Perfect! I believe we are getting very close.
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TMZ Articles / Re: Paris Jackson possible suicide attempt
June 09, 2013, 11:02:22 PMQuote from: bec on June 09, 2013, 08:50:27 PMExactly. Paris could have been painting her nails or taking a nap at the supposed time of this event. It wasn't like she was actually cutting herself with a knife pretending to kill herself. In fact, she wouldn't have to do much of anything at all and technically wouldn't even have to know about the story before it was released - although I'm sure she did. And to anyone who is upset because a "child" is involved - what is Paris now? 15? She is not a child. Think back to when you were 15 and your world view at the time. I read journal entries from when I was that age and I was just as intelligent as I am now, minus some learned wisdom.Again, how did Paris pretend to attempt suicide? It's just a story of an alleged event, not an alleged event. Paris didn't do anything.
This is absolutely apart of the hoax. "It's only a movie". "Taking the medium to a new level". And let's not forget Michael's story of the snake and the mouse.
TMZ Articles / Re: Paris Jackson possible suicide attempt
June 09, 2013, 01:37:17 AMQuote from: bec on June 05, 2013, 10:08:47 PMI tend to think this too. It's only a movie.Fake fake fake all fake. It's all fake. Every little bit of "news" we get is fake. All of it.
Ever notice no one really gives a crap about the trial that's going on? The real news stories are going on outside the courtroom. Wade's accusations, now Paris tries to kill herself (come on); the clowns are outside of court this time. That's why it's not televised. Because that's not the show. THIS is. The staged and the spin offs and the accidental perfect coincidences, all part of this massive entertainment project MJ launched in 2009.
There's always something going on with the Jackson family, isn't there? Periodically, in the news, over something or other, drip drip drip.
And this emotional turmoil the community is going through is part of the experience for the audience. All of it. The drama, the concern, the worry, the outrage, the hand wringing, the humor too... and our interaction; the comradery, the arguments, the whole online community thing, deaders n hoaxers oh my.
If Paris really had a problem no one would hear about it. What we are shown is an alternative Jackson family reality; the Hollywood version. The staged version.
That's what I think.
May 16, 2013, 10:48:08 AMQuote from: curls on May 16, 2013, 10:28:19 AMWell, shit. That was quite the acting. Haha. Ok I stand by what I said. I still think that makes the most sense. If he KNOWS MJ isn't dead, and is being coached on what to say (which is weird because I said that before watching this clip and he said that Michael coached him on what to say in the trial, maybe that was a little hint) then he's not going to be filtered at all. Michael would want it to be as graphic and believable as possible.Here we go:
On the other hand, there's the chance that Wade is not in the know about the hoax, and is being coached by someone else on what to say to be believable and it IS all about money.
My question though is, kind of like Matt asked, why would he be so public with it ESPECIALLY knowing the accuser is not here to defend himself? I mean, he's telling national television things that should only be said in court at this point.
I still believe Michael is behind this.
May 16, 2013, 10:29:55 AMHey guys.
I've been pretty silent the past couple of years but I've still been watching and waiting. And I really think that THIS is something we've been waiting for.
I'm thinking of it this way: If I were a close friend of Michael's (even not being a close friend I would still do this for him haha), who knew first hand that he was an innocent, loving person who needed help in this (this being the hoax), I would lie (or simply "act", think of it as playing a part in a movie which this pretty much is) in order to help bring about a specific outcome. Think about it, perhaps it's Michael himself coaching Wade on what to say and that's the only reason Wade is being so brutal. If Michael really did fake his death, we already know the reasons and THIS IS IT (among other important reasons of course but this would be the FIRST thing to attack and bring to light because remember, alot of the world believe Michael is a child molester and will not listen to his message because of this). His 2005 trial was not enough to change many people's minds and it certainly didn't change how the media portrays him. A big stunt like this is NECESSARY. There are too many coincidences. The 7 year period, from the time he was 7 to 14... just happens to make 777, LOL. This is all just weird no matter how you look at it but I think and feel that Michael being behind it is the theory that makes most sense. Let's just see what happens. But get ready guys, things could get really ugly. "The night is darkest before the dawn".
Michael's Speeches / Re: MJ, George H. Bush, Points of Light award
February 22, 2013, 01:28:53 PMQuote from: Andrea on February 20, 2013, 09:41:04 PMExactly!! Andrea, I always read your posts and feel as though I wrote them myself. I miss interacting with you! :) Anyways, I agree with this 100%. It's like the saying "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." He had the whole system figured out very early on, and he started to tell us in his music. But he had to be very careful and very clever in his choices. If he hadn't gone along with it to an extent, they would bring him down or kill him much quicker and anything he would have done or said would have been done in vain. This is why I believe Michael reached a spiritually higher level of consciousness, which enabled him to observe the world objectively and see the "bigger picture" and his exact purpose in it. At the beginning of this hoax, I spent literally all my free time researching all things related to MJ. But as some time has passed, I have truly been transformed and cannot even relate to the "self" I identified with 3 years ago. I spend my free time now researching all world events and searching for truth beyond the little bubble I used to live in. I was truly woken up from my trance because of this death hoax, and I believe with my whole being that THAT is the core victory that MJ wished to accomplish. Change the world? Absolutely. But it really does start on an individual basis. Timing is everything with this hoax. But regardless of the final outcome, the entire thing has already been a huge success against the NWO. Michael knew what he was doing, and I'm so thankful he had the courage and tenacity to play this role in our world.I don't think it was a matter of MJ being "used" by them but rather playing along, playing the game. He made a point to say why he was there - "I wanted to come to lunch because I believe each person can make a difference in the life of someone in need. That is what a point of light is." I believe that when some famous and influential people are given awards, or named an ambassador by the President of the U.S., it's something that they are somewhat obligated to do or accept. But I don't think it means, especially in Michael's case, that he's their puppet or going along with their agenda. It's not like Michael could say: "I'm onto you and your "new world order", Bush, and I will not be your point of light ambassador". If he wasn't a target before, he certainly would've been after, if he had said or intimated something like that. And assuming what TS has said about NWO is correct and that Michael wants us to know, he would have to be pretty sure that this stuff is true. Michael has had, for decades now, a unique vantage point to get access to info that "normal" people can't get and that requires a certain level of actual "insider" knowledge. But that does NOT mean, nor do I think, that Michael is on "their" side. It's possible that Michael used his position to his advantage in gaining whatever knowledge he could on "them" because you can't defeat the enemy without understanding them and knowing their weaknesses.
TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
December 22, 2012, 09:18:11 AMJust googled "Michael Jackson is still alive" to see if any new news came up. Saw this quote from Jermaine saying this hoax talk helps noone and Michael is not alive. Not necessarily a bad thing. Think of how many times Jermaine has willingly and effectively lied throughout this whole thing. And it actually draws more attention to the idea. Oh here's the link to what I read.
TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
December 20, 2012, 10:59:21 PMI haven't posted forever, and I'm not sure how to post a link from my phone (it's "smarter" than me lol), just I just read that the WMAs have been cancelled. Do you think the powers that be are trying to prevent his BAM? By the way, hi everyone :) I never left, just got quiet :)
The Memorial / Re: ReVISION thread for the memorial...lets take another look
January 27, 2012, 04:38:54 PMQuote from: RK on January 24, 2012, 11:25:06 PMQuote
Of a tHeOrY or Vision
As one who embodies "vision" past 20/20, occurrences of the future are often "experienced". But many times this "experience" comes in the form of internal jolts, indicative of something of great significance. Séance hoaxes are not applicable.There are tIMEs when details are sparse, but abundant enough to "see" the grandness, just as it was in this magnetism towards the tHeOrY of sEVEN.
Exit Angel Gabriel----enter Angel Michael
Luke 1:36
"And in the sixth month the angel (Gabri)el was sent from God unto a city......
.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph..."
And in the sixth month the angel (Micha)el was "statused" by God in a city...(of Angels)
.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph.On 6-25-09, tIME took a literal backseat to the mOMENt. I could always "see" a Silhouette on a Grand-stage, once again taking over the World. Perhaps also parallel in holding to our proclamation that this was NOT a "comeback", but a take-over. This was it. And in a thunderous sense,----- it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity.
Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year.
As History has shown, reflected through the books and logics of many faiths, Prophets do and have walked amongst us. They have sometimes been Angels in the temporary casts of both tIME and human flesh. And in their allotted tIME, their purposes have most often been message DeLIVErance.
In the separation of major tIME factions in our planetary HiStory, specifically Birth of Christ (BC) To nearly 2009 years post his physical exit (AD), there's only one other Worldly figure that has been bestowed the powers to reach EVERY corner of the globe. And that Heavenly Gift was the Incomparable Michael Jackson.2+5, The days of Christ and Michael.
Although many other Great Worldly figures, ranging from Martin to Mother Teresa, have graced this Earth with soul driven purposes that have benefited humanity, there have ONLY been two who have been subjected to literal crucifixions; before, during and after their deaths. And even in the face of these crucifixions, they both maintained hearts filled with love, sensitivity and care for all man/woman-kind. They carried rare emotional connections to and concerns for every single poor and sick person on the planet; Especially the children. They were in-tune with the necessary nurturance that this magnificent creation we inhabit requires for survival. They both never stopped giving and wanting to give more! They even carried compassion and hope for those who were consumed with evil and sought to do them both harm. An EXTREME rarity!
Christ was the savior of lives once as a physical being
So too was Michael Jackson.
I'm sure there are "many" here on this very board who can attest to that. My word itself does not have to be taken as conclusive. The proof will be provided through acknowledgement.Throughout the decades of the modern tIMEs we live, many Great figures have suffered untIMEly demises. Deep reflection of these occurrences will or should give you great pause. The easiest approach up until about 20 years ago was always by the bullet. What changed the trend? Well, along came awareness, suspicion, and non-acceptance of "stories" that carry potholes in logic. Thus, it demanded a necessity for more elaborate plans of execution that are now used as a means of thwarting the full truth. This process had to be in magnification ten fold in order to end the physical existence of the most famous person walking this Earth. Many OTHER attempts had failed, even though they left enormous wounds. You see, evil always goes for the jugular by attacking a person's greatest strength. Michael Jackson's greatest strength was pure love. The antagonist of such a principle is hate. So they used that pure love and coupled it with another of his strengths towards healing and caring for sick children to formulate perhaps the most wickedly contrived fiction in history. The goal was to create the most egregious of perceptions and marvel with pleasure and amusement at its historically noted difficulty to disprove. But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes. For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the "open" approach & legalities, these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!
Though the hands of tIME still move incrementally, tick-tock, tick-tock, it is quickly running thin on the 2 decade long, elaborate planning that culminated in this execution. I can now understand that "vision" of 6/25/06 relapse", with CLARITY. This is no conspiracy theory! However, believe as you may. But believing and knowing--- are two different things.
Arms, wrist and feet. Bludgeoned through the veins.
Arms, wrist and feet, Poisoned through the veins.
Two different Kings, with different Reigns.
And The End result shall be the same.JUSTICE........For it is already written!
And shall be illUMINATED! (E. Chandler— I hope you left proper notice repenting---the inferno awaits and you shall become a believer in what you didn't before. HELL is your EQUALIZER. You've earned it!
"With all the ingredients—is it Simmering---can you smell it—how long before the "pie" is done." – As many have realized, IT would have been greatness to an infinite degree.
Mr. Jackson--- you know I still have your back--- until my end.
ConnectedKEEP Watchin'.......
"This is my planet. You're ONE of Us" --- The Greatest
I am posting Back's Of a tHeOrY or Vision in this thread as a reference point also.
That grand stage would be in the heavens----a visual staple-d to our minds for all eternity.
The days of Christ and Michael and the beginning of this transfer was on 7-7 or the memorial....
As we are examining the memorial with biblical focus turned on in our hoax glasses this the transfer spoken here quite simply emphasis off of the King of Pop and from here on in The King of Kings as in Christ Jesus. The word parallel is used also with regard to holding to a proclaimation that it wasn't a comeback but a takeover.
I think TS asked the question of us if MJ used his art-form to expose truths. I have always wondered about the huge golden statues that were paraded around the world for the History tour. I remember being gobsmacked watching one being towed up the Thames by boat. They always put me in mind of Nebuchadnezza's image for some reason and there is also the adulation of the golden pants fans....[I mean no disrespect....I am only thinking aloud here].to be continued as I am late for work again
edit to add that the YANA video now in hindsight puts me in mind of Adam and Eve in the garden. At the time I was like...hey guys ...keep that private for yourselves....Wow do I have some homework ahead .
Quote from: melody on January 25, 2012, 12:39:45 PMThis has got my head spining! So, what if there's some sort of inbetween truth to this all? Between this and the new Ark of the Covenant TIAI post, I'm starting to think that might be the case. What if Michael really did "kill himself", like Conrad Murray claims. What if he actually did physically die? But still had the whole thing planned out and still had great purpose? What if he believes the end of the world or some kind of major moment in time is coming (4 years to get it right), such as Jesus returning perhaps...? And if Jesus is returning and Michael is "special" like we all believe him to be... then maybe he will be returning as an angel (Archangel Michael) with Jesus (an angel himself). I feel like something huge just clicked in my head. Sounds a little far out but at this point in my existence I can honestly say that I believe anything is possible.I had absolutely no recollection of the following part of the memorial. It reflects some of the sentiments being expressed here lately.
QuoteAlso, here is a transcript of the memorial as covered by CNN: before we go... There will never be another Michael Jackson. His musical presence has left its mark on his family, his friends and the millions of fans who have sang and danced (or at least tried to do so) like Mr. Michael Jackson. He was often imitated but never duplicated. He wanted to heal the world through his music and in a small way he succeeded. His music reached across the barriers of race, culture and even national identity, unifying the planet if only for a few moments.
So now it's up to us. We should all look at the man or the woman in the mirror and change the way we treat each other. Let's celebrate our uniqueness, respect our differences and make that change starting today. My prayer is that this will be more than just a memorial for Michael Jackson, but a remembrance, truly, of what he means to us because all around us are people of different cultures, different religions, different nationalities, and yet the music of Michael Jackson brings us together, not only here but around the world.
The family has allowed me to close this memorial with a prayer. And I'm going to ask that you would just catch the hand of the person next to you—whether you are in this auditorium or watching by television, wherever you might be—in solidarity and remembrance of truly what Michael Jackson's music has done to us and what the man means in this place. If you are so inclined, will you bow your heads and let's pray.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank you this day for the memory of Michael Jackson that means so much to us even right now. Thank you for the gift of music that he gave us. Thank you for the man that he was and for what he sought to do with his life.
We pray, Father, that you will just remind us that we truly can make a difference if we make up our minds to do so. Help us to take a message of love and healing and peace with us as we go. Let us demonstrate that love when we go to school. Let us demonstrate that love when we go to work. Let us demonstrate that love as we walk the streets of our city and no longer turn a blind eye to the needs of those that we walk by every day. Let us stop judging people by the color of their skin and by the accent of their voice. Let us, rather, look in the heart of every man, woman, boy and girl, and desire truly to reach that person with the love that Michael Jackson showed us in his music. But even now, the King of Pop must bow his knee to the King of Kings and we pray that you remind us, Lord, that our lives are but dust, we are here for a moment and then we are gone.
Thank you, Lord, for how Michael impacted us and may we now impact others. For we pray that this moment will not be forgotten as an event to have been enjoyed, but rather a reminder that we too can make a change. Bless us and keep us with the love by which you kept Michael and we offer this prayer unto you in the glorious name of Jesus our Lord. Let all who agree, say amen.
God Bless You and Praise God for you.
edit: the transcript is definitely not complete
Random MJ Talk / Re: Ron Paul & REVOLtion... Notice "LOVE" ... Michael's ....this is all for "LOVE"..
January 20, 2012, 01:10:45 PMQuote from: LoveShyMichael on January 11, 2012, 06:56:05 PMExactly! I am a Ron Paul supporter, and so many people I talk to think he can't win so they don't bother. Well, at least things like the Federal Reserve and NDAA bill are being openly discussed in debates now...that's a HUGE step in the right direction. And the people who have woken up will NEVER be able to go back to "sleep" - it's impossible. Like Ron Paul said himself, "I'm not just trying to win an election, I'm trying to change the course of history".Even though we all know how corrupt the system is, we still have to keep voicing our freedoms. If Ron Paul doesn't get in, his son is a Senator, & Jesse Ventura could be our next possible. But we've woken up many millions of people, we just have to keep exposing corruption even on a lower level like us going to town meetings or speaking up against TSA STICKING THEIR HANDS DOWN OUR KIDS PANTS. Everything helps.
I would bet an arm and a leg that Michael Jackson would support Dr. Paul for president. Do I think they are secretly working together? Lol, no. But I do believe in Divine Timing and that everything happens for a reason. It is not a coincidence that this Ron Paul rEVOLution is taking place at the same time as MJ's "revolution". It's one big revolution in general and these are just the men chosen to lead the way. It actually gives me goosebumps now that I think about it!
Michael's Reasons to hoax his death / Re: Breaking News: Outrageous New Attack on Dr. Burzynski
January 10, 2012, 02:43:48 PMMight I add that the cannaboids in marijuana have been shown to attack cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Obviously, there's not enough research nor funding to conduct proper research for this, but it would make sense that that is exactly why marijuana has been given such a bad rep on purpose. If marijuana was legalized and regulated medically and recreationally, the big pharma industry would literally die a very quick death. People without medical insurance have already been "self medicating" for years and are some of the healthiest folks around. I'm not saying marijuana is the answer to all this, I'm just saying it's a great example of how we're lied to and how THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US!
Prince, Paris & Blanket / Re: Daughter in tears over 'I'll Be There'
December 05, 2011, 09:43:02 AMEven I cry when I hear that song...among many other MJ songs. We need to stop over-analyzing.
The Bible References / Re: Starting a Biblical/EOW discussion, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outside the box.
November 27, 2011, 11:54:20 AMGreat insights guys. Thanks for starting this topic Souza. I know there have been similar topics, and I've believed most of this since before this hoax. But I think now is the time to start looking more carefully at the big picture and taking it more seriously. I just want to add that a name is just a name...whomever the messiah comes back as, whether he calls himself Jesus, Michael, or Johnny Knoxville... doesn't matter. It's the essence that matters. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all prone to death in this life, it is unavoidable. But energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Just because Jesus died in the flesh doesn't mean he can't reincarnate as Michael or someone else. Does that mean Michael is Jesus? Maybe. In my opinion, we are all of the same source, so it's not like we are putting him on a pedestal. Like he said himself, "we are all one". I don't think we are meant to worship anyone. That's the problem I've come to have with religion. I think the sole purpose of all religions is to wake us up to our true nature and be the little piece of god that we are. But we've been conditioned to be unaware of our own power and inner knowing. Michael Jackson woke me up to ME when I was very young, and thus I have loved him ever since. We are all mirrors for one another, you know? Anyway. I don't think we will all agree on this topic 100%, but it is progress that we are able to speak openly about it and entertain ideas without necessarily accepting them. In fact, with the way the world is today, I think it's very important not to accept ANYTHING as truth. We must let our minds stay open at all times or we'll definitely miss something.
Court Case & Hearings; Discussion and Articles / Re: Michael Jackson on Trial Again -- Part I
November 18, 2011, 09:53:06 AMOutstanding journalism. I encourage you all to re-share this article on facebook, twitter, etc. More people need to wake up in general, and waking them up to specifics like what was done to Michael Jackson can help them wake up to everything going on in the world and lead them to higher consciousness. It worked for me that's for sure.
References & Similarities / Re: Describes the Ten Symptoms experienced by those of us leaving the 3D
November 16, 2011, 10:01:48 AMThis is absolutely a real thing and I can relate with Purelove, I have had some of the symptoms on and off my whole life. I don't think I was ever fully "asleep", and it had a lot to do with my birth I believe. Long story short, my mother didn't know she was pregnant with me until she was 6 months along, and then I was born at 7 months. So I wasn't getting any attention from the outside world nor any hormones that mothers give when they're expecting (I did some research awhile back, can't remember specifics on that). So I think I was almost fully connected to the other side or the spirit dimension right up until birth which was on 11/11. 7th month on 11/11...:)
Anyway. I have very vivid memories of my childhood and I never felt normal. I felt a distinct sense of something being terribly wrong at all times but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was kind of a loner most of the time, unless other kids needed me. I was always the one to console someone who was hurt physically or emotionally and always the first to befriend those who looked lonely. I continued to feel that way all the way up until high school. By then, I had begun to learn a bit how to "fit in" better, but that feeling of being different never went away. Luckily, I met some people along the way who I had these things in common with. But still, my goal was always to try and fit in better and ignore my inner voice.... until June 25th 2009. That day changed me. Well, no it didn't. It just helped me become my true self again. I suppose that's why I always loved Michael Jackson so much in the first place. I was obsessed with him since age 2. I remember telling my mom that he was the only one who really understood me. She thought it was absurd of course. Now, it all makes sense. Back to what this thread is about, I do believe the purpose of this hoax is to offer "awareness, awakening, and hope" to people. I've experienced all of these "symptoms" throughout my life but times 10 the past two years and most dramatically recently. I left my fiance and changed jobs all within the last year. I find it very difficult to tolerate negativity and dishonesty of any form. And I find it much easier than ever to make decisions based on my intuition only. Yes it's difficult and sometimes I feel anxious or depressed, but when I embrace those feelings and listen to my inner voice and do something about it, I end up feeling more refreshed and prepared to deal with whatever happens next. I believe that I chose this existence. I am human but I'm much more than that, as is everyone else, but it doesn't do any good when left dormant. I've found that my diet and exercise habits greatly helps keep me on the right path. If any of you are experiencing these awakening symptoms, make sure to eat fresh, "clean" food and listen to your body when it craves movement, and it doesn't have to be strenuous. I'm a big fan of yoga and dancing. Also, if you have children in your life..sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins...make a point to spend more time with them, doing whatever they want to do. I understand why Michael loves children so much. They aren't only innocent, but still very much connected to where we all came from and it's crucial that we nourish that connection in them and in doing so, it helps us remember the truths that we've been conditioned to forget. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat and share experiences during this amazing time. We are truly lucky to be apart of this time in history. :)