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Michael Jackson News / Re: "Lead vocals: Michael Durham Prince" EXPLAINED
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:52:12 PM »
LOL... we know that Michael Durham is not singing the songs and we can read ... I knew he only recorded MJ's vocals but it doesn't mean that every song is sung by Michael :/ I am sure Malachi is singing lead vocals on BN, KYHU, HT, Best of joy and Monster and it isn't a mystery.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Teddy Riley's New Official Blog
« on: December 20, 2010, 04:40:17 AM »
How long have I to wait until my comment on Teddy's blog will be published? I sent the comment on 18th December and there is still written: "Your comment is awaiting moderation". But one person wrote the comment on 20th December and the comment is visible on the blog! I don't understand it. I see my comment but I don't know if other people see it. Can you check up if my comment is published on the blog? (in the "Ask Teddy" section, my nickname is MJ's fan).

Quote from: "truthprevails"
Here are my comments:
1. "Michael" IS technically a Michael Jackson album? I mean, that's how it's known to the world and Michael's name is on it - as a producer and singer/vocalist. Therefore Michael's signature IS on the album.
2. An "estate" can only exist when someone is dead, which is another tricky issue that I can't wrap my head around. If Michael is alive, surely the "estate executors" don't just do whatever they want, and sign a contract with Sony which Michael doesn't approve?! (Sony's old contract with Michael is over! There's a new one in effect now.) So Sony would have to be working with Michael for this to make sense (IMO), but then giving Sony unfinished tracks wouldn't make sense.

I'm sorry, don't mean to belabor the point... I still, personally, cannot make sense of certain things.

yes but I mean in fact there is no MJ's signature on the album beacuse ppl think he's dead. So technically the album is not the same as Thriller or Invincible. This is released only by Sony and MJ Estate.

Michael's contract with Sony dead out in 2010, right? So, can the Estate sign a new contract independently if Michael is really dead? Or they have to ask the family or another MJ's representatives? If they can make decisions independently then there is no question why they signed a contract which Michael wouldn't approve. But if the family has to give them permission, it is a little dubious and it means MJ is alive IMO. But yes, when he has been working with Sony on the album it doesn't make sense.

Yes, it's confusing but recently I was thinking about it and I this is my conculsion: the fact that on new album are some unfinished songs is a good omen :) Because if MJ is still alive, we know he can't publish his new real album under which he could sign his name before he comes back, so he knows that only Sony and The Estate will earn. And that's why on the album are unfinished songs - he didn't let them publish his songs from his catalogues which keeps of course Sony and they (Sony and The Estate) had to take only these weak Cascios songs which were unfinished. And perhaps MJ has thought the songs weren't good enough to release them in the future so he gave Sony the permission of releasing them. All in all, he just protects his best songs which are in the catalogues and only sometimes these songs leak to the Net in order to give us a clues (e.g. Another Day on the 2nd January 2009 or A Place with no Name in June 2009). And Sony has to be satisfied with these unfinished scraps :)

Sorry if my post makes no sense, just guessing...

Michael Jackson News / Re: Teddy Riley Interview on ThatGrapeJuice
« on: December 14, 2010, 04:15:56 PM »
Partailly I agree with Teddy (that MJ is alive) and partially he makes me angry, when he says that MJ's family is questioning MJ's voice on the album because they are not a part of this project. I don't agree with him and I think the family is right and IMO 5 songs are MJ on this album and 5 are NOT him. I'm sure some songs are not sung by Michael.

Can I find in the Net the whole interview with Teddy in writing? I'm not good at listening in english and I don't understand all the things he says. If not, maybe someone of you could prescribe this interview and stick it here in the post? Thanks in advance :)

Michael Jackson News / Re: NEW LIVE video of JASON MALACHI!!!
« on: December 11, 2010, 02:51:40 PM »
Quote from: "Nakiska"
He sounds NOTHING like Michael imo.
I cant understand how some people think it is this Jason dude singing on the Michael album :shock:

so, maybe you have an idea who is singing on MJ's album? I'm sure it's an impersonator but who is it?

Now, when I saw this video with Malachi I'm almost sure he is singing on Michael's album. Look at his falsetto - it's the same as in Braking News or Best of joy. Of course, after computer treatment in order to make his voice more like Michael's.

In addition I heard he signed a contract with sony recently. I think also Marcus Joseph could sing on Michael's album but I don't think he would make it. And he doesn't need computer treatment of his voice because he has really similar voice to Michael.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Hold My Hand (Official Video!)
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:16:46 AM »
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Wishingstar, I'm sad for your loss. Thanks for sharing how you feel.

Quote from: "MichaelFan"
Quote from: "g32"
so you all think this videas HAS TO have clues? if so then it means michael jackson had to do with the making of this video and that would mean he is producing the new album which i dont think so...i think $ONY is producing the new album by I DONT THINK this video has to have clues u?

I don't know what to think, partially I agree with you. I thought that Sony will make all the videos for album 'Michael' and I don't think that Michael has anything to do with this album because of these few songs which are not sung by him. But when I saw this video I thought that Michael (probably) must have something in common with this video, it's impossible for me that Michael hadn't put his ideas to this vid, some parts are just too obvious for hoaxers. It's really hard to understand for me and usually I'm not searching for clues in videos (I think most of them are just our imagination) but in this vid I have no doubts there are some very evident clues.

5. Outthinking the Illuminati

I have never said that the whole company of Sony is in on the hoax. What I have said is that Michael planned this hoax for many years, and got a few key people in a few key positions. Some of what comes through Sony is part of MJ’s plan, but a lot of it is not.

And the statement by MJ, about outthinking Sony, is not being understood with the word “outthink” in mind. Yes, MJ did have some problems with Sony—especially TM, who is long gone. But was it really Sony that MJ was primarily talking about? Would stating in public and on video exactly who you are planning on outthinking, would that really qualify as outsmarting them—or would it be outstupiding them??

Do you really think that MJ was talking exclusively (or even primarily) about Sony, when he said that they have manipulated the “history books”? Or perhaps was MJ actually referring to outthinking the Illuminati, and using Sony as a bit of a diversion (although the Illuminati does have its fingers in every big pie, including Sony)?

The idea of the hoax being a cover up for murder has been discussed a lot, and recently it has been discussed in the context of TS possibly being part of this Sony and TMZ affiliated cover up. I have gone into the murder theory several times before, and won’t repeat all those things now. Of course the numerology is very strong against murder; but aside from that, I will make a couple of points here.

The family has already said they know who killed MJ, and “it’s all going to come out”. So if Sony, TMZ, and/or TS were involved in this murder plot—and the family has already figured it out—then continuing to promote the hoax concept would only make them look more and more guilty of trying to hide the murder. As soon as Sony, TMZ, and/or TS realized that the family was on to their tracks, they would distance themselves from the hoax theory as far and as fast as possible. Then why has that not happened???

Also, here is a very good point from jacilovesmichael: “If he was murdered, then those who murdered him [supposedly including TS] surely wouldn’t want to continue spreading the message [which is exactly what TS does] that he was murdered for.” {}.

By the way: I have already said that I do not work for TMZ. I will now say that I do not work for Sony. Do you believe it? If so, then you have your answer; and if you don’t believe this answer, then there’s really no point in asking the question.
To me, DD on LKL is all the proof I need, that Michael is moving quietly in the background--suggesting, tweeking, approving, and guiding all the main facets to this hoax. And he continues travelling where he needs to go. If LAX airport could close down on June 25, airport securities all over the world will have protocol for high security people. If Sony is behind this video, then I still believe Michael is involved in its production, although he's always said he trusts the professionals (the best) he hires to do their jobs. He is keeping a very low private profile, and I believe his trusted inside people, will defend him with almost their lives. They will speak when he says it's time, not before. So IMO, MJ's hand is in this HMH pie!

thank you for this post, it's very interesting. but there are still some things that i can't understand. if sony is behind this whole "Michael" album (I believe it is so) then why Michael is involved in the production of the video? If Michael really took part in making of Hold my hand it means that certain people concern themselves with the album and the other with videos. Michael chose to his hoax only these people who he can trust and who are on the key positions, right? I can't believe that Sony would allow other people to make the video without their knowledge even when these ppl who are making videos are from Sony, too. I hope you understand what I mean.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Hold My Hand (Official Video!)
« on: December 09, 2010, 02:59:34 PM »
Quote from: "g32"
so you all think this videas HAS TO have clues? if so then it means michael jackson had to do with the making of this video and that would mean he is producing the new album which i dont think so...i think $ONY is producing the new album by I DONT THINK this video has to have clues u?

I don't know what to think, partially I agree with you. I thought that Sony will make all the videos for album 'Michael' and I don't think that Michael has anything to do with this album because of these few songs which are not sung by him. But when I saw this video I thought that Michael (probably) must have something in common with this video, it's impossible for me that Michael hadn't put his ideas to this vid, some parts are just too obvious for hoaxers. It's really hard to understand for me and usually I'm not searching for clues in videos (I think most of them are just our imagination) but in this vid I have no doubts there are some very evident clues.

I'm gonna make a change!

I hope that this recruiting will help Michael come back... I love you, Mike and i want to You know that I love You so much! Please come back to us if only You can... Miss you and waiting for You! forever!

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