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Messages - jacilovesmichael

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Dave Dave / Re: I found some interesting Dave Dave news
« on: December 31, 2009, 07:46:29 AM »
Quote from: "Datroot"
Quote from: "jacilovesmichael"
The whole Dave Dave thing is just weird. It is almost impossible to prove anything. However, when I first watched the interview (without expecting anything odd), Dave Dave's eyes are what got me. Before he even spoke, just how he looked into the camera. And I also felt the things he said were chosen very carefully. And he spoke so slowly. Almost as if to give people a chance to figure it out. I really think it was Michael. And I think the real Dave Dave would give him permission to do this as a way to "repay" him for his unconditional friendship throughout his life.

PS. now Dave Dave has music on his myspace page. since when has he been a musician? Or is this common knowledge?

That is my point in my post above - now DD is making records and doing interviews, yet no-one had heard of him before 25 June.

That is crazy! I wouldn't be surprised if it is Michael and he's posting some of his new music on there (Although I haven't listened to it yet, is it any good?). OR of course, Dave is just using this newfound fame to create a name for himself. Either way, he is in on this and Michael is okay with him using it. Also, I noticed Dave gets a lot of messages and questions about the hoax, wouldn't you think if it were false, he would set the record straight? If someone I loved died, and people accused them of faking it, that would make me very angry. That goes for the whole family though too and everyone who is in on the hoax. Nobody has denied it.

Dave Dave / Re: I found some interesting Dave Dave news
« on: December 30, 2009, 01:58:57 PM »
The whole Dave Dave thing is just weird. It is almost impossible to prove anything. However, when I first watched the interview (without expecting anything odd), Dave Dave's eyes are what got me. Before he even spoke, just how he looked into the camera. And I also felt the things he said were chosen very carefully. And he spoke so slowly. Almost as if to give people a chance to figure it out. I really think it was Michael. And I think the real Dave Dave would give him permission to do this as a way to "repay" him for his unconditional friendship throughout his life.

PS. now Dave Dave has music on his myspace page. since when has he been a musician? Or is this common knowledge?

Michael Jackson News / Re: have you ever thought about this?
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:55:14 PM »
Quote from: "whateverhappens"

but looking into all directions i would like you to consoder also this

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I have thought about this. Especially after I found out that the pope released and encyclical proposing a "new world financial order" (NEW WORLD ORDER?!) on JULY 7th! The day of Michael's memorial. Talk about a DISTRACTION!

When I read this I felt like I had wrote it myself. I know how you feel, trust me!

That is what makes Michael so special. He makes us feel like we know him. And not only that, but he makes us feel like he knows us too. Like if we ran into him on the street he would recoginize us too and we could just spend the day together like it was a regular and normal thing.

I,too, love Michael with all my heart. The funny thing is, I'm not even single! I'm in a long-term relationship and I am very happy. But I always think to myself that I wish I could love a man in "real life" the way I love Michael Jackson. I've only talked to a few people about this, mostly just my mom. She understands because I've been obsessed with him since I was in diapers (I'm 23).

She (along with other friends and family) seem to think my obsession is very unhealthy. Of course, it has gotten worse since his "death". I did the whole grieving thing but then started to realize all the weird things surrounding all aspects of his death, and began to research. And, like you, became 100 percent obsessed. It keeps me up at night a lot of times, thinking about all the clues, trying to piece things together. Sometimes I honestly feel like I should just be able to pick up the phone and give Michael a call and be like "okay, I NEED answers NOW!" But I do know one thing. If Michael did do this hoax, it would not be in vain.

Yes, it may have caused us pain. But we must look beyond that. If Michael is alive, I believe he WILL reveal this whole thing. He would not fake his death to escape, at least not forever. There would be no glory in keeping it secret forever. I believe the MAIN reason for all of this is to fool the media, not to fool his fans. He wants to bring a sense of "awareness" and "awakening" and "hope" to people - and those were his own words!

One other thing - I do think that after a certain amount of time, we may need to just "let go". However, don't give up quite yet. I think there is a very good chance that MJ will wait until 2010 to return. For some reason I think Easter is a very good possibility, for a few reasons. First the obvious - it's Easter which means "new life" and "resurrection" (back from the dead). Also, it just so happens to be the date of Martin Luther King's assassination, and Michael loved MLK. Not only did he love him, he referenced him many times. Once in "They Don't Really Care About Us" he says "If Martin Luther was livin', he wouldn't let this be". Also, he includes MLK's "I have a dream" speech in his song "History". He also uses a quote from that in THIS IS IT... and I think the part he used is significant. It says "This will be the greatest demonstration of freedom in the history of our nation". And what would be an awesome demonstration of freedom? FAKING YOUR DEATH! Anyway, Because those 2 things fall on the same day in 2010, I think it's a very good possibility. Also, in the 2003 movie of Peter Pan, one of the characters says to Captain Hook "The ice is melting, the sun is out, the flowers are all in bloom"...and Captain Hook says, "He's Back!". Obviously he's talking about Peter Pan coming back in the Spring. What's significant about this is first the obvious, Michael loved Peter Pan and often compared himself to him. Second, Kenny Ortega had that exact quote on his Twitter page a couple months back. I think it could have been a clue, that Michael plans to return in the Spring. And April 4th (Easter) is right in the middle of Spring!

As you can see, I am also a fanatic. Sometimes I see him in my dreams and feel like he's trying to send me ESP messages - haha! I realize this is crazy but it has gotten to the point where I just don't care! I just want to know the truth and I will not, CAN not, give up until I know one way or the other. And I have faith that THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL, like he always says, and like God always says.

I hope you find comfort in his music, I'm sure you do, some days it's the only thing that gets me through.

In the meantime, sounds like we have a lot in common. Feel free to message me anytime if you need words of encouragement or just a fellow Michael lover to talk to!



The Movie Theory / Re: Stephen King's Movie "It" similarities or ??
« on: December 28, 2009, 10:06:39 PM »
That is very interesting. Michael loves Stephen King. It's very possible that inspired him a bit.

This Is It / THE MAN
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:12:35 PM »
I think another big clue in TII is how Kenny Ortega (and perhaps a few others) refer to Michael as "The man" 3 or 4 times (always with an emphasis, almost as it is meant to be an obvious clue).

The reason this is significant is because of the lyrics used at MJ's memorial "I'm alive and here forever" - From his song called "The Man". The lyrics of this song represent this entire hoax, I believe. It might be a long-shot since this song was done SO long ago, but who knows, maybe Michael has been planning this longer than we can imagine. :D


There's a man
Who plays the game of life so well
Ooh, there's such a man
His thoughts you can never tell, ooh
And it's just the way he
Thought it would be
'cause the day has come
For him to be free
I'm alive and I'm here forever

This is the man
And it's just the way she
Thought it would be
As he says, something has
Happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks
And rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man

There's a man
Everybody thought they knew
Ooh, there's such a man
He's not like me and you, ooh

And it's just the way she
Thought it would be
As he says, something has
Happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks
And rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man

And it's just the way she
Thought it would be
As he says, something has
Happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks
And rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man

And it's just the way she
Thought it would be
As he says, something has
Happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks
And rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
(this is the man)
Ooh yeah
(ooh, yeah)
This is the man
(this is the man)
This is the man

This Is It / Re: KO:we're all here because of him...
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:04:52 PM »
Quote from: "mjj29081958"
Quote from: "Missyb007"
Quote from: "nestra"
HELLO, I have a question regarding Thriller TII. When the souls are falling down durnig this song we can here another melody. Do u`ve any idea where this melody comes from? Do u recognize it?

wasn't that threatened?

Yes, it's Threatened's music!

When the souls are falling down and it looks like its raining or tears or something, that whole thing is from Michael Jackson's "Ghosts" film.

PS. I think all the dancers in that piece represent Michael's fans. Check out my post:

This Is It / Thriller/Meaning
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:19:29 PM »
Hey guys! This is my first post here, I just joined but have been following the site regularly. I think the Thriller performance was a very big clue. The entire thing is spelled out for us. The music stops suddenly from "Thriller" and Michael and his dancers (represent his fans) "die" (on the cross). This is symbolic in that when Michael "died" we all felt like apart of us died, didn't we? We stood still, LIFE stood still. And then the song "Threatened" comes on (which isn't that well known, probably why no lyrics were used, but true fans would know the meaning of the song) and all the dancers (fans) start going CRAZY (dancing really funky, no unison in their dance)! The lyrics of the song talk about a monster, but the lyrics do say "I'm not a ghost from Hell", meaning Michael didn't really die, but he's going to seem like a monster or a zombie at first...people will not believe their eyes/ears. Then the fans start to seem to gravitate toward the same dance moves (they are realizing all of the clues in the death hoax), they talk (dance) amongst themselve until they seem to have figured most of it out (dancing in unison), meanwhile Michael is slowly rising up in the background (his clues are surfacing, he's getting closer to revealing himself/the hoax). The dancers slowly fade away as Michael's dancing takes over (people stop talking about the "psycho hoax believers) and focus on Michael Jackson who has, seemingly, come back from the DEAD. "Is that really him?", "What is going on?" ....Everything eventually gets quite as Michael poses one last time to show that it really is him, followed by the old man's laugh from the end of "Thriller", laughter because the joke is on THEM (the media, government conpiracies, etc...)!

I think the darkness and flashlight referrence at the end could have meant a few different things, but my interpretation, what I find the most truth in, is that after he reveals himself he is going to have to hide again. There are going to be some very angry people when they find out that somebody (let alone MICHAEL JACKSON who a lot of conservative Republicans may not admit they like) faked his death and SUCCEEDED. Michael was barely able to show his face in public before this whole thing, imagine the danger and HELL he might have to go through now. And I do just mean initially, it will be okay once everyone has a chance to process it and once Michael has a chance to explain himself (which he will do in a way that makes HIStory).

I could never compare myself to Michael Jackson on any level. However, him and I do share the same (if not, very similar) personality type. Not only am I believer in the hoax, but I am a knower. I KNOW this is the truth. I can see what he was trying to do and what message he was trying to send. I would bet my last dollar and everyone I love on the fact that Michael Jackson did not die. And I would be my last dollar (but maybe not the ones I love) that he is going to come back and reveal it all to us. I do not feel in my heart that Michael would do this in vain. He believes in truth, and THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!

This Is It / Re: Thriller/crucifixion
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:17:32 PM »
Hey guys! This is my first post here, I just joined but have been following the site regularly. I think the Thriller performance was a very big clue. The entire thing is spelled out for us. The music stops suddenly from "Thriller" and Michael and his dancers (represent his fans) "die" (on the cross). This is symbolic in that when Michael "died" we all felt like apart of us died, didn't we? We stood still, LIFE stood still. And then the song "Threatened" comes on (which isn't that well known, probably why no lyrics were used, but true fans would know the meaning of the song) and all the dancers (fans) start going CRAZY (dancing really funky, no unison in their dance)! The lyrics of the song talk about a monster, but the lyrics do say "I'm not a ghost from Hell", meaning Michael didn't really die, but he's going to seem like a monster or a zombie at first...people will not believe their eyes/ears. Then the fans start to seem to gravitate toward the same dance moves (they are realizing all of the clues in the death hoax), they talk (dance) amongst themselve until they seem to have figured most of it out (dancing in unison), meanwhile Michael is slowly rising up in the background (his clues are surfacing, he's getting closer to revealing himself/the hoax). The dancers slowly fade away as Michael's dancing takes over (people stop talking about the "psycho hoax believers) and focus on Michael Jackson who has, seemingly, come back from the DEAD. "Is that really him?", "What is going on?" ....Everything eventually gets quite as Michael poses one last time to show that it really is him, followed by the old man's laugh from the end of "Thriller", laughter because the joke is on THEM (the media, government conpiracies, etc...)!

I think the darkness and flashlight referrence at the end could have meant a few different things, but my interpretation, what I find the most truth in, is that after he reveals himself  he is going to have to hide again. There are going to be some very angry people when they find out that somebody (let alone MICHAEL JACKSON who a lot of conservative Republicans may not admit they like) faked his death and SUCCEEDED. Michael was barely able to show his face in public before this whole thing, imagine the danger and HELL he might have to go through now. And I do just mean initially, it will be okay once everyone has a chance to process it and once Michael has a chance to explain himself (which he will do in a way that makes HIStory).

I could never compare myself to Michael Jackson on any level. However, him and I do share the same (if not, very similar) personality type. Not only am I believer in the hoax, but I am a knower. I KNOW this is the truth. I can see what he was trying to do and what message he was trying to send. I would bet my last dollar and everyone I love on the fact that Michael Jackson did not die. And I would be my last dollar (but maybe not the ones I love) that he is going to come back and reveal it all to us. I do not feel in my heart that Michael would do this in vain. He believes in truth, and THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!

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