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Messages - EarthAngel77

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Other Odd Things / Re: Talking about Maura/Brandi
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:36:46 PM »
Like I said she made many unpleasent comments, but in this case 2 wrongs make a right, I guess.  Bullying is bullying. A mean comment is a mean comment.  Im not defending some of the behavior I have witnessed and at times have been on the receiving end of.  All Im saying is the same stuff people are mad at her about are doing it right here.  She did this, she said that,blah blah blah.
A human being? :screaming-7365:
If Mike felt compassion for Hitler. Brandi should aleast get some benefit of a doubt thrown her way.
Then again I could be wrong about that too

Other Odd Things / Re: Talking about Maura/Brandi
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:49:59 PM »
Love the title to this. Talking, more like bashing. Sure she has a strong personality and may have had a few hit and misses with her theories, but she tried. So why the girls locker room commentary?  Bully much? She should be thanked for her contribution or at least looked upon as person who cared for Michael enough to seek out the truth.  I didn't get half the stuff she put in her video and some of comments she left were sometimes not pleasent...but I don't know what was being done to her behind the scenes of her research.  Im sure she had plenty of dirty messages left in her inbox.
I have never made a video so I think its only fair to thankful for those who did.
 Be nice
Nobody is perfect :michael-jackson:

And also looks like 2 different Pablos in those videos on Magic child website. One has more timing,attitude and control, while the real skinny one is all over the place with movement. I wonder why he looks to be in the desert ,Nevada or something in what looks to be newly moved in home. Boxes all over the place and a wall holding plenty of books. Crazy stuff

Are these pictures recent? This can't be the same guy, Pablo hair is long in the video and his frame is made up different. Unless he has one of those hats with the hair already attached to it.  I placing my money on video Pablo/Mike

TMZ Articles / Re: Whitney Houston Dead at 48
« on: February 13, 2012, 12:47:39 PM »
Mick=Mickey =Mikey= Michael


Is Michael Fine :?:

Michael's Impersonators / Re: Could this impersonator be Orange Pants?!
« on: February 08, 2012, 06:39:21 PM »
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Gosh.. in those pics he really looks exactly like michael! even the hands. :cry:
but the hands that are close up are blurry??!!..or just my eyes lol..mj nails were dark due to his illnesses..
huggs n love n faith to all

Must be real sunny where he is at, cause he has on two pair of

He is good  /bravo/

Where is MIIIICCCHHHAAEEELL!?? /scream/

Michael Jackson News / Re: New MJ album coming out in 2012
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:06:39 AM »
 :'(  bow/God Loves me soooo much
Another Michael Album....if the world is ending this year atleast I will have an awesome soundtrack to my life and death party/

 If he just hee hee or shamone on the record I will be grateful , because the crappy music thats out right now makes me feel like Im in the dark ages.

Back's old posts / Re: on Kanye-back posts 2/27/06
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:39:37 AM »
I believe that Michael would definately work with Kanye...maybe that's why Paris posted the album cover
on her twitter account.  Mike was always looking for the best producers and creativity, it seems only right
that Kanye would be it.  He does alot hot stuff, when he isn't being arrogant. I think that Lastsevenwords
youtube person even had him in some of his videos.   moonwalk_/

And who was giving him a bath??   /scream/

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI December 26
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:29:26 AM »
How can unholy beings comprehend holiness. God is just to much for us to handle.  I think that he wanted to dwell among us(be made present so we can see him),  but how can you manifest something soooo awesome.   Well I tell you build a throne to sit upon that would protect these unholiess from you.   God love is just that great.   Still even that wasn't enough. Making himself lowly and denouced his powers...he came back in the flesh (Jesus).  After the flesh, came the holy spirit. 

So we are nearing the end of time and guess who is making a return???     :-\ and I don't think that he will be alone.

I just wanted to add that God love is the same, yesterday and today and always.

Okay so have anyone heard of this little cherub named Lucifer...well he had the honor of covering the heavenly throne for God.  He fell to the earth and with that tried to establish a kingdom here. Wanting to be like the most high. As above so below type of stuff. The ark is the same as in heaven but built upon earth let God's kingship being seen and known. And his laws (10 commandments  and Seal where placed in it) so disobedient children would have it for them...once again we went our own way. Remember Garden of Eden and that falling thing. For some reason we chose everything but God...maybe a little devil has something to do with it.  Oh and free will. But make no mistake about it God Will will be done.

   So there are many fake arks. But only one true one. And you might have seen them. See a pattern going here.  Like many fake gods and Messaiahs..etc   Lucifer can only imitate and confuse.

Will we be able to spot the real deal...The sheep know the masters voice right!!

Like spotting a fake seal on the court tv and the real Mike lolol/

The Kingdom of God is at hand....As it is in heaven and soon here on Earth.

I wonder why Janet has not done any tribute performances for Michael .  I would think that being so close and damn near similar in ways she would have been first pick....then again I could be wrong

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI December 26
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:42:10 PM »
Well Michael has always been looked upon to be an angel or messenger of LOVE. From his own paintings and from people meeting him.  I think even one of his nephews stated that too.  Michael the Archangel( a high angel)  is a cherub and they guard the Ark of the Covenant.  This ark is a throne on which GOD sits, ands we are now watching the throne.  And soon and very soon we are going to see the KING....

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI May 1
« on: May 11, 2011, 12:18:25 PM »

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI April 11
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:44:40 AM »
I know nobody is going to take this post seriously or read this

But does anybody believe that maybe Mike could have taken the Photos himself??

I mean he ahs to know about camera angles and all that.   45 plus years of being in front of one and wanting to direct
He could have posed as a paparazzi and took the pics himself .  Just a thought

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI April 11
« on: April 20, 2011, 01:01:13 PM »
This whole hoax could have been filmed inside the Staple center using Blue and green screen with a few live parts and props.  I think that someimes Michael is even Dr. Murray.  The We are the World green man makes me wonder.  Because if you can put yourself in a video just by using green screen, I would take advantage of that.  The bruial as we know had Green screen background. All we have are a few pictures, but no witnesses at the hospital or anything else.  NO-BODY

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