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TIAI & TS Discussions / Re: July Bam?
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:19:53 PM »
In my opinion, I don't think any of us can predict the date or even month Michael decides to BAM on. We can estimate by going with our gut feelings or by using our numerology techniques, but ultimately we cannot be certain. The only one who knows the BAM date, IF there is even a BAM date, is Michael Jackson himself. While talented and larger than life, Michael is still a human being with flaws and the ability to make his own decisions - just like the rest of us. We aren't psychics, we can't see or predict the future, all we can do is hope and do the best we can to estimate the BAM date.

Plus, knowing Michael, if he is indeed reading this forum, he would want to surprise not only the world, but we fans. So, if fans on this forum are saying that Michael is going to BAM in December 2012, then I think Michael would decide to cross December 2012 off of the potential BAM months list in order for his BAM to be a complete surprise to all of us. We have to remember that Michael is an extraordinary entertainer who's job is to entertain audiences and astound them. Would he be entertaining and astounding us if he BAMed on a date predicted by fans? I personally don't think so, which is why I think it's kind of pointless to even try to predict a BAM date.

Also, I find it a little unfair on Michael to say "If he doesn't BAM on THIS date, then he is NEVER going to BAM". Michael doesn't want us giving up on him no matter what. If he doesn't BAM on our estimated date, it doesn't mean he's never going to BAM, it just means we estimated wrong. We just can't be certain, so there's no point giving up on Michael and the BAM if he doesn't come back on the date(s) we have estimated.

Michael's a genius - leave the BAM up to him. Let him shock us. Let him shock THE WORLD. But only if he wants to and feels it's safe to do so. Trying to guess the BAM date takes the fun out of the BAM, just like spoiling someone's hiding spot in "Hide And Go Seek" takes the fun out of the game. ;)

In your dreams, Bieber.

Charities / Re: Out of the mind of a 5 year old
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:17:39 AM »
Aww sooo sweet! Thank you for sharing! :) God Bless you and your children!

Other Hoaxes / Re: Lisa Lopez
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:08:49 AM »
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@Iwantyouback, that is your opinion as you stated but what I don’t understand is why you would be bothered by someone else’s belief :icon_question:  There is a lot of stuff about lots of deaths that can be brought into question if investigated long and hard enough.  Michael’s death however is the one we choose to investigate here.  I still have doubts about Lisa Lopez’s death possibly because long before Michael’s hoax, some of us talked about it and found some things that just didn’t add up.  Not to change anyone elses’ opinion.  I just brought it up since other “suspicious deaths” have been tossed around here and there.

I already stated why in my earlier post - because talking about other celebrities hoaxing their death who aren't even nearly as relevant and powerful as Michael makes Michael's hoax seem untrue and not as legitimate. I never intended that post to be anything personal towards you or any other user on this forum, it's just my humble opinion. And since this is a public forum, every user has the right to post their opinion, unless stated so otherwise. You posted your opinion by starting this thread, and I replied with my opinion. Absolutely nothing personal towards you or anyone else. I respect you and your opinion. My opinion doesn't change in Whitney Houston's case, Amy Whinehouse's case, or any other celebrity who has passed on other than Michael.

Other Hoaxes / Re: Lisa Lopez
« on: June 17, 2012, 07:24:59 PM »
I think she's dead.

To be completely honest, it kind of bothers me when some people think that other celebrities may have faked their death. It makes Michael's hoax seem a little untrue and not as legitimate. Michael Jackson is the most famous man to ever live and always will be known as that. Michael is in extremely high places in Hollywood, if not THE highest place, and can pull off absolutely ANYTHING he wants to, especially a death hoax - he has the right supplies and resources and the right contacts. But please don't get me wrong, you are totally entitled to your opinion and I do respect your opinion. I just think that every celebrity who has died is indeed dead, except for Michael. This is because in Michael's case, there are actually some astounding pieces of evidence that without a doubt point to a death hoax. Whereas in this case, I don't think there is enough evidence. I also don't believe there is enough evidence surrounding Whitney Houston's death either, same goes for Amy Whinehouse and Elizabeth Taylor. Just my opinion though - absolutely nothing personal. God Bless you. ^_^

Neverland / Re: Michael says, "It won't be opened until I'm dead"
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:02:26 PM »
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Many things happened since this was said. Michael also said he would never go back to Neverland.

True, but Michael also said that he wouldn't ever sell it, which he hasn't. Also, ever since he "passed", Neverland has been getting fixed up. SUVs have been pulling in and out of the gates every day, helicopters have landed and taken off, and there have been many interesting sightings in and around Neverland. I have witnessed all of these things at Neverland myself. And since Michael stated he would never go back, I believe Neverland would be the PERFECT place to hide out, because everyone thinks he would never go back there. ;)

I just find it weird that Michael was planning something SO far in advance - it's like he knew he was going to "die" at 50.

The Movie Theory / Re: Your Thoughts On This.............
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:51:32 AM »
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Yep iwantyouback..... i mean the dude has innovated music, performing,, humanity, dancing... only art left for him to innovate and take over is film. He already said in many interviews how much he loved film and in one interview said that the MAJORITY of his time will be spent on film in the near future. He is a creative genius and so mysterious at the same time in my mind thats the only thing that makes sense to me.

So true! I never thought of it that way before!

The Movie Theory / Re: Your Thoughts On This.............
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:32:27 AM »
You have a great thought there, YoungMack! This is Michael Jackson - the man is capable of anything! He is so imaginative and innovative, who knows what he has up his sleeve! It could very well be a movie unlike anyone has ever seen before.

Neverland / Michael says, "It won't be opened until I'm dead"
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:23:59 AM »
Hey everyone! I hope all is well with all of you!

So, I got the My Friend Michael book by Frank Cascio for Christmas. I didn't start reading it until two nights ago. I read a chapter per night. Last night, I read the chapter titled "The Ranch", which is a chapter about Neverland. I found something that I feel is extremely odd! The names in [brackets] were added by me so then there isn't any confusion about who is speaking in the book.

On page 27, Frank Cascio writes, "It may have been during that trip - certainly it was during one of them, and there were many - that while driving me around in a golf cart, Michael started talking about how his Neverland was going to be like Elvis's Graceland. In a deliberately nasal tour guide's voice, he began to narrate: 'If you look to the right, you will see the water balloon fort. Michael won many a battle on that field...' 'When do you plan on making this happen?' I [Frank Cascio] asked. 'I'm planning it right now,' he [Michael] responded. 'But it won't be opened until I'm dead.'"

In the chapter, Mr. Cascio states that this visit to Neverland was right before the Dangerous tour, so Michael was in his thirties, his early thirties. It sounds to me that Michael knew he was going to die at a young age, or he was PLANNING to die at a young age, because why in the world would anyone plan to open something almost 50 years in advance? Surely if Michael didn't "die" at 50, he would have died at a normal old age like 70+, right? It just sounds like he was planning to die - at least, that's how I took it. I think MJ was planning to open a tour/museum. But again, if he did indeed die unexpectedly at 50, why so in advance? If he did die at 50, he wouldn't have known that, so when he was in his thirties, why plan a tour/museum 50+ years in advance? It doesn't really make sense...

What do you guys think? What was Michael planning to open? Just for your reference, I have attached a photo of the page that this was written on. I'm excited to read your thoughts! :)

God Bless you all and I hope you have a great week!

General Hoax Talk / Re: BAM!!
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:56:15 PM »
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I don't think we are allowed to know quite what bamsday will look like. I can't even envision it myself. It will be unprecedented, that is all I know for sure.

Amen!  :bowdown:

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 08:18:57 PM »
Okay, now that this thread has been reopened we can finally get back to the real discussion.

Love4Michael, thanks for your input. Your scenarios are definitely possible, but I'm pretty sure that he didn't say "she". I asked my family, and they agree that he definitely said he. As for the Mexican Man, I am still looking through my pictures to see if I can spot him. I took over 200 photos so give me a little bit of time and I'll take a closer look! :)

Beautiful drawings, guys! You all have LOADS of talent to share with the world! God Bless you all! Much love! :)

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:10:00 PM »
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Last I checked, you don't make the rules.

I don't think you need me to ruin your reputation. You are very young which is why I will let this sink in for a few days. Perhaps the lesson to be learned should be this: if you cannot handle a full range of feedback on what you write down, do not put it on the internet.

Last time I checked, I didn't claim to make the rules of this forum as a whole. But since it's my thread and my story, I do believe that I have the right to ask for whatever I want as long as it follows the general forum rules that all threads must follow. Also, that "rule" isn't a rule I made. It's been around the world and around the internet for years. It's the classic saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". The same goes with what you posted in my thread and the same goes with you implying that I fabricated the story. I didn't create that rule, but I think it's a rule that everyone should try to follow.

Also, just because I am young doesn't mean that I don't know what I can and should post online. I've created 5 popular websites and helped create another 4 (,, to name a few). I also ran an internet safety program in my city for over a year, which was designed to help keep children safe online. I have A LOT of internet experience. I know what I'm capable of posting online and when I should post it.

I'm also a singer with a YouTube Channel and my own website. This isn't the only time someone has attacked me with negativity. I've been on the internet since I was 8 years old, I'm used to taking positive and negative feedback accordingly. I've been through a lot worse than this so I don't think it's fair for you to judge me on what I can or cannot handle. And also, when you live with 2 brothers and have been bullied at school, you learn how to handle negativity. And sitting back and letting someone rank on you isn't how you handle it. And, to be honest, I think I handled your comment quite well actually. I never went personal on you, Bec. I never put your reputation at risk, I never called you a liar, I didn't do anything to hurt you personally. In fact, I think I've complemented you on this thread a number of times. All I did was stand up for myself. In my opinion, if I didn't handle your comment well, I would have deleted all of my posts in this thread and gotten a moderator to close the thread and never, ever came on this forum again. That would be not handling it for me. You don't know me personally, you don't know what I've been through or what I am capable of handling.

And come on, you have to admit that your words are taken more seriously than those of a regular user. You're a moderator and I'm just a norm. If you claim that I'm a liar the community is going to believe you because you are a moderator who has a high reputation. You're in higher places. I've been a forum moderator before on another fansite, I know what it's like to be near the top of the pyramid on a popular forum. It's politics. Do you think the people of America are more likely to listen to Barack Obama or the cashier at Wal-Mart?

@Love4Michael I know that you all weren't there with me that day at Neverland. I know you all won't have the answer to what happened on that day. That's why I tried to describe what happened the best way that I could. I even provided visuals. All I was asking was that based on what you read in this thread, what is your opinion? It's not evidence. There's nothing to debunk or highly investigate. It was simply an experience that I had and I was just looking to share it with you guys to see what you all thought of it. And who's to say that a user here didn't have a similar experience one day? Surely users can give a little bit of an opinion based on what they have read - it looks like you did. You created 4 scenarios. If those aren't opinions on what the guard could have meant, I don't know what are. So thank you for your input. Input on the guard and the Mexican Man is really all I was looking for. As for your third scenario, I can guarantee everyone that he didn't say "she". My brother and my Dad heard "he" as well, and they don't even believe in the hoax let alone even consider themselves to be big fans of Michael.

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:16:34 PM »
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Because I believe that there is a collective interest of the whole to retain the credibility for the community by challenging shared information that, in my opinion and experience, seems questionable. I believe it advances the conversation forward.

But, in this case, it didn't advance the conversation forward. We're no longer discussing what the guard had said and/or what the Mexican Man was doing let alone who he even was. This didn't advance the conversation forward at all. If anything, it completely interrupted it and stopped it. Now half of my thread is  a debate that didn't even have to start if you had just left it alone and let me go about my business by asking for opinions about the guard and the Mexican Man.

I would understand why you would imply that the whole story is questionable and potentially untrue if I had submitted this story as evidence from an unknown person who has a question mark for a profile picture, no name, and is from an unknown city. But I didn't. This was my personal story about my experience to Neverland and I described it just as I would walking up to McDonald's with my best friend. I had a goal in mind when I started this thread. And that goal was to get opinions on the guard and the Mexican Man. Questioning the story and implying that it may actually be false isn't what I was looking for and your comment completely turned the whole point of this thread upside-down. If you had doubts about my story, you could have just left the thread alone and let the people who do believe it discuss it instead of trying to convince everyone that I'm lying like you did in your second post in this thread.

Not only did you interrupt and completely stop the discussion, you didn't even provide a reason as to why you thought the story was far out. You didn't elaborate or anything, which also points to the fact that your post simply didn't belong in this thead and that it wasn't really needed. If your plan was truly to advance the conversation forward, you should have provided a little more proof as to why you think that the story is untrue. But you posted one little sentence that wasn't informative. It didn't help anything, it only sparked a huge debate that hurt feelings and reputations. It could have easily been avoided if you had just given your opinion of the guard and Mexican Man - which is truly all I wanted. Or, since you didn't believe my story, you could have just done nothing.

As for the definitions you have included, I honestly don't care which words you used. All I know is that I was a bit offended by your post and I honestly felt that it didn't even belong in the thread.

It comes down to this simple rule: If you don't believe in the subject of the thread, don't post in it.

Neverland / Re: My Interesting Experience At Neverland
« on: May 07, 2012, 01:52:36 PM »
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IMO, no harm in feeling a person out.  IWantYouBack, people here are generally going to read, but not necessarily take everything as 'Gospel truth'. We have to do that with everything, since we're not there in person. It's our job to weigh everything.  Scientists would consider your story anecdotal evidence, but still of some worth.  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login   You also know there's train load of garbage out there written about MJ (which amazingly appears to many to be true), so...   But hey, that's okay!  Your story is put on record here and goes with all the other anecdotal evidence. I'd say the sources for evidence for MJ being alive probably falls into all kinds of catagories--media, family, TS, Front (Back), associates, friends, foes, and fans.  Each piece (maybe thousands by now :icon_mrgreen:) could be rated-- possible, interesting, obvious, and cause for celebration/share with outsiders!

I'm extremely thankful for the tough but loving 'watchdogs' that Souza and Bec are.  Front rates them high as  well.  You should really appreciate that fact more and relax and smile!  Remember American Idol and how much everyone valued Simon's honest opinions--that's cuz he's astute/rasor sharp!
I enjoyed your Earth Song, and previous Justin song! It always gives me chills--that song is so poignant for our time.

MJOnMind, thank you for your nice post and thank you for all of your kind words on my singing. I really appreciate it! You're really nice! ^_^

I understand what you are saying. I understand that not everyone is going to take it as the gospel truth and I understand that we have to weigh certain things. That's what investigating is all about! We live for that here! But the thing is, I think those rules are different when it comes to my thread.

I don't think my thread falls under these rules because I wasn't trying to provide evidence of Michael being alive and hiding at Neverland that we can all weigh and debunk. I simply shared my experience at Neverland, like I would do in my own personal blog or on a Facebook Status. I didn't share it with everyone because I thought it was evidence. I simply shared it to get other members' opinions on the guard and on the Mexican Man. I wanted to see if other beLIEvers thought that my experience was a little bit weird or if it was something that any fan could experience whenever they visit Neverland. That's all I was asking. I didn't copy and paste this story from another website for all of us to debunk like some of the pictures of Michael's handwriting found on Facebook. This was just my personal story about my visit to Neverland. It was my journey and I wanted to share it with you all just to see if any other fans have experienced something similar and to get opinions on the guard and on the Mexican Man. That's all I wanted. And if all I was asking for were opinions on the Mexican Man and the guard, I don't see why Bec needed to imply that I was a liar and that my story was false. I feel that if she didn't believe my story, she just could have left the thread alone without posting anything or hurting anyone's feelings. I don't blame Bec for thinking twice about my story because she wasn't with me when I visited Neverland. She didn't experience what happened. But I don't think it was really necessary to imply that I was a liar because I did not submit this story as some kind of evidence. It was just a personal story that I would share in a blog. It wasn't evidence nor did I ever say it was evidence.

I appreciate, respect, and love every member here on the forum. We are a family. And when I'm in a debate, I don't have anything personal against the person I'm debating with. I'm just stating what I think is right. I truly do appreciate Bec and Souza. I look up to them. They do fantastic work here and I really respect them. I've said that in a few posts in this thread. I thanked Bec for taking the time out to read my story. I'm very grateful for her time. But all I'm saying is that since I was just sharing my story like I would share it on my blog or on my way walking up to McDonald's with my best friend, I don't think there was any need to imply that I was a liar. If I had found this story on another website and posted it up, then I wouldn't even think twice about Bec's opinion because we would all be weighing and trying to debunk it. If this thread happened that way, then I would have been submitting it as evidence. But again, that's not what this was. It was my personal experience at Neverland. I just thought I'd share an experience I had while on summer vacation, and then I ended up getting called a liar, which I think wasn't necessary.

But don't get me wrong, I love, appreciate, and respect Bec and ALL of the users on this forum. You all are my family and I feel like I can tell you guys anything, which is great. I'm very grateful for all of you here and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I just hope no one is taking what I am saying personally because I have nothing against Bec or anyone else on this forum. I'm just stating my opinion and what I believe in.

But thank you again for reading my thread and for all of your kind words. :) I really appreciate it.

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