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Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: September 04, 2011, 04:07:15 PM »
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Walking Moon Studios, account opened last month......
Is that Moonwalking “back”wards?

Fun and games aside, this documentary is a MUST SEE and pass it on!

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Does anyone else feel that the voice narrating this video is distorted to disguise it?  :shock:
It reminds me of the way V's voice in his videos has been distorted.
Yep! I find that voice strange, indeed!  :shock:

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: September 04, 2011, 04:10:24 AM »
This is one of those moments when I just wanna shout: /toldya/ I told you all along HE'S ALIVE!!!![/size]   /toldya/ There, I said it! I fell better now!

Latoya Jackson / Re: La Toya Jackson Tweets Panic Over Swollen Finger
« on: September 03, 2011, 10:19:03 AM »
My question is: WHO TOOK THE PICTURE?  ???/  Not the doctor,  for sure!

General Hoax Talk / Re: Man Behind the Myth - excellent video about Michael
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:45:38 AM »
OMG, thank you so much! I posted it on every social network I'm in and even on my blog. My heart is crying right now because of all the injustice he had to go through.  :'( We love you Michael and we're there for you! Hope you never have to deal with that again! (I could use a heart like emoticon right now!  lolol/ )

Thanks again, Voice!
LOVE u all! bearhug

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:57:52 AM »
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The spider is moving towards the BAM. I can see its white eye. (if that is its eye and not his ass :lol: ) But also its FRONT legs are the curved ones which are through the BAM. Ohh God wish I could explain it better.   :roll: lolol/

Ohh God, we're looking too deep where there is no need for that. We're even talking about the entire BAM cake picture. Why? There is no need to talk about the candles on it or the double BAM on it. If that was the case Front would have posted the entire cake picture instead of cutting a small part of it. It's just a simple clue. There's a spider that is walking towards BAM which means Michael is getting close to the BAM. Michael is the black spider in TII. We don't need to discuss about it this long or carry the case into different categories. It's plain and simple. Not everything Front writes, is complicated or cryptic. So I do believe that some of us need to calm down and stop behaving like crazy FBI agents who are working on a very hard and insoluble issue. I know that it is hard to understand everything for some of us but guys, Michael is not doing this to torture us but what I see in some of the posts make me feel really sad for some of you. You are whining, complaining, looking too too deep, going to wrong directions and arrive to wrong conclusions. C'mon now. This needs to be FUN. And you need to be enjoying it, not getting stressed over it. Guys calm down because we're doing it so good. We're smart and open-minded people. We're different than the majority of the public. I'm not trying to flatter the hoax community because I don't think we need it but I am telling the truth. We don't need to be skeptical about our instincts, feelings or our wisdom. We're on the right track. But I see that we push our smart brains to think so so hard WHEN IT IS NOT NEEDED! Calm down and enjoy the game/show. Happy Hoaxing everyone.

Finally, someone said it! I totally agree with you!

Pictures & Videos of Michael / Re: Michael teasing LMP
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:58:28 AM »
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Thank you so much for posting this, Scorpionchik! I am so sorry Michael didn't have a family as he wanted to, although he was in love! Thank God he has his wonderful children!

Hoax Pictures / Re: Omer Bhatti - Life is a Movie
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:18:26 PM »
Omer's website is now on! You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 29, 2011, 08:28:45 AM »
Please mention the Twitter account you are quoting from! @pariisjaxn is the real one! Let's not make any confusion!

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 29, 2011, 04:46:26 AM »
I don't know what to say! Probably she has a private account for family and friends and one for the fans. Is that possible?

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:10:28 AM »
No guys, @pariisjaxn is the real twitter! She has a lot of trolls and he fighted a lot against them so keep up with the real one!

Messages to Michael / Re: Happy Birthday Michael
« on: August 28, 2011, 03:47:49 PM »
Of course not, Ginafelicia. The thing is everybody I talked to ( from Romania) about MJ death hoax gave me a weird look. I guess I didn't talk to the right persons. lol

Happy Birthday again, dear Michael!
I hope you guys have a really great day today!

With LOVE!

 bearhug bearhug bearhug

Messages to Michael / Re: Happy Birthday Michael
« on: August 28, 2011, 03:30:45 PM »
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!!!
 moonwalk_/ moonwalk_/ moonwalk_/

P.S. This is probably not funny but we are the fans that really celebrate this day with happinness because we think/know/feel that Michael is alive.

GINAFELICIA, Romanian girl? Me too!

MJ Tributes / Re: Michael Jackson shirt day!
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:45:41 AM »
I'm in!  penguin/ penguin/ penguin/ moonwalk_/ moonwalk_/ moonwalk_/ michael-jackson/ michael-jackson/ michael-jackson/

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:53:22 PM »
If Einstein would wanna fake his death, he would ask Michael for advise.  lolol/

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:24:50 PM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login Paris Jinx Jackson

       im at my dads old house here in indianna, its really cool here! :)


Gary is a vile slum ghetto full of burned out buildings, trash, and homeless derelict people.... what's COOL about that to a little girl who grew up affluent???

COOL is the least accurate way to describe Gary unless you think visiting a warzone or disaster area is COOL.

There's something wrong with this. Very wrong.

For sure she reffers to the place where he grew up as a child, not as a location. But I'm sure she wants to point something out. I wonder what?! I guess we'll see pretty soon.

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