P.S. I found out that last month, preceding the Crash of this Site, that someone, posing as a knight when planning to come out as female (whether she was or not ;) ) has acted the knave, & suggested, in his parting post that I might be only pretending to be a girl, myself. :o :evil:
Thanks a LOT.
How complimentary (and generous of them) to have pointed out that I can't even pass as a real girl, when it is all I know. I feel so powerful, now. :) So pretty!
Well, (s)he can't pass for a girl, either; sorry. A few catty remarks which are fake, do not a genuine Woman make.... :P
I actually enjoyed talking with this very intelligent person, who made me laugh hard. (S)he wrote like a man, and opined like a man, but had a catty edge, about fans, like a girl; so, too bad, (shrug) I guess. (S)he never mentioned these thoughts to me. But, Dude! I'm not a boy. Dang.
I let the rumor go, because I am not trawling, so my sex doesn't matter. :roll:
But, on second thought, it does matter, just because it is not the TRUTH.
I have enough girl doo-dads (sugar and spice and all that) in my own heart to KNOW the ins and outs of girls, already. There is no mystery there. It is the snips and snails and puppy dog tails, riding rattling ferris wheels in a certain BOY head, which fascinates the stuffing out of me. But I am here to reverse engineer the Genius' Hoax ;) , not snag me a man.
I am a girl, there is no mistaking. Otherwise my name, here would be:
"It's HEE", :lol: :lol: :P
P.P.s. I didn't see the actual post of the "poser" giving me a public sex change, so, if I have misunderstood, or it was a JK joke...Ok. ;)
After this face: :o , I DID laugh, so,
(sing-songy:) "Never mind" :lol: