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Michael Jackson News / Re: Why I am here
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:12:28 AM »
Quote from: "i_need YoU"
beatit im sorry if i sounded rude to you earlier.
you say we are only viewing things the way we WANT to view them...thats just how it seems IMO
I view things from both sides because i am 50/50 but i dont redicule people when they make their opinions. Hope to see some POSITIVE help in this and not see you being sarcastic in what people post...its disrespectful...
We are like family here so hope you dont come in and stir things up with people.
Dont jump to the conclusion that we only view one side of the story  ;)
welcome to the forum! Good luck

Thank you I will say the change in the earth song lyrics has got me thinking. That really does not make since, since I think that was the video off of the This is it video there may have been a reason they changed it, but if not that is a good clue right in plain sight.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Grammy's left MJ out of the 'In Memoriam" list
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:09:32 AM »
Quote from: "Do"
Just took this from LKL blog, about the Earth Song Tribute, I don't know if it's posted already:

cris   February 1st, 2010 10:47 am ET

Original lyrics:

What about Abraham
(What was us)
What about death again
(ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn
stuci   February 1st, 2010 10:53 am ET

Hi Cris!
And what do you think,what was the liriks now?
cris   February 1st, 2010 11:00 am ET

Hi Stu,

What about Abraham
(What was us)
"What about if i live again"
(ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn

listen at 5:00

What do you hear?

That is very strange that he would change the lyrics to the song, That has stopped and make me think.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:31:25 AM »
Quote from: "bella"
I respect your opinion beatit - but it would be great if you would respect our opinion too :)
I think all opinions are worth to hear - because we all want the truth. If the truth is, he is really dead I will stay here to find out why. But as long as there is any hope I will believe that he is alive.
I trust him. Thats all I can say.

I do respect your guy's opinion I never said I didn't, just because I am pointing out the other end doesn't mean I do not respect what you guys have to say. I also think it would be great if his is alive, I have seen some good arguments that I cannot counter cause they are that good, there is allot of weird stuff surrounding his death, whether or not its because he hoaxed it or because people read into things to much is unknown.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:28:27 AM »
Quote from: "i_need YoU"
this is a hoax forum, if you no longer believe about MJs hoax then you should leave instead of staying here. Although i find your opinions quite interesting about how you can see things from both sides of the fence like nonbeliever/believer point of view i believe is highly valuable...but you are only viewing the nonbeliever point of view and it hurts peoples feelings when everything that say you strike down. yes i see your point but didnt you post a thread saying you were done and no longer believe MJ to be alive? Why do you keep coming on here then if there is not the slightest thought that he was alive? If your response was to see what idiotic things we come up with then you need to get a life.
Since you are a firm nonbeliever your help is no longer needed...

@everyone else in this thread....quit responding to her post please because then it will turn into a big fight and will force the MODS to lock this thread and i think this thread is a very important one... and we will have to start all over. beatit is probably going to make more posts in other threads and spread like a cancer stirring up drama in every thread where the MODS will keep locking every if you see beatits posts in any thread just ignore them. If they are usefull information then go ahead and comment but if they are just to start something then just ignore it completely...this is probably just a game for him/her now and finds it entertaining to us...PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS POST AND QUIT COMMENTING ON HER AND MOVE ON WITH THE INVESTIGATION. NO NEED TO QUESTION HIM/HER...

I am a guy to answer the question, I am not trying to start fights, like I have said before, in order for their to be a good investigation there is 3 sides my side your side and the truth. My side is he is no longer with us, your side is he is, and somewhere in there is the truth.

Using a court room as an example, would it be fair if only one side got to make an argument? Lets say you where on trial for murder would it be fair to you if the prosecution was the only side able to make arguments? I realize this is not a court room the example is still valid as your basically saying only the defense (Believers) are able to make arguments and the prosecution is unable to make arguments.

All I am doing is trying to put my thoughts on posts, what comes to mind, I have agreed with some posts, I have disagreed with most, I have people that welcome my posts I have people that disagree with my posts. I am a MJ fan just like everyone else on this site, I believe MJ was the best entertainer to date, no one will ever come close to what he accomplished as an entertainer and as a person, no one will ever come close to doing what he did. And if a way your right, he is alive, he is in each one of us, cause will keep his memory alive, keep his message of spreading peace on earth, as long as we keep his memory alive in each one of us then he is never truly dead.

The only time someone is truly dead is when their memory dies, while he is no longer with us in person he is with us in spirit, in memories, in music.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 11:36:11 PM »
Quote from: "alovesmichael"
Quote from: "beatit"
Quote from: "mrbigshot"
Quote from: "Kirsche"
Quote from: "beatit"
Quote from: "Ijustcantstoplovingu"
Did you notice when Frank finished his speech to thank people for loving MJ the way I DO  shouldnt that have been "did"?

Present tense again!


Shame we didnt get to see the film instead of those two "twits" :?

As to the Present Tense again statement, Where the hell is my grandma I still refer to her in present tense and she passed away in 2004, or did she, maybe she hoaxed her death?

hm one question:

Are you here to investigate or find the truth or just to throw out some senseless words?

I don't want to offend you, but I've read a few of your posts and I think that you do not take this very serious....If I'm wrong, then I'm really sorry!

Just an attention seeker. ignore his posts and he will go away. try not to feed the senseless babel. I don't know if I can respect somebody who lacks common sense and/or the decency to able to properly construct a sentence, therfore, hes most likely just some 12 year old looking to find laughter.

I am actually 25 and I said that because everyone makes a big deal out of the fact that SOME people still refer to Michael in present tense. That is not a big deal as everyone makes it out to be. Like I have stated I refer to my Grandmother in present tense and she passed away in 2004 my great friend I still refer to him in present tense and he passed away in 2008. I would be willing to bet that you have referred to a friend or family member in present tense after they passed away.

So following that logic did they hoax their death? I have been reading the forum to honestly see, and I mean honestly see if arguments and posts on here hold some strength and I have seen some compelling arguments.

Also to the properly constructing a sentence is therefore not therfore.  

I am not just on here seeking attention I could careless if I get attention. I have read allot of posts, and like i have stated in mine you can take any event in history, i mean any, and if you analyize the crap out of it you will find things that don't make since slip ups, and everything you have found on Michaels too soon death.

Reading other forums, I have seen videos that show some old man, and people saying that it is Michael because of his hands. Come on now hands are not like snow flakes. Finger prints are but not hands. I have watched video after video and more videos trying to see if maybe he is alive. Cause you never know by some chance probably like 1 undecillion to 1 he may be alive, and yes that is a real number is a 1 followed by 36 0's. But I have watched videos and they are not that convincing. They all show the same stuff just in a different way for the most part. Allot of them base the fact on body parts. Such as hands, face, ect. All of which are not one of a kind.

I would love to see a valid argument back all I have seen is the same thing in different wording, No one has really attacked what I have said they have just like a politician gone around it.  

Michael was the best entertainer to date, his message was strong and a good one. he was a kind man, he was good a music and did not deserve the negative media attention that he got, I know he did not molest the kids he was accused of. That would go again the very morals he was trying to convey.

But in reality, I think if you looked at all the slip ups from a 3rd person point of view and not because your wrapped up in a belief I think you will find a logical explanation behind everything.

Is that hard to do when your wrapped up in something yes, I used to be one of the believer that tupac was still alive and that the 7 day theory was going to come true that 7 years after his death he would reshow himself. And what happened nothing.

I used to think well, he is still releasing albums how the hell can that be, well I have learned that artists record allot more songs than they release. I am willing to bet Michael like most other artists has a stash of music he has recorded that has not been released. So I would not be surprised one bit if an new album came out of Michael from the stash of music he probably has.

You may wonder why I brought Tupac up in a Michael Jackson forum, the answer is its not much different, The same kind of speculations got brought up in the Tupac hoax that got brought up here so far. The only difference is names have changed, That I never saw anything about Tupac attending the Grammy's.

But here we go I am going to post a movie in this forum right here and work on giving a logical explanation to the video.

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The lady Ga Ga video.
Well lets see just because it says she is back, we love her again, and she is innocent doesn't mean Michael is alive, Those newspaper headlines could mean anything, look at the song that it is in talking about the people that follow stars around and give them no peace what so ever, People think that because someone is famous they owe them an autograph, owe them a picture, owe them something when in actuality they are not different from you and me the only difference is, Everyone knows who they are. And they don't owe us shit.

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Backwards message in This is It
Well I am can probably take any song out their play it in reverse and find a message in the song, and I would be willing to bet the artist did not mean to put it there. Try it find any song analyze the crap out of it and I bet you will find a message in every single song you try it to.

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Michael Vs 2012.
From what I can see and from what I gather watching it is that the video producer is trying to say that maybe the government is killed Michael to shut him up and try to keep him from exposing things.

Well if that is the case then I think
1. You making the government out to be way smarter than they are.
2. I don't think the government could keep that in.

Well, I will leave you with that for a while. I will say that while the videos are doing a good job of trying to prove that he is still alive but its all the same Tupac, Elvis, same kind of argument different people.

I understand your point of view. I'm not sure what I believe but I just know that something isn't right in this case, I just can't put my finger on it... However, that doesn't have to mean that Michael is alive but there is a possiblity that he was in fact murdered and if this is the case I would still like to get to the bottom of it. I have a question for you and not with any intention of being rude, I'm just curious. You seem convinced that Michael is dead but what made you come and read all these posts on this hoax site? Is there anything that is making you doubt the "death" of Michael, if so what? It would be interesting to hear since you see everything from a non-believer point of view.

I actually in away started off a believer which I believe every single person was or still is that maybe he is alive. I at first thought he was way to young and why would he announce 50 concerts if he was sick. But I also know propofol is a powerful drug, very powerful there can be adverse side effects even in a controlled environment.

So I can see where the overdose would happen. But it just seemed weird at first that he would be fine one day then dead the next. So that's where my on the edge was.

And you didn't come across as being offensive. I welcome any questions.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Why I am here
« on: February 01, 2010, 11:16:26 PM »
Quote from: "Inhalib"
Well, as I said before in so many post, I do respect people who doesn't believe.. but I do also believe that is disrespecteful that non-believer (as we call them) come here to post threads that are not helping the main discussion of THIS FORUM, because I don't go to non-believers forum to say "I'm a believer, you are too blind to see that are some strange things going here! you just eat what media says!".. and I expect for people to act like me and I'm probably wrong because not all the people sees respect the way I see it (the way my mother teached me).
It's fine for me if you like to search for both sides of the story and get to the truth that it will be the third one.. but most of us (the members of this forum) believe that we have enough arguments to stop seeing the other part as possible.
Probably what we most want is that people like you (that is still in the other part or searching into this one), and the same for the people who is in the middle of both sides.. is to read, not all, but most of this long thread reffering to our investigation, and once that is made.. then to come and post whatever they want, otherwise you are talking without knowing why we have this point of view... and since you just have posted the day you become a member, we assumed you haven't read the thread when we explain why we are believers.
Please understand that if we say to you that you are in the wrong forum is because this is a BELIVER forum, you can see it not only reading the posts, but also reading in the upper bar when you open this homepage "Michael Jackson DEATH HOAX Investigator",that means that we DO believe his death is a hoax.So,as you stated, you are a non-believer, so you are in the wrong forum..
My advice is to search for the truth in the road you believe is the correct one and let us to go on in this road, that is the one we choose as MJ's Fans.
Lots of L.O.V.E and I hope you don't misunderstood my post.
Sorry for my english and for the long post!!!

While I respect what you are saying, and I don't mis-understand it, I also do believe like I have stated that its an investigation site, and if an investigation is 1 sided what kind of investigation is it? That is like saying when someone goes to court only one side should be able to make the argument. How fair would that be?

If you got arrested for murder and the only side able to make a argument was the prosecutor how fair would that be to you?

Now I realize this is different than a court room but the philosophy stays the same.

I am reading forums and posting what comes to mind when I read the forum, like I said not doing it to offend, belittle, make fun of, or anything in a negative way, just like I said trying to make it a good investigation keeping both sides in it.

I know you mentioned we have moved beyond the point of needing both sides but going back to the court room, that would be like saying that after the first half of court the prosecutor is the only one that can make a argument and the defense cannot say a thing.

Hope you see where I come from on that.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Why I am here
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:51:50 PM »
Quote from: "mrbigshot"
Quote from: "beatit"
It has been misconstrued on so many levels as to why I am here. I will first state that I am non-believer as you call it I believe Michael Jackson is no longer with us may he RIP.

But I am here cause I am a firm believer that there are 3 sides to ever story, my side, your site, and the truth. My side is he is no longer with us, your side is he is, and somewhere in there is the truth. Which is what I understand you guys and ladies to be looking for. This is an investigation site, in order for the investigation to be a good and one there needs to be two sides of an argument if there is only one side then its not truly an investigation.

So i am here to point out other sides to things so they can be looked at and counter it so an good ingistigation can take place.

I am not here to offend people, I am not here to insult, make fun of, or belittle anyone, I may come across sarcastic at times like with the present tense argument cause that really does mean nothing, Me and my who family still refer to my Grandma (dad's mom) in present tense even though she passed away in 2008, I still find myself picking up the phone to call her.

So that is why I am here. I do not want to offend people just trying to put the light on the other side of the argument.

Next off, if referring to people in present tense that have passed away means they are alive, I need to start a site to try to find my Grandma, cause I still refer to her in present tense even know she has been gone since 2005, and my other friend I need to find him, cause I still refer to him in present tense.

you said she passed away in 2005...

That is my mistake my Grandmother passed away in 2005 sorry and my friend passed away in 2008. It was my Great Grandmother than passed away in 2004 to who I still refer to in present tense when talking about her to keep the memory of her alive.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Grammy's left MJ out of the 'In Memoriam" list
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:38:00 PM »
That i do kind of find weird that they would leave him out. But people do make mistakes, And only the people who ran the Grammy's know why they did not put him in there. It might be as simple as they wanted to point out the ones that have gone by the way side as everyone was so focused on MJ's death.

Michael Jackson News / Why I am here
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:29:44 PM »
It has been misconstrued on so many levels as to why I am here. I will first state that I am non-believer as you call it I believe Michael Jackson is no longer with us may he RIP.

But I am here cause I am a firm believer that there are 3 sides to ever story, my side, your site, and the truth. My side is he is no longer with us, your side is he is, and somewhere in there is the truth. Which is what I understand you guys and ladies to be looking for. This is an investigation site, in order for the investigation to be a good and one there needs to be two sides of an argument if there is only one side then its not truly an investigation.

So i am here to point out other sides to things so they can be looked at and counter it so an good ingistigation can take place.

I am not here to offend people, I am not here to insult, make fun of, or belittle anyone, I may come across sarcastic at times like with the present tense argument cause that really does mean nothing, Me and my who family still refer to my Grandma (dad's mom) in present tense even though she passed away in 2008, I still find myself picking up the phone to call her.

So that is why I am here. I do not want to offend people just trying to put the light on the other side of the argument.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:14:18 PM »
Quote from: "mrbigshot"
Quote from: "Kirsche"
Quote from: "beatit"
Quote from: "Ijustcantstoplovingu"
Did you notice when Frank finished his speech to thank people for loving MJ the way I DO  shouldnt that have been "did"?

Present tense again!


Shame we didnt get to see the film instead of those two "twits" :?

As to the Present Tense again statement, Where the hell is my grandma I still refer to her in present tense and she passed away in 2004, or did she, maybe she hoaxed her death?

hm one question:

Are you here to investigate or find the truth or just to throw out some senseless words?

I don't want to offend you, but I've read a few of your posts and I think that you do not take this very serious....If I'm wrong, then I'm really sorry!

Just an attention seeker. ignore his posts and he will go away. try not to feed the senseless babel. I don't know if I can respect somebody who lacks common sense and/or the decency to able to properly construct a sentence, therfore, hes most likely just some 12 year old looking to find laughter.

I am actually 25 and I said that because everyone makes a big deal out of the fact that SOME people still refer to Michael in present tense. That is not a big deal as everyone makes it out to be. Like I have stated I refer to my Grandmother in present tense and she passed away in 2004 my great friend I still refer to him in present tense and he passed away in 2008. I would be willing to bet that you have referred to a friend or family member in present tense after they passed away.

So following that logic did they hoax their death? I have been reading the forum to honestly see, and I mean honestly see if arguments and posts on here hold some strength and I have seen some compelling arguments.

Also to the properly constructing a sentence is therefore not therfore.  

I am not just on here seeking attention I could careless if I get attention. I have read allot of posts, and like i have stated in mine you can take any event in history, i mean any, and if you analyize the crap out of it you will find things that don't make since slip ups, and everything you have found on Michaels too soon death.

Reading other forums, I have seen videos that show some old man, and people saying that it is Michael because of his hands. Come on now hands are not like snow flakes. Finger prints are but not hands. I have watched video after video and more videos trying to see if maybe he is alive. Cause you never know by some chance probably like 1 undecillion to 1 he may be alive, and yes that is a real number is a 1 followed by 36 0's. But I have watched videos and they are not that convincing. They all show the same stuff just in a different way for the most part. Allot of them base the fact on body parts. Such as hands, face, ect. All of which are not one of a kind.

I would love to see a valid argument back all I have seen is the same thing in different wording, No one has really attacked what I have said they have just like a politician gone around it.  

Michael was the best entertainer to date, his message was strong and a good one. he was a kind man, he was good a music and did not deserve the negative media attention that he got, I know he did not molest the kids he was accused of. That would go again the very morals he was trying to convey.

But in reality, I think if you looked at all the slip ups from a 3rd person point of view and not because your wrapped up in a belief I think you will find a logical explanation behind everything.

Is that hard to do when your wrapped up in something yes, I used to be one of the believer that tupac was still alive and that the 7 day theory was going to come true that 7 years after his death he would reshow himself. And what happened nothing.

I used to think well, he is still releasing albums how the hell can that be, well I have learned that artists record allot more songs than they release. I am willing to bet Michael like most other artists has a stash of music he has recorded that has not been released. So I would not be surprised one bit if an new album came out of Michael from the stash of music he probably has.

You may wonder why I brought Tupac up in a Michael Jackson forum, the answer is its not much different, The same kind of speculations got brought up in the Tupac hoax that got brought up here so far. The only difference is names have changed, That I never saw anything about Tupac attending the Grammy's.

But here we go I am going to post a movie in this forum right here and work on giving a logical explanation to the video.

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The lady Ga Ga video.
Well lets see just because it says she is back, we love her again, and she is innocent doesn't mean Michael is alive, Those newspaper headlines could mean anything, look at the song that it is in talking about the people that follow stars around and give them no peace what so ever, People think that because someone is famous they owe them an autograph, owe them a picture, owe them something when in actuality they are not different from you and me the only difference is, Everyone knows who they are. And they don't owe us shit.

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Backwards message in This is It
Well I am can probably take any song out their play it in reverse and find a message in the song, and I would be willing to bet the artist did not mean to put it there. Try it find any song analyze the crap out of it and I bet you will find a message in every single song you try it to.

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Michael Vs 2012.
From what I can see and from what I gather watching it is that the video producer is trying to say that maybe the government is killed Michael to shut him up and try to keep him from exposing things.

Well if that is the case then I think
1. You making the government out to be way smarter than they are.
2. I don't think the government could keep that in.

Well, I will leave you with that for a while. I will say that while the videos are doing a good job of trying to prove that he is still alive but its all the same Tupac, Elvis, same kind of argument different people.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 01:06:53 PM »
Quote from: "Ijustcantstoplovingu"
Did you notice when Frank finished his speech to thank people for loving MJ the way I DO  shouldnt that have been "did"?

Present tense again!


Shame we didnt get to see the film instead of those two "twits" :?

As to the Present Tense again statement, Where the hell is my grandma I still refer to her in present tense and she passed away in 2004, or did she, maybe she hoaxed her death?

Michael Jackson News / Re: MURRAY To Be Arrested To-Day!!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 01:04:42 PM »
Quote from: "Tereza"
It's interesting that he wants to "hand himself in to the police rather than facing a humiliating arrest". Cause an arrest would be all over the news (in pictures).
But if he goes to the police it could happen anytime without anyone noticing.
So they could simply say he handed himself in to them and then they could prepare some fake pictures as usual.

Well looking at it from the other side, Handing himself over does save the embarrassment of being arrested in public a little, are you saying that he should do it all over the news just to please the few that are in the forum?

I would just hand myself over to, I wouldn't want the cameras and news all up in my face. If I was to get arrested I would want to do it as peacefully as possible so the media would be out of my business for a while, you know the media will be all over the court room, TRUtv will probably cover the court proceedings you will get to see if it there IF he does get arrested.

I do agree its weird that they have said they are going to arrested him a number of times and it hasn't happened, but this is also a high profile case, they have 1 shot, if they mess up think about how much damage that would do to them, they want to make sure they get it right.

Michael Jackson News / Re: VH1 To investigate MJ's "Death"
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:57:08 PM »
This will be interesting to see, I am going to have to look for it.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:52:33 PM »
Quote from: "Laura"
Both kids looked so nervous.. Prince seemed to have learnt it all by heart, and looked quite under pressuer and Paris speech was very short, it seemed like she was going to say something more but the words just did not come out.. Poor kids  :(

I agree they have been through allot since Michael passed. I know if I had to give a speech at the grammys I would be running over it in my head for days before the speech.

Michael Jackson News / Re: GRAMMYS!!! LIVE NOW!! MJs Kids accepting AWARD!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:39:16 PM »
Quote from: "mrbigshot"
Quote from: "beatit"
Quote from: "still beLIEve"
Quote from: "rayvyn"
Quote from: "mrbigshot"
Quote from: "rayvyn"
Could it be that the kids were just nervous?

I would like to think so. In the past few months the children have been the focus and received much publicity since MJ's death. There obviously not prepared to give speeches, and you have to keep in mind that there young. I still get nervous giving presentations even though i've been through many of them. just a natural feeling I get.

I agree.

I think they were really nervous! but still giving clues... no "miss you daddy"

Did you notice Prince´s slip up.... "we would also like to thank your fa... THE fans  bla bla"  I think he´s been rehersing this with his father...  :lol:

Or trying to keep from crying.

They weren't close to crying. it was clear to me that they were straight up nervous. It's been a few months already.

Yes they where probably nervous, you try standing up in front of the whole world, Michael was used to it, his kids where not used to standing up in front of a bunch of people and talking, Hell I get nervous when I have to talk to a room of 20. As an EMT I still get nervous running a call, cause I want to make sure I do everything I can to help the person.

I don't think anyone in here can say and be telling the truth that they can get up in front of a bunch of people let alone millions and not be nervous.

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