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Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:55:43 PM »
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This whole story sounds a little far out.

Hi Bec, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. But this was one of the reasons why I was hesitant to share it. If Michael taught me one thing, it's that no matter what you might say or do, there's always going to be someone ready to take you down and not believe you and Michael taught me to always stand up for myself and for what I believe in, so I am.

Do you honestly think that I would create and write a super long thread based on a lie? There's a reason why I posted the pictures in the first place. I knew someone would try to take me down and claim that my experience is a lie and never happened. So, I provided as much proof as possible by posting pictures of everything I talked about in my first post (the Believe rock, the Mexican Man, and me at Neverland). What else more do you want from me in order to prove that this REALLY happened? A video of me speaking with the guard? Well I'm sorry, I'm not psychic, I didn't know he was going to make such an obvious slip up and I couldn't get my video camera out in time to zoom in and record his face.

I've been a member of this forum for over two years and never once have I posted or created a lie. I love and appreciate all of the members here. We're a family and I would never disrespect any of you by tampering with your emotions and feelings towards Michael and the hoax. I'm 17 years old. I have a life outside of this forum. I hangout with my friends and I'm in the middle of trying to achieve my dream of becoming a singer. I am way too busy to create a lie. Besides, it's not in my heart to lie to you or anyone else on this forum.

If your story is true, you should have no problem facing a challenge to it. Besides, it's one of those stories you really can't prove one way or another, isn't it? We can either take you at your word or not. If you know in your heart that it's true, it shouldn't matter what I or anyone else have to say, should it? You should have the confidence to hold your head high and go forward on your own merit, your own character, and your own sense of what you KNOW is TRUE, right?

That's absolutely correct - which is why I ended up posting it and sharing it with you all. I believe in myself and I believe in that experience and I KNOW it's TRUE, so I POSTED it. I know it's TRUE so I had the confidence to POST it UP for you ALL to SEE. The only reason I replied to you and stood up for myself was because I didn't want you to damage my reputation on this forum by accusing me of lying when I personally know that what I'm saying is true. You're a powerful member here on the forum, Bec. You're a global moderator who's extremely active with a good reputation. There's no doubt in my mind that the other members take your words seriously here and look up to you as a user. So, when someone as powerful as you accuses me of lying in front of the whole community, it's a natural instinct for me to stick up for myself and what I believe in, and that's simply what I did. I'm NOT going to sit back here and let a Global Moderator call me a liar even if I know that my story is true. It's how I was raised and it's apart of who I am. I stick up for myself no matter what the situation is. Just because I stuck up for myself and for the truth doesn't mean my story is false. Sticking up for myself does NOT and should NOT count as "evidence" of me lying. There is NO evidence of me lying because my story is TRUE. The only evidence in this debate is that I don't take any crap, nor should anyone. Did Michael Jackson let Tom Sneddon, the media and the world call him a child molester? No. He went on trial to prove his innocence and did interview after interview to stand up for himself and that's what I learned from him. It's one of the reasons why I look up to Michael in the first place - he's a lover, but he sticks up for what he believes in when someone tears him down. If something is bothering him or he doesn't believe something, he'll ignore it until action against it must be taken. That's what I love about him. And that lesson I learned from him rubbed off on me today in this thread.

Besides, you didn't even have to post that comment anyway. If you don't believe the story that's in the thread, then don't post in it. Just ignore the thread. Surely the Global Moderator would agree with that rule. I asked everyone for their opinion on whether or not they thought my TRUE story was odd. Not whether or not my story was true. I wanted to know what everyone thought of the guard's words and actions as well as the words and actions of the Mexican Man. I asked everyone who considers my story to be TRUE for their opinion. And you didn't even give me an opinion on the guard or the Mexican Man whatsoever. You just doubted, cast negativity on the thread and accused me of lying. It's my thread. I asked a question to those who thought my story was true. And since you don't believe my story, you shouldn't have even posted. You have no business here in this thread, other than just moderating it.

I have nothing personal against you, Bec. Anyone could have accused me of lying and posted the same thing you did and I would have reacted the same way. It's just the way I am.

To those who DO believe me, I just want to say a BIG thank you for all of your support and for all of your feedback! I love hearing your opinions on the guard and the Mexican Man because every opinion helps put the puzzle together. I'm looking through my father's pictures that he took of Neverland as well, so if I find another picture of the Mexican Man I will not hesitate to post it up! Much love to all of you! God Bless! :)

Compare bolded to bolded and underlined to underlined. You directly contradict yourself twice in one post, once even in the same paragraph.

As far as the highlighted portion, your argument is illogical. There is no evidence either way other then a single witness statement, your own. When considering the credibility of any witness statement, one must consider the bias, motive, and credibility of that witness.

I do have to point out that I never called you a liar nor accused you of lying. I simply said your story was a little far out.

I didn't contradict myself at all, actually. You just totally misunderstood what I was saying and left out key sentences and points in each paragraph to make it look like I contradicted myself. Allow me to explain:

The Bold Statements Comparison:
My whole point in those paragraphs was to let you know that I was just standing up for what I believe in and for myself. That's the whole point of the debate. You said that I should be able to face a challenge when it comes to my story and not even care about what you or what anyone else thinks. And since I stuck up for myself, you considered it as evidence of my story being false but in reality I was just simply sticking up for myself because I'm not going to let anyone imply that I'm a liar. What I was trying to get at in those bold statements was that no matter who accused me of lying, I would have stuck up for myself either way. But, I'm explaining myself and writing a lot more to you, Bec, than I would a regular user because you're more powerful and have a good reputation that could sway the community into thinking that I am a liar, which would totally ruin my rep for no reason at all. You totally misunderstood those statements that you made bold. So no, I didn't contradict myself.

The Underlined Statements: As for these, I have no idea what you're trying to prove and I have no idea how you don't understand what I'm saying here. For all of those people who believe that my story was TRUE, I asked them for their opinion of the guard and the Mexican Man. And since you don't believe my story is TRUE, therefore, I'm not asking you for your opinion. I don't see how I contradict myself there. It's plain and simple. Here are the steps to make it easier for you to understand and realize that I didn't contradict myself.

1) I post my story and ask an opinion on the GUARD and the MEXICAN MAN.
2) A user reads it.
3) If that user believes that my story is TRUE, they answer my question by giving their opinion on the guard and the Mexican Man.
4) If that user believes my story is FAKE, then they shouldn't even post because my question means NOTHING to them.

I started this thread to simply get opinions on the guard and the Mexican Man, but only if those opinions are from people who believe my story. Because if a person does not believe my story, then why in the world would they take the time to answer my question? You, obviously, don't seem to care too much about my story or my question because you think it's false. So then WHY did you even post? I want you to answer that question for me. I will ask it again. If you think my story is FALSE, why did you even post? I wasn't asking everyone if they thought my story was true or not. I already know the answer to that, and so does everyone else who has posted in this thread. Negativity doesn't bring anything positive, and comments like yours only sink the ship. If you don't believe in the story in this thread, then stay away from this thread.

The Highlighted Statement: Once again, you misunderstood. To ME, there is NO evidence of me lying because I was there and I know for a fact that it's true. If you really want another witness, my whole family was there with me and I'm sure my brother would be glad to come on and explain the story to you. Or, if you're honestly that curious, go up to Neverland, meet me there, we'll find the bald guard and ask him if he remembers. I'd be ALL for doing that.

But if you don't believe my story in this thread, don't post on it. That's really all it comes down to. You have NO business here if you don't believe in my story and are not going to give an intelligent opinion on the guard and the Mexican Man.

I asked for an opinion on the guard and the Mexican Man. You gave neither an opinion on the guard or the Mexican Man. You just attacked my story and implied that I was a liar. And since it's my thread and all I asked was for an opinion on the guard and Mexican Man, your post obviously doesn't belong in this thread. I mean, come on, I'm young but I'm NOT an idiot. I know what "far out" means. Your post sums it up. "This whole story sounds a little far out [to be true...]". So don't go around saying you're not calling me a liar. You may not have said the actual words, but you totally implied it. It was a shot at me in disguise.

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:12:49 AM »
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This whole story sounds a little far out.

Hi Bec, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. But this was one of the reasons why I was hesitant to share it. If Michael taught me one thing, it's that no matter what you might say or do, there's always going to be someone ready to take you down and not believe you and Michael taught me to always stand up for myself and for what I believe in, so I am.

Do you honestly think that I would create and write a super long thread based on a lie? There's a reason why I posted the pictures in the first place. I knew someone would try to take me down and claim that my experience is a lie and never happened. So, I provided as much proof as possible by posting pictures of everything I talked about in my first post (the Believe rock, the Mexican Man, and me at Neverland). What else more do you want from me in order to prove that this REALLY happened? A video of me speaking with the guard? Well I'm sorry, I'm not psychic, I didn't know he was going to make such an obvious slip up and I couldn't get my video camera out in time to zoom in and record his face.

I've been a member of this forum for over two years and never once have I posted or created a lie. I love and appreciate all of the members here. We're a family and I would never disrespect any of you by tampering with your emotions and feelings towards Michael and the hoax. I'm 17 years old. I have a life outside of this forum. I hangout with my friends and I'm in the middle of trying to achieve my dream of becoming a singer. I am way too busy to create a lie. Besides, it's not in my heart to lie to you or anyone else on this forum.

If your story is true, you should have no problem facing a challenge to it. Besides, it's one of those stories you really can't prove one way or another, isn't it? We can either take you at your word or not. If you know in your heart that it's true, it shouldn't matter what I or anyone else have to say, should it? You should have the confidence to hold your head high and go forward on your own merit, your own character, and your own sense of what you KNOW is TRUE, right?

That's absolutely correct - which is why I ended up posting it and sharing it with you all. I believe in myself and I believe in that experience and I KNOW it's TRUE, so I POSTED it. I know it's TRUE so I had the confidence to POST it UP for you ALL to SEE. The only reason I replied to you and stood up for myself was because I didn't want you to damage my reputation on this forum by accusing me of lying when I personally know that what I'm saying is true. You're a powerful member here on the forum, Bec. You're a global moderator who's extremely active with a good reputation. There's no doubt in my mind that the other members take your words seriously here and look up to you as a user. So, when someone as powerful as you accuses me of lying in front of the whole community, it's a natural instinct for me to stick up for myself and what I believe in, and that's simply what I did. I'm NOT going to sit back here and let a Global Moderator call me a liar even if I know that my story is true. It's how I was raised and it's apart of who I am. I stick up for myself no matter what the situation is. Just because I stuck up for myself and for the truth doesn't mean my story is false. Sticking up for myself does NOT and should NOT count as "evidence" of me lying. There is NO evidence of me lying because my story is TRUE. The only evidence in this debate is that I don't take any crap, nor should anyone. Did Michael Jackson let Tom Sneddon, the media and the world call him a child molester? No. He went on trial to prove his innocence and did interview after interview to stand up for himself and that's what I learned from him. It's one of the reasons why I look up to Michael in the first place - he's a lover, but he sticks up for what he believes in when someone tears him down. If something is bothering him or he doesn't believe something, he'll ignore it until action against it must be taken. That's what I love about him. And that lesson I learned from him rubbed off on me today in this thread.

Besides, you didn't even have to post that comment anyway. If you don't believe the story that's in the thread, then don't post in it. Just ignore the thread. Surely the Global Moderator would agree with that rule. I asked everyone for their opinion on whether or not they thought my TRUE story was odd. Not whether or not my story was true. I wanted to know what everyone thought of the guard's words and actions as well as the words and actions of the Mexican Man. I asked everyone who considers my story to be TRUE for their opinion. And you didn't even give me an opinion on the guard or the Mexican Man whatsoever. You just doubted, cast negativity on the thread and accused me of lying. It's my thread. I asked a question to those who thought my story was true. And since you don't believe my story, you shouldn't have even posted. You have no business here in this thread, other than just moderating it.

I have nothing personal against you, Bec. Anyone could have accused me of lying and posted the same thing you did and I would have reacted the same way. It's just the way I am.

To those who DO believe me, I just want to say a BIG thank you for all of your support and for all of your feedback! I love hearing your opinions on the guard and the Mexican Man because every opinion helps put the puzzle together. I'm looking through my father's pictures that he took of Neverland as well, so if I find another picture of the Mexican Man I will not hesitate to post it up! Much love to all of you! God Bless! :)

I read the article and I loved it! Thank you for sharing! It's about time that someone set the record straight. I agree with the author 100 %. :)

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 07:11:44 AM »
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@IWantYouBack.... you are welcome honey, I do believe your story.  :icon_bounce:

I know you do! :) Thank you! My other paragraphs above were aimed at Bec. :)

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:19:38 AM »
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This whole story sounds a little far out.

Hi Bec, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. But this was one of the reasons why I was hesitant to share it. If Michael taught me one thing, it's that no matter what you might say or do, there's always going to be someone ready to take you down and not believe you and Michael taught me to always stand up for myself and for what I believe in, so I am.

Do you honestly think that I would create and write a super long thread based on a lie? There's a reason why I posted the pictures in the first place. I knew someone would try to take me down and claim that my experience is a lie and never happened. So, I provided as much proof as possible by posting pictures of everything I talked about in my first post (the Believe rock, the Mexican Man, and me at Neverland). What else more do you want from me in order to prove that this REALLY happened? A video of me speaking with the guard? Well I'm sorry, I'm not psychic, I didn't know he was going to make such an obvious slip up and I couldn't get my video camera out in time to zoom in and record his face.

I've been a member of this forum for over two years and never once have I posted or created a lie. I love and appreciate all of the members here. We're a family and I would never disrespect any of you by tampering with your emotions and feelings towards Michael and the hoax. I'm 17 years old. I have a life outside of this forum. I hangout with my friends and I'm in the middle of trying to achieve my dream of becoming a singer. I am way too busy to create a lie. Besides, it's not in my heart to lie to you or anyone else on this forum.

@Sunset Thank you SO much for watching my Earth Song performance and for your kind words! I really appreciate it! Much love to you. :)

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 06, 2012, 07:55:46 PM »
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@IWantYouBack... every time you post you make my day darling and you are so sweet... there is only a problem in this whole story ***I hope the poor guard don't be fired after his slip up***    :affraid:

Aw thank you soo much! ^_^ You're sweet too! God Bless. :)

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 06, 2012, 06:42:00 PM »
Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for your feedback! I really appreciate all of your opinions and I'm so glad I told you all about my visit! I honestly love all of you here. Every time I post a thread or reply to a post, you guys always give me great, honest, positive feedback. I feel like I can share anything with you guys so thank you! :)

@MJOnMind: I definitely understand what you're getting at when you talk about humor and how the guard may know how to deal with all types of fans. However, this was not in any way a joke. I'm a 17 year old girl with plenty of friends and family members with dry, sarcastic humor. It's very easy to tell if someone is joking or not. However, this time at Neverland wasn't a joke. I was wearing sunglasses and my head was down when the man said that Michael should come out and see my necklace. But, my eyes were aimed up at his face - and the look on that guard's face after he said it was like, "Omg, what did I just say?". I also find it odd that right after he said that, he went inside the building inside the gates and never showed himself again until after I left the property. There's a reason for that. If it was a joke, I think he would have continued to show himself and speak to me. Also, I never said that I was a full-out BeLIEver. I just said that it feels like he's still here. I never said I was sure. It's like when someone loses a loved one and they say "He's still here with us", so I don't think he knew for certain that I was a beLIEver. But, honestly, it was just one of those "you had to be there" moments to really realize that no one was joking, not even in the slightest. But thanks sooo much for replying. :)

@Tink: Thanks so much for replying! The Mexican Man was definitely inches taller than me. I am 5'2, so my best guess for the Mexican Man's height would be about 5'9. As far as I know, that is the only picture that I have of him, I wish I had more. But, just in case, I will look through my album again and see if I caught a glimpse of him in any others pictures. Also, Tink, I am very interested in hearing about your friend's sighting of Michael! Did you post a thread about it? If so, would you mind giving me the link?

Oh, and for those of you wanting to see my necklace - it's actually getting fixed right now! It broke last week. I was carrying my dog and his paw got stuck in it, ripped it off my neck, and broke the chain! It's been at the store for a week now so once it's fixed and I get it back, I'll gladly post a picture of it up! :)

Also, I do agree with the people who are saying that we're not here to find Michael. But, since there are so many weird things happened at Neverland recently, I do think we should be investigating it more without the motive of actually trying to find Michael. We've been looking for clues and investigating since June 25, 2009 and things have been quiet around the forum lately. So I think now's a great time to start really investigating Neverland to see if there are any more clues or information regarding Michael being alive, not regarding Michael actually living and in hiding there (even though I believe in my heart that he is there, and if he is, I think we should leave him alone and look for clues, not for him).

Neverland / My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:13:12 PM »
Hello everyone!

I hope you're all well and are having a great weekend so far! I've been wanting to share something with you guys for quite a long time now. But to be honest, the experience that I have been wanting to share with you has been playing over and over again in my head so much that I wasn't sure if I should share it or not, or if it was even truly relevant enough to the death hoax to share. But, after reading Tink's interesting experience with the security guard in her beautiful angel at Neverland thread, I thought that I really should share this with you. I would LOVE to get your opinion on the experience I am going to share with you in this thread!

So, in August of 2011, my family and I went to California for a week long family vacation. This was quite a big deal for us because we had flown 5 hours from Canada to enjoy the California sun, the ocean, and to get a chance to see Carolwood and Neverland for the very first time up close for my 17th birthday. We have been to the USA many times, mostly Las Vegas to see Criss Angel, who has also inspired me very much in my life.

After 2 days of driving around Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and Hollywood looking at celebrity homes and then another 2 days soaking up the sun at the beach, we decided to spend the next three days walking through the Grammy museum and going on other tours, going to see Carolwood, and then going to see Neverland on the last day of our stay in California.

It was a Sunday when we decided to leave our hotel and spend our last day driving two hours up to see Neverland Ranch. I had been looking forward to it the whole trip! The drive up there didn't seem long at all, it was very fun, actually! We got a chance to drive up mountains, see beautiful scenery, and stop off at a McDonald's to eat (not a very fun or fancy restaurant, I know, but we didn't have much time and we were all hungry haha!). I had on short jean shorts, flats, a Michael Jackson t-shirt, and a Michael Jackson necklace that I had designed and made myself. I haven't taken it off in years since I made it.

When we got to Neverland, it was even better than I had imagined! It was very well kept, the gates were beautiful and clean, and there weren't many fans there. It was just us for the first 10-15 minutes when we arrived, which was nice and private and it gave us a chance to walk around quietly and read some of the messages that were written to Michael on the rocks. When I went to go read the messages on the rocks, the very first message, or word I should say, that I read was simply, "BeLIEve". That struck me very odd, because the night before I prayed and asked God if he could please give me a sign that Michael is truly still here with us when my family arrived at Neverland. So, since I am a very strong Christian, I took that word "BeLIEve" as sign #1 from God. I remember saying a quiet "thank you" to God after I read it.

After we looked around the area a little bit, my family and I went up to speak to the guard about Michael while we were still alone on the property. The guard was bald, had an accent (couldn't tell which kind of accent), and was about 6'0'. Since I am a BeLIEver in Michael's hoax and truly believe that Michael may be there at Neverland, I thought I would try to get at least a little bit of information out of the guard. To get as much information as I could, I tried my very best to play the "sweet, young, harmless, innocent little girl" card. So, when we went up to the guard, I said, "Hello sir! How are you? I can't believe I'm really here... This is so surreal." Then the guard asked me where I was from. I said, "Canada." Then he said, "Wow, Canada, that's cool!" Then I said, "Haha yeah, I've always wanted to come here. Michael's inspired me so much, he's been such a positive influence." The guard then said, "Well that's really sweet." I then started fidgeting with my necklace. It's bad habit that I have, so I didn't really notice that I was doing it. While I was fidgeting, to try to get information from the guard, I quietly said, "It's weird. Being here at Neverland, it kind of feels like that Michael is still here. Like he's actually not really gone... But still here with us, like physically." Then there was complete silence for about 5-10 seconds. The guard was just starring at my necklace. He then said, "I can't help but admire your necklace! It's not from his merchandise is it? I've never seen it before." Then I replied, "No sir, I made it myself." Then, he said, "It's very nice, he should really come out and see this, he would love it!" Then, silence again. I couldn't BELIEVE what I had heard! HE SHOULD COME OUT AND SEE THIS?! I couldn't believe it and to this day I still can't believe it! Then, to break the silence, I finally had the confidence to say, "What do you mean he should come out and see..." Then, I stopped talking. I felt someone coming up behind me. I turned around and there was a short, pudgy Mexican man. He had grey hair, wrinkles on his face, and looked miserable. He wore all grey. He kept following my family and I around as if we were up to something bad. He followed us for a good 5 minutes. Then, I had the confidence to talk to the man. I said, "Excuse me, am I allowed to be here?" The Mexican man nodded. Didn't say a word. Just a nod. Then, I turned back around and the guard had gone back inside the little building inside of the gates. So, I went back to reading the messages on the rocks. The Mexican man, once again, following me and watching my EVERY move. He was watching me like a hawk. I never had such an uneasy feeling in my life. Even on the way back to the hotel I had the feeling of being watched by him. But even with that feeling, the whole way home I couldn't stop thinking about what the guard had said to me. "HE should come out and see this." He said this right after I mentioned Michael's name. It was honestly really weird. It was one of those things where I KNEW something was up and that this guard had blabbed his mouth because after he said it, I never spoke to him again. He never showed himself after that, and we left.

Has this happened to any of you? Do you guys know who that little Mexican man is? I have attached 3 pictures from my stay at Neverland to this thread. A fun one of my doing my toe stand (forgive me for not looking my best in the picture, I was in the car all day and it was incredibly windy), the word "Believe" written on the rocks, and the last one is where you can see the back of the Mexican Man very slightly.

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What do you think? Weird, or not so much?

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Don't get me wrong, I believe Paris is EXTREMELY intelligent and in the know on what is going on in the world. It's not too unusual for her to know about these issues and for her to be current. After all, she IS being raised by Michael. However, it's the way she's presenting them on Twitter. No matter how intelligent she may be, those are NOT the words of a 14 year old girl who goes to Chris Brown concerts and likes Justin Bieber. They must be coming from someone older and has a bit more experience and a better way with words... Someone like Michael, perhaps. ;)

Well, I have to disagree with this. I have a 10 year old nephew and I was the one who first told him about illuminati, NWO, media lies etc and then he started to dig deeper himself. He is just a kid and you would be shocked if you read his tweets. Probably you wouldn't believe a 10 year old kid is making those tweets but he is. So, imo those words definitely belong to Paris. What would surprise me is, if Paris didn't write anything related with these issues. Yes, she is 14 years old and she tweets about concerts, school, relationships and so on but she also writes about what she is already aware of.

I don't believe Michael is behind her account or writing some of her tweets. If Michael wanted to use Twitter, he would get an account himself and hide himself if he wanted to. Maybe he has an account already that we are not aware of, who knows. I just don't believe he would use his kids' accounts to make tweets.

The thing is, even if it IS Paris, we will never truly know for sure. There is no video or photo evidence of Paris sitting at her computer or using her cell phone writing and posting any of those tweets, let alone the ones regarding the Illuminati. We have to be realistic. We can't ever be 110 % sure who is tweeting on her account. It might be her, it might be Prince, it might be Katharine, it might be Michael. We have ideas, but we do not know and won't ever know for sure.

Don't get me wrong, I believe Paris is EXTREMELY intelligent and in the know on what is going on in the world. It's not too unusual for her to know about these issues and for her to be current. After all, she IS being raised by Michael. However, it's the way she's presenting them on Twitter. No matter how intelligent she may be, those are NOT the words of a 14 year old girl who goes to Chris Brown concerts and likes Justin Bieber. They must be coming from someone older and has a bit more experience and a better way with words... Someone like Michael, perhaps. ;)

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@mindseye - I don't check my twitter account regularly, because I only like to tweet inspirational sayings. But to see Paris tweet "@ParisJackson
Call me w/e you want , I will do what ever it takes to protect my family from harm . I don’t care what I have to risk, I will protect them ."
That's a burden a child should not have, nor even contemplate about speaking about! They should be thinking about Unicorns, Rainbows, sunshine, dancing in fields of green, laughing in the rain with your dog! Reading LoTR, being inspired, you know!

Children should be allowed to be children. They should not carry the burdens of adults, and be concerned about being stalked by crazy people!

I'm thankful I personally got the crazies dampened down to the big Comicon, where we have actual security.

LMAO! Random much?  :icon_lol:

But I totally agree with you - Paris is only 14 and should NOT be even thinking about any of those adult problems.

I actually have my own little theory regarding @_MlCHAELJACKSON...

I have heard the exact same information that LoveNeedsExpression shared with us, except for the rumor she MIGHT have spread about Michael sexually abusing Paris (honestly, if she is a a big Michael Jackson fan, I highly doubt that she spread this around. I believe it was a Michael Jackson hater at it again because there have been lots of MJ haters giving Paris and _MlCHAELJACKSON hate recently on Twitter so it wouldn't surprise me that _MlCHAELJACKSON was framed by a hater. I am also 100 % positive Michael would NEVER do such a thing.)

My theory on this @_MlCHAELJACKSON woman is that while she appears to be a hard-core non-believer, I personally believe that she is one of us - a believer - and that she is trying to manipulate Paris into releasing unknown information regarding Michael Jackson's death hoax. Whether a Michael Jackson fan beLIEves or not, I can guarantee you that not ONE single fan doesn't wish that Michael Jackson was still alive and here with us today. And, if you are a non-believer fan wishing for Michael to be alive and go do a little bit of research on his death, it will make you wish Michael was here even more, if not convert you to a full-out beLIEver. And to be appearing as someone who is 110 % against beLIEvers, surely to goodness she must have done a lot of research on our theories and our findings to be able to shoot them down so harshly and openly on her Twitter page. She clearly has a lot of knowledge about we beLIEvers, or else she wouldn't be APPEARING as this hard-core of a non-beLIEver.

I think @_MlCHAELJACKSON has a serious case of bad Twitter acting. She is REALLY over-doing it with this whole "beLIEvers are stupid and disrespectful" wagon that she is on. She's posting pictures, cracking jokes, and literally saying horrible things about us and what we beLIEve everyday every chance she gets. I think she's appearing to hate us so much that she is starting to become unbelievable and ultimately coming across as if she's lying just to try to fit in and become best "buddies" with Paris. Yet, in reality, while all of this bad acting is going on, I truly think she is one of us. Think about it: As a Michael Jackson fan, what would be the BEST way to get close to Michael's daughter? It's easy - pose as a true fan by sticking up for Paris and being respectful of her father's passing EVERY chance you get. And to do this, Twitter is the fastest way to show Paris how much of a true fan she is and that Paris can "trust" her. Yet, in reality, little does Paris know that she is being manipulated into telling the REAL truth about Michael's death - his HOAX. Plus, you would think that all of these "inside jokes" she is making to Paris about her father's death and his fans would be HIGHLY disrespectful to Paris and her family. Yet, Paris doesn't care. Why? Because Paris truly believes that _MlCHAELJACKSON is an innocent fan sticking up for her and her father against we beLIEvers. But to me, that's not what she is at all. That's what she's posing to be. She is a 22 year old beLIEver trying to manipulate her idol's daughter in order to get inside information on Michael's hoax. Her over-acting on Twitter says it all. Also, another reason why these "inside jokes" may not be bothering Paris and the rest of her family is because Michael ISN'T dead! ;)

This is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree - but this is honestly the vibe I'm getting.

It is really cool for Jackson 5 fans to have this opportunity to see Michael's brothers live. But to be honest with you, Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, and Marlon (and what about Randy?) are all very talented but I would never go see them live without Michael. On top of being the world's greatest entertainer ever, Michael Jackson has truly inspired me to work hard at my music and my singing and he has even made me a better person. While Michael's brothers are talented, they haven't inspired me as much as Michael has and therefore I don't have a huge desire to see them perform, especially for a price like that without Michael. It's not a Jackson 5 reunion tour without Michael Jackson, it just isn't. The songs are not the same without Michael's vocals no matter who sings them.

I really hope the BAM is sometime this year.

But, to all of you who are going to go to this tour, have an AMAZING time! I'm sure his brothers will still put on a good show. :)

Michael Jackson News / Re: Beverly Hills Courier
« on: April 02, 2012, 01:34:21 PM »
It's about TIME the media is starting to catch on. Hopefully this article wakes EVERYONE up and Michael comes back soon. :P Omg this hoax is getting even greater.

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Well, I agree with the ruining of the word "believe". That LIE shouldn't be put in there, it makes no sense. It's not a lie, it's a hoax, and furthermore, what does beLIEve actually mean? Believe the lie? Believe to see the lie? There's a lie hidden in being a believer? It's nonsensical. It makes more sense to say you believe the TRUTH. So I'm with Paris, it's annoying. I'm not a believer, I'm a hoaxer.

Hey Bec, I think I can help you out here! :)

I have been a Criss Angel / Christopher Sarantakos fan longer than I have been an MJ fan, believe it or not. I know the ins and outs of Criss Angel and where his signature "BeLIEve" came from. So please allow me to explain. I hope this information helps out not only you, but many new and old BeLIEvers.

So, here we go:

Criss Angel's biggest inspiration is Harry Houdini, who was known as the best escape artist, magician, and illusionist of his time. He was a HUGE star in the magic field, so big that he actually earned magic a lot of respect. But since Houdini died, magic has been abused and beaten and is looked at as "cheesy, fake, a scam" and even sometimes "childish". This all happened because when Houdini passed on, a new, brutal era of magic started to come about slowly but surely. Rabbits were being pulled out of hats, and girls in leotards were being put into boxes. It was extremely cliche, tacky, and cheap. This is why I admire Criss Angel and this is why Criss is the best illusionist there has ever been period. Criss Angel innovated today's magic. He made it cool, he gave it swag. He strayed VERY far from rabbits being pulled out of hats and putting girls into boxes with swords - extremely far. He took it out of the box, just like Harry Houdini once did ages ago. That is why Criss Angel is so looked up to. He is the magic industry's Michael Jackson and he truly ADMIRES Harry Houdini, he even did a tribute to him in his Halloween special.

Now that you know why Criss Angel and Harry Houdini are so famous in the magic world, it is going to be very easy for you and other BeLIEvers to understand the meaning of the LIE in "BeLIEve" and where it came from. Harry Houdini's death was absolutely shocking not only to the magic industry, but to the whole world. And just minutes before he died, he said to his wife, "After I pass on, there are going to be a lot of people who are going to claim that they can connect with me when I reach the other side (Heaven). If they come to you and claim that they can speak to me, ask them for the codeword. That codeword I am giving you now is BELIEVE. If they don't give you that codeword, then they are not truly speaking to me from the other side, they are con-artists. I am choosing the word BELIEVE because BELIEVE is such a misunderstood word. It sounds so positive. But there is another word in BELIEVE that is going to be a huge part of your life once I pass on. That word is LIE. And these mediums who are going to be claiming to be speaking to me from the other side, for the most part, will be LIEing. Therefore, we now spell BELIEVE like BeLIEve." And since Criss Angel is so inspired by Harry Houdini, he made his whole live Las Vegas Cirque Show a tribute to him by making the title "BeLIEve". He even used to tell this story of Houdini and why he spells "BeLIEve" like that in the very first version of his show. I've seen every version of his show - I've seen it 7 times and I am going to see it again for the 8th on my 18th birthday in August. It's a great show.

I really hope that this clears it up for you. I honestly don't believe that Criss Angel is a part of Michael's hoax at all. They didn't even get a chance to meet. I've met Criss twice, the first meeting he spent half an hour with me and we watched a DVD. Since then, I've been given a personal contact to him that I am not allowed to share. But I am beginning to know and am becoming close friends with Christopher Sarantakos (his real name), and not Criss Angel. :)

God Bless you <3

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