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Messages - BlondeGrl

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The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 18, 2010, 05:16:46 PM »
I read somewhere that there were two small masses found and listed in the autopsy report. I believe one was on the liver and I can't remember where the other was. Can someone please tell me which page(s) it mentions the masses on in the report?


Other Odd Things / Re: The Ambulance Picture IS a fake
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:21:51 PM »
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"
Well well well, just like we predicted, it was a fake, Thank God I speak Italian, I understood everything they were saying. Like I said in the other post, my friend is a photographer, and he told me that it is impossible to take pictures in a vehicule with tinted windows, even if you have special lenses. Example. Limos, they all have tinted windows, why? for privacy, so even if you want to take a picture of an actor or anyone you cannot, unless the person will roll down the window.

The man said it was a photoshop picture.

Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until they all find out what else has been faked  :lol:

Other Odd Things / The Ambulance Picture IS a fake
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:08:01 PM »
Fast forward to 0:30


General Hoax Talk / Re: Was this MJs MySpace Page?? 2005 - 2007???
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:44:46 PM »
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Quote from: "BlondeGrl"
This is a fake page. It was created by EM-J Taylor and Joanna Thomae to make people think that Michael was talking to them back and forth on myspace. That's pretty desperate  :lol:  They also created another page. I believe the user name was Master Of Disguise.

Whatt?????   That is SAD!!!!

They even went so far as to make up "fake friends" to add to the page so it would look like other people were chatting with him as well.

General Hoax Talk / @MediaHypeAgain
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:33:23 PM »
Who is this person that goes by the name of MediaHypeAgain on Twitter? This person "claims" Michael died in 2005...

General Hoax Talk / Re: Was this MJs MySpace Page?? 2005 - 2007???
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:25:04 PM »
This is a fake page. It was created by EM-J Taylor and Joanna Thomae to make people think that Michael was talking to them back and forth on myspace. That's pretty desperate  :lol:  They also created another page. I believe the user name was Master Of Disguise.

Other Odd Things / Re: Was Michael's Body In The Casket?
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:17:34 PM »
The casket was empty. The autopsy report said the brain was not returned to the body until the 8th. I don't think the family would have put Michael's body in the casket for the service on the 7th without a brain and then return the body to the morgue to have the brain put back in.

Other Odd Things / Fingernails
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:53:14 AM »
Does anyone else find this odd...this picture was taken of Michael on June 16th. His nails are very long and discolored. The entire nail (including the bed) is discolored. Michael's nails look very normal in This Is It. There's no discoloration to them whatsoever.

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The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:23:03 PM »
I've been doing a lot of research on Propofol and this is you remember how someone said in the beginning of all of this that Murray had been giving Michael Propofol for about 6 weeks prior to his death? Well, just about every "symptom" that people who were actually on the set of This Is It said Michael was displaying can be attributed to Propofol use:

    * Confusion
    * Easy fatigue
    * Lethargy
    * Shortness of breath
    * Sleepiness
    * Nausea
    * Chills/Shivering
    * Wheezing
    * Coughing
    * Anxiety
    * Vomiting
    * Dehydration

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:34:53 PM »
Quote from: "Hoaxornot"
Brian Oxman mentioned on June 25th in an interview that Michael had broken his leg ... any leg fracture mentioned in the autopsy?

What is weird is that one of the dancers mentioned that Michael say "I did not sleep again last night".... was he not injected with propofol every night?

I must have missed one of the dancers saying that. Do you know what interview that was from?

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:09:45 PM »
Quote from: "mykidsmum"
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
Quote from: "mykidsmum"
Quote from: "MeandMyShadow"
Since we are discussing the catheter and bladder, I think it mentioned him taking Flomax.  Or, was it on the autopsy report of drugs that were found in the room?  

Did it say anything in regards to the prostate?   I looked over the report, but a lot of it was over my head (lol) as to the medical terms and all.
flomax is used to relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder to help someone like MJ who had an enlarged prostate to go more easily.  The problem with an enlarged prostate is that it makes urinating difficult and often you have to go many times because you can not empty your bladder fully.  The condom catheter, I believe, was used in order to collect MJ's urine in the container in order to keep track of the amount of fluid he was losing....remember, he was being treated for dehydration that night.  A condom catheter allowed easy peeing into a bottle with minimal embarrassment (he wouldn't have to pull out his whole penis, just the tube that comes off the end of the catheter) and because he was trying to sleep, he would not have to leave the bed a million times to relieve himself like people who suffer from enlarged prostate have to do.  MJ did not have incontinence.  He had urine retention which is evident in the distended bladder and the more than 2 cups of urine in his bladder at autopsy.  (for someone who has a normal prostate, one that is not pushing and blocking the urethra, that amount of urine would have been released during the time of death when the muscles relax)

is it even possible to go through weeks of intense rehearsal routines with a condition like that? does the medication make that possible?
I'm sure it's possible, people function in society all the time with enlarged prostates, that medication makes it easier to empty the bladder fully so that the time between urination's isn't so frequent.  I'm sure he could do the rehearsals with this condition, it's the lung condition that concerns me.  Some people have said MJ had an oxygen tank off to the side that he would use between breaks and if you notice, they never show a rehearsal straight through on TII movie.  I think MJ could have pulled of 10 concerts, I think it would have been hard, but 50!  That is too much for a healthy 50 year old.  Let's see what Madonna would say about that!  Someone also mentioned on here that MJ spoke to the concert promoter days before he died about nixing the 50 concert idea and doing one big huge concert that would be televised in stadiums and movie theaters around the world simutaniously and then the DVD and CD of music from it would go on sale...funny how they said no and then he died!

I have been told the same thing about there being oxygen tanks either on the side or behind the stage. Do you all remember after he first "died" the media making a big deal about oxygen tanks being in the house and in his bedroom. Even the chef said she noticed Murray carrying them up the stairs. Are any oxygen tanks mentioned on the police report? I didn't see them mentioned in the autopsy report either when it described the bedroom.

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:12:05 PM »
Quote from: "MeandMyShadow"
So, they never have stated that the urine in the bottle was MJ's have they?  Could it have been Murrays, for whatever reason?

It probably was Michael's urine. They said he was wearing a condom catheter so I'm assuming the catheter was emptied and that's where the urine came from.

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 02:33:12 PM »
Something else I just thought about...don't you think that if there were marks all over his arms Michael Bush (one of his costumer designers) would have noticed?

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 02:30:25 PM »
Michael wore tape on his nose when he went to sleep at night. That was something he had done for years. Maybe that is what the autopsy report is referring to.

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: The Official Autopsy Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2010, 02:21:30 PM »
I noticed several people asking for pictures of Michael's neck from the This Is It rehearsals.  Here's one:

Looks fine to me...really fine  :lol:  I've always loved his neck. I don't see any scars or "marks" of any kind.

There's also this picture. I do think he looks incredibly skinny here but you can see there are not marks or scars on his neck or arms. Someone told me this picture was taken June 23rd.

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