman is someone else :?:

Michael Jackson News / Re: BLOND WOMAN REVEALED??
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:10:22 PM »
Quote from: "tinker_bell"
Quote from: "Doreen"
The guest list includes among others :
Katherine Jackson, Joe Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket) Rebbie Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, LaToya Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Randy Jackson, Janet Jackson, Austin Brown, Stacee Brown Salas, Rex Salas, London Blue Salas, Yashi Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Siggy Jackson, Brandi Jackson, Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson, TJ Jackson, Royal Jackson, Jermaine Jackson II, Autumn Jackson, Jaimy Jackson, Jeremy Jackson, Jourdynn Jackson, Donte Jackson, Jaafar Jackson, Jermajesty Jackson, Brittny Jackson, Valencia Jackson, Marlon Jackson Jr, Genevieve Jackson, Steveanna Jackson, Randy Jackson Jr, Levon Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Rijo Jackson, Simone Jackson, Michelle Jackson, Antony Jackson, Brent Jackson, Jeffré Philips, Frank Dileo, Grace Rwaramba, Omer Bhatti, Dominic Cascio, Connie Cascio, Dominic Cascio Jr, Frank Cascio, Eddie Cascio, Marie Nicole Cascio, Aldo Cascio, Anton Schleiter, Francescka Schleiter, Miko Brando, Karen Brando, Shane Brando, Prudence Brando, Mark Lester, Todd Bridges, Corey Feldman, Chris Tucker, Evvy Tavasci, Smokey Robinson, Queen Latifah, Usher; Kobe Bryant, Jesse Jackson, Mariah Carey, Andrae Crouch Choir, Berry Gordy, Jennifer Hudson, Shaheen Jafargholi, Magic Johnson, Martin Luther King III, Bernice A. King, John Mayer, Lionel Richie, Rev. Al Sharpton, Brooke Shields, Pastor Lucious Smith, Stevie Wonder, Wesley Snipes, Kim Porter, Nicole Richie,Spike Lee,, Louis Farrakhan, Ja’net Dubois, Eddie Holland, Freda Payne, David Gest, Joe Frazier, Sean, Diddy” Combs, Don King, Martin Bander, Tommy Mottola, Mickey Rooney, Dionne Warwick, Levar Burton, Telma Hopkins, Lou Ferrigno, Mike Tyson, John Landis, Wayne Nagin, Mike Lapperuque, Anil Kapoor, Shana Mangatal, Evan Ross, Riley Keough, Chris Brown, The Kardashians, Debbie Allen, Brian Oxman, Raymone Bain, Tohme Tohme Lil Kim, Brett Ratner, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, Akon, Suzanne DePasse, Nathan East, Paulinho DaCosta.Basheer, Michael Amir, Faheem, the This Is It Team (Michael Bearden, Alfred Dunbar, Roger Bashiri Johnson, Jonathan Moffett, Thomas Organ, Orianthi Panagaris, and Morris Pleasure,Judith Hill, Dorian Holley, Darryl Phinnesse,Kenneth Stacey; Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Anthony Testa, Stacey Walker; Karen Faye Heinze, Michael Bush, Nicholas Bass, Daniel Celebre, Mekia Cox, Christopher Grant, Misha Hamilton, Shannon Holtzapffel, Devin Jamieson, Charles Klapow, Ricardo Reid, Danielle Rueda Watts, Tyne Stecklein, and Timor Steffens)

wow, didn't know Tommy Mottola was invited...  :?
exactly....this list is BS as far as im concerned :mrgreen:

Other Odd Things / Re: Repost: Three (3) MJs in the Bashit Documentary?
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:07:38 PM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Here´s a repost of the post with the pictures:

Posted by: Grace

There is a Michael with doe's eyes:

(or as Souza and Mo said "asiatic" eyes)

and there is a Michael "handsome" with the more square chin (we know him from the angel pics and together with MLP)

these are clearly 2 different sorry :geek:  and yes i am waiting patiently for the blog mo and i kno you guys go all out with the visuals thats why im so exicted

The ONLY time I questioned if it was him was when he was sitting on the couch with Gavin.

why that time? i havent watched the footage in awhile but i always thought him and "asiatic mj" were the

Dr. Conrad Murray / Re: Murray's girlfriend, "actress?
« on: December 04, 2009, 06:38:01 PM »
yes she is an actress or she has been in music videos...she kinda looks like the wife in the movie barbershop staring ice cube..the one with the glasses on...not the other lady

Michael Jackson News / Re: MJ and his children.... TIGER WOODS!!
« on: December 04, 2009, 06:31:43 PM »
Quote from: "Lorrie"
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Im only using Tiger Woods as an example, because as far as i know no-one has ever questioned the parentage of his children...  unlike what Michael has had to endure

Tiger Woods and other people of color are an entirely different situation than Michael, who's in a class all by himself when it comes to this subject.

(Ignorant) people question the parentage of Michael's children because (1) they believe the nonsense that he's a freak and would therefore do freaky things to have freaky (meaning unexpectedly different) children, (2) they believe the nonsense that Michael's skin got lighter because he was trying to "become" white, (3) they believe the nonsense that Michael was asexual or gay and therefore never had sex with Lisa Marie, Debbie, or any other woman, and (4) they believe the nonsense that one darker-skinned (like Michael originally was) black parent means a mixed child can only have a skin tone that's noticeably "colored."

Some of these ignorant people will learn eventually, although it makes no difference whatsoever whether Michael is the biological parent of his children. He's their one and only father, no matter what, as all of us intelligent people here realize.

this basicly what i was trying to there more to it why people said that about those kids, there skin color just takes the cake...look at omer for example, on most pictures he is dark skinned and he looks like mike pre op but they still refuse to believe that there is even a possiblity of him being his son....even the boy they posted on TMZ is full black and they said that couldnt be his son BECAUSE HE WAS FULL BLACK..they will never give mj a break..period

p.s. im not saying that omer or malachi are his sons but im just pointing out how people dismissed them so quickly

Michael Jackson News / Re: BLOND WOMAN REVEALED??
« on: December 04, 2009, 06:26:19 PM »
Quote from: "Doreen"
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View it as a celebretation of Michael Jackson's life.
I looked and don't see Taylor Dayne's name here on the list at the the public memorial at the Staples Center in downtown L.A.
The tribute show is aired live all around the world.
At the end, the Jackson family and all the artist perform We Are The World and Heal The World with Prince, Paris and Blanket.
Paris ends the tribute with a moving speech calling Michael "the best daddy you could ever imagine" before breaking in Janet's arms.

The guest list includes among others :
Katherine Jackson, Joe Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket) Rebbie Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, LaToya Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Randy Jackson, Janet Jackson, Austin Brown, Stacee Brown Salas, Rex Salas, London Blue Salas, Yashi Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Siggy Jackson, Brandi Jackson, Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson, TJ Jackson, Royal Jackson, Jermaine Jackson II, Autumn Jackson, Jaimy Jackson, Jeremy Jackson, Jourdynn Jackson, Donte Jackson, Jaafar Jackson, Jermajesty Jackson, Brittny Jackson, Valencia Jackson, Marlon Jackson Jr, Genevieve Jackson, Steveanna Jackson, Randy Jackson Jr, Levon Jackson, Elijah Jackson, Rijo Jackson, Simone Jackson, Michelle Jackson, Antony Jackson, Brent Jackson,
who are these jacksons...lmao

Jeffré Philips, Frank Dileo, Grace Rwaramba, Omer Bhatti, Dominic Cascio, Connie Cascio, Dominic Cascio Jr, Frank Cascio, Eddie Cascio, Marie Nicole Cascio, Aldo Cascio, Anton Schleiter, Francescka Schleiter, Miko Brando, Karen Brando, Shane Brando, Prudence Brando, Mark Lester, Todd Bridges, Corey Feldman,Chris Tucker Evvy Tavasci, Smokey Robinson, Queen Latifah, Usher; Kobe Bryant, Jesse Jackson, Mariah Carey, Andrae Crouch Choir, Berry Gordy, Jennifer Hudson, Shaheen Jafargholi, Magic Johnson, Martin Luther King III, Bernice A. King, John Mayer, Lionel Richie, Rev. Al Sharpton, Brooke Shields, Pastor Lucious Smith, Stevie Wonder, Wesley Snipes, Kim Porter, Nicole Richie,Spike Lee,, Louis Farrakhan, Ja’net Dubois, Eddie Holland, Freda Payne, David Gest, Joe Frazier, Sean, Diddy” Combs, Don King, Martin Bander, Tommy Mottola, Mickey Rooney, Dionne Warwick, Levar Burton, Telma Hopkins, Lou Ferrigno, Mike Tyson, John Landis, Wayne Nagin, Mike Lapperuque, Anil Kapoor, Shana Mangatal, Evan Ross, Riley Keough, Chris Brown, The Kardashians, Debbie Allen, Brian Oxman, Raymone Bain, Tohme Tohme Lil Kim, Brett Ratner, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, Akon, Suzanne DePasse, Nathan East, Paulinho DaCosta.Basheer, Michael Amir, Faheem, the This Is It Team (Michael Bearden, Alfred Dunbar, Roger Bashiri Johnson, Jonathan Moffett, Thomas Organ, Orianthi Panagaris, and Morris Pleasure,Judith Hill, Dorian Holley, Darryl Phinnesse,Kenneth Stacey; Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Anthony Testa, Stacey Walker; Karen Faye Heinze, Michael Bush, Nicholas Bass, Daniel Celebre, Mekia Cox, Christopher Grant, Misha Hamilton, Shannon Holtzapffel, Devin Jamieson, Charles Klapow, Ricardo Reid, Danielle Rueda Watts, Tyne Stecklein, and Timor Steffens)

i didnt see any of the people in I did see diana ross's youngest daughter but no evan and i seen diddy and his step son quincy but not his mom kim porter...and i hope shana was there cause she is very pretty to me and i want her to be his GF lol :D

Michael Jackson News / Re: MJ and his children.... TIGER WOODS!!
« on: December 04, 2009, 06:02:47 PM »
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Quote from: "Harleyblonde"
Quote from: "MJsbasheret"
A sperm and an egg don't make you a parent....loving unconditionally and totally does!

'nough said.  ;)
Exactly!! Please can we not discuss the children in this way-Michael loved them and they loved him and he cared for them and he was their Father, a parent is someone who takes care of you, raises you and keeps you safe. Can we please not discuss private matters of this nature? it has absolutely nothing to do with the hoax. It is not appropiate to discuss the parentage of anyone, Michael was a private person and I think he would be horrified to know this matter was being discussed on an internet forum.

Sorry... but you are missing the point of my original post.

The point i am making is that there are other afro-carribean celebrities who have had mixed-raced children who appear white...   but the media NEVER questions them or the parentage...  but Michael Jackson was vilified in the press over this.
Im not questioning MJs parentage.....  im pointing out how biased the media was towards MJ.

i totally agree with you but i think some of the reason why they said this is because of other things that took debbie not being around and blanket coming out of i think that with them being so light AND there moms not being around people make assumptions about there paternity

and im not saying that that is a right assumption but having had conversations about it with others i belive its the mix of all of that becaue like you said noone question quincy and rashida, eartha kitt and her daughter or james earl jones and his kids

Other Odd Things / Re: Analysis of TNZ's Myspace & Twitter Pages
« on: December 04, 2009, 01:50:44 PM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
TNZ image:

Original painting:

TNZ's cut out of Mike's signature:

I layered the original painting and TNZ's cut out up in photoshop:

 :shock:  :shock: :roll: :roll:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

so are these pictures by mike? and if so they look just like the pictures posted by tmz abut his last gifts to his kids? did he make them 2?

TMZ Articles / NOT mj related- should we trust anything tmz reports?
« on: December 04, 2009, 12:13:24 AM »
Ok so im like the biggest nas fan and when he announced he was getting a divorce and TMZ was all over the case i was like  :? because Nas nor Kelis are house hold names and TMZ doesnt usually post about hip hop artist but i let it slide...then they started to catch nas outside of clubs and other places asking him randon questions and again im thinking " since when did the paps follow nas?" but today has been the kicker...

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check out the update? hella weird right? now look at this comment:
"Mr. Jones had a green tongue with raised taste buds and his pulse was raised to 116 beats per minute."
^^^ how in the hell would the police know that? also the date of the arrest was 9/10/09..but i will get to that later, but also why would it take them this long to find out about it?

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now they say they have the footage of the arrest..i didnt even watch it all because he says he is 36 on the footage..but his bday is 9/14/73 so on 9/10/09 he would have been 35..and isnt that footage kinda clear and the volume pretty good for cop car footage?

well anyways this nas on tmz thing has really been bothering me for quite sometime or maybe its the hoax but something isnt right with any of the stories that they are posting and im starting to think the site as a whole is BS and was started just to report about mike...lmao

The Michael Zone

Quote from: "~Souza~"
Under what rock did you hide the last couple of weeks? LOL!

I would love to see the full length version of Thriller...
i hope this is the full length

i wonder if the 2nd movie is the one that has omer playing him and showes his life up until the dangerous era?

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