1983: Is it just me or something is off?

Started by looking4truth, February 20, 2011, 09:15:50 PM

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Here are two interview clips from 1983. To me, something seems off. Look at the teeth and nose. Perhaps, you'll see what I see. It could be video quality  and possible nose surgery but I am not sure. What do you guys think?



I've been watching Live from Bucharest this morning.  Something caught my eye.  In between workin day and night and beat it is an illusion where Michael goes from the stage to a cherry picker.  No biggie right? Well, the Mj doing beat it has a mole on his right cheek that is plain as day but the Mj doing WDN does not.
The easiest way to pull off this illusion is to use a double or a TWIN!!
The reason I have even come back to this thread is the Michael album cover.  There are ten kids around Katherine and Joe in the bottom left of the of the cover.  All kids can be accounted for except the one next to Michael.....  food for thought.....as if we havent eaten enough already LOL

"Don't tell me you agree with me when I saw you kicking dirt in my eye." -MJ


November 19, 2011, 10:58:46 AM #76 Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 11:08:12 AM by Katie2

Oh wow I never noticed that before. But I did notice how he did the chair vanishing trick. I won't tell it unless you want to know it and anyways well done on spotting it.


November 19, 2011, 11:04:54 AM #77 Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 11:08:47 AM by _Anna_

He wasn't in Bucharest in 1983. He was in 1992 and 1996.

He actually does an illusion number during thriller in every concert. When he goes down in the hole and gets up with the werewolf mask. The one who wears the mask and dances till the end of the song is a double. And you can spot he is a double very simple: body and  moves - although he's a professional dancer it's clear as daylight it's not Michael. No one has Michael's elegance while moving.


I know that Anna...I put the observation here because it's a doubles thread.

"Don't tell me you agree with me when I saw you kicking dirt in my eye." -MJ


Quote from: monstertooty on November 19, 2011, 10:56:23 AM

I've been watching Live from Bucharest this morning.  Something caught my eye.  In between workin day and night and beat it is an illusion where Michael goes from the stage to a cherry picker.  No biggie right? Well, the Mj doing beat it has a mole on his right cheek that is plain as day but the Mj doing WDN does not.
The easiest way to pull off this illusion is to use a double or a TWIN!!
The reason I have even come back to this thread is the Michael album cover.  There are ten kids around Katherine and Joe in the bottom left of the of the cover.  All kids can be accounted for except the one next to Michael.....  food for thought.....as if we havent eaten enough already LOL

I've watched it many times but  I never notices this. I'll have to watch it again.


Great find Monstertooty!  I have always been troubled by Michael once saying he had 9 brothers and sisters.  Like I've said all along, the more I think I know about this hoax, the more I realize I know just enough to know I don't know anything!


I just tweeted kadir Nelson to see if he can shed some light on the extra kid around katherine and Joe....Stay tuned.

"Don't tell me you agree with me when I saw you kicking dirt in my eye." -MJ


I'm curious if he will give an answer suspicious//


according to google Michael had 9 brothers and sisters- Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, La Toya, Marlon, Brandon (died at birth), Randy, and Janet. It also says he has a younger half sister Joh'Vonnie who is Joes daughter by Cheryl Terrell


The picture on the cover showsan additional boy.  I can't imagine they would symbolize a child who diedas grown like the rest of the kids. The fact that it is a boy rules out the half sister.

"Don't tell me you agree with me when I saw you kicking dirt in my eye." -MJ


November 19, 2011, 04:25:17 PM #85 Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 04:30:51 PM by titania

A little something from  Dangerous Tour  Bucharest- I'll Be There
Michael definately has two sides to him- the introvert and the extrovert:

And then we have the same song from This is It:

I guess Michael wants to show us that for a show to work there needs to be doubles. The artist must not only conserve his voice and his feet but he must also see what the numbers look like from the audience perspective.

So I don't necessarily go for the TWIN concept, more for the Illusions needed to make a great show. And that this is probably nothing new- has been going on for years. Front and Back of the same coin.  /woohoo/ /woohoo/

Always great to watch  a MASTER at work! /bravo/


Fleet feet versus Fleet Street-Twinkling toes to swirling lies-Poisoned ink slides down the sink,
Moonwalker dances on and on, A trail of footprints in our souls


In the first video theres a white line going down the middle of his shirt. Is that one of those clip on microphone things or part of the shirt??


I agree with you, is the poor quality of video, until I see more brown.  moonwalk_/


In Jermaine's book he says

'Around 1983 he said 'I just love to create magic. I love to put something so unusual, so unexpected, that's it blows people's heads off'

Everytime I try to find him he's leaving no clues left behind him. And they have no way of knowing of the suspect, or what to expect
- My Smooth Criminal

L.O.V.E the world!


The first video MJ, looks like someone slapped his nose on and punched it down and made all his teeth smaller with gaps in between. Defenately seems like 2 different people.

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