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Quote from: "topsecretgirl"
Strange! This is exactly one of our theories about the hoax :o . That MJ is helping to expose the bad doctors!

I was thinking that as well..  ahhh

Absolutley agree with you 110%...we have to stand UNITED!...

General Hoax Talk / Re: Can anyone answer this for me?
« on: March 17, 2010, 06:43:57 AM »
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
I think the whole music industry is controlled.  Freemasons, Illuminati etc.  The smart ones (MJ) wake up, and see what is really happenning to them.  We are all controlled by the government, polititions, leaders, the Pope etc.  But can we get out?????  We are controlled by fear everyday of our lives.  With love L.O.V.E  xox

I can understand that but what i dont get is all the symbols (Illuminati-freemasonic symbols-baldheaded man)  that Michael used. Its all over his Dangerous cover. There's pictures of ambulants he is wearing, patches etc in other snapshots. Now my question is, whether or not that was a warning to us or was he an actual member. I just dont get it. Thanks for all your replys..I hope more can comment.  :?

Introduce yourself / Re: New here and lovin it!
« on: March 17, 2010, 12:52:16 AM »
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I look forward to alot of discussions.   :)

General Hoax Talk / Can anyone answer this for me?
« on: March 16, 2010, 03:33:49 PM »
Ok,  someone PLEASE tell me if Michael was a freemason? If not, can you explain to me all the emblems and masonic signs on his cd covers and most of his cloths he wore in the 90's to present? Perhapes was he and wanted out after he found out exactly what they wanted from him? I just cant explain the reasonning behind all the symbols he used. I really need this answered for my own thoughts.
Thanks so much in advance!

Introduce yourself / New here and lovin it!
« on: March 16, 2010, 10:30:14 AM »
Guess I put this in the wrong index, but I do want to introduce myself.

Thank you Mo and Souza for flipping the switch!

I am new here, my first reply and more likley more to come. I have been a MJ fan for years and never thought there may have been any connection to what his songs said other then he is kind-spirited, loving and honest individual in every aspect of his life. Caring for our world and what we have done to it. But never in a million years would I have thought exactly WHAT is going on in our world until I have spent the last 2 months sitting back and reading everything I could about the man himself. I mean everything, from buying all the books, some good some bad, all the internet site, looking through a magifying glass on his label covers, interviews from everywhere. I never connected the dots. UNTIL about 3 weeks ago when I finialy realized that this NWO is what he has been trying to tell us without blatinley standing up before the camera and saying exactly this! As far as I am concerned this man is a GENIUS! Now, Im just an ordinary person and that is my perspective on him and more than likely many others feel the same. When I did connect the dots, my entire thoughts, feelings became very intense. How are we going to change things in this world? How are we going to stand up to our goverment? How will we get this out to the general public? How will we survive trying to get the word out? I still dont have an answer, other then being aware and spreading the word be it here in forums, picnics, friends and family gatherings etc. But my concern there enough time?? I wish I had known about this 10 years ago! I believe MJ is still living and I believe he will come back..but on his own accord. With him being responsible for bringing all this to our attention, how will HE be recieved from our goverment? I expect not a good homecoming, to say the least. I say, let as many people know of this disgusting way our goverment is treating their people, keep our eyes and ears open, and TURN OFF THE TV! One really has to wonder about why they changed our tvs in the first place but now we know..dont we? It is scarry as hell, it is unconchinable (spelling, wish i did better in spelling class)and how do these people sleep at night? Ahhh, I have to stop here. Thank you so very much for doing these videos! And THANK YOU Michael for what you have done for your family, the people of the world and the world itself. God Bless you!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jackson's Message - Part 4
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:02:04 AM »
I am new here, my first reply and more likley more to come. I have been a MJ fan for years and never thought there may have been any connection to what his songs said other then he is kind-spirited, loving and honest individual in every aspect of his life. Caring for our world and what we have done to it. But never in a million years would I have thought exactly WHAT is going on in our world until I have spent the last 2 months sitting back and reading everything I could about the man himself. I mean everything, from buying all the books, some good some bad, all the internet site, looking through a magifying glass on his label covers, interviews from everywhere. I never connected the dots. UNTIL about 3 weeks ago when I finialy realized that this NWO is what he has been trying to tell us without blatinley standing up before the camera and saying exactly this! As far as I am concerned this man is a GENIUS! Now, Im just an ordinary person and that is my perspective on him and more than likely many others feel the same. When I did connect the dots, my entire thoughts, feelings became very intense. How are we going to change things in this world? How are we going to stand up to our goverment? How will we get this out to the general public? How will we survive trying to get the word out? I still dont have an answer, other then being aware and spreading the word be it here in forums, picnics, friends and family gatherings etc. But my concern there enough time?? I wish I had known about this 10 years ago! I believe MJ is still living and I believe he will come back..but on his own accord. With him being responsible for bringing all this to our attention, how will HE be recieved from our goverment? I expect not a good homecoming, to say the least. I say, let as many people know of this disgusting way our goverment is treating their people, keep our eyes and ears open, and TURN OFF THE TV! One really has to wonder about why they changed our tvs in the first place but now we know..dont we? It is scarry as hell, it is unconchinable (spelling, wish i did better in spelling class)and how do these people sleep at night? Ahhh, I have to stop here. Thank you so very much for doing these videos! And THANK YOU Michael for what you have done for your family, the people of the world and the world itself. God Bless you!

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