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Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 04, 2010, 11:05:06 AM
First of all, I'll start with Elvis, I without a doubt believe Elvis "faked" his death, but he didn't do intentionally, from all the investigative articles I read on how this is so much mystery around his death, I did find one article that did seal the deal for me on that he's alive. It was that Elvis was found in a coma-state when arriving at the hospital, and some orderlies at the hospital seen a body being wheeled down the hall with a white sheet, and asked if it was Elvis, not sure on who shook their head "yes", but then that spread like wild fire that Elvis was dead, when he did come out of the coma, his dad has told him, "son, the world thinks your dead", "but if you continue this lifestyle of drugs, you will be dead". I  believe the Elvis "death" is going to come out this year more. When on u-tube go to Jimmythejam and look at the AUDIO videos of a man claiming to be Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, Sivle Aora, (which is Evlis Aron spelt backwards). Which in question has always been the spelling of Elvis middle name of Aaron, which he legally changed to Aron, (with 1 A) on his contracts, birth certificate, etc... now look at his head stone at Graceland, it has Aaron. HHmmm, seems like he have the same issues with Joe, or Joseph too. I have loved Elvis all my youth, and I listen to that guy under Jimmythejam, I'm convinced without a doubt that is Elvis. He even goes on to say in the audio, he doesn't claim to be Elvis, he won't tell you what his real name is, he is Elvis in spirit, that just want to make people happy with the Elvis songs he sings. He talks about Elvis is dead, and died on August 16, 1977, and I believe he is leaving soooo many hints, that is he Elvis, but "the Elvis" that all his fans loved, that was on drugs, he no longer is that Elvis. I was blown away by the audio from Jimmythejam. Also anoymous singer dropped a record off at record label familar with Elvis, never left his name, but told the secretary he would know who it is. The name of the song is SPELLING ON THE STONE. Check those u-tube videos out. Now what does this have to do with Michael????  
1.  Spelling of middle name, Joe vs Joseph, Aaron vs Aron
2   Michael was quoted to Lisa Marie, that he didn't want to go out like Elvis. I truly believe Michael did have a prescription drug issue( now that's my opinion) and with Elvis he was given another chance to clean up or die, could Michael feel that he was also faced with the same issues.
3.  Elvis was very, very into the goverment, he actually got his US Marshalls badge from President Nixon, and was very close to Nixon, and then Carter. He also had 663 death threats on his life, (quoted from a invesitigation on his mystery "death", and had a member of the US Marshalls posing as a member of his band. Michael also had strong relations with Clinton.
4.  When an inventory of stuff was done on Elvis's belongings, A PLANE WAS MISSING, YES A PLANE, over 90% of his jewerly was gone, 1 million dollar checking account just vanished among other too long to mention.
5.  This Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows (which is an alias Elvis used for checking into hotels), did start to surface late 2008 on u-tube, but all of 2009, not one audio/video was posted by Jimmythejam, with many many requests as to where the Mystery Man went too.
6.  Is is possible that Elvis used his plane that just seemed to have vanished to help Michael fly out? For his would be private plane, no one would know who's on board.
7. Jon Cotner, (many alias's of Elvis) has stated in audio that the "real Elvis wouldn't make a comeback, for one- his fans, and two- it was a lifestyle with no privacy, to lead a normal life, it was a lifestyle he tried so hard to escape from. I know Michael felt the same way, couldn't go shoppinig, had to wear disguises, he so also desired to lead a "normal life".
8. I found it "weird" my word I'll use, that in 2009, this Jon Cotner was NOT heard from, and now Jan 16-2010, he has re-surfaced again on u-tube. Is it possible that he was helping Michael "plan his escape" because he has so far eluded us for 35 plus years. Elvis & Michael might have been different style singers, but both had the desire to lead normal lives, free of drugs, both very active in the goverment, (not really sure on what extent, but maybe close enough to have new identities, especially since Elvis had numerous death threats, and it was rumored that he also had either family members, that were active in illegal drugs, and could have possibly ruined his career for what he knew, (that was why the US Marshall posed a member of his band-for protection also) , like the molestation charges on Michael.
9.  Now that I see this Jon Cotner has come out in 2010 with more audio, describing his life of "Elvis", but not claiming to be Elvis, (for that is the lifestlyle he no longer is associated with) but is singing all Elvis's music, is it possible Michael could stay in hiding, and come out singing, but "sounding alot like Michael Jackson".
10. Both wanted to make a difference in the world, with many of the same desires.
11.  Elvis's autopsy report was TWO pages long, with the middle name Aaron, spelled wrong, and handwriting analysis proved that Elvis actually wrote his own death certificate.
12. a life insurance policy for Elvis is still not cashed in..... also Michael has one outstanding not cashed in....for that would open his family up for charges of fraud.
13. In some of Elvis's interviews he uses the phrase "final curtain call"

There is a couple pics of this Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, etc.... on Jimmythejam u-tube channel, you be the judge is it Elvis? And how do you get away with being noticed? DENY, DENY, DENY!!! alot of people "look like & sound like" other people, what do you hear them say? "Yea, I hear that alot that I look like him/her"  
I'll be on lookout (or audio) for any new singer, sounding alot like MIKE!!
If any other members have any other "similarities" of Elvis & Michael please share them!
I know Elvis has been rumored since his "death" not to have died, and its because of the MYSTERY THAT SURROUNDS IT.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 04, 2010, 06:37:02 PM
LoveShyMichael, Welcome, A very interesting post with lots of details I didn't know about. I just don't know what to think about Elvis and whether he is alive or dead. I believe he must be dead but it's not beyond a doubt. Certainly the points you talk about makes me wonder. I have an open mind on this topic. Wouldn't it be amazing if EP is still alive. I always remember the 16th of August 1977 as it was my older brother's eleventh birthday. If EP is still alive, he would be THE person to speak with.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 04, 2010, 06:46:11 PM
Quote from: "LoveShyMichael"
First of all, I'll start with Elvis, I without a doubt believe Elvis "faked" his death, but he didn't do intentionally, from all the investigative articles I read on how this is so much mystery around his death, I did find one article that did seal the deal for me on that he's alive. It was that Elvis was found in a coma-state when arriving at the hospital, and some orderlies at the hospital seen a body being wheeled down the hall with a white sheet, and asked if it was Elvis, not sure on who shook their head "yes", but then that spread like wild fire that Elvis was dead, when he did come out of the coma, his dad has told him, "son, the world thinks your dead", "but if you continue this lifestyle of drugs, you will be dead". I  believe the Elvis "death" is going to come out this year more. When on u-tube go to Jimmythejam and look at the AUDIO videos of a man claiming to be Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, Sivle Aora, (which is Evlis Aron spelt backwards). Which in question has always been the spelling of Elvis middle name of Aaron, which he legally changed to Aron, (with 1 A) on his contracts, birth certificate, etc... now look at his head stone at Graceland, it has Aaron. HHmmm, seems like he have the same issues with Joe, or Joseph too. I have loved Elvis all my youth, and I listen to that guy under Jimmythejam, I'm convinced without a doubt that is Elvis. He even goes on to say in the audio, he doesn't claim to be Elvis, he won't tell you what his real name is, he is Elvis in spirit, that just want to make people happy with the Elvis songs he sings. He talks about Elvis is dead, and died on August 16, 1977, and I believe he is leaving soooo many hints, that is he Elvis, but "the Elvis" that all his fans loved, that was on drugs, he no longer is that Elvis. I was blown away by the audio from Jimmythejam. Also anoymous singer dropped a record off at record label familar with Elvis, never left his name, but told the secretary he would know who it is. The name of the song is SPELLING ON THE STONE. Check those u-tube videos out. Now what does this have to do with Michael????  
1.  Spelling of middle name, Joe vs Joseph, Aaron vs Aron
2   Michael was quoted to Lisa Marie, that he didn't want to go out like Elvis. I truly believe Michael did have a prescription drug issue( now that's my opinion) and with Elvis he was given another chance to clean up or die, could Michael feel that he was also faced with the same issues.
3.  Elvis was very, very into the goverment, he actually got his US Marshalls badge from President Nixon, and was very close to Nixon, and then Carter. He also had 663 death threats on his life, (quoted from a invesitigation on his mystery "death", and had a member of the US Marshalls posing as a member of his band. Michael also had strong relations with Clinton.
4.  When an inventory of stuff was done on Elvis's belongings, A PLANE WAS MISSING, YES A PLANE, over 90% of his jewerly was gone, 1 million dollar checking account just vanished among other too long to mention.
5.  This Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows (which is an alias Elvis used for checking into hotels), did start to surface late 2008 on u-tube, but all of 2009, not one audio/video was posted by Jimmythejam, with many many requests as to where the Mystery Man went too.
6.  Is is possible that Elvis used his plane that just seemed to have vanished to help Michael fly out? For his would be private plane, no one would know who's on board.
7. Jon Cotner, (many alias's of Elvis) has stated in audio that the "real Elvis wouldn't make a comeback, for one- his fans, and two- it was a lifestyle with no privacy, to lead a normal life, it was a lifestyle he tried so hard to escape from. I know Michael felt the same way, couldn't go shoppinig, had to wear disguises, he so also desired to lead a "normal life".
8. I found it "weird" my word I'll use, that in 2009, this Jon Cotner was NOT heard from, and now Jan 16-2010, he has re-surfaced again on u-tube. Is it possible that he was helping Michael "plan his escape" because he has so far eluded us for 35 plus years. Elvis & Michael might have been different style singers, but both had the desire to lead normal lives, free of drugs, both very active in the goverment, (not really sure on what extent, but maybe close enough to have new identities, especially since Elvis had numerous death threats, and it was rumored that he also had either family members, that were active in illegal drugs, and could have possibly ruined his career for what he knew, (that was why the US Marshall posed a member of his band-for protection also) , like the molestation charges on Michael.
9.  Now that I see this Jon Cotner has come out in 2010 with more audio, describing his life of "Elvis", but not claiming to be Elvis, (for that is the lifestlyle he no longer is associated with) but is singing all Elvis's music, is it possible Michael could stay in hiding, and come out singing, but "sounding alot like Michael Jackson".
10. Both wanted to make a difference in the world, with many of the same desires.
11.  Elvis's autopsy report was TWO pages long, with the middle name Aaron, spelled wrong, and handwriting analysis proved that Elvis actually wrote his own death certificate.
12. a life insurance policy for Elvis is still not cashed in..... also Michael has one outstanding not cashed in....for that would open his family up for charges of fraud.
13. In some of Elvis's interviews he uses the phrase "final curtain call"

There is a couple pics of this Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, etc.... on Jimmythejam u-tube channel, you be the judge is it Elvis? And how do you get away with being noticed? DENY, DENY, DENY!!! alot of people "look like & sound like" other people, what do you hear them say? "Yea, I hear that alot that I look like him/her"  
I'll be on lookout (or audio) for any new singer, sounding alot like MIKE!!
If any other members have any other "similarities" of Elvis & Michael please share them!
I know Elvis has been rumored since his "death" not to have died, and its because of the MYSTERY THAT SURROUNDS IT.
sorry i do not believe elvis is alive i think he died when they said he did, simple, i dont think any human being would be able to stay hidden away this long it would drive me mad, plus there is 20 times the proof that mj is alive, where as elvis there was none.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 04, 2010, 08:29:46 PM
Quote from: "JACKSONGIRL"
Quote from: "LoveShyMichael"
First of all, I'll start with Elvis, I without a doubt believe Elvis "faked" his death, but he didn't do intentionally, from all the investigative articles I read on how this is so much mystery around his death, I did find one article that did seal the deal for me on that he's alive. It was that Elvis was found in a coma-state when arriving at the hospital, and some orderlies at the hospital seen a body being wheeled down the hall with a white sheet, and asked if it was Elvis, not sure on who shook their head "yes", but then that spread like wild fire that Elvis was dead, when he did come out of the coma, his dad has told him, "son, the world thinks your dead", "but if you continue this lifestyle of drugs, you will be dead". I  believe the Elvis "death" is going to come out this year more. When on u-tube go to Jimmythejam and look at the AUDIO videos of a man claiming to be Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, Sivle Aora, (which is Evlis Aron spelt backwards). Which in question has always been the spelling of Elvis middle name of Aaron, which he legally changed to Aron, (with 1 A) on his contracts, birth certificate, etc... now look at his head stone at Graceland, it has Aaron. HHmmm, seems like he have the same issues with Joe, or Joseph too. I have loved Elvis all my youth, and I listen to that guy under Jimmythejam, I'm convinced without a doubt that is Elvis. He even goes on to say in the audio, he doesn't claim to be Elvis, he won't tell you what his real name is, he is Elvis in spirit, that just want to make people happy with the Elvis songs he sings. He talks about Elvis is dead, and died on August 16, 1977, and I believe he is leaving soooo many hints, that is he Elvis, but "the Elvis" that all his fans loved, that was on drugs, he no longer is that Elvis. I was blown away by the audio from Jimmythejam. Also anoymous singer dropped a record off at record label familar with Elvis, never left his name, but told the secretary he would know who it is. The name of the song is SPELLING ON THE STONE. Check those u-tube videos out. Now what does this have to do with Michael????  
1.  Spelling of middle name, Joe vs Joseph, Aaron vs Aron
2   Michael was quoted to Lisa Marie, that he didn't want to go out like Elvis. I truly believe Michael did have a prescription drug issue( now that's my opinion) and with Elvis he was given another chance to clean up or die, could Michael feel that he was also faced with the same issues.
3.  Elvis was very, very into the goverment, he actually got his US Marshalls badge from President Nixon, and was very close to Nixon, and then Carter. He also had 663 death threats on his life, (quoted from a invesitigation on his mystery "death", and had a member of the US Marshalls posing as a member of his band. Michael also had strong relations with Clinton.
4.  When an inventory of stuff was done on Elvis's belongings, A PLANE WAS MISSING, YES A PLANE, over 90% of his jewerly was gone, 1 million dollar checking account just vanished among other too long to mention.
5.  This Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows (which is an alias Elvis used for checking into hotels), did start to surface late 2008 on u-tube, but all of 2009, not one audio/video was posted by Jimmythejam, with many many requests as to where the Mystery Man went too.
6.  Is is possible that Elvis used his plane that just seemed to have vanished to help Michael fly out? For his would be private plane, no one would know who's on board.
7. Jon Cotner, (many alias's of Elvis) has stated in audio that the "real Elvis wouldn't make a comeback, for one- his fans, and two- it was a lifestyle with no privacy, to lead a normal life, it was a lifestyle he tried so hard to escape from. I know Michael felt the same way, couldn't go shoppinig, had to wear disguises, he so also desired to lead a "normal life".
8. I found it "weird" my word I'll use, that in 2009, this Jon Cotner was NOT heard from, and now Jan 16-2010, he has re-surfaced again on u-tube. Is it possible that he was helping Michael "plan his escape" because he has so far eluded us for 35 plus years. Elvis & Michael might have been different style singers, but both had the desire to lead normal lives, free of drugs, both very active in the goverment, (not really sure on what extent, but maybe close enough to have new identities, especially since Elvis had numerous death threats, and it was rumored that he also had either family members, that were active in illegal drugs, and could have possibly ruined his career for what he knew, (that was why the US Marshall posed a member of his band-for protection also) , like the molestation charges on Michael.
9.  Now that I see this Jon Cotner has come out in 2010 with more audio, describing his life of "Elvis", but not claiming to be Elvis, (for that is the lifestlyle he no longer is associated with) but is singing all Elvis's music, is it possible Michael could stay in hiding, and come out singing, but "sounding alot like Michael Jackson".
10. Both wanted to make a difference in the world, with many of the same desires.
11.  Elvis's autopsy report was TWO pages long, with the middle name Aaron, spelled wrong, and handwriting analysis proved that Elvis actually wrote his own death certificate.
12. a life insurance policy for Elvis is still not cashed in..... also Michael has one outstanding not cashed in....for that would open his family up for charges of fraud.
13. In some of Elvis's interviews he uses the phrase "final curtain call"

There is a couple pics of this Jon Cotner, Jon Burrows, etc.... on Jimmythejam u-tube channel, you be the judge is it Elvis? And how do you get away with being noticed? DENY, DENY, DENY!!! alot of people "look like & sound like" other people, what do you hear them say? "Yea, I hear that alot that I look like him/her"  
I'll be on lookout (or audio) for any new singer, sounding alot like MIKE!!
If any other members have any other "similarities" of Elvis & Michael please share them!
I know Elvis has been rumored since his "death" not to have died, and its because of the MYSTERY THAT SURROUNDS IT.
sorry i do not believe elvis is alive i think he died when they said he did, simple, i dont think any human being would be able to stay hidden away this long it would drive me mad, plus there is 20 times the proof that mj is alive, where as elvis there was none.

 Your right, "Elvis" did die on August 16, 1977, the drug addict Elvis, he was given another chance and took it, at the cost of his fans in mourning his death. I believe right now everyone seems to be wrapped up of what happened to Michael Jackson, but trust me, there is sooooooo much on Elvis, it's probably just because most people dont care, and believe the media.I believe its been 35 years, and most people move on with their lives, but any fan, even Michael's want answers. I'm not sure of your age, but you might be at the age not to really care, because you didn't grow up with him. Actually someone posted in the forum to check out an Elvis u-tube video for they thought the "hat man" was posing as Elvis. That just made me dig deeper, and believe me I didn't have to look far when I saw the Jon Cotner videos. Yes you are right it would be very hard to stay hidden, but because alot people resemble other celebrities, its alot easier to DENY, DENY, DENY!!!   Everyone has their opinion, and sometimes I just like to "think outside the box". Go ahead check u-tube out on Jon Cotner, or Jimmythejam, then you make the call. If you listen to the audio he talks about the same reasons why Michael wanted out, before it takes your life.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 05, 2010, 09:37:37 AM
LOL I cannot believe people still think Elvis is alive.... after 32 years.. people still do not get it
anyway I am friend with his cousin (Terry) and I know also his ex wife and sorry but Elvis is dead, he was a HUGE drug addict.... Now about Michael it is more possible that he faked his death
I live in Las Vegas and a lawyer (Bob Massi) was talking about Dr Murray and how much he is loved here and how people feel bad for him
I have a feeling he will only get  a slap on the hand or a little jail time
If Michael is really dead this is awful... if he is alive... one more clue?
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LoveShyMichaelTopic starter

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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 05, 2010, 07:20:22 PM
Quote from: "Hoaxornot"
LOL I cannot believe people still think Elvis is alive.... after 32 years.. people still do not get it
anyway I am friend with his cousin (Terry) and I know also his ex wife and sorry but Elvis is dead, he was a HUGE drug addict.... Now about Michael it is more possible that he faked his death
I live in Las Vegas and a lawyer (Bob Massi) was talking about Dr Murray and how much he is loved here and how people feel bad for him
I have a feeling he will only get  a slap on the hand or a little jail time
If Michael is really dead this is awful... if he is alive... one more clue?

The reason people still believe Elvis is alive is because there's too much to show he's alive than dead, just like Mike, Someone doesn't stay "alive" like Michael or Elvis unless there's proof to keep it going. You say Elvis being drug addict, I believe Michael also had a drug habit, he's even admitted that himself, just because they have 2 different styles of music, they are more alike than people realize. Remember medical doctors are the BIGGEST LEGAL DRUG DEALERS AROUND!!!
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 05, 2010, 07:42:39 PM
Especially doctors in Hollywood, some would say they are "enablers".
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 05, 2010, 08:17:11 PM
I totally agree with you loveshymichael! I have researched everything you have posted back in early December and came to the same conclusion as you! I think it is totally possible that there is an Elvis connection to Michael!
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 05, 2010, 08:49:40 PM
mjj4ever777, Can you tell me where the OP's December postings are? Are they under a different username?
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 06, 2010, 06:44:23 PM
Nope, I believe Elvis is dead 100%....i'm 50/50 with MJ...
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 06, 2010, 06:53:25 PM
Quote from: "mjj4ever777"
I totally agree with you loveshymichael! I have researched everything you have posted back in early December and came to the same conclusion as you! I think it is totally possible that there is an Elvis connection to Michael!

Thanks mjj4ever777, glad to hear someone else is thinkin on the same wave feeling, ( which alone can be scary...lol.. Michael has always said " what you don't see is always right in front of you". I mean who would think Elvis-yes-Elvis a man who's been "dead" for over 30 years, help Michael, we'll lets see.......... he's DONE IT!! Who not to go to to make sure all the right documents, finger prints, public records, etc... are all pointing to "he's dead"!! I believe Elvis was able to get away this long, because, DENY, DENY, DENY, I mean really who's to prove it is or isn't him? An average person like you or I would go broke trying to find those answers out, because there would be a price tag on that information, so we just accept what the media tells us.. Their both dead, boom, leave it, move on. I get the same response when I tell my co-workers I believe Michael is still alive, they think I'm just a fan who won't let it go, and won't accept his death. After all the clues I tell them..... hmmmm some are like, no way....now I've added Elvis to the hoax, and now they think I'm really crazzzzyyy!!!  Lisa Marie, was married to Michael, I really don't truly  believe they married for love, I believe it was to be able to keep contact with Elvis, with no questions being raised, even though it was many years before all this went down, but remember Michael is like a sponge, he absorbes everything he can, and I'm sure that Elvis has never been mentioned in any interview Michael gave, except to Lisa Marie, ( that he didn't want to to go out like Elvis) hmmm,, that's exactly how it went. We're all here for the same reasons, we all just have a different way of finding them, please accept anything when it's not in front of us, for that might be the answers we are looking for.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 07, 2010, 04:42:52 AM
Sorry but Elvis died in 1977!Do a research for him about how he looked before he died and why he looked in this way,watch documentary films 'bout him and see the pic of him lying in his coffin and then you wouldn't believe that he did not die in 1977 :)
MJ's case is much more different and for that I have a huge doubt that he is dead :)
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Re: Elvis & Michael.... Did Elvis help him??
February 07, 2010, 10:37:53 PM
Quote from: "ButterflyMagic"
Sorry but Elvis died in 1977!Do a research for him about how he looked before he died and why he looked in this way,watch documentary films 'bout him and see the pic of him lying in his coffin and then you wouldn't believe that he did not die in 1977 :)
MJ's case is much more different and for that I have a huge doubt that he is dead :)

Sorry Michael Jackson died 2009 !!  Sound familiar? Yes, I know the way he looked when he "died", and yes, him suppose to be in a casket that weighed over 900 lbs, and had an airconditioning unit installed..... hmmmm what for? So the wax body that was bought a month before his "death:" could be put in there... Priscella even admits in a book she wrote, that they had to cut the showing short for the sake of "elvi's body", because it was showing signs of sweat on his forehead, hhhmm a dead man sweating, that's a new one. Even if Michael decides to comeback for his reasons, I believe the Elvis thing is going to blow alot of people's mind. The same questions we're asking of Michael's death is earily similiar to Elvis. HHmmmm.....
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by somekindofsign
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Last post August 15, 2010, 11:18:03 AM
by Sarahli

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