I think the only explanation for this silence is HOAX!
Or racism or indifference because MJ has no lobby (no official lobby) that would fight for him.
I understand that the DEA and LAPD cannot make accurate statements while investigating etc. - but more than 1 year passed and nobody needs this much time for an investigation!!! They could at least release SOME infos with regard to their work, I don't understand this silence.
I thought that - if it's true that MJ was supplied with prescrition drugs during many years - what I highly doubt for there were only eyewitnesses who state that they NEVER saw him high as a kite or in a confusing state of mind or whatever - it would be like a bombshell in Hollywood, LA etc. This is a huge problem ... Many stars and starlets are taking prescription drugs - and I thought that MANY MANY people would be arrested.
I thought that the case "MJ" would be the BEGINNING of a greater investigation for the people behind this (doctors and people who supply these drugs).
IMO the Jacksons are too quiet too! If my son would have been murdered I would contact everyone I can - even the press to make more pressure - to FORCE them to DO something.
I fear that this will continue and continue ... 1 year, 2 years ... and after enough time has passed - nobody will ask "what happened to MJ and who is guilty?".
But he still has his fans ...
Besides, I don't understand that no one of the Jacksons comes to a forum like this, taking care of the thousand of desperate MJ fans .. why dont they say something like: Okay, we can understand your pain - we share it - but you have to accept his death.
Nothing happens. The Jacksons behave strange (LaToya saying confusing things, Jermaine says "before he went to the airport" and Janet is smiling during an interview as if she's just won a million dollars).
If this is no HOAX then MJ was surrounded by more crazy, careless and strange people than I thought :evil: :evil: