Susan Rush - Conrad Murray's sister

Started by iamhere4mj, September 24, 2014, 03:50:12 PM

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iamhere4mjTopic starter

September 24, 2014, 03:50:12 PM Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 03:53:10 PM by iamhere4mj

It's been talked about in the hoax world that Murray's sister Susan Rush owns a circus. I did some searching to see if the following info is already here but couldn't find anything. If this info below has already been discussed, sorry.

Here is some info that might clear some things up in regards to this.

The car that was towed from Carolwood is owned by Susan Rush with an address listed of Houston, TX:

Thank You for your order. The results for Texas License Plate SCH134 are as follows:
Owner Name: Susan Mary Rush
Owner Address: 10629 Sandpiper Dr. Houston, TX 77096
VIN Number: WBAEK73475B323154
Vehicle Description: 2005 BMW 645Ci
Lien Holder: BMW Bank of North America
Purchase Price: $54, 487.00
Previously registered to the same owner in Las Vegas, NV

Who owns this property?

10629 Sandpiper Drive
Owner: Suzan M Rush
Assessed Value: $19,023
City: Houston-Greater Fondren Southwest
Zip: 77096
County: Harris County TX
Region: West Houston
Neighborhood: Greater Fondren Southwest
Subdivision: Northbrook Village
Street: Sandpiper Drive
Yr. Built: 1973
Sqft (land | living):N/A land | 1,500 living
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Property Taxes: $211.49 (2009)
Stories: 1
No sales history is available

I found this info saying someone else owns it or at least lives there:

Lennard Inniss
10629 Sandpiper Drive
Houston, TX 77096-5401

Business search for Susan Rush in Magnolia, TX:

Get Directions
(281) 770-5251
Business Info
Founded 2001
Annual Revenue $50,000.00
Employee Count 1
Industries Circus Company

Who owns 37219 Pine Bark Lane?

37219 Pine Bark Lane
Owner: David W Rush
Assessed Value: $116,020
City: Magnolia
Zip: 77354
County: Montgomery County TX
Region: South Montgomery/The Woodlands
Subdivision: Hazy Hollow East Estates
Street: Pine Bark Lane View your Credit Scores now, Free!
Yr. Built: 1972
Sqft (land | living):23,087 land | 1,580 living
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: 2
Property Taxes: $1,124.80 (2010)
Stories: 1
No sales history is available

Other property owned by David W Rush:

Single Family 31119 Mistletoe Trail
Magnolia, TX 77354
Owner: David W Rush
Owner: David W Rush
Assessed Value: $25,030
City: Magnolia
Zip: 77354
County: Montgomery County TX
Region: South Montgomery/The Woodlands
Subdivision: Hazy Hollow East Estates
Street: Mistletoe Trail
Yr. Built: 1986
Sqft (land | living): 22,215 land | 300 living
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: 1
Property Taxes: $356.05 (2010)
Stories: 1
No sales history is available

We have two different cities involved:,+TX/to/Houston,+TX

The driving distance from Magnolia, Texas to Houston, Texas is:
44 miles / 71 km

Since the Magnolia address is linked to a David Rush he is either Susan's husband or brother. In Milta's letter to the court about Conrad she says 'my first born child and my only son'. That would leave David Rush to be Susan's husband and her last name of Rush is by marriage.

Link to the letter:

There is also information about the BMW that we were given during the AEG trial and from TMZ.

One pic shows a Texas license plate with a Nevada license frame around it. Another pic shows an opened trunk that clearly shows a Nevada license plate laying there (can't see the license number though).

So why would there be a Nevada license plate laying in the trunk of a vehicle with a TX plate on the vehicle? If you go back to the beginning of this post records show that the car had been previously registered in Nevada. Why keep the old license plate and when did Susan Rush move to Texas?

Here is the pic from the AEG trial:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'll post the pic from TMZ in a little bit plus some more info.
Love you Michael!

iamhere4mjTopic starter

September 24, 2014, 04:11:11 PM #1 Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 04:12:46 PM by iamhere4mj

Here is the pic from TMZ showing a Nevada license plate in the trunk - wouldn't you think the cops would have noticed this and questioned it?:

Then we have this from TMZ:

10/12/2009 2:47 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF.

Conrad Murray's Car in LA -- Is The Doc Driving?

TMZ obtained a photo of Dr. Conrad Murray's car -- the same one that was towed away from Michael Jackson's house the day MJ died -- speeding down the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles on Saturday.

We've confirmed it's the same car -- and the agency that shot the photo insists it's the good doc behind the wheel.

Dr. Murray's rep tells us Murray was NOT driving.

When you look closely at the pic and compare it to Murray's most recent appearance, there are similarities and differences. What do you think?

Since TMZ broker this story the above pic is gone and replaced with this one:

And what does TMZ mean by look closely at the pic and compare it to Murray's most recent appearance, there are similarities and differences.

Three questions:

1. Why is that car still in CA?
2. Why don't we ever see SUSAN RUSH driving it since supposedly it is her car????????????
3. What recent appearance is TMZ talking about? The pic they gave us of the 'troot will prevail' video or some other appearance?

And here is some info on the BMW:

VIN: WBAEK73475B323154
WMI / VDS / VIS: WBA / EK7347 / 5B323154
Model: 6-Series
Type: Car
Make: BMW
Model year: 2005
Manufacturer: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
Manufactured in: Europe
Plant: Dingofing, Germany
Sequential number: 323154

Love you Michael!

suspicious mind

Quote from: iamhere4mj on September 24, 2014, 04:11:11 PM

Here is the pic from TMZ showing a Nevada license plate in the trunk - wouldn't you think the cops would have noticed this and questioned it?:

Then we have this from TMZ:

10/12/2009 2:47 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF.

Conrad Murray's Car in LA -- Is The Doc Driving?

TMZ obtained a photo of Dr. Conrad Murray's car -- the same one that was towed away from Michael Jackson's house the day MJ died -- speeding down the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles on Saturday.

We've confirmed it's the same car -- and the agency that shot the photo insists it's the good doc behind the wheel.

Dr. Murray's rep tells us Murray was NOT driving.

When you look closely at the pic and compare it to Murray's most recent appearance, there are similarities and differences. What do you think?

Since TMZ broker this story the above pic is gone and replaced with this one:

And what does TMZ mean by look closely at the pic and compare it to Murray's most recent appearance, there are similarities and differences.

Three questions:

1. Why is that car still in CA?
2. Why don't we ever see SUSAN RUSH driving it since supposedly it is her car????????????
3. What recent appearance is TMZ talking about? The pic they gave us of the 'troot will prevail' video or some other appearance?

And here is some info on the BMW:

VIN: WBAEK73475B323154
WMI / VDS / VIS: WBA / EK7347 / 5B323154
Model: 6-Series
Type: Car
Make: BMW
Model year: 2005
Manufacturer: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
Manufactured in: Europe
Plant: Dingofing, Germany
Sequential number: 323154

Love you Michael!
actually the guy behind the wheel appears to me to look more like the dude we have seen running around with murray. the guys seems to behave somewhat like a body guard or assistant.
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

iamhere4mjTopic starter

Yeah, the guy does look like Murray's bodyguard but the pic is grainy (funny that a professional camera can't take a clear picture). Maybe it is the real Murray or Robert Earl Carter.

I was talking to curls and I got an idea about possibly linking Susan Rush to Robert Earl Carter; I'm off to do some searching and hopefully I will find something concrete!  :icon_lol:

Love you Michael!

iamhere4mjTopic starter

Still trying to connect Susan to Robert Earl Carter, but nothing yet.

I did come across a sales history for 10629 Sandpiper address (this was said to have been owned by Robert Earl Carter); this shows there is no record of Robert Earl Carter owning it. Looks like Suzan bought it in January of 1993.

10629 Sandpiper Drive
Houston, TX 77096
Previous owners:
P C RENNIE (01/02/1984 - 06/26/1986)
JOHN MCALLISTER & SHIRLEY MCALLISTER (06/26/1986 - 05/16/1991)
MARY R JAQUYSH (05/16/1991 - 01/02/1993)
Land value: $8,000
Building value: $58,680
Total value for property: $55,758
Assessments for tax year: 2009
Prior land value: $8,000
Prior building value: $65,636
Prior total value for property: $62,714
Building area: 1,500 square feet
State classification: Real, Residential, Single-Family
Neighborhood: Northbrook
Year property was built: 1973
Condition / Desirability / Utility: Excellent
Cost and design: Partial
Exterior wall: Frame / Concrete block
Exterior wall: Brick / Masonry
Foundation type: Slab
Grade adjustment: C+
Heating / AC: Central Heat/AC
Physical condition: Excellent

One thing that I do find strange is that we have info referring to Susan as Susan and Suzan. Are those 2 different people or just 2 different ways of spelling Susan?

I found this -t looks like Susan (Suzan) and Milta are relatives of this person?

ramsey, ingrid & family, we are so very sorry about your loss. we are also sure there are not many words that can bring you comfort as you grieve the loss of your beautiful daughter. just know god is always at work and has taken another of his earthly angels home to be with him...home where she will experience peace and no pain. may you find comfort in each wonderful memory you have of all the times spent with jenelle. may you find continued joy in the grandchildren she gave you. may god cradle you in the palm of his hands as you grieve this terrible loss, and may he continue to richly bless you all now and forever....

HOUSTON, TEXAS [6/16/2012]

I mentioned earlier that Robert Earl Carter was supposed to own that home on Sandpiper but the information that went around in hoaxville included an apartment # (14). The Sandpiper address is not an apartment complex; they are townhomes so they would not have an individual # assigned to them. It is a possibility that the address that included #14 was a condo or apartment. That will be my next search.

Also, on the condolence above the name is stated as Suzan in Houston (2012). The Sandpiper address is in Houston and the owner is Suzan.

Love you Michael!


Comments from me in blue:

Quote from: iamhere4mj on September 27, 2014, 01:47:52 PM

Still trying to connect Susan to Robert Earl Carter, but nothing yet.

I did come across a sales history for 10629 Sandpiper address (this was said to have been owned by Robert Earl Carter); this shows there is no record of Robert Earl Carter owning it. Looks like Suzan bought it in January of 1993.

10629 Sandpiper Drive
Houston, TX 77096
Previous owners:
P C RENNIE (01/02/1984 - 06/26/1986)
JOHN MCALLISTER & SHIRLEY MCALLISTER (06/26/1986 - 05/16/1991)
MARY R JAQUYSH (05/16/1991 - 01/02/1993)

Where did you find the previous owners listed?  I can't see them on the link you gave.

One thing that I do find strange is that we have info referring to Susan as Susan and Suzan. Are those 2 different people or just 2 different ways of spelling Susan?

At a guess I'd say it's Suzan but because that is not the usual way of spelling it, people have become sloppy and started to use Susan instead!

I found this -t looks like Susan (Suzan) and Milta are relatives of this person?

HOUSTON, TEXAS [6/16/2012]

A good unconnected find there! So, are we safe in saying Suzan is Milta's daughter and therefore Conrad Murray's half sister, and that Robert Earl Carter has nothing to do with any of this?!

iamhere4mjTopic starter

I don't see the prior sales history info there either now, I have no idea what happened. Well, I guess back to square one on that  :icon_e_confused:

And yes, Susan is Milta's daughter (Conrad's 1/2 sister). Milta married a man by the name of Rush back in 1960. Link to document that Milta wrote to the court:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>,102817.html

By Carol Matroo Sunday, June 28 2009

Cardiologist Dr Conrad Robert Murray, personal physician to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, is a Trinidadian who grew up in El Socorro with his mother, stepfather and half sister, Susan.

I can't say for sure about Robert Earl Carter but I can't find anything.

I still think there is something with this Susan person though. We have never seen her, her name is spelled 2 different ways (could be like you said curls and people just got sloppy and wrote Susan instead of Suzan) and she lived in Nevada at one time and then moved to Texas but have no idea when.

:icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:

Love you Michael!


I'm parking the Robert Earl Carter thing.  There's no evidence for it being Murray's real name or for him being linked to this at all.  Whether it was a deliberate false lead by someone pulling the strings or an unintentional error made by an over enthusiastic hoaxer, I don't know.

Now, if only he didn't share his name with 'The Court of Last Resort', I'd be totally happy with Conrad Murray being Conrad Murray!  (But that's a whole other topic!)

Back to Suzan, isn't the simple answer that she lent her car to her half-brother, because he wanted something smart to go to work for Michael Jackson in?!

Let's keep things simple.

iamhere4mjTopic starter

So if Suzan wanted to help her brother out by loaning him her fancy BMW, that makes me ask what kind of car did Murray own?

After all he does have a CA drivers license so I guess he would have his own car.

And with that I am off to read the probation report, once again.

Love you Michael!

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