William Wagener Fundraiser Dinner Sept. 16th for Vindication Documentary

Started by Do, September 08, 2011, 04:40:39 PM

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William Wagener Fundraising diner, September 16th


MJJIFF Mission Statement:
"Our immediate goal is to produce a true to life documentary taken from the Official Court Record and other eye witness accounts of the trial of Michael Joe Jackson during 2004 and 2005. This film will be produced for television, based on events leading up to and following the trial, in which a jury found Michael NOT guilty of all TEN felonies as well as FOUR lesser included misdemeanors.  It is the Foundation's goal to expose procedural and private errors, as well as court corruption, in the execution of Michael's case, and to prove the finding of  Mr. Michael Joe Jackson's innocence, and maintain this verdict forever. On behalf of Michael Jackson and his family and supporters, we intend to expose the corruption in the system that promises true justice for all - the very system, which continued to haunt Michael with anguish and despair in his final days of life and to support those charities that Michael Jackson supported."

For more


I really would like to see that damn Tom Sneddon (and not only Sneddon for that matter) behind bars.
Good that T. Mesereau and S. Yu are also attending!
Unfortunately I do not live in LA, but you can still make a donation anyway.
I really hope this documentary will be made and that it will be seen all over the world!

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
Bertrand Russel



I really hope this documentary will be made and that it will be seen all over the world!

I hope so too!
Bedankt..eh..thanks Do, for bringing this video under our attention  beerchug

It's all for L.O.V.E.


I think I will make a donation even though I can not go to the dinner. ANything I can do to help even in a small way.


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