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~Souza~Topic starter

Ok, so I am looking through the old forums (MJHD & MJKIT) and I found a post that peaked my interest, certainly looking back, knowing what we know now and more so what is happening right now in the world. I'm just sharing it here to get a good discussion going. This was posted on MJKIT on September 7, 2009 by White_Orchid, read the original post here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

MJ-Death Hoax Theory-MJ battles CIA & Illuminati
Long post merely scratches surface of Big MJ story.
We all owe a debt of thanks to Jane Burgermeister. Jane was the whistleblower that 'SWINE FLU' was 'manufactured' in the labs.... and uncovered that the 'VACCINATION' may cause more harm to people than good. Jane, along with FBI, launched 'BIOTERRORISM' lawsuit against CIA/WHO (World Health Organization).
MJ supported Burgermeister and rumor was MJ woanted to use his O2 concerts as platform to WARN people about swine flu BIOTERRORISM....maybe the MJ dath Hoax is being used to get message out instead of stage...????of 'swine flu vaccination'.
1) Eugenics-Hitler used Gas Chambers for ethic cleansing, today the goal is to REDUCE world population becuase too many people using too much stuff causes global warming which overburdens planet..so less people=less stuff/resources used=stable planet as per New World Order plan.
2) drug company BAXTER supplying global 'vaccination' would make a TON OF MONEY $$$$$
Who would want to kill people with BIOTERRORISM?
Full story beyond scope of this post but plenty documentation on net. Classic battle between good and evil. WHO (World Health Organization), drug company Baxter, CIA, NWO (New World Order), Illuminati, governments of countries around the world who will innoculate their populations with 'vaccination' without first open investigation of BIOTERRORISM versus Burgermeister, MJ, FBI,Pope Benedict.
MJ ostensibly planned to use his O2 concerts as platform to get message to world about 'swine flu eugenics'. Today, we only have clues....an endlessly repetetive rehersal footage of MJ/dancers 'goose stepping with straight arm Heil Hitler salute' singing "They Don't Care About Us'...was song chosen by MJ as anthem against 'swine flu eugenics'?
Burgermeister has been fired from her job and has her own wesite if you want to contact her directly_http://www.theflucase.com/
URL link to start your search about relationship between MJ/Burgermeister, WHO, NWO (new World Order) Illuminati, CIA,etc at URL_
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Google 'New World Order' for statements and position on 'global overpopulation'.
On July 7/2009, global eyes turned to MJ Memorial and so not too much publicity on meeting between Pope and Barack Obama. Pope/Pres meeting was important and serious ...Pope messgae to Obama was global governments have social responsiblities to well being of all peoples...and charity a part of social responsibility. Euenics is not 'charitale' act so allusion to BIOTERRORISM clear. Pope used YouTube to get message out to global audience. Pope social encyclical is 21 Chapters, see Chapte 4 for relevance to charity/social responsibilty of governments__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzIW2A1UDDA&feature=PlayList&p=570AFA8F60C0BFB1&index=22
Did MJ have to go into hiding because his life was in danger? E'Cas had terminal illness so was plan to utilize E'Cas death as cover-up? Did MJ 'unveil his kids to public because he knew that our public eye would protect his kids? Did Mrs. Jackson request 3rd autopsy because she 'knew' that dead body was not her son? Was Dr. Murray 'truth'message really an message to us from MJ via the doc? 
Hoax has "list of doubles' _ie, 2 public services=memorial + funeral, 2 death certificates, etc etc. We don't have the 'why to the doubles' piece of puzzle yet.
Is MJ death hoax dragging on so long to purposely DISTRACT of from swine flu BIOTERRORISM? October/November is start of flu season....and the VACCINATION' is supposed to be 'READY' Be sure to educate yourself so youcan have an informative discussion with your doctor about the flu shot.

Don't make mistake of overlooking importance of symbollism. Symbollism used to convey message and meaning since man's drew art on cave walls. MJ's lyrics were genius and rich with symbollism. Another 'double' clue that we were given was choice of MJ funeral picture from the BAD era. Then, we get pictures of MJ Dancers posed with MJ BAD picture. MJ BAD picture is clue and MJ BAD picture appearance is doubling.
Have you asked yourself why older MJ BAD picture chosen for display at MJ funeral?
I believe BAD pic chosen because BAD was based on theme of social injustice. MJ suffered many social injustices and manmade swine flu pandemic qualifies as worldly social injustice.  Is there a micro/macro thing going on here?


Post could go on for volumes so I leave you with fun game and suggestion to Google symbollism. Focus on MJ BAD pic_goto MJJ Pictures and consider 'full' BAD picture. Also, focus on weird funeral picture of 'smiling' MJ dancers' who are POSED with MJ BAD picture. 
Initially, 'smiling MJ dancers' offended me which in turn 'twigged' me to look more closely as posed pictue itself seems to be another clue.MJ BAD pic is very simple composition but is RICH in symbollism which greatly enriches meaning.

Historic symbollism examples for those who don't have time toGoogle...or check out Google for sybollsim insights into colors of yellow, purple, white black+mourning, only text in pic is MJ beltbuckle spelling :'BAD'. Numbers are important to Freemasons, so Google signficance. BAD adds up to 13=a crucial Masonic number. Note 'cold empty fire instead of warm burning blaze suggesting dead/empty house, note painting over fireplace and stone/granite floors/walls signifying'secrets'(Illuminati/Freemasons), note flowers Irises and liles which are flowers of 'mourning'. Note 3 lilies tossed into cold stone hearthgate and 4 lilies cradled in MJ arms like royal scepture which signify transition between old and new traditions...old dead way is Masonic Illuminatis and new way is future of mankind free of Masonic skulldugery...3 is significant Masonic number so 3 lilies tossed into cold firehearth refers to death of Masons/Illuminati...4 liles in MJ arms refer to 4 corners of the globe_a new world free from control by Masons/Illuminati. etc, etc,etc.

Finally, Music, movies and media have integral cultural 'influence' on society.  MJ taught us improtance of not taking things at 'face value'.  Instead, question things,become involved, be AWARE_use critical analysis when determining _perception versus reality_good versus evil_truth versus manipulation_information versus disinformation, etc'.
We are given an important clue in photo of smiling MJ dancers' posed in a curvy line 'like a snake' with last dancer completing circle by holding MJ BAD picture 'frame'.

Note double entendre with 'frame' reference as literal picture frame and allegorical reference to MJ 'framed' by bogus molestation charges, bankruptcy rumours, drug addiction,etc. 'Snake' analogy refers to 'dragon motifs' used on many MJ clothes....MJ destiny include dragonslayer....making the world a better place....starting with the man in the mirror..etc.


The dancer holding the picture frame completes the circle like a SNAKE THAT SWALLOWS ITS OWN TAIL...an analogy to global political battles caused by death of western capitalism...governments resistance to change and desperation to hold onto the old ways (Masonic Illumonati) ony hurts us all...as MJ lyrics...lift yourself up,...and make the world a better place...our surival depends on everyone GETTING INVOLVED...quote says it better than me..."....Western liberalism is really under attack but its half-face friends are more dangerous thab its avowed enemies. When the snake finally swallows its tail we will depend on the true believers to throw off their lethargy and step into the void...." (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login)


I believe that MJ lives...and believe the message is for us to pick up his reins and fight the good fight....our voices will be the impetus of change ...and maybe then MJ can safely return to us...
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~Souza~Topic starter

Clicking on a link on the website linked in the above post, this comes up. Sounds crazy as hell, but nothing surprises me anymore, so maybe worth looking into as I can't find the Russian source, who speaks Russian?

Russia's FSB Reports Pop Icon Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

FSB sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that American pop icon Michael Jackson was “most assuredly” assassinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after an examination of data transmitted by a Russian Military’s Kosmos 2450 satellite show “conclusively” that immediately prior to the music stars death in Los Angeles an electromagnetic pulse consistent in pattern to EMR weapons looted from the former Soviet Union by the United States was employed at the “exact coordinates” of the rock stars home.

To the type of technology being perfected by the US Military-Industrial Complex based upon former Soviet Union research used in these kinds of assassinations we can read about as reported by Cheryl Welsh, president, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, in her landmark 2001 report “Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb”, and which says:

“A newly declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report says- extensive Soviet research into microwaves might lead to methods of causing disoriented human behavior, nerve disorders or even heart attacks.... A copy of the study was provided by the agency to The Associated Press in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon agency refused to release some portions of the study, saying they remain classified on national security grounds.”

Even more importantly, since Ms Welsh’s landmark report in 2001, the US has continued perfecting this insidious technology they’ve named Active Denial System (ADS), and as we can read as reported by New Scientist in their 2005 report titled “US Military seeks new non-lethal weapon; the prototype of the phaser?”, and which says:

“The US military is funding development of a weapon that delivers a bout of excruciating pain from up to 2 kilometres away. Intended for use against rioters, it is meant to leave victims unharmed. But pain researchers are furious that work aimed at controlling pain has been used to develop a weapon. And they fear that the technology will be used for torture.”

To the ‘final’ employment of these weapons [3rd photo, left] we can also read:

“In January 2007, Theodore Barna, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for advanced systems and concepts told Reuters that "We expect the services to add it to their tool kit. And that could happen as early as 2010”.

Apparently the military is still unsure about ADS after all the tests. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne didn't help clarify the issue when he suggested that the military should use the “pain ray” at crowds in the United States before deploying it in Iraq. It would be hard to imagine that Americans would be feeling okay about trying such weapons on themselves even if they believe they are not lethal.

Wagner suggested a new nickname for the weapon; the “death ray”, since it’s well-known that exposing mammals to microwaves make them explode. He sent an email all around the U.S. in which he used a live example to prove his theory.”

To the reason behind the CIA needing to assassinate Michael Jackson, these reports continue, was an out of court settlement the pop icon signed with son of the king of Bahrain, Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, this past November in London, and which stated, in part, that in exchange for millions of dollars previously lent to Mr. Jackson by the Sheikh, Mr. Jackson would allow his sold-out United Kingdom concerts to be a “platform” for warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event.

Both Michael Jackson and Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa have been long standing supporters of the fearless Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, who is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway, and as we can read:

“Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.

In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.

Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.

The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the "bird flu" virus and the "swine flu virus" in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.”

Interesting to note, too, is on the day of Michael Jackson’s assassination, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that their mathematical models show over 1 million Americans have contracted swine flu and that of the 58,000 confirmed cases around the World the US has over half of them, and even worse, Emergency Containment Areas are now being reported being set up in that troubled country.

Sadly though, and with an acknowledgement that this World star had led a much troubled life, it can never be taken away from Michael Jackson the real love he had for all of humanity and best expressed by him in the chorus of his anthem to the human race, We Are The World:

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for

You and for me.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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