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Re: TIAI December 21
December 26, 2011, 04:20:33 AM
  People can believe in what they wish; but we should have all learned by now to question everything; not just believe certain things only because we WANT to, whilst ignoring other important things.

 I do believe it is important to question the Bible and everything in general in order to find the truth. Inquiry leads to answers thus: knowledge.

 Aussie I agree with your posts, both are informative. And to people who seem confused over whether hell exists or not, justice CAN happen without the existence of hell. The mistranslation of "hell" along with the emission of God's name, account for some of the contradictions and editing that occurred and is within the Bible. It is a well known fact among many religions that the Bible was "corrupted". However, this does not mean all Bibles are corrupted, but many versions are; this is why we must research from all perspectives to find the truth.

 The King James Version, NWT and others are 99% accurate with the Dead Sea Scrolls; the only differences are merely translations. Some translations do account for some versions of the Bible to have completely different meaning in some scriptures. Again, this is a reason for some of the "corruption". There is no evidence showing huge portions of the Bible were removed, nor what specific portions are missing, so that is a baseless claim. If much of the Bible was "missing/removed", it wouldn't be as harmonious as it is, which is strong proof it wasn't written based upon mere memory or human intelligence alone; but is inspired by God.

 The Christian Bible consists of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, known as the Old Testament, and the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, often called the New Testament. Thus, the Bible is compiled of 66 books written by some 40 men in the course of 1,600 years of history from: 1513 B.C.E. to 98 C.E.

 So, the Bible, written by many men over the course of many years, is harmonious for a reason. If they based everything off of memory alone, they all had one heck of a memory.
Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 04:28:31 AM by Suzy7
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 26, 2011, 04:29:37 AM
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  People can believe in what they wish; but we should have all learned by now to question everything; not just believe certain things only because we WANT to, whilst ignoring other important things.

 I do believe it is important to question the Bible and everything in general in order to find the truth. Inquiry leads to answers thus: knowledge.

 Aussie I agree with your posts, both are informative. And to people who seem confused over whether hell exists or not, justice CAN happen without the existence of hell. The mistranslation of "hell" along with the emission of God's name, account for some of the contradictions and editing that happened within the Bible. It is a well known fact among many religions that the Bible was "corrupted". However, this does not mean all Bibles are corrupted, but many versions are; this is why we must research from all perspectives to find the truth.

 The King James Version, NWT and others are 99% accurate with the Dead Sea Scrolls; the only differences are merely translations. Some translations do account for some versions of the Bible to have completely different meaning in some scriptures. Again, this is a reason for some of the "corruption". There is no evidence showing huge portions of the Bible were removed, nor what portions are missing, so that is a baseless claim. If much of the Bible was "missing/removed", it wouldn't be as harmonious as it is, which is strong proof it wasn't written based upon mere memory or human intelligence alone; but is inspired by God.

 The Christian Bible consists of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, known as the Old Testament, and the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, often called the New Testament. Thus, the Bible is compiled of 66 books written by some 40 men in the course of 1,600 years of history from: 1513 B.C.E. to 98 C.E.

 So, the Bible, written by many men over the course of many years is harmonious for a reason. If they based everything off of memory alone, they all had one heck of a memory.

You said exactly what I thought but couldn't translate to words.
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 26, 2011, 04:53:25 AM
 I just noticed after I posted, because of your post that also spoke about the translations in the Dec. 26 thread, which is very well written btw.
Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 05:05:58 AM by Suzy7
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 26, 2011, 04:56:56 AM

we all come from different countries and have different religious backgrounds.
But this hoax got us all united somehow. I don't think the intention of this conversation is to force anyone to believe something he doesn't want to believe in. The only thing we can do here is investigate. When I first learned about Illuminati I didn't believe anything, so I started to investigate and finally I came up with the conclusion that they are evil. But when it comes to belief and religion, then it's a completely different thing, I know. Well, I belong to those who believe that the bible has been changed during history. We have been discussing this issue for many days now. And again, no one's intention is to force anyone to believe anything. But again, every theory is subject to investigation. I personally don't take anything literally. So why don't you investigate a little? May be you could find something interesting that you could share with us here. Investigation never harms, on the contrary, it makes you aware of many things. After all we are the hoax investigators, remember??? lolol/
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You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool

Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 03:01:54 AM
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I have spoken quite a bit about the 2012 agenda in the BACK thread, and have thought about this for some time. If you've noticed TS has taken the time to debunk every theory, except the "second coming" ones; maybe for a reason. We can't ignore this re-direct and all of the obvious connections to Jesus made by BACK, Front, TS and even MJ himself.

 The alleged agenda in 2012 is supposed to include alien deception and an alleged "second coming" or "masonic christ" many believe to be Prince William, but Michael actually sounds more suitable. This "second coming" might be used to help usher in a one world religion and new world order.

 Looking at all of the "hoax numerology", the numbers used throughout are important occultic numbers, for example: 111-333-666-777-999 with the 911 call on 12:21 (EOW/Dec.21) being the probable date of MJ's return. Add this to the upside down pyramid which isn't actually against the Illuminati, but a symbol they actually use in the occult; both the upside down pyramid and the upright. Also, the clues Dontwalkaway mentions: white rabbit, rainbows, yellow brick road, all of which I know someone talked on the forum about being important symbols to the Illuminati aswell. Given all of this, the fact that a 12 yr old can figure out MJ's alive, how could The Illuminati not know? Exposing them seems like a fanciful idea to me, especially since they're the most powerful people in the world and their own numerology techniques were used in planning this hoax. Really think about how "exposing them" would actually happen; can it?

 TS debunked the "murder theory", but didn't debunk "The Illuminati planned the hoax" theory.

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Exactly emulik. The Bible speaks of a false second coming or person who will be referred to as being "Christ-like" and it will be deceptive; which is why I say for a believer in The Bible, it isn't a good thing. That's also why I'm not understanding some people who use The Bible to say a second coming is a good thing. But that's why it's subjective depending on ones beliefs.

Good point, I think.

And thanks for the Earthenigma.wordpress.com link.  Very interesting reading.  The particular post that you requested from the site is quoted below (my apologies if it's been posted before).

(I underlined a couple of paragraphs in the quote that I found interesting, but this post is not an expression of my total agreement or disagreement with what's said in the quote as a whole, as I'm not well-versed on the Illuminati and its alleged agenda.  However, JMO:  In order for events to manifest in the physical world they must first be manifested [or manipulated] into the collective mindset as a form of belief.  That said, a question:  Are our worldly and sacred beliefs capable of being manipulated into other fantastic beliefs [for example, MJ being the Second-coming, and so on] to the point that our attention becomes so distracted that we no longer think objectively or, in other words, that we no longer think for ourSelves?  Perhaps awareness of this sort of manipulation in general is the primary key--the particular shift in consciousness--that is necessary to maintain freedom of mind and, in turn, physical freedom.  And of course, this is not said to offend anyone's beliefs.)

Will Michael Jackson Return in 2012?
Posted in conspiracy, Government Lies, Illuminati, Michael Jackson with tags 2012, Age of Aquarius, alive, calendar, conspiracy, elvis, Gospel, History, Illuminati, Jacko, Jason Pfeiffer, Jesus, JFK, mayans, Michael Jackson, Religion, Tabloid Junkie, They Don't Care about Us, tupac on August 23, 2009 by earthenigma
Michael Jackson will be back at 11:11 on December 21, 2012
The Gospel of Michael Jackson will be the death of Jesus

Everyone who has researched 2012 is expecting the world to end, to plummet to new lows, for earthquakes to shake and wars to rage. Others think that enlightenment will descend upon us like the soft landing of a beautiful white dove, for our minds to expand, to reach new levels of consciousness…
What I can say for sure is that the Illuminati will undoubtedly do something to fulfill the prediction. They probably will orchestrate the next world war, they probably will cause extreme weather and earthquakes with the help of HAARP but I think the Illuminati will use their most useful tool to unite the world into a New World Order – Michael Jackson.
The establishment wants you to think MJ is dead – they put a lot of work into this lie but Michael Jackson is alive. If you think Dave Dave wasn’t Michael Jackson on Larry King Live – you’ve got a screw loose. If you think Michael Jackson wasn’t the blonde woman at his tribute show, holding Chris Tucker’s hand, you also have a screw loose.
Michael Jackson’s return is imminent and I urge you to watch the media intently over the next 18 months, because the media will prepare you for his ‘second coming.’
His re-emergence won’t be for the good of the world though – that’s my worry. MJ has so many adoring fans across the globe already, and I suspect that the media will work to change the perception of the many MJ-haters so they all sympathise with him, so they all love him too. It may come to light that he was set up for the so-called child molestation accusations and some illuminati stooge will take the fall for this. It will come to light that his skin condition was due to someone’s foul-play. We will all come to sympathise with him, we will all hate ourselves for doubting him and we will all love him while thinking he is dead.
And then the greatest show on earth will begin. The most ground-breaking CGI spectacle of all time will get the green light. It really will be like ‘the second coming.’
If Michael Jackson is indeed alive, he is without doubt the most powerful tool at the illuminati’s disposal and he will be used to full effect.
No media-fronting superstar has ever gained his level of popularity and exposure – never – and for that reason, the illuminati will use him for all his worth. He really is bigger than Jesus – you saw the world’s reaction when he died. Nobody in such a high profile position can fake their own death without the illuminati establishment knowing about it – absolutely no chance! He appeared as Dave Dave on Larry King so the establishment could see whether or not he had the ability to fool the world – he succeeded. It was also a way to play with the people of the earth. The Illuminati like playing games – remember that – that is why the illuminati symbolism appears in every mainstream music video.
He died in 2009, he will re-emerge in 2012 after 3 years of intense MK-Ultra mind control, 3 years of rehearsals in a secret location for his comeback ‘show.’ The world loves him, but we know what the Illuminati are like. They will use this love and use it to create fear, use it to further their agenda – to complete their agenda in fact, and create the one world, unified government and unified religion.
This brings us to what the Illuminati has used Michael Jackson for all along. They want to unify the world with a new world religion – with MJ as the new Christ and savior.
We are watching and living through the gospel of Michael Jackson. The story will be written that he died and three years later he rose from the dead to ‘save the world.’ He is the new god-head. Like Jesus he had a life of trials and tribulations. Michael was falsely hated and accused (like Jesus) and lived to tell the tale. He taught about love and has many parables, but nobody listened (like Jesus). He was persecuted. He died because somebody betrayed him (his doctor-bloke) and three years later (like Jesus’ three days) he rose from the dead to ‘heal the world.’ The Jesus Gospel marked the Age of Pisces and the Michael Gospel will mark the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. He will probably arrive with the music of ‘Heal the World.’
By December 21, 2012, I imagine the world’s population will be greatly diminished. World Wars, numerous Fukushima’s and major natural disasters will leave humanity turning their back on faith. We will all want something, someone, to help us, to save us and then the illuminati will drop a bomb bigger than Hiroshima. They will drop MJ from the clouds. Everyone will stop and watch the CGI spectacle in awe. Weapons will fall from hands, the earth will stop trembling and Michael will unify the world in love – false love…
The illuminati know we are waking up and are beginning to see through their lies so when Michael returns – be wary, be afraid and question whatever the news networks tell us is ‘truth.’ It won’t be a miracle that he returned from the dead because he didn’t even die… I imagine they will say he ‘did die’ but he didn’t – we know that.
Many of you will be OVER THE MOON when Michael returns but I strongly believe he will be USED to dupe YOU into a new way of thinking. Don’t trust it. EarthEnigma told you now what is going to happen. If I am right (a big IF), I don’t want to say ‘I told you so.’
Michael Jackson will bring about the end to the world’s problems when he returns – but this is what the illuminati are planning. He will bring about a new spiritual era, for he will fulfill the Mayan prophesy, he will be here to save us, but it will all be part of a larger plot, a plan by the elite to gain total control over your lives.

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, died on June 25, 2009. He was one of the most commercially successful singers of all time but we all know he had his fair share of problems. His death is now accepted although there is the conspiracy theory that the man is still alive.

Michael Jackson was not a Bad man.
I believed he was dead and I genuinely felt sad about it as I was a huge fan of his music growing up. Last week however, my mind changed and I now believe the man could be alive.
After reading Telegraph.co.uk last week I was startled by this article: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login. It wasn’t the fact that Michael Jackson had a homosexual relationship as people can do as they please; it was the comments made by his lover. The man in question is called Jason Pfeiffer, a clinic worker who claimed he and Michael Jackson were soul mates. He works at the offices of Jackson’s dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein and he and the pop icon had been in regular contact until he died, aged 50, following a cardiac arrest.
Mr. Pfeiffer claims that Jackson “completely changed” in the last two weeks of his life. He said that Jackson was “saying goodbyes the week before passing. Everyone was creeped out by it.” This alone is enough for conspiracy theorists to assume he may be alive but it was these comments that did it for me: “Michael got very retrospective in the last few weeks, he was talking about God and the Mayan calendar and the year 2012 – which is when the Mayan calendar ends.”
The implications of this comment were staggering for me. 2012 and the Mayan calendar are subjects that have consumed so many people in recent years. It has driven many to write books, change their belief system and look within for spiritual salvation so they are prepared for the spiritual awakening of 2012. I personally have been consumed by the subject and maybe Michael Jackson believed that the people of the world would all wake up and the evil that infiltrates the governments today, that controls the banks, big businesses and media would be destroyed as the people would not be as stupid as they are now. Maybe he believed the Mayans and believed that the spiritual awakening would finally ‘Heal the World.’
There is a lot of hype around the Mayan end date and many websites and books claim to have the answer and if Michael Jackson was so hooked on the subject, maybe, just maybe, he faked his own death so that he could return on December 21, 2012 when the world would become enlightened so that he could finally stop being the victim of the Illuminati-controlled corporate media lies.
I believe he wanted to get away from this evil, the same evil that has controlled him throughout his entire music career. Listen to the song ‘They Don’t Care About us’ from History and you will hear his views on those powerful media moguls that have controlled him. Michael Jackson was a supremely intelligent man but as the great Immortal Technique has said, if you’re signed to a major label, the label will ultimately tell you what to sing. You have no freedom. Michael was a man who wanted to sing the songs he wanted to sing, but he wasn’t allowed. He was warned by the ‘big men’ to stay in line by being falsely accused of child molestation more than once and I believe they also gave him skin disease to prove they were not to be messed with. In the end, the media wrecked his career because like Tupac (who was falsely accused of rape), Bob Marley and Elvis, he could not be controlled anymore. If such an inspirational man, who has a power over literally millions of fans, turns away from the big men upstairs and begins to highlight their evil, like Elvis, Tupac and JFK, he will inevitably be removed and will be murdered, unless they can scare the singer into submission.
Therefore, I believe Michael Jackson faked his own death as he felt he could not be himself anymore. He wished to return in 2012 when the Mayan inscriptions say the world will be a different place and love will encompass the globe. This is the only society a person like him, who has been persecuted by the media for 40 years, can live in and I believe he is placing his trust in the Mayans as he waits for his time to come back into the spotlight.
If we are all awoken from our slumber in 2012 as the Mayans said, if we all finally see the evil conducted by the corrupt governments and the Illuminati and if we rebel and fight back against that evil, then the world will be a better place and maybe Michael Jackson will return so that he can be himself and tell us all the true story of his life.
Jackson was so influential that he was never allowed to be himself. His reputation was tarnished on more than one occasion but the man still kept his fans. The corporate media spread its lies about him but if any of us have brains we should never believe the media. Michael Jackson was not a pedophile, he was not ‘Wacko Jacko;’ he was a normal man who happened to be an amazing singer, dancer and performer. The media tried to tarnish his reputation throughout his life as he became bigger than Jesus, and after songs such as ‘They don’t care about us’ and ‘Tabloid Junkie’ on the album History, they tried even harder to discredit him, but they failed.

Thank you both for posting all of this!

I think this was a VERY interesting read! I’m surprised that these postings did not spark a lengthy discussion. This theory is so logical that it’s scary. lol

But this whole theory is based on this >>

“Nobody in such a high profile position can fake their own death without the illuminati establishment knowing about it – absolutely no chance!”

The above statement is just an assumption. And I beg to differ.

I do think that it was possible for Michael to get away from the ‘System’ without its knowledge. God is protecting Michael and God is on his side. So YES someone like Michael can get away from the ‘System’ successfully with the protection of Jehovah God. God will even ‘force’ the wicked to do His bidding. This can explain all of the ‘high powered’ individuals that were necessary to pull this elaborate hoax off.

“TS debunked the "murder theory", but didn't debunk "The Illuminati planned the hoax" theory.”

Maybe because there is a ‘certain’ amount of truth to the theory? I’m very open to all possibilities.

Even if this is the agenda, Michael has become aware of it but has played along with the ‘System’. He is going along with the ‘plan’ and is utilizing all of the resources the ‘System’ has to offer. When the time comes, he will betray the ‘System’.  He has purposefully left us clues to debunk the idea that he was murdered. Therefore, it cannot be considered a ‘miraculous’ resurrection when he comes back because he never died in the first place.

If Michael is serving the system as this person claims to believe, then he would not have left clues for us to decipher because as we all know, the ‘System’ leaves no loose ends when it comes to such an enormous agenda. His ‘death’ would have been so convincing that not even the most savvy of investigators would have seen any inconsistencies… and obvious ones at that.

Either way, I’m also gonna stay on this MJ train all the way till the end! If loving MJ is ‘wrong’ I don’t wanna be ‘right’. That’s how strongly I feel about this. I know we are on this journey together for a good reason.

I hope that TS addresses this theory soon though. It would be interesting to see what he has to say.
PS: Oh yeah… And for all of you guys that are debating the ‘HELL’ issue, here is an interesting video I came across a while back that talks about the origin of the concept of hell.
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 04:06:43 AM
I do think that it was possible for Michael to get away from the ‘System’ without its knowledge. God is protecting Michael and God is on his side. So YES someone like Michael can get away from the ‘System’ successfully with the protection of Jehovah God. God will even ‘force’ the wicked to do His bidding. This can explain all of the ‘high powered’ individuals that were necessary to pull this elaborate hoax off…

If Michael is serving the system as this person claims to believe, then he would not have left clues for us to decipher because as we all know, the ‘System’ leaves no loose ends when it comes to such an enormous agenda. His ‘death’ would have been so convincing that not even the most savvy of investigators would have seen any inconsistencies… and obvious ones at that.

Either way, I’m also gonna stay on this MJ train all the way till the end! If loving MJ is ‘wrong’ I don’t wanna be ‘right’. That’s how strongly I feel about this. I know we are on this journey together for a good reason.

 I hope that TS addresses this theory soon though. It would be interesting to see what he has to say.

I totally agree with you!
no loose ends”  I had to laugh when I read that because it was an important clue in the Sherlock Holmes 2 movie that I just went to see yesterday!
Come to think now, there’s a hoax related message in that movie.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadowsis a 2011 British-American You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Logindirected by You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginand produced by You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, and You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login. It is a sequel to the 2009 film You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, based on the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Logincreated by You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login. The screenplay is written by You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginand Michele Mulroney. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginand You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginreprise their roles as You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginand You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, respectively, as the duo join forces to outwit and bring down their most cunning adversary, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, played by You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login. The film is specifically influenced by Conan Doyle's work You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, but it is an independent story rather than a strict adaptation.You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

This evil professor and Sherlock are both stunningly brilliant in their ability to think many moves ahead how their opponent will think/act (like chess). Their brilliance in reality seems to be like superhero ability (supernatural) only brain as well as braun. So though they each think they have outfoxed the other, in the end Sherlock outfoxed him in a couple of things, and brought him down.  This is just like the story of Michael Jackson and the Illuminati/TPTB.  Remember when TS asked us whether the Illuminati knew of MJ’s hoax plans and murdered him in the end?  Go and see the movie, and this parallel—it’s great!  Here’s the trailer.

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Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 04:17:34 AM by MJonmind
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 06:51:31 AM
 Good post WhiteNight, and thanks for bringing up this theory again. It is so logical it's scary; which is why I think people didn't want to discuss it lol. I did hope it would inspire more conversation, but some brushed it off very quickly.

 I brought this theory to our attention because in almost every thread someone made a "Jesus connection" to MJ or insinuated he is the second coming without any evidence. They also used the Bible to support false theories! Since there is no evidence in the Bible of a second coming or Christ-like figure who will be like MJ or any other man born on earth again, what evidence is there if any, to support a *false* second coming? The Bible does speak much of false prophets and false 'Christ-like' figures popping up in the end of days. So, my point in mentioning this theory is: if I or anyone were to believe in ANY second coming theory, it is this one; as this theory is the only "second coming theory" that has both logic and evidence to support it. However I never said I believed in this theory; I don't believe in *any* second coming theories, but specifically ones other than this, as there is no evidence supporting them. I'd also like to see TS comment on this.

 I do think it's possible for MJ to have faked his death without the Illuminati's knowledge of it, but they have to know something; we are all here for a reason. I doubt huge corporations would participate if it meant them being exposed;  so I think the "exposing evil" theory is only true to an extent. The system is too intricate and large to be exposed in it's entirety, so I think the exposing part will be of the general surface level kind for example: the media, common government conspiracies, religion etc. Questioning everything should be an inevitable by-product of the hoax.

 Also, everyone should watch that video about hell, it's both good and supported with proof. Hell is one of the biggest contradictions in religion, and I think one of the reasons that cause people to dismiss the Bible and religion in general.

Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 06:53:21 AM by Suzy7
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 07:13:47 AM
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we all come from different countries and have different religious backgrounds.
But this hoax got us all united somehow. I don't think the intention of this conversation is to force anyone to believe something he doesn't want to believe in. The only thing we can do here is investigate. When I first learned about Illuminati I didn't believe anything, so I started to investigate and finally I came up with the conclusion that they are evil. But when it comes to belief and religion, then it's a completely different thing, I know. Well, I belong to those who believe that the bible has been changed during history. We have been discussing this issue for many days now. And again, no one's intention is to force anyone to believe anything. But again, every theory is subject to investigation. I personally don't take anything literally. So why don't you investigate a little? May be you could find something interesting that you could share with us here. Investigation never harms, on the contrary, it makes you aware of many things. After all we are the hoax investigators, remember??? lolol/

Investigate what? If the Bible was changed?
How can I do it if I don't know the ancient language of the scripts and I don't have acces to those scripts?
Investigate what OTHERS say about it it's not reliable source to me.
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 10:50:13 AM
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we all come from different countries and have different religious backgrounds.
But this hoax got us all united somehow. I don't think the intention of this conversation is to force anyone to believe something he doesn't want to believe in. The only thing we can do here is investigate. When I first learned about Illuminati I didn't believe anything, so I started to investigate and finally I came up with the conclusion that they are evil. But when it comes to belief and religion, then it's a completely different thing, I know. Well, I belong to those who believe that the bible has been changed during history. We have been discussing this issue for many days now. And again, no one's intention is to force anyone to believe anything. But again, every theory is subject to investigation. I personally don't take anything literally. So why don't you investigate a little? May be you could find something interesting that you could share with us here. Investigation never harms, on the contrary, it makes you aware of many things. After all we are the hoax investigators, remember??? lolol/

Investigate what? If the Bible was changed?
How can I do it if I don't know the ancient language of the scripts and I don't have acces to those scripts?
Investigate what OTHERS say about it it's not reliable source to me.

Investigate what a variety of contemporary others, on both sides of the fence, have researched regarding the ancient language of the script(ure)s.  Those worthy of investigation provide a detailed list of hard-copy sources within some form of bibliography.  (Then the Bible no longer remains its own source of confirmation, as well as no longer remains the sole source of self-knowledge, based only on faith.)                     

Peace and Love.  :)
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It's all for L.O.V.E.

Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 11:14:18 AM
Hello and Merry Christmas to all,

There is this scientist Nassim Haramein (who's also called by some "the new Einstein") who talked about his theory re the Ark of the Covenant in a conference held in the Summer of 2004.
He thinks the Ark of the Covenant is some very advanced technology. Also he links it to Ethiopia, Illuminati, etc.

Here is where you can hear all about it starting with 2:21:45 till the end of the video: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 01:16:17 PM
Just some thoughts:

Christianity is not a NEW "religion" ...it's a Relationship.  It's been around since The Beginning when God created the world; walking & talking in the Garden with Adam & Eve freely one on one before Satan deceived Eve & sin entered into the world.  Judaism & Christianity are an extension of that SAME relationship.  Christianity IS a Jewish sect. Religion is what man invented... in many forms for man to work his way to God; Jesus spoke against this.  Sadly the church as a whole is quite different from the early church of the Jewish Apostles & Synagogues.
  "Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he; before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.  I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior."
(taken from Isaiah 43)

  "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.  Is there a God beside me?  Yea, there is no God; I know not any...(Is. 44)  "They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; they are their own witnesses; they see not, not know; that they may be ashamed.  I Am the Lord, and there is no other, apart from me there is no god.  I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, so that from the rising of the sun to the place of it's setting men may know there is none besides me.  I AM the Lord, and there is no other...woe to him who quarrels with his maker,..does the clay say to the potter, 'what are you making?', Does your work say, 'he has no hands?'...It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it...for this is what the Lord says...I am the Lord, and there is no other.  Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save...Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I AM God, and there is no other.  By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked; Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear."
(taken from Is. 45 NIV)
The Bible is God’s Word & Truth.  God's Word (Old & New Test.) are the inspired Word of God without error in the original writings.
  Yes there's many modern translations; but truth is truth and remains unchanged since 80 AD.  This has been proven by the Dead Sea Scrolls almost word for word.  Mystery, Secret or Esoteric interpretations are not required.  The Bible's cannon has been never questioned; it was and is in total agreement...contrary views are a modern argument.  The Apocrypha are not included in the Bible by most Christians because not all of them are in sync. with the rest of scripture.  The ancient Jews didn't accept these books as part of the Old Test.; as such, Jesus & the early Church didn't recognize them as scripture either.  Some are historical writings, some are Mythology, but others are outright fakes & lies used by Mystery Religions to cast doubt on the rest of the Bible.  While interesting to read they were left out to prevent heresy which was a problem in the early church after the Apostles died out.  The Gnostic books are outright lies... 

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private (secret) interpretations." II Peter 1:20 
"Come you near to me, hear you this; from the beginning I have not spoken in secret; from the time that it was, there am I..." Isaiah 48
 * More than 5,600 Greek manuscripts contain parts or all of the NT...only 40 lines are questionable (two verses); the rest is in total harmony.  The Hindu Mahabharata has 2,600 questionable lines.  Homer's Iliad 764.
 * There's only a 30-250 yr. gap between the original writings of the NT. & the 1st copy.  Aristotle has 1,400 yr. gap.   Plato 1,200 yrs. Homer 500 yrs.

We are saved by Grace NOT works. This was the reason for the Protestant Reformation.  It's a free gift; you don't have to work to earn it!  The price was paid by Jesus; all you have to do is choose to believe.  The Law given in the OT was to teach us we are not perfect; we can't do it ourselves, no one can keep the law...but a perfect One was coming to pay the price of man's redemption.  Purgatory isn't part of God's plan either...but a Catholic teaching of the16th century; it's not in scripture.  But Hell does exist; it was created for Satan & his angles not man.  For a great read try Christianity for Dummies...good stuff.  And if you want to know Christianity in a nut shell read the book of Romans.  It's the "Master Key" to the whole of the New Testament. 

Ephesians 2:8-9  "For it is by Grace you have been saved through faith.  It is not from yourself or anything you've done, but the gift of God."  The Roman Roads:  Romans 3:10...Romans 3:23...Romans 5:12...Romans5-8...Romans 6:23...Romans 10:13...Revelation 3:20...Romans 10 9-10.

God created man with a free will.  This is what separates us from the animals in creation.  People know right from wrong.  Evil & sin is the result of this free will and what we choose to do with it.  Satan/the Devil/Lucifer is just a God-wannabe.  A great Liar, fallen Angel, deceiver & tempter with inside knowledge...who thought himself equal with God and rebelled; this is why he is cast out.  He's a COUNTERFEIT.  Everything he does and says is a counterfeit of something God said or did; and continues to this day.  This is where all various man-made religions & Paganism comes from.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father, except through me."   John 14:6 
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." I Tim. 2:5 

There are no other "mediators"...
This includes Priests, Rabbis, Pastors, Saints, Mary, friends, dead relatives, Angels, or participation in various religious ceremonies & sacraments.  Sacraments developed gradually during the medieval times. These are beautiful expressions of worship...but do not "save".  They are the outward expression of an inward faith.  Dogma, the Law (oral or written), the Universal church or any other "church" claiming the only way you can get to Jesus to be saved is by going directly through them & receiving their sacraments are missing it too...Jesus did not teach this.  Jesus did not appoint the Apostles as 'gatekeepers of heaven' between himself and the people.  Nor did he mandate rules for salvation.  Catholics believe the sacraments are the vehicle God uses to dispense his saving grace.  As a result, sacraments are required in order for a person to receive salvation.  Protestants view these requirements as legalism; thus the Reformation.  Jesus is our High Priest.  There is no other mediator.  Again; these are beautiful "expressions" of worship not to be taken lightly weather Catholic, Protestant or Jew.  Going to Church or Synagogue is wonderful, and to be encouraged for our Spiritual growth; but it's not what makes you a Christian, "saves" you, or automatically guarantees you a place in Heaven. It's believing and accepting Jesus is the Messiah promised by God.
"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved."  Acts 16:31 

He is the Messiah.  Our High Priest, the fulfillment of God's law, plan, & payment of our redemption & fulfillment of the109 prophecies given to his people in the Old Test. 
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 01:52:38 PM
Greek and especially Hebrew are VERY precise languages. Heptadic structure proves the Bible was written outside our time domain. Men may have penned it; but God wrote it. It is statistically impossible with all these codes do be a creation of man. Check out this site: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Missler - Bible Heptadic Structure - Pt 1

Pt 2:
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Mark Biltz: Ancient Hebrew Picture Language At The Time Of Moses

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Gospel In Genesis Generation - Pt 1

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Authentication of the Bible

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How We Got Our Bible: New Testament
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 02:15:33 PM
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MsTrinity333.  Thanks for the information.   You're the second person who said the christians believe it will be same exact Jesus from over 2000 years ago in his glorified body.  What is a glorified body ?   The problem is no one really knows what the Jesus from 200O years ago looks like, sounds like or acts like !!!!   To me it's the same thing as trying to find the true ark !!!   We have to figure out what to look for.    The only thing there is leaving an outline of what Jesus may have looked like is the shroud of turin.  We don't know if that is real either.  It may be a hoax to trick people to follow someone "evil".
Did anyone see the theory about Prince William having altered DNA or cloned to match the shroud of Turin ?  I think we were talking about it on the thread "Michael Jackson and Religious Symbolism",   several months ago.   

Ms. Trinity333 I will listen/read your information.  Maybe that will help.  You always have great stuff !!!!!!

Love, and Merry Christmas.   

Thank you so much.  bearhug

I FINALLY got caught up!  Here's some info I gathered this am on GODTV; I hope this helps answer some of your questions. They have excellent people on Apocalyse & The End Times series addressing the NWO, fall of the dollar, coming Anti-Christ etc... It is worth the watch!  Also The History Channel ran a 2hr special over Christmas on the Shroud of Turin; IT WAS EXCELLENT! But sadly they wont be running it again until April... I recorded it on DTV but unfortunately nobody on YT has it uploaded. 

All of The Book of Revelation Chuck Missler: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
All of Apocalypse & the End Times - Series 1:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Apocalypse & the End Times - Series 2: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Watch Full Episodes - Alien Encounters, Chuck Missler:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Chuck Missler Biotech The Sorcerers New Apprentice Session 1/3 Biotechnology:   You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

End Times GODTV LIVE STREAM: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
REASON TO BELIEVE; The mission of Reasons To Believe is to show that science and faith are, and always will be, allies, not enemies.  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

History Channel Special Examines Shroud Of Turin:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
TESTING THE FAITH Is this the face of Jesus Christ? Figure of crucified man on Shroud comes to life: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Read more: Is this the face of Jesus Christ? You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Jesus! Was the Shroud of Turin created by a supernatural "flash of light"?:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

The Enigma of the Shroud of Turin
Probably the most extraordinary object you will ever encounter: Video
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History Channel GOD vs. Satan The Final Battle: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Blessings to you  :)
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 03:34:48 PM
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we all come from different countries and have different religious backgrounds.
But this hoax got us all united somehow. I don't think the intention of this conversation is to force anyone to believe something he doesn't want to believe in. The only thing we can do here is investigate. When I first learned about Illuminati I didn't believe anything, so I started to investigate and finally I came up with the conclusion that they are evil. But when it comes to belief and religion, then it's a completely different thing, I know. Well, I belong to those who believe that the bible has been changed during history. We have been discussing this issue for many days now. And again, no one's intention is to force anyone to believe anything. But again, every theory is subject to investigation. I personally don't take anything literally. So why don't you investigate a little? May be you could find something interesting that you could share with us here. Investigation never harms, on the contrary, it makes you aware of many things. After all we are the hoax investigators, remember??? lolol/

Investigate what? If the Bible was changed?
How can I do it if I don't know the ancient language of the scripts and I don't have acces to those scripts?
Investigate what OTHERS say about it it's not reliable source to me.

Investigate what a variety of contemporary others, on both sides of the fence, have researched regarding the ancient language of the script(ure)s.  Those worthy of investigation provide a detailed list of hard-copy sources within some form of bibliography.  (Then the Bible no longer remains its own source of confirmation, as well as no longer remains the sole source of self-knowledge, based only on faith.)                     

Peace and Love.  :)

It's more important to read the Bible.
I don't have time for everything.
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Re: TIAI December 21
December 27, 2011, 03:50:40 PM
Very well defined Bible opinions don't give us the answer though whether Michael is alive and coming back. MJ could be compared with Jesus because he is an extraordinary man indeed, but we somewhat deviated from the the important questions what happened to MJ, is he alive, which I still believe he is, and if he plans to come back.
If you go deeper by Bible, it will eventually turn out that MJ is dead because he was beloved son of a God who took him back after people enough tortured him. So, what is the main point of the subject matter in here anyway? All I read is a comparison.
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