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« on: August 16, 2011, 11:52:13 AM »
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He is punking his fans again. As Grace mentioned, this is akin to the "fake" vocals controversy over the Michael album.

The fans certainly make a choice how to respond to this news (with bewilderment, with rage directed at his family, or with growing enlightenment)... but he sure seems to delight at poking them with a sharp stick. It's fascinating. Does Michael feel his fan base is full of hypocrites?

I'm thinking of him saying he's gonna 'play with them for awhile'   I have to think he's enjoying this.  Maybe he's playing with KISS, too.  I didn't realize what Gene Simmons said back then but now I do.  In this case, bad publicity may just be bad publicity for him. 

But is there a more serious side to the 'playing'?  Perhaps I am overreaching here, but there is a technique in Zen where the student is confronted with a paradox which cannot be solved with the mind and is forced to solve it by a direct experience. 

Most of us are now 'out of our minds' trying to figure out where, why and when all the time while we are using our minds to do so.  How can we love a man so much who lies and manipulates?  How can we love a man who has kept us waiting for so long, watched as our hopes are lifted and then dashed.  If he was TRYING to amass a large hoax following, he's certainly going about it the wrong way!  And I hazard a guess that none of us would be so bold as to play with people's emotions to such an extent. 

A true teacher tests his students, leading them to doubt and new discoveries should they continue along the path.  A good leader makes certain that those around him will remain loyal when confronted with doubts.  I don't know about anyone else, but I take this Army of LOVE seriously, though I have no idea what that means exactly.  I said to someone recently that if Katherine Jackson (with all due respect) called me personally and told me directly that Michael was dead, I still would not believe it.  For me, something beyond the mind knows that he is alive and can feel him operating behind the scenes, not just with the hoax, but with other larger events now going on in the world.  I know without a doubt that, despite his actions which might appear to be cruel, are all for LOVE.  And just like in V he wishes it could have been easier.  And just like Eevie, we are each learning something about ourselves that is making us stronger.

I've questioned for some time why it is there are so few of us here.  Jonnell Star's videos were viewed by over a 100,000.  Considering MJ's fan base, there are a relative handful here.  Did MJ miscalculate?  Or has that been his intent all separate the wheat from the chaff.  The throngs will reappear when he returns.  In the meantime, I guess we need to jump through a few more hoops....or not.

Oh, and a big thanks to everyone here.   ::P

Your thoughts are very profound. I agree with them.

I think it is very strategic on Michael's part, for some as of yet unknown reason, in some genius, masterful, manipulative fashion, to minimize and simultaneously strengthen the ranks of Believers. We were not so much as chosen as we made a choice; we chose to think for ourselves and look deeper, we chose to realize that not everything is as it seems, we chose to realize that Michael was trying to warn us for many years of these facts. We chose to apply those teachings when it mattered most. So here we are. We are few but we are mighty.

The ranks still need further thinning. *HARD look at those whom the shoe fits*

I have never been so confident in myself and my own perceptions as I am now. Thank you Michael, you made me a better person.

Well said, both of you. Couldn't agree more!

Hoax Videos / Re: V for ReVolution, Volume 1
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:41:00 AM »
He mentions Annonymous...Ron Paul (who's campaign is the Ron Paul Revolution)...SONY...Pepsi/Coke... All things could be things that Michael would speak about. I think the point is that everything is connected. We are all apart of this. It doesn't matter who this specific person is, he is representing all of us. As for the occult symbolism, I don't know, I tend to believe that symbolism can only be dangerous to those who don't realize what it means. There was questionable symbolism used in This is It, and even Thriller for that matter, that can all be interpretted as for or against the occult. I agree these videos are a little creepy, but again, so was Thriller and that's why it held my interest. It might just be a form of art/mystery to keep our attention. Or taking it a step further in terms of mind control, can't mind control be used for good in a sense? There's nothing evil about the information itself given in these videos, just as there's nothing good in the poetic, innocent sounding speeches given by Obama. My main point; I don't know if this is Michael or related to the hoax itself, but it isn't hurting anything.


I'm a little late reading all this but it's awesome! I can't stop laughing. If we're so crazy then why even take the time to report it? Besides, I'd rather be crazy than one of the "normal", spoon-fed idiots walking around in a daze with drool hanging out of my mouth just waiting for my next bite of BULLSHIT with a side of ENSLAVEMENT to the media lies.

Yep, I'd rather be crazy.

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI August 11
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:20:07 PM »
I think the cake says "Happy Birthday Michael"...and there's 777. Today is the 777th day of the could today be some kind of rebirth for Michael? Does the 7 day bam start today? Just thinking out loud. I still think it's too soon but I've been wrong about alot of things lol.

« on: August 11, 2011, 02:11:20 PM »
Ok, if it's true that the address they gave for the location of the event or of the company itself, whatever it was, is really a bar called Humbug, then maybe we need to think outside the box here. I don't think MJ would perform/appear live because it's too dangerous. But that doesn't mean he couldn't appear to BE live. For example, couldn't he set up a stage somewhere else, like at Neverland, make it appear to be a live concert event, and broadcast it all around the world? Or couldn't there be a live tribute show with some kind of pre-recorded video of Michael or a live video of Michael but from another location? I don't know how he's going to bam, but I feel like at least 3 things would be crucial - 1. His (and everyone's) safety. 2. A live or at least uncensored and unalterable broadcast to ensure credibility and effectiveness. And 3. As many people watching as possible so there would be no way the media could ignore it. Maybe many of us are right and this one will be cancelled like the rest. But maybe that's been the point all along, to condition people to not believe anything the Jackson's say so that when it does happen, it's even more unexpected and exciting. We'll have to wait and see, but I do know one thing... "INVADE AMERICA" is a slight understatement. I think it's more a a TAKEOVER of the entire world. Who's bad? :)

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Michael and Harvey, sittin' in a tree, h-o-a-x-i-n-g!!


Hahahahahaha!!!  ;D

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This Pellicano character is the epitome of what I'm sure inspired Mike to write this song...


With L.O.V.E. always.

Exactly my thoughts!!!
I can't even bring myself to dignify this dude's claims with a response. The ONLY thing that concerns me is how ignorant the majority of the world still is and will probably buy into this. I still believe in the power of good over evil though and I have a feeling the whole world is going to think of Michael Jackson alot differently pretty soon. In fact, the world is going to think much differently of the world itself...only a matter of time. Changes are coming!

TMZ Articles / Re: Charlie Sheen - I'm Gonna Watch My Own Funeral
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:16:58 PM »
Just thought of something. Isn't it interesting that Ashton Kutcher is replacing Sheen on the show? Weren't we discussing the possibility of Ashton being "Hatman" at the funeral a while back...? Plus, Ashton is best known for his show "Punked"...aka a show about HOAXES!

And I aboslutely think Sheen is in the know, at least to an extent. He's definitely in the know about how the world works when it comes to the government and media...and they are DEFINITELY trying to bring him down.

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Maybe that is the point of the whole exercise. To finally see just how much crap and illogical ASSumptions the public will swallow before finally waking up that something is way off here. And so far, the force fed diet of crap is still not making the mass majority choke on their media diet.

I think that is exactly the point of everything in this hoax. To inspire people to do their own research and THINK FOR THEMSELVES!!

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I can not help but remembering the bad BJ who said MJ hoaxed his entire life. A pretty daring statement.

We been saying that since '09 Gina.

Maybe, but I only saw it when BJ said it.
Anyway, isn't it a bit too much to say that Michael hoaxed his entire life?
In this case everything in his life is a lie or what?

No maybe. Yes certainly.

And no I don't think it's a bit much. I think it's very credible. MJ is the ultimate showman and a Barnum disciple and knows how to manipulate the media for his own gain and has a 25 years track record of doing so. The notion of his entire public life being scripted goes hand in hand with what we know of the man.

This theory was very controversial when first brought up in the fall of 2009. It really sort of drew the lines between believer camps. I always thought the theory had merit.

Life is a stage :)
What we all perceive to be real almost never least not completely. How many people let the government and the news rule their life? In a way, life is one big hoax, one big illusion, no matter who you are. It's all about finding your own truth.
People believed all the bs lies reported about MJ his whole life so I see nothing wrong with him taking matters into his own hands and giving them something to talk about.  He was in a position to use his understanding of how the world works to teach us all a few things while wildly entertaining us at the same time.
"Artists use lies to tell the truth, politicians use lies to cover up the truth" - V for Vendetta

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100 documentaries can be made, but they will not make a difference. Aphrodite's book didn't, her documentary didn't. Hell, Michael's ACQUITTAL didn't. Something bigger than that will have to happen to wake up the sheeple. I am not being selfish, I am just realistic and I think more people realize that, which could be the reason that Wagener still hasn't enough support for his project. I support his cause, of course I do, but I do not think he can make a huge difference.

I know what you mean. It's frustrating because this guy is so passionate and dilligent, I would love to see him actualize his vision and for it to make an impact. It makes me wonder why someone in the Jackson family or Mesereau or freakin Macaulay Culkin doesn't offer to pay for production. I guess it would mean more and look more credible if the money was raised by fans, but still, if I was Michael Jackson's friend and had the money and resources to get something like this on air, I wouldn't think twice about making it happen. But either way, the most difficult part might be simply getting enough people to care enough to watch it. Ignorance is bliss...

The Resistance / Re: Is Michael behind ANONYMOUS
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:53:48 AM »
Just thought of something... the part in TII when Michael stops the music and talks about how it feels like someone's fist is in his ear. He emphasizes the word 'fist' and makes a fist, I wonder if that was meant to be a clue?

Also, makes me think of the song "Behind the Mask" a little bit differently...

I absolutely think all of this is related. The V for Vendetta connections...the timing... it all seems to add up. Whether or not the entire Anonymous initiative was Michael's creation or not, I bet he is apart of it and has been leading us there. But see, it was important for us all to understand the reasons WHY he hoaxed his death first in order for us to care about joining the resistance.

After learning all about what's really going on in the world, and ESPECIALLY what's currently going on with the US government, I find myself caring more about fighting back and educating others on all of these truths as opposed to telling everyone that MJ isn't dead like I used to be obsessed with. It's interesting, because had MJ not "died" I would still be asleep to the deception and tyranny that is taking place, and that is precisely why he did what he WAKE ME UP. All of us. My life has been changed and the lives of many people I know have been changed not because Michael Jackson died but because he inspired one person to start caring and start researching, and that one person inspired another person to start caring and start researching, etc. There is a shift in consciousness in the air that is palpable, and it just all makes sense. It's coming full circle.

I honestly don't know what the "bam" is going to consist of, but I'm convinced that it's not the main event. The main event is all of us, working together, raising our voice, and taking our freedom back. I really believe this is it.

TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson Family Divided Over MJ Tribute Concert
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:54:16 PM »
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“The family has not announced who will be performing at the show.” (Maybe ahem--the man himself!)
“World-class event”
“due to take place during the criminal trial surrounding Michael's death” (deliciously ironic!)
“ill-timed event” (MJ knows nothing about timing--things just randomly happen to him-haha)
Globalive   (global-alive) (red curtain)

Grace and Bec (maybe others) have posted in the past about this, but it just SO-O intrigues me. It's just plain witty, cheeky, funny, genius!!

The Cardiff Giant was one of the most famous hoaxes in United States history. It was a 10-foot (3.0 m) tall purported "petrified man" uncovered on October 16, 1869 by workers digging a well behind the barn of William C. "Stub" Newell in Cardiff, New York. Both it and an unauthorized copy made by P.T. Barnum are still on display.

The giant was the creation of a New York tobacconist named George Hull. Hull, an atheist, decided to create the giant after an argument at a Methodist revival meeting about the passage in Genesis 6:4 stating that there were giants who once lived on Earth.[1]

The idea of a petrified man did not originate with Hull, however. In 1858 the newspaper Alta California had published a bogus letter claiming that a prospector had been petrified when he had drunk a liquid within a geode. Some other newspapers also had published stories of supposedly petrified people.[2]

Hull hired men to carve out a 10-foot (3.0 m) long, 4.5-inch block of gypsum in Fort Dodge, Iowa, telling them it was intended for a monument to Abraham Lincoln in New York. He shipped the block to Chicago, where he hired a German stonecutter to carve it into the likeness of a man and swore him to secrecy.

Various stains and acids were used to make the giant appear to be old and weathered, and the giant's surface was beaten with steel knitting needles embedded in a board to simulate pores. In November 1868 then Hull transported the giant by rail to the farm of William Newell, his cousin. By then, he had spent US$2,600 on the hoax.

Nearly a year later, Newell hired Gideon Emmons and Henry Nichols, ostensibly to dig a well, and on October 16, 1869 they found the giant. One of the men reportedly exclaimed, "I declare, some old Indian has been buried here!"[2]

Exhibition and exposure as fraud

Newell set up a tent over the giant and charged 25 cents for people who wanted to see it. Two days later he increased the price to 50 cents.[2] People came by the wagon load.

Archaeological scholars pronounced the giant a fake, and some geologists even noticed that there was no good reason to try to dig a well in the exact spot the giant had been found. Yale palaeontologist Othniel C. Marsh called it "a most decided humbug". Some Christian fundamentalists and preachers, however, defended its authenticity.[3]

Eventually, Hull sold his part-interest for $23,000 to a syndicate of five men headed by David Hannum. They moved it to Syracuse, New York for exhibition. The giant drew such crowds that showman P. T. Barnum offered $50,000 for the giant. When the syndicate turned him down he hired a man to model the giant's shape covertly in wax and create a plaster replica. He put his giant on display in New York, claiming that his was the real giant and the Cardiff Giant was a fake.[2]

As the newspapers reported Barnum's version of the story, David Hannum was quoted as saying, "There's a sucker born every minute" in reference to spectators paying to see Barnum's giant. Over time, the quotation has been misattributed to Barnum himself.

Hannum sued Barnum for calling his giant a fake, but the judge told him to get his giant to swear on his own genuineness in court if he wanted a favorable injunction.[2]

On December 10, Hull confessed to the press. On February 2, 1870 both giants were revealed as fakes in court. The judge ruled that Barnum could not be sued for calling a fake giant a fake.

Cardiff, Wales and Cardiff, New York. Is this a fake resurrection, getting the public and fans ready for the REAL  REAL  AUTHENTIC  fake resurrection of Michael Jackson?

Genius!! Good catch on the Cardiff parallel. We all know how much MJ admired the work of PT Barnum. :D

TMZ Articles / Re: Big Blow to Defense In MJ Manslaughter Trial
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:00:06 PM »
This is great! I think we are finally getting somewhere. Again, all the conflicting stories prove that that's exactly what all this is..a STORY. And dead men don't tell tales ;)

TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson Family Divided Over MJ Tribute Concert
« on: July 26, 2011, 10:07:03 AM »
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Tweet Teddy
1:43 AM May 17th via web

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login far I can't seem to find anything significant about that date in history. That can't be a coincidence! Anyone have any clue what Teddy means?  Perhaps that's the day for the bam. Would make sense to have it be during the trial, but I still don't think anyone is going to give us the date ahead of time. But this is interesting...

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